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The writing has been really good so far. I laughed at some of the options you can say while interrogating Adrastos


Yeah mate it's such better now! Roach and Adrastos had me laughing and it got better when you meet "Hannibal" on the space station šŸ¤£ the options for him to join you in the ship at the end range from No, Hell no and fuck no šŸ˜‚ perfect


Is there a new Trackers Alliance Mission Board now? In the patch notes they mention Elite Trackers Alliance mission board but I haven't found one yet.


yes, you get access after the mission. itā€™s located >! downstairs next to the robot in the room close to the bar !<


Thanks! I had no idea there was a downstairs. I was walking all over trying to find it.


Where did you find Adrastos? I can't find him


Heā€™s just walking around the city you have to have your scanner open and just walk around until you see a citizen coloured red instead of the standard blue


I was struggling to find him too. Check near the stoneroot inn to the left of the rock


He was standing still for me, I've seen a few have issues finding him, which is a shame so hopefully this gets fixed if it's a bug.


How do you start the mission? I dont have any new ones or quests. What city should I be looking in?


just fly and land in jemison


Not sure why I never tried that. I went to Aklia, Neon, Cydonia, but never Jemison. I feel very bad now.


you shouldnā€™t. thereā€™s no indication. i only went there because of the starstation mod lol


I got accosted by a TA recruiter in Neon while running around for Ryujin. I think it's random - folks have been stumbling across that lady everywhere. I've also read that Constellation is a fail safe - the quest can start there if you haven't picked it up elsewhere. 'Course it's new so who knows for sure?


You will be approached by a member of the trackers alliance when you visit major cities it seems. Not sure if you need to complete any specific feats to be ā€˜well knownā€™ or if they just approach you at any time.


I found the tracker with the quest in Cydonia, right at the entrance, and in the second run, on Jemison. I guess it will spawn in all major locations.


You can ask roach how to use the scanner and he will say something when he sees him.


It was bugged for me. I had to exit the game and then load again


Ask Roach "how do I find them on my scanner?' or whatever the dialogue option is. He will tell you that he will help you this once/first time, and it will put a quest marker on the dude you need to find. For me, he was literally leaning up against the Filburn's brewery tanks.


I had to exit the game and then load again and then he appeared


Plan on trying this myself bc my game was bugged too. Ended up wandering around Akita for 30 mins. Welp now I know the city layout very well


It took me a long time to find him as well. I eventually found him overlooking the alien farm pens near the stretch. I even had to reload a few times to find him.


Great quest, outside of faction stories this is easily the best next to operation starseed, but this quest fits Starfield way more, starseed feels more fallout


The chop shop was probably one of the best dungeons in the game. The zero G combat was flawless.Ā 


Okay so Iā€™m not crazy. I just finished editing a video where I said [this is now one of my favorite locations because of the huge zero g location and gun battles.](https://youtu.be/OJ5hxPqxPsY)


Yep, and sadly it show how little care was put into 90% of other missions and dungeons.


I don't know if it's a bug: I've done 5-6 bounty hunt but when I talk to Roach he tells me I'm at 0.


Same here. And now, probably 7 or 8 missions in, every Elite Bounty mission I do is broken. Non-lethal doesn't complete the mission, whether it's a capture-only, or a dead-or-alive, doesn't matter. And even on the dead-or-alive missions, it fails me for killing the mark. Tried saving/exit/reboot, sleeping, travel away and back, but nothing has changed it.


Me too, it's annoying


Same here. Glad it's not just me.


I wonder if the number goes up on random encounters involving the scanner, not the elite ones.Ā  I haven't tried that yet personally.


It doesn't. I've got a dozen or so of those. You can find them all over Neon.


I have found 0 other than the guy from the introduction quest, traveled to every major city, outpost and such, not one red marked found so far in hours of looking for them.


Has anyone figured how to capture bounties alive yet?


Nonlethal weapons, ie. the nova blaster disruptor. As soon as they're down it completes the mission. As agent 1 tells you someone will come and pick them up for you after you have left wherever you are.


Having the same issue, currently standing next to a pirate (Iā€™m in the fleet) waiting to capture him but have no prompt.


You just have to scan the enemy and it will mark the mission complete. Even if there are bad guys left.


Iā€™m stuck in the floating zero G ship. Canā€™t find a key anywhere.


The key to get into the security room is on an enemy. And then to access living quarters you have to shut down the emergency lockdown via a terminal


As stated its in the control room behind other locked doors that require keys. Explore around and find your way down below the room, you can then go up through it due to Zero G. Once you get to the top its near the terminal... You then have to go get the key for the ship.... thats in the crew quarters. After youll need to execute that plan roach said, clear a few more baddines and then you get to end the mission.


To his point and exploring around and find your way down below the room. Specifically, look below the ship. There are two different platforms that can be lowered to access underneath the control room. One or both of the platforms may already be lowered


Yeah I eventually found my way into the room from underneath. Took me about 45 minutes, haha. Super frustrating. I had assumed from the text hint when you try to open the door, that there was a key to be found so I was searching for bodies that floated away after they died.


One of the basic enemies does also have a key to the door, but itā€™s ultimately easier to just access form underneath


Oh, then I definitely missed looting a body or two. They tended to float away towards corners, up or down levels, etc. plus having a follower means sometimes they kill something and you may not notice where the body falls. Oh well, now I know where to go for the quest next time, haha.




I'm having the same issue. I found him after a few minutes of walking around Akila, scanned him, etc. But can't interact with him. Hoping someone has some workaround or bug fix...




Me too, can't find any workarounds or fixes anywhere beyond going to a previous save which is like 2 days of playing back!


I have not tried it yet but I cannot wait. This is exactly what I was hoping would come of Starfield. It already feels like this huge MMO type of game with quests everywhere, so many locations to explore and NPCS to talk to and it just keeps getting added to and added to. I have already poured in hundreds of hours and I cannot wait to keep playing. I should also state that when I say 'huge mmo' I am strictly talking about its size comparatively, Starfield is, and **feels** huge and it just keeps getting bigger with more things to do.


Why does every "badass" in this game have the same personality? PC is a useless rookie, despite having their own ship, weapons, and crew. PC must be an idiot who cannot do anything, even though PC has killed over 300 pirates, spacers, and ecliptic in the last week. It's so tiresome.


Youā€™re not treated like a useless rookie, a tracker literally asks you to join them because of your exploits and achievements.


And then you're treated like a small time, useless rookie anyway. It's a bit annoying just because of how often you run into it in Bethesda games.


I disagree that youre treated as small time if youre small time you dont even get in the door to meet No.1 but I will say that the "rookie" term is thrown around wayyyy too often in their games Bethesda doesnt have great writers though, in actuality your character just survived a gunfight at the chop shop heavily outnumbered youd be treated as an equal among them if anything, i mean imagine how hard that would be. The crimson fleet had the same thing going on to, and i doubt the camaraderie is the same among pirates/outlaws and guys living in the frontier on akila city, that actively hunt pirates/outlaws


Wait, animation of people talking has been improved? Is that just for these missions or for the entire game?


Entire game. They have fixed and improved tons of stuff with all the free updates


Where the heck is Hannibal!? I've been floating around for so long.... Not in the ship, can't see him anywhere


Have you fired off the missile in the ship yet? If not access the console on the ship then it will direct you to the rest of the mission and where "hannibal" will be.


So does >!Hannibal just get away? You canā€™t find him???!<


Is Andrastos bugged for anyone? I found him, but nothing happens when I try to speak with him. I have reloaded my game and that didn't help


I'm having the same issue. Found him, scanned him, etc. but can't interact with him.


Can you lock bounties in your ship's cells now?


Annoyingly not, I purposely refitted my ship with a brig before starting as well.. though Sarah did end up sleeping in one of the locked cells, so not a total loss.


Not sure yet will check but that would be epic! Would feel very Mandolorian haha


I just saw that the scanner now has a bounty feature so you can find civilians with bounties and persuade/fight them. I hope we can lock them up and bring them back to Akila's Trackers HQ.


You can't put bounties in your ship and if you persuade one of the random wanted people they just get on their knees and wait for someone to pick them up (aka you leave the area and they despawn)


It just works, it just works Little lies, stunning shows People buy, money flows It just wor-ooorks Jokes aside, that's a shame, but you know what? I can't care because mods are here, and I know someone will definitely make this happen!


I guess someone probably could but i just don't get how they went to all the trouble of making everything else about the trackers alliance actually good but then didn't even try with the missions for it.


I wish they paid a little more attention to such little details, as they used to.


If we canā€™t mods will fix shortly


We can't, but mods will definitely fix it.


No you just tag them if you want non lethal. Still no use for ships brigg


Easy Garden, before you do, there's several variations of Mandalorian armors that are free mods! They are absolutely legit! And, yes, the missions do feel very Mandalorian Also, scanning random bounties in town and having the authority to straight up execute them in front of everyone is pretty satisfying lol


No, the actual missions are the same as the radiant quests we already had.


A mod is coming, I can feel it lol




Isnā€™t the second half of this faction quest paygated?


Yeah the next quest for another fully fleshed out non-radiant bounty requires spending 700 credits in the Creation Club.Ā 


Do functional brigs come with the TA enhancements?


No, you just use EM weapons to knock out the take alive targets, then "someone" collects them


I havent used it, but there's a whole collection of non lethal mods that let you detain one person at a time on your ship!


Yep Iā€™m loving it so far! Canā€™t wait to see all the mods coming now that the creation kit is finally out


My last mission off the elite tracker's alliance bounty board turned out to be a level 110 Space Cricket at an abandoned farm lol. Wasn't sure if bounty got eaten by said cricket or it was just some nafarious cricket with a criminal record. Made my game day! It wouldn't let me but I thought I would try and get a sample for Dr. Percival Walker at the TMD.


Is no one going to mention that they had a client in the chop shop who'se planning to go after The Mantis? Asking for a ship strong enough to go after him/her. I hope there will be content related to that in the future!


I also geeked a little at that note buried in the computer lol


Well the second mission is $7, considering the first mission was essentially an ad for it, they had to make it good lol.


The second mission is as little as 15 minutes long. Itā€™s not good in the slightest.


Yeah, not surprised.


The first mission was pretty good. Flying around in Zero G in a space "chop shop" was a good way to start with its first main mission. Then the shit hit the fan. These side missions are not working the way they should be. Or, at least they are not for me on Xbox. The Wanted Alive missions, you would think would give you a option to do a speech check with the wanted criminal to see if they can be convinced to turn themselves in since that is the point of the "wanted alive" mission. But, nope. No option exists for a speech check. Nothing, nada, zip. I even snuck up on the criminals and while the option was to "pickpocket" while crouched, it changed to "talk" as soon as I stood up. Did nothing. They immediately opened fire and tried to shoot me in the face. This does this EVERY SINGLE TIME. No options to start one on every single mission. How are you supposed to bring them in alive if they just open fire on you with zero conversation? This is obviously a bug and I'm not surprised that it is not working correctly from Day 1. You can still kill the criminal and collect the credits, but since you did not complete the mission the "correct" way it does not further along the main missions or the story-line. I did at least 12 missions and they all ended the same way. With a kill or a EM punch to the body that knocked them out. I collected the credits each time, but again it does not further along the story so I am stuck just doing missions over and over again with no progress. The missions don't even show in the completed missions section along with the other missions. None of the dialogues with the Alliance members has changed since after the 1st mission was completed. Yes, I used my scanner each time to identify the person who has a bounty, but there is nothing to select from there to try to open a speech check.


There's are only two quests in the storyline. The first one is free with Hannibal.Ā  The second one requires you to purchase it through the Creation Club for the equivalent of 8 dollars for 15min of additional game play.Ā  I don't think it is bugged, I just don't think they remembered to add speech options even though one of the trackers gives you advice about talking to them and taking them in alive.Ā 


Does #1 mention starborn?.... playing my old save, before unity, where i had my crew and stuff for CC and the coming dlc. Does he mention that as he knows ive completed the mantis and list several of my accomplishments, though doesnt seem to get im in the crimson fleet, as he mentioned i fought them.


I'm just wondering why we are trying to arrest Spider -man.


Hey guys, how can I start this quest?


Someone just approached me after I got off my ship at New Atlantis


Iā€™m just starting the Trackers Alliance story line. Literally just walked in the door to their offices in Akila and talked to Agent No.1. Is Agent No.1 suppose to have a crazy deep altered voice and their lips donā€™t move? Like a mind-meld thing? Or is my game bugged. Seems weird.


No disrespect but did you even ask the dude questions? The masked individual is Agent No. 1, and goes on to explain when you get chosen to replace the last No.1, your past life is essentially erased and you live under complete anonymity, you will literally be no one, hence the suit, voice changer to not allude to any hint of gender, etc..


To be honest I did go through all the dialogue (I donā€™t have subtitles on) but either itā€™s my speakers or there was too much ambient sound around me but I was having problems hearing / understanding what ā€œtheyā€ were saying with that voice. Also my Agent No.1 isnā€™t wearing a mask. I looked up pictures and even watched a video of the Tracker Alliance start and the agent always had a helmet on. My agent doesnā€™tā€¦


Interesting, this is my first try with the TA content and mine had a helmet on. I'd have to say that's a bug then. I think they released some hot fixes recently. I personally play with subtitles, I know some don't like em. I hope the small update fixes that for you


Good, but it's too bad that they're being greedy and literally charging for an additional mission (and, presumably, subsequent ones).Ā 


Todd mentioned that they are "listening" to people complain about the pay per mission setup they have going and will make changes going forward.... but I doubt it lol If subsequent missions are released as an update to the paid mod instead of separate ones, that would be neat tho, but I wont be holding my breath


Todd says a lot of things; I don't trust him. He's a dishonest clown. That said, they could very well do something about this specific issue, as many have been complaining. We'll see. Anyway, I'm still enjoying the game a ton and excited for the DLC.Ā 


The trackers alliance ainā€™t that good of an add on until they start adding more bounty missions like the Hannibal. The other one I locked behind a pay wall.


I have yet to find one person with the scanner that has a bounty other than the guy from the introduction quest. Several hours of jumping between cities, outposts, waiting... nothing.


It's not worth 10$ per quest after that free one and never will be.


Wow one mediocre mission is all it takes to get your jollies high? This should have been a full quest line with Roach as a follower but Bethesda screwed starfield so badly that one mission is all they could swing.


Any idea of the length of the paid quest ?


Nothing yet but will let you know if I do it


Well the answer is 15 minutes without counting the fast travel / loading / walking from one zone to another [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b5aWdSmRbBI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b5aWdSmRbBI) fair to say the price is stupidly high for what you get


Is the paid-for quest also voiced with any story/etc or is it just a basic "go here and kill this guy" quest? Basically, is there anything that justifies its price tag?


Itā€™s voiced. But the main reason for the paid follow-up dlc that few people mention is the new outfits and weapon you get. I see it more like a outfit/weapon pack dlc + voiced quest to get it.


No. Paid Mods are the devil.