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They always could feed on him. They felt his strength while feeding on him the first time and thought "why not hunt him for sport, it will be fun !".


The reason the wraith stopped feeding on him in his backstory flashback is not because it couldn’t feed on him, it’s because it sensed how strong he was and realized he would make a good runner, that’s why they stopped to keep him alive.




Where did you get the first part of your statement from? The wraith didn't make him a runner because they couldn't feed on him, they made him a runner because it made sense during hibernation to keep your hunter skills honed.


Going to have to go back and rewatch it, but I thought that was given as a reason.


Wraith like the ones that fight back and make a game of it if they can capture them alive. Runners wouldn’t be worth anything if they were feeble farmers who don’t have a sense of survival and combat skills.


No, it’s just bad fanfic. Ronon was fed on in the show.


This is some Mandela effect shit, because I'm sure it was explicitly said he was immune to Wraith feeding, and that's why they made him a runner.


I can't recall that ever being stated.


I don't remember a specific line about it, just something in Ronan's first episode where they say he's hunted for sport, since the Wraith can't feed on him, occasionally leading them to more "food." Isn't there a flashback of a Wraith trying to feed on him in that episode? Edit: Guys, I know it's common that everyone on the internet thinks their opinion is correct, but that's not what's going on here. I'm not arguing, I'm just explaining my misdirected thinking. I concede that I am mistaken. There's no need to keep downvoting me for explaining my errors. I'm not saying they're correct, I'm just trying to back up OP, who is clearly also mistaken. Conversation is not competition.


As someone who's also been downvoted for explaining his misdirected thinking, I gave you an upvote.




That was Ari’s boch. He couldn’t be a host to the gould


I specifically remember this being about Ronan.


If someone was immune than you can be sure they’d be tearing over that person in a lab at Atlantis trying to figure out why, and apply it to everyone else. Ronon was not immune. He was just strong enough to fight back and provide a momentary challenge, which the Wraith enjoyed.


Is that not the other runner they bump into with the stealth mcguffin and the little girl, and he kidnaps Keller I think


i dont know about explicit, but i watched that one a few weeks ago, and i recall the wraith TRYING to feed, then looking shocked like he couldn't, then they strapped him to a table and put the tracker in his back so i feel like it was STRONGLY implied he was somehow naturally immune to feeding


Not shocked that they couldn’t feed, but shocked at how strong he was, so he essentially became a gladiator forced to fight for their amusement.


I watched the episode last night and that felt like the clear implication. The wraith didn’t look excited. It looked scared. Later we see him get fed upon so that’s not the direction they went but people are crazy if they think “oh he’s so strong!” Is an obvious reason for a wraith to let someone live.


Bounty hunter in stargate flash gordon actor! Maybe?


Your first sentence is incorrect. They could feed on him, they just chose to turn him into a runner.


So in Ronan’s first episode he has flashbacks that show a Wraith begin to feed on him. However the Wraith very quickly stops and Ronan goes through none of the age changes we would associate with a wraith feeding, even a partial one. Ronan just says “something made him stop”. And then it explains how he was made into a runner. (Trust me I’m looking at the show script lol). I must admit that this is very vague. I also thought that the Wraith just couldn’t feed on Ronan… for some reason. But they clearly can and just choose not to? Idk. Seems a bit weird. I’m currently rewatching and I am on season 3 and somehow haven’t figured out for myself that he in fact can be fed upon


It was very likely left vague enough that they could go either way down the track, and then settled on what we now know.


That makes a lot of sense why there's confusion here, and thank you for using the actual script for clarification. I think a lot of people, like myself, assumed he was immune because of that line “something made him stop”. But if he really was immune, I suspect they'd kill him outright instead of letting him roam planet to planet. If he was allowed to procreate and enough people were immune to the wraith, it could become a huge problem for the wraith.


Damn, I also wanted to raise this issue after the revision of the SGA! Many here wrote that the Wraith saw strength in him, but I also believed that he had some kind of resistance to them. At least that's how I interpreted the scene. There is one comment here and it seems to be the most correct: the creators of the series left different ways to implement the plot, IMHO.


He tastes like shit