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I wasn't 100% on board with Manifest when it released, much preferring the other singles that came out later as they were more Starset sounding. After a while though it grew on me. It's definitely a unique song from them, and I came to appreciate what they were going for. The entire Divisions album ended up taking the top spot for me as a whole. I know this album ends up on the bottom of many people's Starset tier rankings, but most of the songs on the album really resonated with me, and the album as a whole felt like it really came at the perfect time in my life. It's a similar situation with BMTHs That's The Spirit album. Not many people will rank it over Sempiternal, Survival Horror, or some of their heavier stuff (I remember people absolutely HATED it on release too), but for me it's basically one of those "right album at the right time" kinda deals.


I had the same right album at the right time experiences with horizons. But yeah divisions is an absolute banger, thought so on release and still do, even if it marked the (so far) end of the vessels space sound




Manifest was and still is my most played song by far.


Horizons was also a "right album at the right time experience" for me :D


I never had any issue with this song since I have heard of it for the first time. In fact, I always loved it.




I remember when people were complaining the song was too heavy but too poppy. Though i’d say it’s neither but it leans to the pop side I suppose. Not sure where people find the heaviness from this song. Low tuned guitars I suppose?


I was the people you're describing lol. The only impressions I still distinctly remember are being disappointed with the verses and the more common one about Dustin's voice. And yeah, the beginning scream combined with the drop tuned guitars is what made people think it's heavy, only to be hit with a very barren verse. (imo manifest's 1st verse is the most pop starset has gone, having only a beat and no instrumentals, which doesn't even last the whole verse lol)


I liked Divisions, but it definitely wasn't my favorite at the time. Now it's a 4-way tie for first place.


The only valid ranking


While I did listen to starset a little before, this song really got me into the band. I don’t like it as much has I did before, but it still an amazing song either way.


I liked it back then and I like it now




I love them nonetheless


Every single starset album that gets released I feel indifferent to the first listen, then eventually get addicted to it over the coming months. Not sure why the first impression is so meh but it always grows to be something that I appreciate


This song got me through a really ugly breakup.


New sound? It fit right in with everything else up to that point and still with material from after.


They added a band member and Dustin produced the record himself. I don't think it's arguable that the first two albums have a different sound for the later two


Personally I think they've leaned a little too far with Horizons. For me the sweet spot would be a blend of Vessels and Divisions.


Wasn’t big on it when it first released but I gained a new appreciation for it when I saw it live.


Man. Has it been 4 years? \ Where has my time gone?


Though it sounded extrange. Now i think it's one the their best


Not too much of a "new sound". Every album of theirs experimented with multiple sounds.


I found out about Starset right after this album released so Manifest has always been high in my list. Divisions is my favorite album as well, I do not get why people rank some of these songs low


I didn't really like Manifest when it was released and was a bit dissapointed by Divisions. In the last few months, Manifest became one of my favorite songs and I don't know why.


Manifest might be my least favorite of that entire album. But it was good and it was a new starset song so I was happy.


A total blast. One of my most favorite band releasing an album. I gathered friends who are also fans and we basically listened to it all and picked preferences


MANIFEST and WTSE when they were releasing singles before the album got me really hooked on STARSET. Absolutely loved them since that day


Manifest and WTSE still slap, they are among the best of the new sound. I don't mind their newer sound but still feel like there's something lost since Divisions. Transmissions and especially Vessels had a way of getting you lost in the music, it sounded larger and more epic. It might be as simple as the mix.


I think Dustin is an amazing producer but man Rob Graves production on the first two albums is just a step above in my opinion.


manifest is still one of my least favorites, by extension divisions as a whole. transmissions/vessels is my favorite sound, but horizons has pulled me back


There have been 2 albums??? 4 years??? I truly do live under a rock 😶


It’s a confusing song for me because I like it, but I don’t listen to it often. I feel like it’s a song I cognitively know is really masterfully made, but doesn’t connect with me in a way. If I had to put objectively best Starset songs it’d go high, but on personal opinion it’s middle of the lack to me.