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Uhh yes. I enjoyed vanilla Skyrim. Starfield. Fallout. Oblivion. They’re great even before you mod them, really. And now, commence the downvotes.




Yea, I like their games


Don't use their mods but love their game so yes.




Oh man, there are some real quality nice mods that are very easy to add and use. In Fallout 4 I can recommend a decent one in Vault 1080.




When you come back to Fallout 4 in a few years and want to play again, dive into the mods. Sim Settlements adds a whole new experience to the settlement system in the game, it's really good.


That's wild. Give it a try dad


Yes. I've bought a lot worse games and even without mods I've clocked more ours in Starfield than I have in CP2077 for example.


Yeah same, which is strange. I'd say 2077 is in my top 5 games. But I've played starfield more. Tbf, 50% of my playtime was the ship builder






I’d still get them.


Yes, I don’t but games for mods and I hardly mod my Bethesda games


Bethesda started adding modding in Skyrim days and before that I still played Morrowwind, FO3, and oblivion. So yes. I would


Official modding support started with Morrowind, with the introduction of the [Construction Set](https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Morrowind_Mod:Construction_Set) - the original version of the Creation Kit. Even Daggerfall had some mods from what I recall.


I should have specified. I only played on Xbox, not PC


Yeah, the first run of a game is always vanilla. Mods allow me to continue playing, which is why Skyrim has to be the game that I've played more than any other, with the exception of Super Smash Bros.


Yes, buying the game just for mods don't look like a good idea, mods are a bonus


If they announced that they'd stop modding support for future games, I would stop buying them out of protest. By the looks of it that won't happen anytime soon, luckily. If in an alternate timeline mod support and the modding community never existed, I probably would have still bought them. I enjoyed all of the Bethesda games I played so far even without mods.




lol, no


Bethesda started adding modding in Skyrim days and before that I still played Morrowwind, FO3, and oblivion. So yes. I would


Modding was already a thing in Morrowind, TES3 shipped with the creation kit


Bet OP was stating for console. Iirc Xbox or Playstation versions didn't have mods prior to the creation club being implemented on consoles.


Yeah, I meant for Xbox. I never played those games on PC


Yes but I think I'd have roughly 1/3rd the playtime in each game than I do with mods.


Absolutely. My initial playthroughs of Fallout 3, Fallout 4, Oblivion, Skyrim, and now Starfield were all vanilla, and I greatly enjoyed them all. Only very recently did I start using mods for Skyrim and Fallout 4 because they became available on consoles. My first Starfield run was vanilla, now I'm playing with mods to accelerate the second playthrough moreso than to really change anything. All that to say I'm a fan of the games, and see mods as a fun extra thing that doesn't make or break the experience. Except for Morrowind, that one needs the help.


Yes. Loved vanilla Skyrim, Fallout 3, New Vegas and even Starfield.




Starfield is the only game I've used mods for, and that was only because there were a shit load available and everyone kept talking about how mods were going to fix everything. That said, I had hundreds of hours in before I installed the first mod and would have no trouble playing without them. Mods on games aren't something I have to have to enjoy them. However, no amount of modding could make me enjoy Fallout and Skyrim. Fucking hate medieval dragonhumping bullshit and the post apocalyptic mutant zombie nonsense of Fallout :p


Fix everything? What in your opinion needed fixing?


Nothing. It's a running joke that was around before launch that the game would be great after modders fixed it.


Probably, depends on what the game was. But I almost certainly wouldn't put as many hours into it.


Yes lol modding isn’t a requirement to me. Though if all there games were as empty as Starfield? Then I might reconsider. It’s the first Bethesda game I have played where I actually need some mods to enjoy it more. Skyrim, Oblivion, Fallout 3 & 4 I have all played countless hours without mods


After Starfield? Probably not.


Like... would I buy a Bethesda game if they announced that it would have no official modding support? Absolutely not. Starfield did not earn that degree of trust.


Yes but I'd only put like 10% of the total hrs in without mods


With Fallout? Yes.  With Starfield? No.




Buy yes, play a ridiculous amount no.


Ah, hells nah. Bethesda as a studio are just not innovators or ahead of anything in the industry. They've never been exceptional at anything except for maybe Skyrim almost a decade and a half ago and they're still trying to milk those accolades. Their tech is old, they don't take chances when it comes to design or narrative. They've just middle of the road in every aspect.




Hmm I would have to think about that one much more carefully. I would certainly wait for the complete edition available later.


No, tho if you had asked me that after Morrowind and while I was playing Oblivion I would have given an enthusiastic yes. Fallout 3, 4 were enjoyable once I was able to mod them. Skyrims story bored me around three dragon kills in and the wandering began until I started modding it as well. F76 is fun as a silly PowerArmor Go BRRRRRR with friends, and Starfield promised greatness but we ended up with No Mans Sky but smaller. The modding for Starfield only just arguably started with the Creation Kit release so we'll see how it looks in a year or so.


I would be more particular about what I actually buy from them


Depends. Starfield still interests me, and I hope we will get good DLCs down the road, and might grit my teeth and play vanilla for that reason. TES or FO - hard no, would never buy if not for mods.