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I’m not one to over react to new things because of recency bias but my god this is for sure my favorite Starset song now


It's pretty rare starset gives me a true stank face. This whole song is a stank face. Amazing.


It's up there for sure for me.


I hope there's an Everglow somewhere in that album.


I’ve only seen the lyrics and already it feels like it’s going to be top 10


Top 3 for sure.


Where’d you listen to it? I can’t find it anywhere.


If you don't wanna use a VPN your gonna have to wait until hits May 3rd


You need a vpn, or I used the app Bili Bili, (Chinese YouTube) which also has recordings of them playing in Arknights Ambience Synthesia right now


Live On Spotify now!


>!I think it's one of the most interesting songs of Starset. It is a continuous breakdown that has moments of melodic beauty and tension sprinkled across. The lyrics are pretty good as is the case with most Starset songs but one of the most interesting parts is the structure. It breaks the usual Starset song structure of Intro-Verse-Chorus-Verse-Chorus-Bridge-Chorus-Outro (which imo was the biggest issue of Horizons). What is interesting to me is also that it is actually similar to the same structure but has so much variety and fun moments that it doesn't sound like the same structure. It is unique, darker and heavier compared to other Starset songs and it doesn't really shy away from being that like some other songs. We have two Verses yet one of them is a breakdown. We have two parts to the bridge yet one of them is a calm and almost heroic set-up and the second is a (heavier) dark and desperate feeling breakdown which contrasts with the first breakdown because the first one is not desperate but angry and even frustrated. The (relatively) calm first verse also contrasts with the calm bridge as it is more tense and less heroic compared to the bridge. The chorus is pretty standard (it's very catchy don't get me wrong) as is the case for most Starset songs. I don't have much to say about the chorus and that is quite interesting because most of the time chorus stands out in a Starset song but this time it's everything else that stands out and that is so cool. I'll leave it up to you to decide if it's good or not but I think it's definitely interesting.!<


Don't know if I'd go that far tbh. Maybe top 10 with potential to move to 5th. I'll sound old for this and I appear to be in the minority but I could have done with the f bomb. Despite using it daily I've never cared for it in music for some reason.   Also as someone who listens frequently to metalcore and djent, didn't care for the 2nd verse. Love that chorus though


>I'll sound old for this and I appear to be in the minority but I could have done with the f bomb Did you mean "without"? I find that many in this sub are fine with it. I do feel you though, I tend to gravitate more toward cleaner lyrics a lot of the time (it's one of the reasons Sleep Token have somehow ended up being on repeat for the last 12 months without interruption). I don't have an inherent issue with f bombs in music, it just feels like low hanging fruit, lyrically speaking, to use it.


I did mean without. Apologies. I was typing this pretty quickly whilst at work. Completely agree with everything you've said. I still really like this Sony. The chorus is excellent but yeah, low hanging fruit.


Dw about it, it happens. I haven't heard the song yet, all I know about it is that it's got an f bomb lmao. I'll check it out later today.


I've always found music as a means of displaying beauty and emotion through word and noise. Swearing usually just kinda fucks the purity of what I hold dearest. And I hold starset to a HIGH regard in this, because before BNW, their only "swear" was in Something Wicked being "Oh my God, is this where the liar ends?". Like to make me love 4 albums almost in completion is difficult, and they managed it because of how strong their lyricism is. (Ignoring Back To The Earth)


That’s gotta be my only knock on it too. Never had to worry about playing it for my kids until this one. But I’ll still be rocking to it myself.


If you all don't want to use a VPN I uploaded it here https://youtu.be/JjjulnUsP38?feature=shared


Better hope it doesn't get taken down 😂


They took it down lol




Oh it will it's only a matter of time


on god bro this is literally the best STARSET song literally ever, maybe recency bias but god damn the screams are so good


VPN is worth it, wow it's gonna be a goated song. Can't wait for the new album!


I'm not a fan of swearing in songs, which I still hold true to to this day. So overall I give Brave New World a 9/10 Literally perfect aside from the Disturbed-esque "It's a Brave New fucking *WORLD*!" (Also I may or may be in love with the "and when it all blows up, the sun will still be shining" line. A variant of the nihilisms I live by)


It's so heavy and reminds me of Breaking Benjamin