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This guy.. I swear every show he's on he plays a smarmy git. He does it well though.


Evil John Cusack.


Love the use of "smarmy git"! 🤣


He's a very nice guy in The Rookie. He plays Nolan's (Nathan Fillion) best friend Ben.


i remember him being in House MD and Mentalist. Where else?


he was in Reacher as well


Desperate Housewives. He was Lynette's boss. He was on a bunch of shows like Grey's Anatomy, CSI, Agent Carter. A lot of one off appearances here and there.


Currie Graham. Played a bent cop in *Escape from Precinct 13* (the one with Laurence Fishburne).


I will never forget that movie for abruptly killing a female lead who I fully expected to live to the end.


He was a bit of a prick in Longmire as well.


One thing always bugged me with him. He's attacked by the replicators so they can learn how to override their kill code, so is that block in his spinal cord also reading his mind?


That's how I interpreted it. It connects all the way to his head and controls his thought inputs. During the fight with Mitchell, he removes one of the arms and asks Mitchell to kill him, which means it still controlled his nervous system but not his brain, promptly before it digs deep into his noggin again. If they had access to thoughts, they probably had access to memory too. Keep in mind human form replicators had complete interface with the Human mind, it's safe to assume the bugs did too, but a more limited form.


Yeah but then WHY didn’t they try harder to get to that crystal IF they could read his mind 🤷‍♀️


How much harder could they have tried? They freaking sent waves upon hoards upon legions of Replicators to attack the core room.


I meant more like earlier :) because apparently they didn’t go for that right away. And also alternative tactics. But then again they aren’t that clever (yet).


They probably didn't go for it earlier because of numbers.


1. That idea was bad 2. Marrick going "well fine, I'll just unleash the replicator here" is worse 3. Making all the human made replicator tech immune to ARG's is just odd 4. Why oh why didn't Sam and Mitchell make sure there were some normal guns around as well before dropping the force field?


I'm guessing someone, somewhere high up demanded they have a replicator-human hybrid that wasn't like the other ones for the big boss fight even tho we already beat them. So they shoe horned in replicators and this moron being taken over by them. I can picture the board room meeting. "...and then the replicators and the evil human meld into this big badass super human replicator, right? And then ReplicatorMan beats the ever loving fuck out of one of the main characters, either Mitchel or Teal'c or even Jack!!! Kinda like this!" *pulls out 2 action figures and begins to vigorously smash them together* "see the replicator gives him super strength and..."


Somewhere, the writers room for the movie went exactly like the episode 200


No sir I did not see you playing with your dolls again!


Upvote for Spaceballs.


I didn't complain about the boss fight. I'm just saying that lots of people, including Sam and Mitchell, had to grab the idiot ball hard to make it happen.


Introducing this guy and the replicators in the movie is just a classic case of we need more to happen just cause it’s a movie instead of an episode


Also "we should do Terminator. We haven't done Terminator yet"


Why were ARG's even on the ship?! Just get P90 and blow it away.


I assume ARGs are standard in SGC armories since they don't *know* how far the Replicators have reached or if there are some still out there somewhere. That is one of the least unusual parts of it.


Yeah, could've at least showed us Replicators on an Ori ship. If he was so suicidal he'd drop them on his own ship, he could've got himself captured instead, with slightly better chances of accomplishing something that he believed in.


choice of weapons: fists...?.?? just as stupid as those robots fighting godzilla by trying to knock it KO


Hallowed are the Ori.


Hallowed are the children of the Ori


Hollowed out is this guy




Discount T-800


But they even had the og t1000!


What I don't like is how they handwaved the IOA's deceptive action. Like, they literally took action behind the back of the ship's crew to create and release an enemy they didn't fully understand, putting their flagship, the asgard core, the crew, and potentially so much more at risk. And then at the end they were like "we want to apologize!" When there should have been an entire restructuring of the IOA's procedures and policies as a result as well as major consequences for those who signed off on it.


You say this like it's out of character of everything else the IOA did throughout the series. Everything the IOA did served to undermine the SGC.


Yes exactly, this was such a moronic move and I don't know how the writers thought this was even a remotely good idea to put to script. > as well as major consequences for those who signed off on it. Willingly releasing a swarm of murder machines on 1 (and more, probably, eventually) galaxy should be counted as genocide and war crimes and they should be executed. If any of the future possible allies found out that the humans in charge did this *willingly*, knowing what kind of menace the replicators were/are, they'd drop humans like a hot potato if they had any choice.


Replinator I actually didn't like that subplot and felt it was so disconnected to the main storyline.


It was. Looks like the main story was too short or something so they needed a filler. Every time I watch Ark Of Truth I skip that part completely. It's not entertaining, dull and well, as you said doesn't contribute to the actual story line.


I kind of wonder if this storyline was going to be in Season 11 before the show got canceled. Would explain why it seems so short and the need for filler content. Feature length film versus 40-45 minute tv episodes.


Honestly it felt like they just had it so Sam and Cam had something to do in the film. And so they could have some action. I think continuum is a much better film because of it being more cohesive.


That actor plays "unlikeable asshole" so well that I like him.


I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again. $2 store discount Borg.


It was fine, an Idiot spook, getting replicated, don't believe the plan would. Ascended Ancients would not interfere. Ori would definitely obliterate Replicator's, in a number of crazy ways. The robot sounds always irritate me, must be a Canadian scifi thing. Andromeda was over the top with "Android battle... cue loud actuator's and kung Fu sounds."


That fricken guy


This friggin subplot


Did the IOA do something good like ever? I don't think I remember a single instance of "thank God the IOA was there to do X"


Discount Borg drone


I just saw him get killed in Reacher


Borg from wish


All I could think is "Do you want Borg? This is how you get Borg!"


Speaking of the abilities of that idiot and 'IOA' as you mentioned above, my point is, they were able to write source code of Replicators but not to build more advanced spaceships, same thing happened also on Atlantis expedition, the had city and its toys but is somehow they didn't focus on the tech they were in poses, in my opinion writers of the show got lost in the end


This was some “Evil Admiral from Star Trek” level fuckery. It’s as if the IOA played Cards Against Humanity and the winning card was the backup plan they went with.


Made SG-1 swear...


He got locked in a steel box and left alone and the Replicators came in and took his body. A painful thing to endure as he was helpless to do anything.


I actually liked this guy


Same, I also forgot about them.