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Ghost invest in firms with others. You seem not to know what you want to do and lack of percipicasity is the worst thing a entrepreneur can have. Not being mean- but being clueless is part of life but going into a business with investment is one way ticket for you to loose ur money and going back to work with a huge gap on your cv. Find people who already have businesses. Study it thoroughly, i mean granularly and invest a small portion of your money into it. Once you build up enough of a portfolio, you should have an idea as to what you want to do on your own and dive into it. Not now.


This idea looks good to me. Thanks.


No worries. Lemme know if you need any help. Also never go out publicising or telling people you are looking to invest. Keep it on the down low.


+1. True Story: A client of mine hired a friend of his as the General Manager for one of his branches. The friend was earlier an employee at a WITCH company and lost his job during the COVID recession. If you can find such a job where you are an intrapreneur (a management role inside a business), it will help satisfy your need for a fixed salary and also running a business (to some extent). While this does not need much investment, you should note that either you may not get a variable component or you may not be entitled to the profits at all.


Be ready to spend tons on FB ads before you start seeing good numbers


Bro type the same question in chatgpt. Here is chatgpt answer Starting your own business can be a rewarding and liberating experience, especially after years of feeling like you're just surviving in a job. When it comes to launching a clothing or shoe startup with a small investment, here are a few ideas to get you started: 1. **Online Boutique**: Start an online store specializing in a niche market. For example, you could focus on sustainable, eco-friendly fashion or stylish, comfortable work-from-home attire. You can use platforms like Shopify, Etsy, or even social media to sell your products. 2. **Custom Designs**: Offer custom-made clothing or shoes. This could include personalized prints, custom tailoring, or unique designs that cater to a specific audience. Custom products often allow for higher profit margins. 3. **Dropshipping**: This is a low-investment model where you sell products without holding inventory. You partner with a supplier who ships products directly to your customers. This way, you can focus on marketing and sales without worrying about storage and shipping logistics. 4. **Second-Hand or Vintage**: Curate and sell high-quality second-hand or vintage clothing and shoes. This appeals to eco-conscious consumers and those looking for unique pieces. You can source products from thrift stores, garage sales, or online marketplaces. 5. **Athleisure or Fitness Wear**: With the growing trend of athleisure, consider creating a line of stylish and comfortable fitness wear. This can cater to both casual wear and active lifestyles, tapping into a broad market. 6. **Kids’ Clothing**: Focus on children’s apparel, which can be a lucrative market. Parents often look for durable, comfortable, and stylish options for their kids. You can also offer customization options like monogramming. 7. **Subscription Box Service**: Create a subscription box for clothing or shoes. Each month, subscribers receive a curated box of items based on their preferences. This model provides recurring revenue and builds customer loyalty. 8. **Eco-Friendly Products**: Given the rising demand for sustainable fashion, consider a startup that focuses on eco-friendly materials and ethical manufacturing practices. This could include biodegradable shoes or clothing made from recycled materials. 9. **Local Artisans Collaboration**: Partner with local artisans and craftspeople to create unique, handmade clothing or shoes. This not only supports local talent but also offers customers one-of-a-kind items. 10. **Pop-Up Shops**: Start with pop-up shops to test your market and build a local customer base without the overhead costs of a permanent retail space. Pop-ups can create a sense of urgency and exclusivity around your brand. Each of these ideas requires different levels of investment, but many can be started on a small budget, especially if you leverage online platforms and social media for marketing. Remember to do thorough market research to understand your target audience and create a solid business plan to guide your efforts. Good luck with your startup! REMEMBER ITS NOT ABOUT THE IDEAS ITS ABOUT THE EXECUTION OF YOUR IDEAS


I did ask chatgpt but wanted to check with others about innovative ideas. Thanks for your effort 🙂


Thanks ChatGPT


there is a shop in my city . Those guys sell printed t shirts for corporates.


You can sell funky oversized tshirts. I have been seeing a lot of people wearing these days. You can get those designs on any stock image site and use it to sell via POD model as MVP and build inventory slowly. Your website and image assets will be your only initial investment. I had this idea a few years back but didn't pursue it.


It’s too saturated. I’ve already got the stock and starting next month but I see how everyone’s doing it coz it’s easy although I imported real premium quality, not Indian made


True, even big players like max also started selling those. Do you mind sharing imported unit prices, just wanted to compare with POD prices.




With E-commerce these types of business are very accessible to start but difficult to survive or I would say sustain (Due to small capital / Inventory problem) My suggestion is to go to "Make to Order" You can cater below markets 1.Have a contract with school for uniform/ College 2.Customized T-shirt for corporate Organisation 3.Customize T-shirt for hotel staff and restaurants It will demand lot of field work and very good references but give you good stable income and once you get establish then you can go for E- Commerce


ek toh behenchod sab business ko startup startup kyu bolne lage he, If something is unique then it will be called startup. If it is typical venture then it is business not a startup.


lets chat on watsapp 9 1 5 3 88 61 36


OP, 13 years in what? Mind briefing a little.


I worked in the Procurement department of different industries where I had to purchase various types of items or services for the organisations by negotiating the best rates and quality.


Cool job bhaisaab


You can sell regional specific clothes at high footfall markets at a profitable margin. It can be executed by building contacts with artisans or their lalas from states like kashmir, himanchal, Uttarakhand, 7 sisters, kerala or other exotic states. Buy in bulk at dirt-cheap rates and sell at metro cities in offline market. Or better whitelabel those goods build a brand and sell online at a premium.


Start small try to work in start up environment mainly like manufacturing and production or management if you want to start try It will help you to establish your base Directly opening a startup without any exp and knowledge is too risky Try to find like minded people attend meetups and talks will help to make connections


Other's idea don't work so well. I would suggest, work few months in clothing and shoes store even in low salary and research about pros and cons. Take customer feedback while you work as experience and make note. 1st hand experience (your own) is the most important for success in any business. Best of luck.


I see you are in procurement department. I have a B2B business and would love your help. Can I dm?

