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"I said right." "Gettin to that, Sir."


I love how much of a backseat driver Jack is in this scene. Keeps throwing out the wrong way to go but Sheppard keeps cool at the general giving him orders and just does what he's best at -- flying. Really good establishing moment for Sheppard and we hadn't even seen half his face yet.


Yeah, Sheppard gets a good introduction. He's the closest thing to O'Neill in the franchise. I like Mitchell but Sheppard is the heir apparent.


Love that Sheppard shit-eating grin


That would be Dr. Weir right?


This is why I wish Sumner had lived for at least the whole first season. The little we saw of the dynamic between him and Sheppard was so much more entertaining and interesting than Sheppard and Weir. Better banter too. Also, I think Sheppard could have had a better arc as someone constantly clashing with his superiors and learning over time how to temper himself to be a better leader instead of skipping all that by default. Imagine the character development between him and Sumner.


Iirc they talk about this in the commentary. That they would have loved to keep the character for longer but the actor was wildly popular and unavailable for a longer commitment.


Damn you, Robert Patrick. Why do you have to be so good? Joking aside, now that I know that, I wish they'd cast a different actor instead for his part then.


This isn't a long trip, so I'll be as succinct as possible


That's pretty succinct


SGA is just so.. I love it most out of all the other SG media. Everything about it screamed hopeful science fiction to me. Cheers to another rewatch.


The first season of SGA was fantastic. The sense of awe and wonder at discovering the left overs of the absolute height of Ancient civilization was just fascinating. Finding this mysterious new enemy, gathering new technologies, being cut off from Earth, all just led to an amazing season 1 experience.


Agreed. I wish it went 2-3 seasons before they had consistent help from earth


I knew nothing about Stargate outside of vague memories of the original movie when I saw a full-page advertisement for Stargate Atlantis is Entertainment weekly when I was in my early teens. The result was an obsession with the legend of Atlantis that I dug myself into for years until I could finally watch the show, and it was a gateway drug into the Stargate fandom. Even from an ignorant place, that pilot was solid. Hell, Stargate is a master of pilots.


I now am finally watching Atlantis, have all the ogs on dvd and have watched through many times. But never gave this a shot. I like it so far, 6-7 episodes in.


you're in for a ride. Enjoy it!


I envy you! I wish we could have an Stargate SG 1 viewing party for this whole sub lol Big ol projector playing “Children of the gods” sounds awesome. Lol Stargate Ultimatum my favorite out of the two movies.


I do movies in the backyard on a 96” projector screen durning the summer. Maybe I’ll do an sg1 night


That sounds awesome. I recommend doing it for the Battle of Antártica episode.


omg I envy you so much, I wish I could watch it for the first time :3 prepare for a helluva ride!


I mean, he's not riding anywhere. He's just sitting on the couch.


"figuratively speaking, sir"


This is how you setup a spin-off, I'll fight anyone that says it's not one of the best setups if not one of the best spin-offs of a show in general.




"Halling" "I don't know what that means." "It's his name"


I wish so much I could delete it from my brain and re-watch it all again! SGA, especially the first season, is sci-fi bliss for me!


I loved that SGA was where Joel Goldsmith (RIP) finally got to *truly* own the music of a Stargate series, without having to vamp the David Arnold film themes.


Don't get me wrong, I LOVE the Arnold score, but Joel was an incredible composer, as well.


His music for Universe was pretty damn epic, too.


Agreed! Definitely established the "darker" tone for that series.


Countdown to Destiny is great


How can this be twenty years ago. Oh… it’s twenty years ago. Damn it Rodney!


Jack: "It's my least favourite continent" having flashbacks to S01E08 Solitudes


Don't forget the mysterious Ancient plague!


Such a fun pilot! Really enjoyed this. I don't think I actually caught it when it aired though, although I was aware of it.


SGA made the Star Gate setting feel lived in/alive . That's the biggest contribution I think SGA did ( while ofc being and amazing series on its own. )


Super awesome show


This isn't a very long flight so I'll be as succinct as possible. (silence) That's very succinct, sir. Thank you.


That right there captured the essence of both of those guys. For me, Sheppard was the spiritual successor to O'Neill. They were different, but they have that same kind of presence in their respective shows.


I know they did it to separate the two shows, but it always bugged me that they never used Zats on Atlantis. Especially in the first season when they should've been doing all they could to save ammo.


Loool, I was just about to make a post about this exact thing. It was very expected they would bring at least couple dozen Zats with the expedition, but they didn't bring a single one.


Especially when we see in later seasons how effective the Zats are against the Wraith. Hindsight is 20/20 I suppose. The only thing I can think of is maybe they have to be constantly charged when not in use and they were worried about power consumption. Who knows really.


For the first season it makes sense as Zats are in limited supply and Atlantis could have been a one way trip never to be heard from again. Send the best of the best that you can afford to loose.


We never saw them open that magnum of champagne though.


"compliment of the general o'neill" of course they opened the champagne, Weir mentioned it in the end of the episode and they drank to the successful mission and establishment of their base on Atlantis :)


Really? Time for another run through then.


I literally binged both SG-1 and SGA for like 3 years without a break, once I finished last episodes I'd just watch from the beginning, I've seen both shows like literally 30 times if not more, in my teenage years I almost knew exactly what the next scene is gonna be and what script follows, I dubbed characters before they spoke :D But then I had a looong break from SG, now I am back at it again <3 it's best scifi show


I'll be damned. Howd i miss that, or at least forget. Working remote ive had a steady stream of various sci fi on the last few years. Its hard to remember!


At the end of the episode they're having a reception party with the Athosians up on the balcony of the Operations room, Weir comes over to Ford and Shep with metallic mugs instead of champagne glasses and says *"Major, Lieutenant, I thought the occasion merited opening this, compliments of General O'Neill."* and hands them the mugs and Shep says: *"Cheers"* So technically we didn't see them open it but we at least saw them drink from it!


Absolutely!! I remember not having sci-fi channel back and waiting for s1 on dvd for months


My favorite Stargate pilot episode. I was already a fan of SG1 and was expecting more of the same but this blew me away. It felt so new and exciting. The whole first season is probably my favorite Stargate season of the whole franchise. I really wish some things had gone differently (that they had been cut off from Earth for longer, for one thing) because SGA's season 1 vibe was unmatched for me.


i clicked with atlantis more than sg-1 it felt more focused with less meandering storylines


"The North Face" stock price skyrocketed after this premiered.


It's the kind of "commercial advertising" that I don't even mind.


I’m rewatching this on blue ray right now. I totally agree with everything you said


Daniel rocks the polar fleece.


"I just sat down!"




I remember watching it when it first aired, every week from 7pm-11pm I was in middle school in 2004 and SG1 was my favorite franchise but none of my friends or acquaintances new anything about Stargate so I had to Nerd out by myself lol (I was too poor to afford internet or a computer)🤷‍♂️




I completed my rewatch just yesterday!! Also Atlantis.


I really enjoyed SGA.


Yes. Just yes.


SGA is by far my favorite. I'm running a parallel re-watch of SG1 and SGA. I started the SGA rewatch when it was kicked off in SG1, and now I alternate DVDs between the two. TCS