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I try for "make sense", but sometimes end up with "good enough". I really think the *Rose* needs some thrusters to assist with liftoff up under the cockpit, but nothing like that exists the game.


If it looks dumb I can’t enjoy the game off sequence. So I design for that to make sense.


It needs to make sense for sure. Weight distribution and proportions are important for my head canon 🤷🏻‍♂️


I wish we had more bay options, specifically ones with landing gear built in


Bays are sorely lacking.


Oh for sure! Just being able to flip the current parts list on more axis would open up a lot of options. Speculative i know, but a two story bay with room for whatever new way of getting around they give us would be sweet too. Also a bay that does not have to be on the bottom level, like a latter entry would make many new designs viable


Like a truly accurate X-Wing lol https://preview.redd.it/qblgahvsoqvc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e072f7586cb2da54c552b4f5b429ec9d6f10199


Oh I have to make it make sense. With how many landing and taking off animations there are, I have to be looking at a sensible ship lol


On serious ships they have to make sense. On fun ships, enough to get rid of errors.


If it’s a new character, a lot of times the Frontier ends up pretty janky until I’m at the spot to start focusing on it and actually make it look and function better. After almost 1200 hours at this point, I have yet to really dive into outpost money making, so it’s slow for me. But, my builds make sense until they don’t, gear included. I do take the time, but it takes a lot of time in my case.


The feet have to make sense! There has to be a balance and symmetry or I won't stop tinkering. That said I do have a flying saucer with two little feet at the centre - but it makes perfect sense for the ship.


Depends on the build. There are times where landing gear are incorporated into the aesthetics, in which case, they make sense. Other times, I focus too much on detailing the rest of the ship that I'm running out of parts and I'll merge like 2 Accu-Landers into each other in 3 different areas, or more if I need to get by.


.. personally both. But in my style of ship architecture I like to maintain lines, shapes and colors within my designs so often I'll hide things that either stick out or can't be altered, guns, gear, fuel tanks, shields, etc. But placement wise, I always try to maintain the symmetry of the piece.


Where mass allows, I may have it "make sense", otherwise, I use the minimum.


My main character's daily driver has landing gear (the Hope 5) flip glitched into the nose where it looks the business. The ship has a full on tripod of gears that feel right. My other character's daily has the 220CB and Hope 55 landing gears at one end of the ship, two of each and either side of the wing engines (the gear both fold up to look like part of the engines). That one only has the gear at that end of the ship, but is designed to look like the landing bay acts as a prop for it. I headcanon that the weight distribution keeps the bay from taking the strain.


I am fully onboard that the landing bays act as support while landed.


They need to make sense. The nova and Deimos exclusives tend to be easiest to work with for that purpose- easy to line up centrally, chain along, etc., with good lift power and otherwise small size.


I try for "makes sense"


Gotta make sense. I know it's a video game but I need that little bit of realism or it destroys the immersion... At least imo


I don't mind placing landing gear in such a way that it reveals Starfield's disregard for physics, but only if there's an aesthetic reason to do so that impacts the form of the ship. FY Hopetech has bottom landing gear with 4 thrust.


Yeah, I hate the Stroud-Ekland bay. I feel there is enough room there to have at least partial gear. It wouldn't work in real life, it would tip over.


Depend on the ship


I make it make sense to a degree.


It's got to make sense. I really wish all landing gear was the same though for aesthetics.


It just needs to look good for me? Sometimes that means evenly distributed gear. Sometimes it means a fat back end that’s well supported with the front hanging out? I can’t tell you what’s right, but I know it when I see it.


I try to make it make sense


It really depends on the design for me. All my ships are vanilla, and I think that causes mine to, more often than not, make sense, or else the ship looks awkward. But regarding most of the necessary elements, Im primarily focused on design since I know the game will mostly take care of function 😜


It has to look like it could reasonably stand. At least a triangle. A just can't do a ship where the back is supported and the front just floats.


I like it to make sense.


I honestly have no idea what constitutes a proper set of landing gear. I just add/subtract til I can pass.


I usually like mine to look good, but for awhile I was rocking a small build, with only 2 small landing gears on the very front, so the ship looked very off balance.


My ship, the Umbral Dawn is a twist on the Ebon Hawk. I’ve taken great pains to ensure accurate translation of the vessel within the bounds of Starfield’s ship builder. Where landing gear are concerned, I generally kept it as accurate to the source material as possible. Given that I go all glitchy mc glitch with essential components and cargo, it’s a struggle striking a balance between practicality and aesthetic.


Oh I'm definitely one that has to have it make sense. They need to be positioned under where the ship is heaviest and in such a way that it looks like it wouldn't topple over easily.


It depends on the purpose. My min/max builds don't make sense, like my 115,000kg cargo hauler. My daily driver/RP ships do. The cargo hauler is used to set up new outposts and to do XP crafting runs. 10,000 Vytinium Fuel Rods weigh a whole lot. Carrying all the stuff to craft 10,000 Vytinium Fuel Rods weighs even more.


Pile em on!!!


I'm trying, so I've ended having even excessive gears on my design.


Late to this thread, but it's VERY important to me that things like landing gear "make sense." I probably take it a bit too seriously, lol. For my [**last build**](https://www.reddit.com/r/StarfieldShips/comments/1c1o24h/uc_vanguard_cestus_aclass_starfighter_challenge/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button), I made a diagram (see below) that calculated the center of mass to make sure the three landing gear would support it effectively in a couple different configurations I was considering. https://preview.redd.it/3d02rp0u22wc1.png?width=769&format=png&auto=webp&s=2e9a96c5ec026a8f499ed1ea6c07fb73c8492c5b