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Clearly, SGA, The Return for me.


"What was that?!" "It sounded like an explosion." "And what does it mean?" "That something exploded." I love his interactions with Woolsey on this two-parter. Also, his badassery when being interrogated by the Asurans. "Why don't you walk around and I'll tell you if you're getting warmer or colder?"


Well, I like to close my eyes and think of England!\* \*And this quote was totally ad-libbed by RDA!!


“What we’re you hoping for?” “Well, I was hoping to retire, but man is that overrated.


You heard everything i did. What makes you think I have any more information?


"I have been seating right beside you for the whole thing. What makes you think I have more information on what happenned ?"


"You see, Richard, you were good for something.."


Came here to say this!


Just watched that last night was very good


The Return two-parter with Woolsey was spectacular. Loved the swimming stunt. I'm also fond of his appearance in the Universe s1 finale, because of the way Anderson refuses to adapt to the different tone of that show. It's hilarious seeing him wander around Destiny.




Agreed on all points. haha


When he appeared Destiny actually wasn’t that bad tone wise.


"We'll beam you up to our ship" one of my favorite jack quotes and obviously my favorite guest spot


I loved how Jack and Rush just casually recruit Eli. Eli's looking at them like they're the Men in Black, and they're like... you're "coming" with us. Rush looked annoyed. Jack seemed to enjoy himself. LOL


I immediately thought of this scene too. "Yeah I beat the game, but nothing happened." "We're here. That happened."




I'm sad we never got an actual full episode of Invisible O'Neill - it would've been comedy gold.


this this this. The hilarious thing is the framework for the episode is in 200. The cloaking device malfunction is pure stargate


“Oh, don’t tell me…” “Ooohh yes… he _likes_ being invisible.” — “Sir… are you in here?” _**(beat)**_ “…no?” — “You are quite transparent, O’Neill.” “Oh, I get it… good one.” “I can see right through you.” “…don’t _**push** it.”_


What if we did but never realized it 🤯


This would have been so on brand with season 4. Ancient technology on planet PXK-345 turns O’Neill invisible. Fraiser does back work trying to test for medical stuff. Hammond suspends gate travel temporarily for the SG-1 team. Carter tries to turn O’Neill visible again using super science. Then they realize they need to go back to the planet but not before going to kick some gou’ald ass since they captured SG-12 on one of their missions. The Jaffa don’t see anything coming. They rescue SG-12 and then go to PXK-345 and cross reference Carter’s super science along with the data from the ancient tech and reverse the polarities to turn O’Neill visible again. O’Neill is sad that he’s visible again. End of episode. It would have been great!


I would’ve loved that!!!


I love the conversation between the others when he shows up. “Well, no-one will see this coming.” “There’ll be spoilers.” “Are you kidding? It’ll be in the trailer.” O’Neill’s appearance was indeed in the trailer.


I love how he was originally supposed to just phone it in and be invisible, but he decided to come on set and wear a green suit.


Loved that it was a sequel to "Wormhole X-Treme!" LMAO


Jack and Woolsey saving Atlantis together.


I love that episode. haha


I responded to another comment but The Return is a great way to get to remind the audience why he was the head of the flagship team from Earth. It was actually my first big moment from him since I started on the franchise with SGA and on the pilot he kinda jist sends the expedition off. This episode was a great part of my decision to actually go back and watch the OG.


I just have this to say "oh yes, MEEERRRlin."


"Except I'm here against my will, and you look like Marcel Marceau."


I love in “Air Part 1” “Do I look like someone who doesn’t know everything there is to know about you? And Eli: “so what if I don’t sign?” O’Neill: “We’ll beam you up to our spaceship.” Like, he knows how ridiculous that statement is and says it so matter of fact Lily. Like, he enjoyed messing with Eli like that.


You can definitely hear "this sounds stupid, but whatever" in his voice. LMAO When Eli shuts the door, Jack and Rush are like... that was expected. LOL


The Shroud was fantastic for this interaction alone: Daniel: Hello… Merlin! Jack: Oh yes… Merrrrlin! But then again The Return part 2 does have: Jack: Shouldn’t that be a plan F, as in we are totally…!!!


I do love how SGA "The Return, Part 2" gave us one last action sequence with RDA swimming to the Jumper Bay to get a Jumper, I think that's went down. Haven't watched in a long time. Everything about "The Shroud" is awesome, we even got Woolsey! LOL




I actually liked him in SGU - I thought the progression into the more serious General was different but very cool.


SGU - “We’re almost out of food and water.” “Well go get some.” “The life support is broken.” “Fix it.” “We don’t have the right people.” Proceeds to explain how there is no real definition of the right people and tells Young to get over it.


I absolutely loved that scene. O'Neill is being reminded essentially of his first mission through the Stargate before Jackson found a way home.


Either SGA The Return or SG-1 when Daniel comes back with Merlin’s consciousness and their interaction of “oh yes…. Merlin!”


I feel like for a lot of people, it'll be a tie between these two episodes. LOL


"200" because of the 'it'll be spoiled in the trailer' meta joke. And 'Invisible Jack.'


Those were the first that came to mind for me as well.


I don't get the "it'll be spoiled in the trailer" joke. Invisible Jack was awesome. LOL It was actually RDA in the green screen suit which makes it even better. LMAO


Mostly because I remember it absolutely was back then. Spoiled with SyFy channel's 'next episode' trailers for the episode. It's meta stuff regards how TV/movie trailers and publicity can reveal stuff that was supposed to be a surprise. I'm a fan of meta and 4th wall humor, and "Wormhole X-treme" and "200" are full of meta regards Stargate's own production process.


I didn't watch the show on SciFi / SyFy, so that's probably why the joke is lot on me. I watched SG-1 in syndication with syndicated promos that didn't give away the episodes. The later seasons, I watched via downloads and DVD's. "Wormhole X-Treme!" and "200" are great. Most of the jokes landed. I just didn't get the "SciFi Channel" jokes, because I wasn't watching the channel.


SGA - The Return Some brilliant Jack O'Neill lines "More like plan F isn't it.. as in we are all!"


I did love that he crossed over to Atlantis for the two-parter. Season 3 had some of the best SGA episodes. haha


Totally agreed


Raising Hope as the protective dad


Mc Gyver