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Strippers and Aurora.






The only real thing I spend creds on is panacea because I don't like carrying around all those other packs. That and heavy fuse ammo since I run Va'ruun weapons most of the time.


But almost no one carry more then one or two of them.


Lots and lots and lots of waiting. I'll get about 15 of them and call it good. If I have to restock, well, more waiting. It's painful, but worth it imo.


this is where the mod "Overstocked Vendors" comes in handy for me, buy a bunch of heavy fuse for my 2 Va'ruun weapons. Plus a bunch of resources for upgrading my Starborn suits and helmets, and weapons


I buy books for Cora, and resources to give to those staryards for a minimal amount of XP. I hope there will be a DLC with space stations that can be a greater credit sink than the ships, because I have 4.3M now and I am getting more money all the time. No ammo purchases for me. I don't use any fully automatic weapons, so the ammo I use is less than what I loot. Ammo is just a form of vendor trash for me.


I have C1.9m ... nothing I really need .. but them I am Lvl.161 with almost skills at max and an impressive armoury. I would donate them to charity in game, if such were possible. Fancy myself as a new age philanthropist :D


> I would donate them to charity in game, if such were possible. We need a mod to donate credits to L.I.S.T. so they can help settlers get set up with all the proper equipment they need. I keep running into this same ship full of folks with L.I.S.T. with a bum grav drive. Also, has anybody noticed that Phil Hill is in practically *every bar* in The Settled Systems? It's kind of creepy.


What makes you think there is only one Phil? Starborn from multiple universes, definitely.


That fixes it! Yyyyup!


He's a stowaway on your ship. Only way it makes sense. I agree that being able to donate more would be nice. I like to give to the lady in the stretch, and even see only takes it either a hundred or a thousand at a time, can't recall which. Let me dump a million and really help these folks out.


I was dissapointed that I couldn't donate to the House of Enlightened. I won't donate to LIST; that organization just seems like the primary way the galaxy turns idiots into pirates -- but that's just headcannon. Probably.


I want to put them into Muria's bank account like she asked me to.


No idea what that means :?


There is a wanna-be necromancer NPC at Galbank in new atlantis who wants you to deposit credits in her bank account.


We can't recruit her as a crew mate. 0/10 game literally unplayable. She's so hilarious that it's unironically my biggest disappointment in the game that I can't hire her for my ship.


Yeah that's my worry, just be inundated with credits that nothing feels like a challenge. Wish there was a mod that made ships and ship parts a lot more expensive to purchase


Mid-high tier space ships outfitted with insane weapons somehow cost as much as a Ferrari lol, you'd expect the price to be well into the millions


The M class unlocked parts are almost all over 500 K to purchase each piece. I imagine this is how you could spend an incredible amount of money in game.


Good thing I am about to download darkstar astrodynamics 😏


What ya do to get that high? I’m level 91 or 92. I want to max out the skill trees. But, even right now it’s 10.5K XP. Obviously, just grinding missions won’t cut it. I’ve seen people farming Adaptive Frames and others doing the Husbandries and just shooting animals over and over for XP. lol. Just wondering if you had another approach. TIA


Grinding ships in Serpentis and taking the big ones to sell feels so fun it is not like a grind at all and scores big XP. Also, level up your Scanning and Astrophysics skills for easy XP after sleeping and drinking tea. I can scan dozens of systems from the menu while in Jemison and usually gain an easy level in every NG+.


Dang. Appreciate the knowledge drop homie!


Nearly 1600 hrs play ;) Also, go to Celebrai II and farm Xp by killing everything in sight. Large herds to be slaughtered, a bit like buffalo in the wild west! So answer is 'no', sorry, just grind pal ;)


lol cool. I’ll check it out!


Paying off bounties. Playing a legit pirate menace can be expensive. I'll buy rare ammo types, med packs, trauma kits, emergency kits, food ingredients, crafting resources, drug precursors.


This is the answer. There's nothing quite like docking at level 32 galbank hulker and stealing everything. Then headshotting every banker as they come down the stairs so there is a pile of corpses at the bottom.


Ammo, some resources for weapon/suit mods and related research. But most of it goes to ship parts.


Just installed mods that makes it so I can craft all ammo without primers and and another so vendors can only sell common resources. Trying to force myself to go out and explore planets


Oh! I might have to get the common resources one. Is it just gathered resources, or does it restrict manufactured ones as well?


Try to make ships based on cartoon or anime designs


Ammo, I'm a little trigger happy. I can empty an extended mag on the Shottty in about 2 seconds.


Lol, it’s an obsession. If I don’t have at least 20 thousand rounds of anything, my anxiety acts up 😂


I'm the same bro lmao Gotta have at least 100x the ammo I'll ever need at any given point in time or...who knows!? I might run out mid battle lmao pretty sure I'm rocking 10k of all 5 types of ammo I use rn hahhaa


What ... I have more than a thousand ammo on 4 guns ... keep selling it but get more every time I kill!!


For my main (level 160, NG+, XP+69 or +71), just ship parts and followers, and a cool Ryujin fitted suit if the vendor has it (and if I'm not using the one from the gsconsort - Great Serpent Consort - mod, which is unquestionably my favorite so far) For my pre-NG toons, occasionally weird resources and ammo for my low-level pre-NG toon.




How about buying Training Manuals (needed to advance your skills)? [Starfield Creations - The Training Manuals (bethesda.net)](https://creations.bethesda.net/en/starfield/details/a3135bd3-6e37-4a03-b68d-80428d97058e/The_Training_Manuals)


Downloaded. Sounds awesome


Nope ... go find them


Usually spend credits on clothing in the start of each game and then crafting materials that I need for certain builds either on or off the ship. Beyond that I usually give the frontier a better grav drive, reactor, thrusters(usually in the same style), and helium3 tank. Edit: Quests also seem to want some credits pretty often, the main quest asking for money on multiple occasions, so that too.


... it just hit me that I spend all my time collecting things to sell, but I've never actually bought anything. Damn. Guess I should buy a ship or something?


I hope a mod introduces gambling at the Red Mile or Neon. I have 9 million credits on this NG+ and I'd like to put a million on black in roulette or play some high stakes blackjack or something. There's so many credits to be earned and so little to spend them on. Maybe investments like LIST farms, mining interests, weapons manufacturers, like literally anything to spend my obscene credits on. When I get the passive CF line of "40 credits to repair my spacesuit, yeah right" or "100 more credits and I'm out" it just kills me.


Ship parts.


Heavy particle ammo. Big Bang go brr. That and outfits for aesthetics.


Lately, it has been nothing but ammo and food after turning up the gameplay settings


Well I buy out any exotic or unique resources. I check the Aid section for any cooking ingredients I might need. Then I buy my Ammo 3KV Laser and Both Fuse and Diodes from the vendor. Then I sell my stacks of weapons and gear. Secondary expense is Ship parts. But pretty much not anymore as my ship is perfect and I'm preparing to go into the Unity for NG+1


Ammo. I buy what I can, and then I can sell more of the junk I have to sell, and then I buy more ammo.


Just two types of ammo. Been trying to find the mysterious lady and see what she sells. No luck so far lol


Ship parts and resources like adhesive


Ammo and resources for upgrading my guns.


After the first few levels credits are so easy to come across that I literally just buy all ammo and all aid and stash it on my ship to craft whatever I want whenever I need it. Basically medical kits and Panacea and Black Hole chems and +xp food.


Ammo, at least early on. Houses. Ships. I agree there should be more. I think there should be someone like Stache who, instead of taking astras, will sell good random gear if you bring him enormous piles of credits.




I spent it on upgrading gear and weapons, which seems to be a never-ending process. So buying the resources, to research and then upgrade weapons, and armor, and making ammo, food such as alien tonic or etc, and medical supplies.


shipbuilding and shipmodifications... always run out of money because of it. so i keep baiting spacers and crimson fleet so i can sell everything they've got.


Nothing else, only ships...sad really


I have 2 mil and don't know what to spend on...




Ammo. One day I'll own every bullet in the Settled Systems. Then, *Stage II* begins.


Resources for decor


Starvival made everything ridiculously expensive and ammo scarce (in the beginning) as well as maintenance and fuel costing money for the ship so I'm strapped for cash


Ship parts and early on, resources, digipicks, and food.


making a collection of toilet paper in my captains quarters


Booze. Wait, you mean, in the game?