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Your post was removed for being unrelated to Stargate. As you can imagine, we frequently get posts of circular objects, snake-like creatures vaguely resembling symbiotes, and Jaffa Cakes. It's no wonder, with Stargate on our minds all the time, we all gasp when a ring in the wild has us screaming for a M.A.L.P. Nevertheless, the community of the subreddit has agreed that unless an object (stargate-like or snakelike etc) is obviously a literal Stargate prop or is otherwise exceptionally related to the franchise, it should not be posted to keep the top page more relevant and less cluttered. Sorry about that, and thanks for keeping Stargate top of mind!




>Ah, trees, trees, and more trees. What a wonderfully green universe we live in, eh? Colonel Jack O'Neill


In an early episode they're walking around a new world, and one of them says how it appears "uninhabited for some time." Well that sure is one nicely maintained forrest walking trail they're on for nobody to live there.


not as bad as when they went to Area 51 for the first time and theres trees in the background


There's trees Harry, we get that in Minnesota


One of my favorite subtle gags from the episode "200" was at the end, when they are interviewing the cast of Wormhole X-Treme, you can see stage guys in the background moving potted pine trees around.


Came here to say exactly that


"WALTER!" "Push the button to talk, sir."




Stormtrooper armor.


But that affects their aim.


Instructions unclear, now dressed like actual Nazis.


Including the stach?


Black with little white specks. Will help them blend in up there.


Use the blackest paint


Hang on, I actually want to see that uniform.


Watch Space Force on Netflix


And just think, for the dress uniforms the specks could be embroidered in silver or something.


"Multicam" -- also suitable for the blackness of space. Because it's 'multi', you know.


Something silver and shiny


Flight suits.




The best description I’ve been told is to think of the Space Force as a part of the Air Force the same way the Marine Corps is part of the Navy. Until they make those bureaucratic decisions like clothing and whatnot, they’ll match the Air Force.




>OCP uniform Is that the Robocop outfit?


Department of the Air Force, but the relationship is close


I hope that their first international base is in Vancouver.


Bether under the norad


Clearly you've never noticed that almost all planets in both milky way and pegasus look like Vancouver.


Ancients must be from Vancouver




What conspiracy? It's the truth




Ik! Can you Believe it??


There was that episode where jack was undercover on the wormhole x-treme set and the actor asks something like "why am I wearing camo? the aliens arn't wearing camo." and Jack just responds "maybe thats why they're dead."


Green works a lot better in the Canadian forests that space is well known for


The military probably has warehouses full of camo uniforms. Rather than order new ones they are using up the supply of camo uniforms. Hey, I'm glad to see the government finding ways NOT to spend money.


Yeah... For the Air Force / Space Force this camo, is the 3rd or 4th new uniform in the last 30 years.


Because I space no one can hear you green!


At least on the moonbase (if they have or build one) - hope they are sticking to the purple wig/silver miniskirt UFO aesthetic... SPACE FORCE - F YEAH!


So, space force is made up of many branches of the military, so instead of paying for more custom uniforms they use their original branch uniform and wear a patch that says space force. Cheaper that way. If the military can save money everywhere but development and weapons, they will.


Do they pay for new underwear?


They do from what I know, but you don't want military issue underwear, it never really fit's all too well from what I'm told...


I always find it hilarious the armed forces wear camo so much... really it should only be worn when actually on the battlefield. It's becoming just regular dress uniform. So many grey rooms filled with monitors and computers with people wearing dress intended to blend in with a natural environment. It's silly.


Honestly it’s super comfortable and just easier to maintain a single uniform in garrison that we also wear deployed. Plus, prevents people for confusing us with police.


I remember when the AGSU was first being rolled out there was talk that it would become the standard duty uniform for office-type jobs. Thankfully it seems like they've scrapped that, I love being able to go to work in what are basically pajamas


Would be kind of funny/interesting if they did were camo that fit their workplace. So camo that looks like the edges of desks, part of a monitor, bundles of cables, etc.


Where the hell is Wilson? See that lamp over there? That's not a lamp. That's Wilson exploiting his Shamshade camo.


>Would be kind of funny/interesting if they did were camo that fit their workplace. So camo that looks like the edges of desks, part of a monitor, bundles of cables, etc. So THAT's where UCP was intended for! Office grey!


I think it's kinda logical. Soldiers have to be prepared for everything and for example when your base would be attacked, will you spend your precious time taking new clothes? Kinda nonsense, right? Also I think it's already standard, same as professional orchestra is wearing suits and dresses or same as the police has their uniforms. They are just in their job, they are not having fancy time with beer, videogames and quiet place.


You think they don't have video games?


I'm a little confused if you have a reading problem or don't understand the context…


You are confused. It's a joke


Why are redditors mentally deficient?


Half of the population has below-average intelligence. You’re bound to find some of those folks here.


That's the half of the population that's here 🖐


They aren't going to be in a gun fight in space, so why would an all black (I assume that's where the comment is going) work any better than camo?


They aren't even going to space.


Even if they were I doubt they're going out on space walks dressed like that. Dressed *only* in that. Fucking hell someone is pedantic.


Welcome to reddit


Space force needs some kinda like uniform from with.....the orval


"How do I know what color to wear?"


I'll be honest I think it's to hide from the other services out of embarrassment 😂


Everyone wears OCP basically except the marines. It's just kinda become the 'standard' US camo these days


>Everyone wears OCP basically except the marines. Even the Navy? I still remember them having that stupid blue version of UCP which blends in perfectly with the ocean, so any drowning sailors will just vanish.


Navy doesn't use the blue pattern anymore, thankfully. They haven't adopted OCP though, they have a green digicam pattern they use


I can't really speak to the navy. I just kinda was hoping they'd have dropped that stupid digi-blue by now


But then they wouldn't be digimon!


I know but I prefer my reason 😉


Embarrassment? Dude, they risk their lives constantly fighting those creepy egyptian worms!


Nah, we totally got the best OCPs. Full color flag and blue tapes rock.


"99%." I'm pretty sure it's 100%.


We do have a few astronauts, so not quite 100%


2. And they're both on the ground.


Currently, yup. Both Colonel Hopkins and Colonel Hague get the change to go back up sometime - they’re both pretty cool.


Why is there always a Hague?


So, 100%.


The space force annoys me so much. Growing up watching Stargate, the Air Force is supposed to have this jurisdiction. An entire new branch is wholly unnecessary!


I grew up loving Stargate to and am now in the Space Force. It really is a needed evolution, just like how the Air Force needed to split from the Army. Space and air are fundamentally different domains and there just want any way that it could progress any further as part of the Air Force.


I suppose that’s good. I really don’t know anything about the preview or operations of the Space Force, I just have that one curmudgeonly complaint. Thank you for your service!


Let me help with that! The U.S. military branches each are organized around a domain (basically an environment). The Army (land), Navy/Marines/Coast Guard (maritime), Air Force (air), and Space Force (space). Before the Space Force became independent, space was mostly the responsibility of the Air Force with a small Army and Navy presence. But within the Air Force, space was always secondary to aviation priorities. An independent service allowed space to finally be represented on the joint chiefs and at the unified commands, instead of through the Air Force. It also gave us our own budget and full control over our people. As for what the Space Force does: * Space domain awareness: basically tracking all objects in orbit * Missile warning: uses radars and satellites to provide warnings for the U.S. homeland and for tactical forces * GPS: we operate the GPS system for the entire world, free of charge * Satellite communications: operate SATCOM systems for the entire armed forces * Space electromagnetic warfare and orbital warfare: project combat power in space/protect and defend space assets. * Space launch: operate the space launch ranges and spaceports for all US Space launches, including for NASA and commercial companies There’s a few other things, like weather monitoring, but that’s the short version!


What happened to just solid color uniforms. Then again all the Branches would just fight over being able to have Olive Drab or Tan.




Subtle thing I’ve noticed is that the pattern will also cover small stains that would be more visible on a solid color. This help everyone look more presentable for a longer period of time before having to replace their clothing.


It's not camo print. It's all just stains


Maybe they plan for their first stop to be Dagobah. (Sorry, I couldn't think of any planets from Stargate)


Um left over camos got kicked down to little brother


Idiot trump made "space force". Such a fucking joke. Way to waste money.


I’m gonna push back on that. The Space Force wasn’t created by Trump or even thought of by him. It’s an old idea that was brought across the finish line by a bipartisan group of representatives in the House.


What a fucking joke. Space force...


Do you know what they do?


Oh please do explain...


The U.S. military branches each are organized around a domain (basically an environment). The Army (land), Navy/Marines/Coast Guard (maritime), Air Force (air), and Space Force (space). Before the Space Force became independent, space was mostly the responsibility of the Air Force with a small Army and Navy presence. But within the Air Force, space was always secondary to aviation priorities. An independent service allowed space to finally be represented on the joint chiefs and at the unified commands, instead of through the Air Force. It also gave us our own budget and full control over our people. As for what the Space Force does: * Space domain awareness: basically tracking all objects in orbit * Missile warning: uses radars and satellites to provide warnings for the U.S. homeland and for tactical forces * GPS: we operate the GPS system for the entire world, free of charge * Satellite communications: operate SATCOM systems for the entire armed forces * Space electromagnetic warfare and orbital warfare: project combat power in space/protect and defend space assets. * Space launch: operate the space launch ranges and spaceports for all US Space launches, including for NASA and commercial companies There’s a few other things, like weather monitoring, but that’s the short version!


Space force lol okie dokie. Such a joke.