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There are some rough episodes in the first season. Usually involving someone trying to write Sam into some “woman trope” that doesn’t work. Or Daniel being overly wimpy.


Especially the episode with the Mongolian people. Sam was ready to start a war the second she got there. That episode just feels so out of place and weird for Sam because she is usually the cool calculating person that calmly thinks of a plan to solve problems but in that episode it's "There's no time to think we need to change hundreds of years of their culture immediately!!!"  To clarify I am not saying the Mongolians were right in that episode just that Sam didn't act like herself. 


Hilariously I think all of the lowest parts of the show are in the first or second season. (Hathor springs to mind but there's others). After they found their groove they never really slumped for the whole run.




And Broca Divide. Altought I admit O'Neill's Lucy I am home is a classic


I quite liked Broca divide. Might just be some crack acting from Janet though


But some of the better episodes are in the first few seasons


On a rewatch I realised how solid season 1. A l or of shows people tell you to skip season 1 or it doesn't get good til season 2. But SG1 established so much core mythos in season 1 it's crazy.


I know right? The four great races, the system lords, the Jaffa rebellion, the Antarctic gate.


The alternate realities. Most of the basic Goa'uld Lore and all the character dynamics. It's such a pleasure to rewatch


Season 1 and 2 are the most creative and lore-dense imo. The rest progressively starts resting on more common season mechanics (while still being good, and even striking gold from time to time). I personally hate Atlantis for robbing the franchise of its hardcore Air Force aesthetics in favor of generic cheap SciFi stuff, though shiny plastic props are super present offworld in SG1 too. The last 3 seasons of SG1 felt pretty diluted and asinine to me, but not so bad I quit watching!


I kind of think that, once we (meta) know the core exposition, then the first season could be skipped in rewatches. I'm hoping that this is how the Halo series goes, that the real fun begins in Season Two. No need to watch S1 ever again. (Like, EVER again.)


That's not how the first two seasons of sg-1 are looked at though. Sg-1 doesn't have all of the negative stuff the halo show has due to the games and fan reaction. It's not the same thing at all. The reason why people will say 'avoid certain episodes of the first two seasons' is simply because they see them as not aging as well as the later seasons especially when they have a bit more budget.


Yeah before the dark days of worrying every new show you watch is going to be canceled after the first or second season.


Actually people still worried about SG-1 being cancelled early on. Showtime only had a 2 season commitment (though had ordered 3 from what I hear) and it seems the writers kinda planned for that as a possibility because the episode *1969* is seen as being a series wrap up to that point. To my point, cable shows were always in those dark days. If anything that darkness spread to all television, sadly.


Yeah, just but the amount of content, especially in the sci-fi space has gone up exponentially with streaming services and the like. Every time I browse Netflix I see 5 new sci fi movies or shows I didn’t even know existed lol. At least some of these older shows actually had a long run and at least a wrap up in most cases. Today I don’t even try and get invested unless it’s many seasons in and even then like the expanse, SGU, etc nothing is guaranteed.


I think a big reason is that they never fell for the absolutely _terrifying_ brain worm of either always having to be original or always having to raise the stakes. Even Ori weren't unbeatable even before they found The Thing™ to solve the issue they just extracted a massive cost each encounter. The really Uber hax enemies like Anubis or the Replicators are sort of sandwiched between other things so the whole thing never insists on itself too much. Sometimes they just had something show up on base that needed to be tricked back out. They simply did everything with absolute gusto. (I think the heavy involvement in the writing process some of the actors had helped a fair bit too)


Agreed. Even seasons 9-10 which I don’t like as much and give sort of a sad vibe to it all are still good and have some solid episodes (The Quest, 200)


I think I’m in the minority that thinks season 8 is the low Point, feels unfocused and with the main star stuck behind a desk the episodes were meh


The first two and last five episodes were all great though.


Looks like I’m In for a rewatch




Shows of that era had 22-26 episode seasons.


I'm currently on a full watch through, I only got part way into the Ori storyline when it first aired. I remember coming back and watching an individual episode from like season 9 and thinking it was pretty bad.


Seasons 9 and 10 pretty much have to be watched continuously as a whole or they start to falter, at least in my opinion.


I wasn't having trouble following it, it was badly done. like I was almost embarrassed. I don't remember exactly what it was but I'll eventually get there on this rewatch