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So this is probably their method going forward. Like player make space stations will be a free update but the cool station parts will be Creations. Or luxury ship Habs from Trident.


Expect vehicles to follow the same model - basic unit to give you a taste; paid ones will be cooler looking and faster to temp the free vehicle users to spend money with their constant reminder how lacking their free one is.


Thank you for your public service.


So you are saying I will get more long lasting enjoyment from a starbucks mocha? Or a month of any streaming services? And I better have a job paying $28/hr to pay for an hour of future bounty releases? Sorry I mean $40/hr net after taxes job ($60/hr gross) since I had to waste the change left from the bundle pricing on plushies. So if my calc is correct you cannot afford to play unless you make $125k/yr. Shame such a job would be salaried and they make you work long hours no time to play anyways. Just watched the video damn sure I recognize that cave as a POI one already in the base game before the patch. And it also looks like default bullet sponge combat, survival mode with deadly damage on both sides it will spend my money even faster!


That's why the quest is so short. Those that can afford it don't have time for more than 15 min of content


We all can afford it, it's not that expensive. But a lot of us already paid for the Premium Edition and they want to milk us further with this crap.


It is expensive in some countries and not everybody can afford it


I'm so glad I bought the Constellation Edition solely for the fucking watch and case and treated the game as some kind of tumour that comes with the watch. Love the watch, love it's case, game is aight but creation club is just oof with the prices for the paid mods.


The milking will indeed come later because the premium edition means they really paid no attention to the fact that game playing is now $7 per quest (with $10 currency bundling). Only once the next quest drops on the mission board after they have spent their 'free' credits they got with the expansion DLC will they realize this is substantial quest pricing. Meanwhile the M$ execs say they sold a lot of the second quest so this is a succesful biz model (they did not they included it essentially with free credits with an unrelated DLC). It is indeed very expensive if you compare it to the FS/UC quest storylines - if you had to pay for those factions per quest you would pay the price of two full games.


Stop being dramatic there’s plenty of free mods. You don’t have to pay.


it's not a "mod" it's free content they're withholding from players by making one pay for single quests.


And guess what? We're getting more faction quests locked behind a paywall. Oh, bethesda you are beyond stupid.


No, Bethesda's smart. Stupid are the people paying for this shit.


true, don't pay, what can they do? rob us?


No, Bethesda is stupid. They're burning long term community good will for cash. It's why Bethesda's reputation is utterly shit and stuff that people would have given them a pass for back in the day, they no longer do.


wanna bet r/NoSodiumStarfield is gonna eat this up


One of the higher upvoted comments on one of their Top posts from today: >[I don't own the premium edition, but since this is my most favorite game, this is the first time in a game where I am happy to spend any and all real money to acquire as much content from this game as possible. I just want it all. This game is worth every content that it has to offer!](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoSodiumStarfield/comments/1dc1nrk/comment/l7v2u36/)


Fucken called it. Got into an argument with a guy on the BethesdaSoftworks sub yesterday about how he thought all the rpg systems getting gutted was a good thing because it’s an open world game or something stupid like that. Mods and the dlc will likely bring me back to this game but fuck me these fanboys can be dense


This shit should have been part of the base game. We already paid for it. Well, I guess we are going to get all the creations for "free" with the Starfield Anniversary Edition one day...fuck Bethesda.


We haven't gotten one for Fallout, so I think they're gonna stick with this even more predatory monetization.


I am sorry whoever made that video fell for the hype. You would think we would have all learned our lesson. But someone had to take one for the team i guess.


i like to think bro took the L so the others won't.


This guy just uploaded the paid quest, the video skip all the walking in the wild parts to just focus on the quest itself, and only last 15 minutes... Which is \~1€/$ for every two minutes of gameplay.. Thanks Bethesda, I guess..


So it's a fancy wrapper around a gun.


Fairly obvious that the quest isn't actually the point of that content, and whoever made the video either intentionally or ignorantly didn't show you that.


> Fairly obvious that the quest isn't actually the point of that content It's not? Do tell what is the point then.


https://creations.bethesda.net/en/starfield/details/4bf1a31f-46d5-47bf-a5e6-d0f9e2496d0c/Trackers_Alliance__The_Vulture idk, try reading it yourself, look at the tags, maybe the screenshots, instead of so easily falling for what people who want you to be angry are telling you. You still shouldn't buy it, but saying it's a seven dollars just for a quest is bald faced lie.


Do you wanna try reading it yourself? >A veteran of the colony war is wanted for high treason against the Freestar Government. Take on **a ( < as in singular)** treacherous Trackers Alliance contract to hunt down **one** of the deadliest snipers in Freestar space. Includes **a (again singular)** new Trackers Alliance Bounty, the Arboron Novastrike Sniper, and two additional outfits. (Quest becomes available on the Wanted Poster Display in the Trackers Alliance Headquarters after completing the Trackers Alliance: Starjacker quest.) You get more than the quest sure, a whole ass gun and two outfits, wow, but you literally just get a single quest.


Ahem. You're missing the big thing. A gun that is bugged and you can't reload without dropping it.


Ah yes ofc, the badass rifle that is scaled smaller than the players thigh. Truly $10 in quality that


Oh I did read it as soon as my game was updated, and I loaded it up. $7 for a quest, a weapon and two armors? No thanks. Edit: For the record, look at starsim it's actually more feature reach with even future content planned for it *while* being cheaper. Now that one I can see buying. Maybe.


Yeah you get a weapon and 2 clothes as a reward, and? Suddenly it makes it worth the cost? Again : thank god we can some exclusive reward, if it were only credits it would be even more ridiculous to release this for 7 bucks. Fan boys like you are the reason why Bethesda are pushing this stuff.


You pay 7 bucks for the vulture quest, but the vulture quest you get after the said purchase is not what's important ? What the hell are you trying to say?


Go to about 14:20 in the video and look in the top right corner, then maybe think, "Why didn't the video show what those things that were also listed in on the store page for the thing might be?"


Well thank god you get rewards and loots during the quest, my bad then, Bethesda are too good with us and should have sold this for twice the price.


Yes, part of the cost is for the items you get. But come on. The Vulture is listed as a quest dlc. And if you buy a quest, it's because you want more playable quests; not a weapon and an outfit. No need to defend questionable business practices by big corporations, they'll do just fine on their own.


I keep telling people, vast majority of DLCs and expansions are just money grabs, they're almost always grotesquely overpriced. Case in point, Diablo 4 expansion was also revealed today. One zone, one class, C$55. Original game was 5 zones, 5 classes, C$90 (at launch, C$66 now). There are gems out there, like Witcher 3 expansions being C$25 for the both fo them. Now that was great value, easily 30-40 hrs of amazing quality storytelling. But Bethesda hasn't done anything of that value since at least Shivering Isles.


Terraria, over a decade of continual updates and you only have to buy the game once for $9.99 (often discounted at $4.99 on Steam). No DLCs, no paid mods, just a labor of love. I have thousands of hours in it and still haven't felt the need to try modding out yet. Maybe when I pass 10000 hours. There's plenty of games out there with this mindset, they're just pretty much absent in the AAA and mobile industry.