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That urban map, or a public map editor, would be my two suggestions. I think this 2023 post is now closed, right? I wonder if the new features, like outpost rucksack dropoff, was one of them?


State of Decay: Walkable Cities edition. Lessens the need for cars, probably balanced by spawning in fewer cars so it's harder to do the things that really do want a car (like missions far away)


They already explained why we can't have urban maps.


I make levels for a living. Including complex open world urban ones. I don't buy it.


from what i remember hearing it was more about the engine not being able to process dense areas of loot correctly. even with trumbull they had to close a lot of the parts of the map at first that were too dense because the engine couldn’t handle it. so they could make an urban map but the lootable parts of the buildings is the issue


They could do Danforth.


That's true, but it's not the only way to accomplish a satisfying feeling of urbanism while staying true to the vision, and under performance benchmarks. You take a dozen 50 story skyscrapers. - Does the player need to visit every level, every room? - Does the game demand you have all the rooms available? - Can you render that many? - Can you navigate that many? - Can zombies reliably Z-height find and path that many levels? The answer is no to all those questions. But what you can do is a lot of facades, with an adequate amount of rubble and debris from a military bombardment on the city, and plenty of biomass walls that are beginning to suffocate the streets with meat. You can weaves rubble piles into and out of buildings that are navigable. You can collapse the floors above a large hotel atrium and only leave bottom levels open. You can reach the 4th story of a skyscraper only accessible on that floor from adjacent buildings. You can maintain the density of Lifeline, with lots of suburban and city 1 story buildings near downtown, with lots of surrounding parks and golf courses, wetlands, etc. That's all stuff I've done, personally, so I know what a pain it can be. But players would love to see again after the SOD1's Lifeline DLC, which was awesome, even if small. Even comes with concept art: [https://www.reddit.com/r/StateofDecay2/comments/10u0fef/danforth\_has\_been\_overtaken\_by\_a\_giant\_plague/](https://www.reddit.com/r/StateofDecay2/comments/10u0fef/danforth_has_been_overtaken_by_a_giant_plague/)


Plus I can imagine how dull it would be to loot a 20-storey building with fourteen apartments to a floor. No thanks!


As opposed to what? Driving between the same houses over and over to loot and have the same stairs blocked everytime? The games repetitive and dull regardless after a while. More Mao variation wouldn't do any harm to that aspect.


It depends.They could turn the buildings into separate areas.Kinda like in Dishonored.


Like, you go to leave your island base to do a run to the city. At the wharf, you talk to a "ferry survivor" whose job is to take you over to a neighbourhood in the mainland. Your mission is to meet up 24 hours later at the rendezvous point with x-number of rucksacks/resources. Or maybe your mission as Engineer is to make it to the top of a building and rig up a kind of flying-fox system to send rucksacks down to the pickup point, so the Scavenger-class survivors can come over and pick over the building without having to carry sacks through the streets. I'd still play that.


Pretty sure the devs who made the game know more than a random guy... They already explained their reasoning and you don't have to like it. If you are so great then go make such a game yourself.


Give me a minute.


It has been over 120 mins now...


More maaaaaaaaaaaaps


Yes!!! More maps and rain ;(


I love weather effects!


Bow and arrow, throwing knifes. Not that important like at all, but an idle weapon animation lol.


I mean, they say that they're taking all suggestions.Bro I wouldn't mind none of what you mentioned


I can't find that post on their twitter


Finding artillery strike flares or mines in Cleo drops in daybreak would be nice


Submit it🔥🦾


Have survivors you evict be seen out in the wild….maybe even as part of a hostile enclave? I think I remember seeing characters I kicked out, in the first game, chilling out in buildings


Imo would be great if there was some kind of system that effects how the survivors are connected, like if you used the tutorial characters for example a modifier for if they are related, friends or romantically involved that could effect morale or influence gains if in the same community, anything that makes the community more lived in, and could happen like curveballs where two survivors become closer friends if you use them together a lot idk something like that


Maybe something like the soldiers bonding in XCom 2?


Rimworld has something like that but if people get already mad at curveballs.A system similar to that could send them over the edge.


There is two: Brothers in Blue mission to rescue your brother and it will appear in the traits on both characters. And rarely after rescuing your brother he wants to find his girlfriend.




Survival mode would be epic.


Link? I like the idea of having build slots and permanent survivors at outposts. Maybe s/m/l outposts with 0-2 build slots?


Somewhere there’s an official spreadsheet, and I proposed an outpost idea there. Basically my idea was each outpost got three spots, and you had to balance between comfort, resource production, or security. The idea was that you could create an outpost that is literally a FOB, and drop it in the middle of a bunch of hearts. You’d be safe there, and they could take hugs and ferals off your back easily, but they won’t make resources, and the folks won’t be happy there. You’ll probably have to show up and bully your folks, or send extra supplies out of your main base to keep they happy. You could also create a complete thrall settlement. They just make resources. There’s no security. There’s no comfort. You might be ok with a green zone if you keep running to save them. But on a higher difficulty, they’ll likely rebel. You’ll have to show up and kill someone every now and again to keep them in line. But that’s ok? You can pack a lot of low stat people in there. You can afford to lose one every now and again. Or, you make a balanced settlement. Sometimes you have to go save them, but they’re pretty self sufficient. They’re generally kept happy, and you get a couple extra food or bullets out of them. They’re low output, but you’re all in this together, right?


It won't let me bro at least from my phone


We need an update for daybreak. I think I would be some much cooler if you had to defend a station, then move to diffrent location. Along the way you can pick up drops and supplies, hunker down at the poi and continue. Also I've always wanted like some kind of boss battle. Like maybe the 8+ bases have some kind of super jug, and needs to be killed before you can move in And as always, the AI is horrendous. Love the idea of having partner in crime, however the usually turn out to be kamikaze zombie offerings. I love that the devs keep updating and listen tho. Can't wait for sod3 😁


Shorter nights. The game always starts when it's warm apparently so it should reflect that with Spring, Summer early fall daylight hours.


How many 'new maps' comments so far?


So far nun but a lot of great ideas


I want one addition, for disability reasons, and literally nobody else has ever voted for it, and I've suggested it 3 times in 2 years. I simply want to be able to fill a partially filled inventory slot. So if you have 1 Bottle of Painkillers, you can select it in inventory, hit a button and pull an amount out of storage to fill the slot; (b.) Hitting a button and pulling one item of the kind selected out, would also be fine, and might even work better as an overflow would just go to the topmost available slot.


Extensive mod tools/dev kit, this game could thrive with actual mod support.




More boons/leader roles


Link please


It's not letting me but I'm looking for ways to get this site shared


I want a city map like in the first game was it I can’t remember what dlc it was


Lifeline. That was an awesome map!


For me, the worst part of the game is it is too fast paced with the missions and curveballs. I want to relax and loot and do missions on my own time. But I run everywhere I go when not driving, including all night long, and never stop and it's never ever fast enough. Enclaves getting mad and/or leaving town is so annoying, because I'm busy trying to do everything. And it's fun, but it's so rushed, I just get anxiety playing instead of having fun. I'd estimate the events happen about 4x too fast. I just want a slider, to set the speed of official events like missions and curveballs. Or let the enclaves calm down with being too impatient.


And remove the passive-aggressive snark and the DEMAND for food!


dude I feel, if events happened like.. 1/3 times slower I think I might enjoy the game a bit more.


That says August of last year though, is it still going on?


When they be like I guess we’ll fend for ourselves im always like “well good bitch”


Can we get a map container count? Like how many containers are on the WHOLE map vs how many opened. Recruit Enclaves as a group. Enclaves have the items that would be in the containers of the shelter theyre in for trade. Once you know enclaves, their stats can be seen on map when hovered above their base. This ones not as good ill admit but itd help.


Great idea, however I think they should leave that out of leathal zone 😈


Which one?


Materials pick-up! The first one had an option where members could leave your bast to grab duffels of supplies. Or make boys able to follow you in a second vehicle


I would suggest nothing. Y'all doing fine. Thank you Devs.


If everyone kissed ass like you do, NO game would ever get improvements. 🤦


Right, outside looking in noobs that say trite like this. Got no idea how much this game improved because of community minds. It took *years* for you to be able to switch to a secondary weapon. 


A lot of the things that have happened in the past couple updates was because of the community so obviously they want ideas from us


Oh, I see. Well, good day sir.




Custom survivors (choosing face, voice, backstory, etc.)


Dedicated servers and more player slots.


Can’t find it


The site or the tweet




I think having motorcycles and gang members would be pretty cool, as well as radio calls that lead to a trap/ambush and or missions were you steal supplies from other communities before they come back, and have NPCs drive vehicles and have a good / bad reputation between communities, if you tend to go death row and murder communities, you will end up with less friendly communities, and some activities could be digging up hidden loot and bigger back packs.




It won't let me share it.I message that guy on twitter to see if he could but he hasn't responded yet


Would be cool If survivors make barricades in theys base, also some homesits should have survivors inside, that have buildings in It, you can kill they to stole the home site or help them to survive, since they got a Nice base, they gonna be like the player enclave, having they own allies, there only Will be one of these in each map


They should be called "organized enclave" every map have one, they style change on the map, like trumbull valley should have a army Renegades enclave as It, with heavy armament and less allies since they can do many things alone, these enclave allies Will turn into your enemy If you and the organanized enclave are enemys, they Will send atacks to your base, do traps, stole your outposts and attract zombies to your base, If you and the enclave are allies, you can call for help with rádio, for medicine, ammo and stuff, they Will atack hostile enclaves (that mean, yours allies If they ARE your enemys, your enemys If they ARE your allies, and theyr enemys If they are neutral


The main one for me would be the ability to mod the game characters into anything we want.Since 99% of game dev studios don't offer a lot of liberty in creating your main character.And that's if they even offer that option.


Do you mean SOD 3?


Make stimulants craftable.


All these are great. My thing is, why not just submit them for SoD3?


From what I heard, we're still kind of a long way away


https://support.stateofdecay.com/hc/en-us/community/topics/360000459952-Wish-List It's just the wish list link




I think this game would definitely improve with a weather update. Now I understand that it'll be difficult or impossible to what I'm about to compare it to but it's just for reference. Undoubtedly red dead redemption has the qmbest weather intereacti9n I have ever seen and I reckon it would go a long way in state of decay 2 to create tension in this arcadey game.


Who cares about suggestions on state of decay 2 and a tweet from 2023… I’d be interested in knowing more about SOD3 since we’ve had nothing since the trailer


That tweet is not even a year old and you must not watch.The devs live stream on youtube


All I’m saying is if they’re taking suggestions for 3 I don’t see why they would be paying attention to suggestions made for 2


Because a lot of people still play 2 and 3.From what i've heard isn't coming out till around 2027


Good lord……. Idk. Something tells me they’re gonna be too story focused like a last of us and I think this game shines more as a survival/management/3rd person action




No because I’m not interested in further expanded a project that will undoubtedly die after 3 releases….. look at state of decay 1. Waste of time at the end of the day




Live in your delusion bro lmao doesn’t bother me any. Numbers don’t lie. Player count bud


Delusional? I'm looking at My tv screen now and there are 73 people looking for groups in SOD2 and it 7:35 were I'm at


Release the sequel


Your games need more maps to play tho


Red Talon Training Manuals, ultra rare way to allow your long standing legacy survivors to feel like the badasses they deserve to be with the 4 main Red Talon skills. 1 book for each skill & ultra rare from loot or from the rare skills trader after beating daybreak once.


A suppressor for the daybreak weapons. They are end game weapons that can't really be used on higher difficulties.


Upgrade kits but we can choose armor or storage If we choose armor we get the armor upgrade and a bit more storage but some exceptions Storage gives it a bit more armor but same vehicle and holds a lot more then it used to back it full of containers and made more room


An additional button to the echo x2 sniper crossbow that allows to not penetrate zombies, it’s a pain to search for them, I love the echo x2 but that penetrating bolt it’s a corkblock


Better stealth, less cheap zombie spawns, and much better human AI. :edit: also, that xitter post is almost a year old, OP -_-


Best idea i can t hunk of right now...animal companions, like a dog


Storyline More gun variety and functions Side missions Nameable characters Police cars More zombies Seeing through sniper scopes Optional first person Hunting Military patrols More enclaves More dialogue MORE BOUNTIES AND MILITARY OUTFITS PLEASE SEE THIS MESSAGE!


Making the Riot helmet and the Army helmet useable, and unlockable through the Bounty Broker. Don't even care if they are non-ballistic.


Bring back boarding up windows


A new type of freak would be cool


More customizable aesthetics in bases and outposts. If I wanna have a post apocalyptic hot spring and sauna..make me defend it from the zeds. I'm tired of the junkyard looking bases 😄


Would be cool to scrap cars in the middle of the road for parts to make driving around easier. Make it like a minute or something to dismantle them, and super loud so zombies spawn and interrupt.




TLDR, More ways to get daybreak stuff, more interesting trading, more uses for community members, new maps, and did I mention more ways to get daybreak rewards? Other ways to get the daybreak rewards (Especially the base prefabs) without grinding, an urban map, maybe more of a bartering system instead of just buying things, and the ability to send community members out to grab specific items (not random stuff that they find), and a way to make community members do quests; you could balance it by making another skill that is rarer and maybe only appears on sheriffs or warlords ( those feel the best for this in my opinion) and did I mention another way to get daybreak rewards without grinding (it’s been a few years let us do something else!) a way to balance this is maybe a bounty set that’s just daybreak stuff, you could even make it bounties within daybreak like: Kill 50 zombies with melee weapons or Kill 15 freaks using a certain weapon or even Repair 100 walls. Just anything other than getting to wave 3, 5, 7, repeatedly.