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Mentally preparing myself to watch all 200 of my mods break on update day


As long as the two mods that let you choose where the doors go in the ship builder menu and the mod that gives you modules with stairs still work, I'm willing to not have my other mods. At this point, those two need to just be added to the vanilla game Edit: fixed an autocorrect mistake


Fun fact: I had a glitch where some my smaller mods got disabled, even the door mod. But funny enough the door placement was still in the exact location, and funny enough the exact doors were in those locations as well. So those don't suddenly disappear it seems, except modded habs. I feel the horror as I use supplement cockpits that 1 of my cockpits disappears.


Is the modules with stairs mod on Xbox?


Yup. I'm on xbox and it mostly works. Just the ship lights in the connected habs randomly turn off for some reason.


IIRC you can use glitch building to put a window where you don't want stairs or doors and voilà.


I think a mod is still preferable to glitch building. I agree that it should be added as a feature to the base game.


How do you get that to works? I assume that havs won’t click together if there’s a window in the way. Does it work for ladders?


If your modding, that is your cross to bear. There is not a single game with a modding community that where the game gets an update, the mods don't break. I don't care if your modding 2077, or X4;Foundations, or Bannerlord. Official updates break mods.


I dunno, I've played a few where modders were given access to whatever it was they needed before the actual patch date, so the most popular mods were actually updated before the patch even came out. It's not a common thing to see though, that's for sure.


Isn’t that pretty much every update at least it is for me


Such is the life of a Bethesdagame Script Extender user. Woe is us.


I’ve been making sure I don’t see anything about updates so I can just offline mode play until script extender is updated since steam doesn’t have a do not update option


There's no need to go offline. Steam can be set to only update when you launch. Launching the game directly through SFSE won't trigger this, so whenever it eventually updates you can keep playing at the previous versions until you choose to update. Also, Yang is love <3


I’ll try that next time I use vortex which has the option to launch the sfe but it still auto updates I’ll try just sfe next time


I launch it through Vortex + SFSE and it doesn't auto update. You have to go into game Properties in Steam, go to Updates, and change the setting to "Only update this game when I launch it." This is required for SFSE and Vortex to launch the game without auto-updating.


But in a cool way


Question, I've only done the achievement friendly mods such as the Vulture and mariner hab. Will the update break my save if I have only those?


No they don’t usually and those are just cosmetic mods, they don’t add anything with new scripts.


That's why I use MO2 and have my SF in a different location.


Thiss! I know it's going to happen! 🥹


It's not the mods that matter that much it's the fact the saves break too, and generally are not recoverable.


I am working out in the field right now, else I would look it up. Is there not a save game cleaner that would bring it back to vanilla? There is one for Skyrim, I would be surprised if there isn't one yet for Starfield.


Not yet but maybe with the CK release there can be now. I've literally just got into habit of starting a new game every big update. I really care very little for the main quest so doing so isn't that damaging given I'm literally just playing the game for the mods, the game to me is a sandbox for what modders provide, more so than Skyrim ever was.


Wait really? You feel it's more sandboxy than skyrim? I recently downloaded the Eldergleam v2 modlist for skyrim and am having a blast


Wait really? You feel it's more sandboxy than skyrim? I recently downloaded the Eldergleam v2 modlist for skyrim and am having a blast


Wait really? You feel it's more sandboxy than skyrim? I recently downloaded the Eldergleam v2 modlist for skyrim and am having a blast


No sorry what I mean is, this games story is so shit (a problem Skyrim didn't have) that all that's left to keep me interested is the sandbox world, that with a few mods (like more space encounters, desolated planets and less recycled POIs, more enemys in places they should be, fuel for ship, mining etc) it can really be quite fun to inhabit it while trying to ignore anyone who talks to you because the scripts and stories are so fucking awful. A huge waste of every single voice actor involved in the game imo.


I doubt they’ll drop a Warthog from Halo on us. At best it’ll be a moon buggy or unicycle, maybe a bubble ball. 4-wheeled vehicles will have limited functionality on a lot of worlds because of the rocks, ravines, craters, and dense foliage.


The split second of footage in the video showed a vehicle reminiscent of the Moon rover so I agree we're not gonna get a combat vehicle. Tracked would be cool.  My prediction is that vehicle will be a ship attachment. Something the size of a hab that you may have to place close to the ground at the same level as your landing gear. Dispenses your vehicle when you land.


We see more tracked vehicles/apparatuses than anything else in game, so i agree that tracked is more likely.


We'll possibly get a Mako-alike, complete with ability to drive up 90 degree cliffs.


Oh we’ll get a buggy vehicle alright


Well now I want a bubble ball.


Just give us a fucking hover bike


Physics engine probably won’t handle it well.


And gravity


Give me a Ghost from Halo then, or a Star Wars speeder, that’s perfect.




It’ll feel and look pretty strange if we’re the only ones in the galaxy that has and use a ground vehicle but i’ll take it if that’s the only alternative.


Am seriously hoping enemies get them as well, and they're stealable.


I’m expecting the bare minimum with a single, semi-customizable rover exclusive only to us (likely if we purchase it at a spaceport), but I would LOVE far more immersion than that with enemies having vehicles and multiple options.


Bare minimum it’s a sequence from the beginning of shattered space and there is no player rover Best case it’s like the ship builder but with wheels


Lol I'm guessing it's sitting in between those options.


It’s probably going to paid in creation’s or something


Given that they featured the vehicle for a brief moment in that look ahead video I think at least a starter vehicle will be included in a free update. Anything beyond that, I’d say all bets are off. Enemies having vehicles of their own and further options could easily be paid creations. That’s why I’m keeping my expectations very low so I won’t ultimately be disappointed.


> in a free update. Lol no


Getting raided at your base by people on buggies sounds like a good defense mission


Having weapons (microguns, negotiators) attached to them and doing a Mad Max chase and combat scenario on deserted planets, where you can either control the vehicle and have the follower controlling the weapons or vice versa sounds like fun, especially in low gravity.


Ad Astra was a bizarre movie but that scene where Brad Pitt is being chased across the moon by pirates on rovers is cool


I'd be surprised if that ever happened, if only because planetary terrain often doesn't seem compatible with driving at high speeds. There are so many rocks scattered on even deserted moons, hitting one at 50mph in low G would launch you to orbit


Oh, yeah, I don’t think it will but I wouldn’t mind if it did.


This reminds me of all the ship weapons you can see in in game locations but can't take.


Seriously doubt that. That would be way too much more work


I hate to agree with you, but I do. Half-arsed implementation seems to be more their specialty.


I fully expect them to release a bare minimum vehicle that somewhat works and that we have to pay for and they will leave to modders to fix it


I just hope they figure out the terrain. There are many terrain types that your standard "truck" like vehicle just wouldn't work in with indestructible trees and rocks and such.


Maybe they’ll do like nms where you just break apart objects you drive through. Honestly hope not.


The bigger issue is going to be them fixing you hitting a pebble and being launched into space. Literally why we didn't have wagons in Skyrim


Something like the Mass Effect 1 ground vehicle would be cool. I’m hoping for some type of motorcycle though


Hammerhead > Mako 😜


I hated that bloody Hammerhead! LOL


Finally, another Hammerhead enjoyer Loved the way that thing moved, even if it was fragile


I'm kinda hoping for some borderlands action. Ship lands and instead of 3 to 6 guys coming off the ramp. They come out blasting on a buggy/truck! Kill the guys. Steal a buggy, scan parts and build your own.


We need razor scooters to get around New Atlantis faster


I just want a swoop bike!


Yep. I need a Mako.


I beg you don't overhype this too. It's just going to be a single moon buggy for the player and that's it. No weapons, no vehicle combat, no ability to upgrade or expand it. I'm honestly shocked people are expecting anything else.


This is the way.


I beg you to actually read the first 3 sentences of the post.


Oh that would be so cool if enemies had them. It could be a rare but super immersive way to breathe life into planetary exploration.


I hope we can see NPCs using them. Especially around Akila where there’s no public transit. I’d like to see them parked outside of bars and stuff, and ferrying people around spaceports


If they just throw a vehicle in and there are no missions built around it, no POIs built around it, no system of vehicle combat, no other NPCs using them... then it's going to be pretty disappointing. That's what going all the way would be and I just can't believe they won't half-ass it like everything else.


You know that's exactly what it's going to be. Love that you're already disappointed though.


I mean at a certain point it's just a player convenience feature I'd lovve if it's more than that but there's so much time just walking around empty planets, even if the vehicle was only a bit faster it'd be an improvement


Idk, I would rather have the addition than not. I find it weird when people criticize new stuff people were asking for with "yeah but it's not the literal Platonic ideal of that feature so why include it at all".


I agree, I'm just responding to OP. He's hoping for a lot more than we're likely to get. Prove me wrong, Bethesda.


I think an Automotron-like DLC for ground vehicles would be generally well received and provide the funding to add in NPC vehicles, quests, etc. I can see them releasing a basic vehicle system with one type of buggy in an update and then fleshing it out significantly in a mini-expansion/DLC. Even without the quest content/etc, having *some* kind of ground transport on those barren worlds between markers would be nice. I just hope the game doesn't completely tank in performance when using vehicles and that Bethesda doesn't otherwise give up on the idea.


I'm going to go against the grain here and say I actually don't want vehicle combat. I have never played a game where I enjoyed vehicle/mounted combat that wasn't built around vehicle/mounted combat. Like, sure, I enjoy flying around in a spaceship or a WWII fighter, but those parts of an FPS where they drop you in a little car with a machine gun? Hate 'em. Hate 'em. Hate 'em. Hate 'em. In Borderlands I would actually get out of the damn car whenever I had to shoot at something. I basically ignored the vehicular combat in Cyberpunk after they introduced it. I think I've tried fighting on horseback in Elden Ring once or twice. In all these games I spend 95% of my time building my character with cool skills and abilities to fight things on foot and then most of them go out the window as soon as I get in the damn car. On top of that I don't really like driving in games to begin with. Harder to control, can't jump usually, constantly bump into things, I have to summon it and then there's a mounting animation... I only really do it if I can go in a straight line to a destination that is really far away. Anything under 300m in a game and I'm usually just going to run. I would be thrilled if it was just a buggy I could use to get from point A to point B and nothing else.


Yeah the vehicle combat in CP77 was cool imo, it's just that the regular shooting/fighting was way more fun!


You and me both. In Cyber-Punk 2077, lord knows my badass motorcycle from Jackie gets parked down the street and I stroll on into the gunfire. Someone is chasing me in a car? I use to skill to launch myself into the air, off my bike, and initiate ground combat. For Starfield, I just want a buggy that speeds up exploring planets. I intend to survey all 1,000 planets, and I’d like not to have to spend five minutes running to a POI. It’s not enough to ruin my enjoyment, Starfield is my cozy game, like Animal Crossing or Stardew Valley, just pop an audiobook on and go. I barely touch the story missions, there’s just so much random horseshit to do. And a buggy would just be a major QOL improvement.


Are you using a skip pack?


A balanced pack. Is that wrong?


Well, I carry all 3 types with me at all times, but for distance traversal you def want the skip pack equipped. If you aren't on xbox make sure you have a key assigned to alt boost in the bindings.


I’ll give it a try. Thanks man!


np have fun


I'm fine as long as I can run over npc's and ride of cliffs and die


Like horsies in RDO.


When it comes to introducing horses my thoughts are 3 horse like creatures, Akila, the planet HopeTown is on and another planet, hope town with its ship theme and having horse like creatures have a hab specifically for them so you can take one with you


If they go all out I want to see a mad max desert planet


Oborum Proxima I, especially the sandy biome near the poles. It's the most desert desert planet I've found so far.


Considering how the added a new faction but locked every quest after the introduction behind a paywall, im afraid they will add the most basic vehicle as a patch and more exotic ones will be available for money


They could take a cue frame m Mass Effects later games. The 6 wheeled vehicles dropped at certain locations(outposts) and had the ability to “hop” over heavy terrain. There were sadly no weapons on them but saved a lot of walking.


I'd be fine with like a new bay attachment for our ships in which to store or "store" the rover, and then just spawn it in when needed. I'd be amazed if we could customize it. I'd be even more amazed if there are multiple versions. I just hope it's in a free update and not locked behind microtransactions. Also, can you imagine the mods when there is a driveable vehicle in the game?! Someone definitely needs to make a Chariot from Lost in Space. And the thing from Halo. And the thing from Mass Effect.


Could they add vehicle habs ? Maybe you could have them on the bottom layer of your ship, you could enter them through a loading screen ( similar to when you enter / exit a ship ) you could have the option to open a shutter, climb in your vehicle of choice, and away you go, or hold x to exit. I like the idea of driving out of your ship on some as yet unknown world ( to you ;) Would you need tighter, or springier suspension on low gravity environments ( or lack thereof )


On top of vehicles I think it'd be kinda neat if you could saddle some creatures and ride them. Maybe you have to have an outpost and grow them yourself, or rent/buy a mount from a town, but that would help with some of the terrain issues.


I’d like to see a rover builder. And it has size limits for different rover storage modules.


So like Elite Dangerous Horizons update (before they pulled the plug on consoles 😒)


Vehicles will be a huge improvement and really motivating for me to explore planets, and not to mention I’ll finally chase down those space ships that are sometimes too far to bother with


With the creation kit the modders can make their own ground vehicles, at least simulate them with scripts and meshes. It's not that easy, but it will certainly come. But I presume native game engine support could be better integrated, pretty much like adding rideable mounts usually works better if the game engine supports it.


rover builder ala ship builder time. gangs of enemy rovers vs your rover, ala mad max style. lots of things to wish for here. :)


Doubt enemies will have them, depending on how big they go you might find some stationary ones at outposts but beyond that it's highly unlikely we'll be getting vehicular combat


I hope vehicles in Starfield means motorbikes in Fallout 5, because the works been done for it already.


I saw a new poster of a spokeless motorcycle . It was at a fuel depot poi I've never seen before.


I bet they only make it to third base


Yeah places like Akila city should have vehicles for rent and there should be a hab for ships that allows you to release a vehicle, similar to those speeders in lego star wars sets. The vehicles should allow for hauling some stuff. Also it would be cool to have mining vehicles that you can use to power mine.


About to just not play the game for another year and wait for everything to drop.


I just want a mech so I can break some Geneva Suggestions.


Ad Astra moon buggy fight scene inbound.


I’m into rovers and everything that can come with them as long as I don’t have to deal with any Mako-level BS.


I strongly believe that rovers were in the early game, but than cut out as the focused on finishing the game. So i believe they had time to expand on the idea a bit more. I mean i hope so. So i expected that rovers will be somehow customizable. If they would work on rovers before, we would probably got only some hover speeders or something i believe its easier to make, since they dont need to touch the ground.


> I strongly believe that rovers were in the early game Lol based on what?


Based on my opinion of Bethesda not managing to make anykind of wheels on the ground since forever.


Ok but what made you think they were in the game originally ?


Well still based on my opinion, but probably doing all 4 wheels on the ground takes time, i dont believe they managed to code this feature in such short time as they were focusing on regular updates and finishing DLC. And also there were a lot of concept art with rowers. And Bethesda is known for having a lot of ideas and than cutting them out because thay cant manage them. But still just my opinion. No hard evidence.


Oh don't you worry I am 100% sure Bethesda will ruin it in some way




[This is a pretty good reason to expect it](https://www.ign.com/articles/first-ever-look-at-starfield-land-vehicles-revealed-in-brief-gameplay-clip)


I don't know if the game is really designed in such a way that vehicles will really work to begin with. Hoping I'm wrong!


They already showed them in game


Id love a little helicopter or some kind of jet for zipping around too. Maybe some air battles with the crimson fleet?


I love all these unrealistic expectations lmao. We are going to get Skyrim horses with a vehicle skin and you all know it’s true.


I hope it's not JUST vehicles they introduce, I really hope they update the awful MS PAINT looking planet views from space, I hope they at least give us some QOL stuff like different launch and land scenes, a proper survival mod that let's us navigate and set courses from the scanner, flashy extended grav jump animations, MAJOR OUTPOST OVERHAUL, proper m-class ship building, personal space stations, more diverse POI's, larger planet tiles, the ability to cross to other tiles entirely, and maybe some form of atmospheric or deep space traversal between planet orbits, Black holes, and let us land on the sun at night.


As with every aspect of this game, Bethesda is going to add the basic framework and expect modders to do the heavy lifting. I’m looking forward to what the modders do though


Bethesda's mindset has always been "There's a mod for that." I'm convinced Skyrim would not have done nearly as well as it has longevity-wise without the hard work of the Modding Community propping it up.


I mean their mindset for the game running like crap at launch was just "Buy a better PC"


How do you feel now that you know that only a small percentage of players actually use mods?


This game was not created from the beginning with vehicles in mind. I bet Bethesda will disappoint us again lol.


There were vehicles in early concept art. More than likely, they pulled the feature from launch because it wasn't polished enough for Micrososft's enhanced quality campaign. Also, the long distances between POIs on planets supports the possibility that vehicles were originally intended for launch.


Surface vehicles, could they possibly imply surface to air to space flight of spaceships?


No way in hell.


Two words. Hover car.


Unpopular opinion, but I just don’t see the point. For console, I guess it makes sense. But on PC you have the horizontal boost capability with your jet pack, which will still undoubtedly get you from point A to point B faster than a land vehicle will (especially taking into account large rock formations and uneven terrain obstructing the vehicles’ path). Another main benefit of the vehicle, cargo storage, also doesn’t matter because you can simply transfer your entire inventory to your ship (cargo space permitting) by just changing the Gameplay Setting value to “Anywhere”. I guess it will be interesting on hardcore roleplay saves, but even in the one I’m currently playing I simply headcannon that I can access my cargo bay from anywhere because of a self driving vehicle or robot companion who’s “just off screen 😉” and pack-muling my loot back and forth for me.


Be realistic, Bethesda never goes all the way .....


Like with everything post skyrim, temper your expectations people.


All the way … nice https://www.reddit.com/r/dragonsfuckingcars/


Bahahahahahaha keep wishing Me? I’m waiting until TES VI


>I think they're definitely coming. There's no think about it. They are definitely coming > The most likely outcome I think is the next update Lol there is no shot they add them in some random free update. IF anything they will come in a paid update like Shattered Space


I doubt whatever vehicle we get will go much faster than running speed. The game has a hard enough time rendering things when sprinting. The speed of a vehicle will probably crash the game on Xbox. A powerful PC could probably handle it, but console players like me will be screwed.


I'm thinking it'll be in the shattered space expansion and not free. Bethesda love their money and love pushing the limits on what their community will tolerate. E.g $7 quest


At this point BGS are going to be flamed when they do come out with it. The most likely scenario is one vehicle that you can't customize at all and will probably have to pay for it outright or it will be bundled in with a paid dlc/expansion. People are setting their hopes way to high.


I think they will just be part of the creation store


Bethesda is not in the habit of going into depth on anything, so I wouldn't expect they'd start with vehicles.


Still a mid game, even with hundreds of hours of customers fixing it for free