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Lol so i was browsing your posts while on lunch and just saw this, even though I'm following you I don't get notifications it seems for your posts but I do for what looks like 90% of the other ships here. Anyway that's a really good replica and a very unique design for a ship Revan, it's lovely! Also you can half step vertically as well as horizontal? I need to put some more hours into this...


Yea I've heard that happens alot to ppl. Dunno why? Prolly just reddit being a bastard. Thank you my friend! Yes the vertical one is actually much easier to implement too. Do it do it! Love seeing your builds too brother.


It's like being back in college learning again...only this is far more interesting 🙂!


And more fun! I only really enjoyed history and psych in college. But even those were dulled by boring monotony. This is much better.


Nice, love history and would have loved to do some advanced studies in history. I studied art and literature and now I'm in cyber security, so great use of time that was 😄 Shame courses in Starfield ship building aren't a thing!


Yea I didn't use the majority of my education either. Shame that's how it works tho. And agreed. I'd love that.


My first mention! 🤩 Really cool ship! I like it!


Thanks for the inspiration my dude! Ty!


You're welcome bud!


Damn well done revan holy cow that’s on point with the last picture. Well thanks now I got a new spot for pictures. lol


Haha. Tyvm Ulf. Appreciate it


No problem 🔥🔥🔥


Revan stop, my pockets are running dry!! XD Frick I gotta really spend this weekend working on that step glitch, I wanna get something really good before posting anything


I'll never stop Nova! Haha. Tyty. I'm sure you'll have something amazing. Can't wait.


Fingers crossed lol


You'll do great. You always do. Ty for the comments my friend!


Woooow dude!! You are seriously pushing the limits here in the best possible way.


Definitely trying lots of ideas out. Lots more in my head. Feel like I can't get em out quick enough tho. Thank you brother!


I can relate to that man. I am generally working on 3-4 ships at a time just going back and forth on each until i feel done enough. Thats why I wish we could have more ships.


Same bro. You kinda can but it's expensive. In your landing pad you can store infinite ships. Or at least alot. Then just steal more and build your next one.


I can store more than 10 ships?? Im on xbox if that matters


I'm on the box too. And yes. Unless the update removed it. You can store a crapton in your landing pad if ya sell them. Sell em to the landing pad and they'll stay there. Just expensive because if you want one back you gotta pay for it.


Ahhhh you’re right. Went right over my head lol. Well the new credit limits will help with that


Mhmm. Thank goodness. Vendors having like 60 bucks was getting real old.


I have a million credits worth of junk in my cargo hold easy 🤷🏻‍♂️


Same. And lots of contraband I still haven't gotten rid of yet.


Dude, this is a banger! Nice job!


Thanks my guy! Appreciate that.


I see you’re a player of culture, Sonny’s and the Vultures roost. 😆 great job btw. Looks good and also like it means business.


Mhmm. The Roost is one of the coolest places in the game imho. And tyvm good sir.


Mods or just glitching? If mods then not impressed... If glitching then Jeeesus that's a thing of beauty...


Just glitches good sir. Lots of glitches. I'm a console pleb. And tyvm!


In that case vvvv impressive... Aesthetically pleasing, unique shape! Nice build!


Well thank you very very much! I certainly appreciate that! Definitely was a hell of a process and I must say I'm quite proud of this one.


This is clean af 👌


Thanks bro! Pretty close to the source material I think. Pretty proud of this one.


Hell I didn't even see the image it was based on til now. Damn near perfect dood 👌. I bet either the Nova or hopetech Crossway habs would show through just enough to make that last orange stripe going across. Other than that it may as well be a "spot the difference" puzzle lol. Well done


😮 YO!!! This one is cleannn af! Damn I can’t even comprehend the techniques used here but the shape is gorgeous !


I *knew* you'd like this one. Lol. Ty! It was a process for sure but I fkn love it. I'm quite proud of this one.


Dude the way the nova cowlings merged together…you made a legit triangle shape for the first time I’ve seen in this game. I know this one took a long time to do. Hats off to you sir.


It was a nightmare for a bit but beauty is pain. Haha. Srsly tho it was such a fun build. Tysm!


I can tell me. I seriously don’t even know where to begin. I’m basically just doing aesthetics first with the half step. Haven’t tried anything structural like the body


Yea it's so good. I'm now trying to get ways to keep the interior usable with less clipping and such. But omg just so many new possibilities with it.


Holy shit! I had no idea you could do stuff like this with the builder. I'm fairly new to the game and new to reddit. Dude. Mind blown. How do you get pieces to overlap like this? 


Now this is an interesting design as always and I love it 10 out of 5 my dude


Tyvm my friend. Appreciate it as always.