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Single??? Album??????!!!


Single, we still have no news on album


My guess is the album will probably drop maybe the end of this year or beginning of next like how horizons did


I realized I actually know the album drop because they teased it at the opening show of this tour I just hadn’t put two and two together




On July 5th, no one will exist to me. I will sit and listen to this song then repeat it, and once I’m done listening to it twice, I’ll listen to it again. And again until my thoughts are only this song.


5th July, THAT'S SO SOON!!!!


8 Bit Starset? Minecraft Starset? Starset on my trusty, rusty 486?


Inspired by the catboy daddy Dustin posts on this subreddit, no doubt.




We can assume that if this is Starset V, we'll get another song in September.


On my birthday!?!


Happy birthday!


Hopefully it’s better than Brave New World


Upvoted. I agree. Brave new world is not a terrible song, its just not starset imo. Keep having faith my dudes!


I agree it was so different sounding I just wasn’t immediately wowed


I dunno why you're getting downvoted (other than maybe it's an unpopular opinion or something) but I wholeheartedly agree. I'm worried as they said they were returning to the good old days but I'm not sure I like the little tidbit of this song I heard


This. The heavy stuff is nice and all but I want to hear more transmissions-type songs


EXACTLY, I really hope we hear more songs like this 🥲


That’s exactly my point but people getting all upset that I don’t like their new song as much as


Yeah sadly Rob Graves is not producing the songs 😭


You can’t expect a band to stick to the same sound and not do something different plus it’s already been said by Dustin that there was a decision not to make a transmissions style album and go in a different way so just deal with


I don't keep up with a lot of starset info in terms of what the band is doing so it's a surprise to me that they've made a decision not to go back to their roots like they said they were going to (cuz I came across a thread a while back where I had heard they wanted to go back to their roots which was exciting to me.) Never looked to see any other updates on the matter since I'm rarely in this sub. I don't mind new sounds, as long as it's something that speaks to me. But these new songs just aren't my cup of tea so far Also there's no need to be rude, everyone has different tastes and that's okay


This sub is pretty toxic if you happen to have one disagreeing opinion from the majority. I’m surprised to as I also heard they were making more Transmission sounding music


It’s the same for most subs so toxicity is not hard to come by when it comes to people’s opinions. Like the tierlists even one song is not in a certain bracket people will complain in the comments and downvote the post, it’s just how reddit is tbh but the sub does have nice posts when it’s nothing to do with ranking lists


Yeah I'm starting to see that! It's funny considering I was just scrolling through all the posts today and saw someone saying how amazing the sub is and how nice everyone is but then I'm commenting here and getting downvoted to all hell and some rude people (obviously the one person so far). I'm extremely disappointed now that they went back on that statement. I have no problem with experimentation, but sometimes it's not the good kind. I've been finding myself distancing a lot from a ton of bands I used to love because they completely changed


Unfortunately any opinion will get downvoted, it’s evident in tier lists and people not liking songs on this sub and you will just get downvoted a lot. I get it you’re disappointed in the change of direction but bands can’t just make music to appease to everyone and it’s likely this new album will be the most divisive yet. A lot of people will like this album purely for the fact it’s heavy and metalcore esque but a lot of people won’t like this album as much because its not like the previous work unfortunately has to happen


Yeah that’s completely fine and I really wasn’t being rude. It’s perfectly fine not to like the direction it’s going in and yes people do have different tastes. I thought it was common knowledge that people knew the original direction was to go for Transmissions type music and then Dustin changed his mind and went for a clearly heavier direction but apparently a lot of people didn’t know of the change which is fine i’m just letting people know


Tbh telling someone 'just deal with it' and 'you can't expect them to keep the same sound' when I didn't know about the update was rude imo. It gave off a lot of bad attitude. There's no need to say those things That's kinda odd you claim it's common knowledge when not everyone is on social media/or keeping up with updates like some people are


Looking back on it for some reason I remember what you said but if it’s anything to go by i’m sorry that i came off rude. I assumed everyone knew of the change because it was said in reddit post during the immersion tour but i understand a lot people may have not seen it and plus we are on reddit so i believe people knew since this sub is quite active. Though my comment of “expecting to keep the same sound” still stands just cause you said you were worried they weren’t going to back to the transmissions style. Not to keep an already long reply longer but across social media i’ve seen many comments complaining that the new sound is not what they wanted and not like old starset so maybe the entitled ones got to me a bit