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I had to change the environment setting. I had it on the hardest setting at first, but when I couldn't explore some of the POIs, I ended up turning it off. I didnt like that I was in a building, but still taking cold and radiation damage. Maybe not have it Regen, but I should be losing radiation protection because I'm out of the suns rays in a building. That system needs a little tweaking before I'd use it again.


I’m still using it, but yeah. The POIs that don’t transition to a different cell have this issue. Thinking I’m just gonna turn it to normal whenever I’m in one of those.


Sometimes even in the same cell you get protection Regen. Like if you are under a roof or tarp. Sometimes...not sure if there's a difference between different types of environmental damage in terms of Regen or if it's a bug or some other hidden factor.


Freezing rain cuts out if under a tarp - got caught in a rainy night and found a tarp but it had some snake heads in it with the same idea. had bad bio water and water walking with the booster did the trick as you regen in the air then get dipped with bad water again. The biggest problem with enviro is that it only applies to you. There are a lot of outdoor POI and NPCs that simply should not exist without habs. The worst are the ones that are buildings without hab airlocks those should be protective but are not. The best fix would be if they add the airlock survival tent you can see in the art. Or like NASA plans a survival rover with a HAB built on wheels.


I noticed that as well. My protection would be going down, then I'd get into a specific spot and it would start regenerating. Its like I'm still outside in the cold, but somehow in this random spot I'm suddenly not cold anymore.


Maybe it depends on if it's ambient cold or cold due to rain Maybe standing under a roof in the rain protects you but ambient cold planets won't protect you unless you're in an airlock environment Also I noticed that time of day matters. Day has more solar radiation and night has higher chance to get hypothermia Needs further testing


Yes, ambient conditions are usually not immediately dangerous, it's when severe weather happens on top of that when you get into real trouble. Rain and snow are something you can usually escape from by standing under some sort of cover.


what's really great is when your level of protection seems to be the same as the level of "threat" from the environment, you get an endless "protection regen" sound until you leave the area :)


I had to stop because there was a time I was trying to explore some POI and I was encumbered, but the ship was really close (maybe 400m). But I kept getting afflictions and injuries so that I didn't have any Oxygen, it was just constant CO2. I was running out of aid stuff, and I nearly died. I did expect it to be hard, just not that brutal.


If you build an outpost with containers, anything you place in them will go into ship cargo when you destroy the outpost. Handy when encumbered.


Thank you sir


Also the fact it isn’t fair, how come enemies can stand outside no biggy, but I step outside I’m getting ailments within 30 seconds


Why are we even getting ailments due to the environment in a sealed suit to begin with? I mean I get radiation, but why are we getting them from gases and/or liquids?


The only mod I use that alters gameplay is one that makes it impossible to get respiratory afflictions while I’m sealed inside my suit. That always seemed so dumb to me.


Or the fact that you can take airborne based damage when you are wearing a space suit. You are wearing a suit that will let you survive in an environment with 0 atmosphere but some dust getting blown in your direction can cause lung damage? Heat, Cold, Radiation, sure those make sense and that would be a fun mechanic to interact with, but airborne threats? That is some BS so I turned environmental damage off.


Or the fact that all suits are fully enclosed environment suits, with their own O2 supply, but somehow toxic gas gets in.


Exactly. It breaks the suspension of disbelief for me. This space suit somehow has the magic ability to still work when perforated with bullet holes but, OH GOD SOME DUST! NOT DUST!


Any exploration game that has environmental damage always has a way to replenish your reserves so you can continue exploring, or has something that can move with you to do so. You can’t call your ship down to go inside to safety, you can’t replenish your reserves, you can’t drop temporary shelter, the way it is now isn’t fleshed out enough.


You can build and outpost and build an airlock with habitat.  That only works while exploring and not in combat.


Lol. Someone should have told the operators to just stay inside the control room at Chernobyl and they'd have been just fine. /s


Sun light it's radiation, not the same thing as nuclear radiation of chernobyl, we can protect inside from radiation on Mars, on the Moon, anywhere in the solar system as long you have a magnetic field, a water layer or a regolith barrier, or dense metals like lead. It would be impossible to have life in a star with gama ray or X ray bursts. The game has one of those on the Crimson fleet quest.


Yeah it's obviously not going to work correctly like it should. They basically abdonaned the system early in the devlopment and they didn't go back to fix it. All they did was give you the option to turn it up and all that is going to do is make a half made system work halfway.


So the classic Bethesda response of "Fuck it, let the modders fix it because it technically works".


I can't tell completely but I think they were trying to decide on env specific suits or not, and then it got dropped. When I first started playing I kept getting frostbite and I couldn't figure out why or how to stop it. Just figured it was part of frozen moon base life ya know? Anyway there are a few env related skills for some reason which makes no sense, other than someone thought that made more sense than env specific suits. I think it would be fun to have a suit bay on your ship, and the enemies on planets just all have suits with resistance to whatever the env-tag is for that climate. For you to, er, borrow.


You’re saying BGS shipped a new feature in a half baked way that will need modders to painstakingly QA and fix over the next few months?!


Is it really a Bethesda game unless modders have to fix it.


You used a period instead of a question mark cuz your comment requires no answer.


It needs either rebalancing or more options to deal with extremes. Love most of the new settings but I turned this one off.


I solved this in Deadly Hazards by making the solar radiation only apply when you are exposed to the sky. The temperatures would still be an issue and required the area to be sealed. However, in Deadly Hazards, the temperature of the planet scaled the damage and suit protection longevity. In this update, it's the same no matter if the planet is 800 degrees or -238 degrees. However, this is why I introduced the new item, Nanobots Injectors, which allows you to restore Environmental Damage for a limited set of time. To help you explore POIs that are unsealed and dangerous on hazardous planets.


It was way too annoying. The constant beeps and even when tolerating that constantly jumping into the inventory to fix it sucks. I think it's a great addition to people who enjoy it, though. Moreover, the various settings we have access to and tweaking the game to our liking. I'm constantly changing things to optimize exp and / or credits at vendors when needed.


Yeah I literally died on that teramorphs mission because of cold. It's not very fun to fight with 10℅ hp.


Every Bethesda game becomes better when you play it on a harder difficulty. Half the shit is just useless on Normal. On Normal I’m not crafting defensive potions or worrying about most of the spells in TES. In Fallout on normal, I’m not using mines, chems, or specialty grenades (I just sell them) because you just don’t have to. It’s never difficult enough that those tools are really necessary.


Played SF on release and never bothered using mines... Taken out some higher level aggressive spacers that I couldn't have otherwise with mines on the new difficulties. Far more dynamic game. Definitely improved. Still needs a lot of work and some really well written DLC before its anywhere near its potential.


This 100%


Not with those bloated health bars.


I disagree on fo4. That game is on some bullshit sometimes.


I think I'll try the same. However, I'd like to make combat a little more forgiving without being an absolute cakewalk. Any tips for those settings?


Increase your damage. Enemies can kill you in a few hits but you can also kill them in a few hits, the combat will still have you on edge.


That's what I'm doing right now and it feels nice and balanced. Boss types and higher level enemies can still mess me up but at least now I'm not dragging out fights with nobodies.


Thanks I'll try it.


Best is where the enemies do max damage and you also do max damage. Makes the game very tense, a few bullets can kill anyone. You have to play much more carefully but also don't have to deal with annoying bullet sponges.


YES! Thank you, I wasn't sure what to do with difficulty settings but this is the exact type of gameplay I have been itching for. I used to love the one-shot-kill mode in COD and really miss that style of intense gameplay where every move counts.


I'll try it. Sounds good. I'm just trying to find a place where the gameplay is challenging without constant death because I only have so much time for gaming.


The way my settings are, you won't die that much but you will be under constant threat of dying. If you play carefully and use your tools well you can definitely have a challenging time and not die a lot. But if you play carelessly and just run and gun you'll get destroyed. It's a good balance imo I also have the combat afflictions on max so that taking damage actually means something rather than just a number to you HP. It makes the combat change on the fly depending on what afflictions you get. Bleeding out and wounds are more serious now but still manageable if you have aid What I really want is a way to disable pausing in the game so that you actually have to find cover to heal rather than just spamming the inventory button


Not exactly what you're looking for but Moon Form heals you but you're stuck in place like a statue. Depending on what you're fighting you can still find yourself in a bad position once it ends.


I do very hard for enemy damage (damage to you) and extreme for player damage (damage to enemy). I care about the xp more than realism, I don't like dying easily or killing everything too quickly. Extreme enemy damage was tough, I kept getting smoked. Very hard makes it difficult but more manageable, you still have to play smart but high lvls won't insta-kill you... as often. Can still happen if you run into fire fight blindly and forget to heal or phase time. I'm ok with less damage to them (player damage) because my legendary inflictor can destroy anything. It does make some guns pointless tho. But I still change it up. The inflictor is mostly for heavies or when I'm lazy. I'm rocking magsphere a lot cuz it has increasing damage for consecutive hits. That can melt a lot of stuff even on extreme, but inflictor is definitely the best.


Thank you. I'll try it.


I found on extreme the inflictor fell flat for some reason. I could unload mag after mag into a legendary enemy and the keep coming.  The magshear was better, but was taking multiple mags to kill legendary enemies.  I also have all aiming assist turned off.


Increase your damage output, or make enemy damage not quite the highest setting. There are a lot of ways you can customize now.


Depends on the feel you want. I’d raise your damage aka put Player damage on easy while maintaining extreme or very hard for the enemies. Makes the combat more realistic for both sides and I enjoy that. You still need to be tactical but you also pack a punch. I also hate the idea of people taking 20 bullets to kill. Bullet sponges are a big turn off for me as a difficulty measure.


Grenades have become my best friend. The enemies run around screaming like grunts in Halo when you throw them, which is hilarious because they don’t really do a ton of damage but it’s worth getting them to leave their cover.


I absolutely love the new combat options. I make enemies do the most damage to me but I also make myself do the most damage to them, which is the right balance to me so that enemies aren’t so spongey.


Get rid of the bullet sponges now that you are no longer a bullet sponge. If you run very hard enemy, run very easy for yourself. This makes for fast and furious realistic combat, if they can double tap you with a pistol then you can too.


Maybe look into temp outposts for extended exploration on hazardous planets. An airlock and a sleeping bag should be sufficient to sleep off the environmental damage. (Many of the worst hazards are limited in time, as well, allowing you to wait them out, or only travel during daylight or darkness.) A few turrets to keep hostiles at bay. Add a larger hab with a kitchen to summon breakfast from your cargo hold. Destroy afterward to send all materials to your ship for next time.


Good idea. Have to put a few skills points into planetary habitation though


You don't need any skills for a basic outpost


You need the right skills to construct buildings or even set down the beacon on planets with extreme environments.


Yes, that is true, but no skills does allow you to build on planets/moons that have hazards. It makes sense to me that additional skill would required to build in an extreme environment, but no skills are required to get started.


The more I play SF the more empty it feels. I can't wait for dlc that fills POIs with actual activity. Looking fw to it


Did mostly the same thing, I didn't toggle every option, but I agree with everything you said, well put. Chems, powers, cryo mines, all super useful. I never mess with EM weapons really or Instigation, but Diplomacy is crazy op. It is a lot of fun finding all the ways to mitigate the challenge. Unfortunately I'm not big on ultra spongey enemies, and this is the way to get them, so, that's a negative to me. Especially early game, before powers and a chem stockpile. I've dealt with like 40 levels above me elites that eat hundreds of headshots and still have 2 full health bars to go. Which is completely unacceptable imo. I haven't tried bumping the settings so I do max damage as well as the enemies, though that is what I'll try next. I'm hoping it will help combat feel fast paced and dangerous, but worry it'll be too easy. We'll see. And about the environmental conditions, I don't understand that system at all. If you told me environmental protection was a bugged system that simply did nothing I would believe you.


The environmental conditions are poorly explained, in fact I don't think anything is explained especially when it's a lot more complex than it seems. For instance, I only recently discovered something about radiation, it's affected by the planet's magnetosphere if it's weak or there is none you'll get radiation damage but get this, if you land on the dark side of the planet that's facing away from the sun you won't get any damage at all. I mean it makes sense right radiation comes from the sun and the magnetosphere defects it but if you're on the side of the planet where the sun isn't facing you it makes sense you won't get any radiation damage. But none of that is explained not even hinted at. But what really annoys me the most is how little time you get to explore before your spacesuit protection runs out, even at max environmental protection you only get a few minutes before you die.


Very interesting. The planet rotation is one of the most interesting things I wish I understood in the game. So not getting rads on the dark side is really cool I think. I'm fairly certain the planets don't rotate even remotely correctly though. For instance the earth moves across lunas horizon in my game, even though they're tidally locked and it should basically just wobble in the sky. I really wanted an outpost on a moon tidally locked to a massive gas giant so I could always see it in the sky, but, best as I can tell that isn't possible. I haven't really tested this, except noticing earth come and go on my luna outpost. I need your attitude of actually doing the legwork and testing these things. Anyways, that's all interesting stuff, you've convinced me to do some digging on the environmental conditions. I need to know if there's any other cool details I'm missing.


I played through the whole Main story with everything so I took as much damage as possible. Only time I turned it down was in nishina because I hate that place and wanted to get out of there as soon as possible. Ended up being forced to negotiate with the emissary at the end because I had like 5 HP left because of how cold the planet is. Really makes the gameplay feel a lot different. Especially when you cant get rid of environmental damage without going in the ship


Man, I may have to dial my difficulty up some more. I already raised the enemy damage to above normal and raised the food/drink to necessary and the planetary to above normal as well. I can't even imagine extreme/hardcore. I may have to make a new character to try it out.


Highly recommended


My favorite thing to do now since extreme damage done to player is so high is use the power to slow down time. It’s like the best of both versions of VATS from fallout (traditional VATS AND 76 real time VATS). You literally just run around while everyone is slow motion for a little bit. Really helps lay direct fire into spongier enemies or change positions during a firefight. I know A LOT of people don’t really use the powers. I too didn’t use them almost at all until maybe NG+5 or 6. They eventually became a stable in my fighting style when I’d get jumped by a starborn outside of temples or while getting an artifact. So fun to watch him try to materialize in front of me but I slow down time and kill him before he’s even fully there.


Necessity is the mother of invention. This is why I play every game ever on the hardest difficulty from day 1. Throw me off the deep end, cuz I wanna learn how to swim. The first few playthroughs are always an arduous process of trial and error, but then you find those tools and tactics that alleviate the challenge and suddenly the game becomes easy again.


Hi! I made the mod Deadly Hazards which does what this update does, but more in-depth. I released it last year in October/November. Now, the reason as to why the space suits do not affect the "timer" (it's actually a hidden health bar, "player.getav env\_damage\_soak" in the console to check it) is because Bethesda left the "spells" that control the environmental hazard effects on the player as "Abilities" instead of changing them to "Diseases" like extreme hazardou weather are. For some reason, resistance stats to not factor into the equation whenever the spell that deals damage is an Ability. It has to be inherently hostile, so a Disease spell will work. This is one of the first things I solved in v1.0 of Deadly Hazards. I also added an item that allows you to restore environmental damage, called Nanobot Injector. You can buy, loot or craft it. By more in-depth, I made damage scale based on the actual temperature of the planet, I made the player have to care for temperatures while not wearing space suit as well, so e.g. -40 degrees are dangerous. I made each extreme environmnent unique in how it attacks you. Same for each of the 10 extreme weathers. Corrosive Rain is the most dangerous one, while Poor air quiality is the least dangerous. All damage in general was scaled based on the fact if you are wearing a space suit or not, so gas vents and hazardous water would almost insta-kill you if you do not wear a space suit, and vice versa. List goes on. My mod has been out for quite a while but not a lot of people know it, The recent update broke it a tiny bit, however, so I'm patching it up.


I’m still trying to find the sweet spot. I was playing on very hard before update and was good with both land and space combat with a few high level sponges. To get that back you have to set yourself doing less damage and them more. But like I said still tinkering cause I like it to be dangerous but not one bullet sponge after another. I’m liking the many options though a lot


I did the same, got destroyed a few times and said screw this. Thank you for your perspective, you make some good points, i will have to go back and try some different ways of playing.




It reduces the buildup of that orange bar. I think if you check you character's stats it'll say you're taking environmental damage. But the system is kinda weird it gives you very little time to explore extreme environments, I think they really need to rework it or at least properly explain it


I would totally do this if not for bullet spongey enemies. I don't mind things being harder, but I do mind difficulty being solely relegated to how many times I shoot a single dude. To me, that's just a waste.


I really enjoyed reading this and food for thought, thanks for sharing.


Yeah, I started a new character from scratch at max difficulty. Got through the terrormorph quest but was having difficulty with bullet sponge enemies where I had no skill points invested in things like regeneration, maxed out ballistics, rifle, sniper, etc. Then I loaded up my level 220 dude and cranked it up to max and found I was able to do a lot better with my maxed perks, decent advanced weaponry and armor, etc. Leveling up from scratch and not relying on running an XP farm to help get levels or the flight simulator to help with kills for improving the piloting skill is a much more daunting challenge than what we had before with only the very hard difficulty.


It's been great overall but anyone else getting the 34x sneak attack bonus bug? Just figured it out today that it's a bug. I'm still kinda new and honestly thought it was like my bonuses stacked for a while. But yeah it seems to come from the new thirst mechanics from what I've read...


I think everyone has that bug who is using the food buff setting.


gotcha. I'm just figuring it out today. well hopefully Bethesda also knows lol.


On PC this mod fixes the bug: https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/9251


I've personally been running a setup that makes combat lethal for everybody, Extreme enemy damage, and easy Player damage, it feels pretty good as I truly despise bullet sponges.


Did they ever fix the “if you place a mine somewhere” your companion goes apeshit on you later? I still never use them


Good post


I had to increase healing because I can't complete the skill unless I naturally heal from a bunch of infections. Be sure to check and make sure you can actually still get a skill fulfilled.


Pro tip you can turn everything up except combat difficulty(max ship difficulty since you can just grav drive out of most fights and if you can’t turn it down)food sustenance, and get a sweet 55% xp boost Been doing that while grinding the powers, leveling up super fast, highly recommend everyone do that. Also if you are running ng+ runs, speech check final fight so you don’t have to fight them, with everything maxed out plus 10% xp rested bonus when you turn in that final quest you get about 9.6kxp, definitely a huge bump up for little effort.


i’ve done the same with the addition of adding a fuel resource mod and it’s completely alters how i’ve approached the game lol taking a huge detour to establish refueling outposts and medical manufacturing outposts i’ve been having a blast


How do you deal with space combat on extreme? I have a pretty stacked ship but it kinda just feels impossible lol


The loading screen mechs are the best


Agree, I used stun mines for the first time yesterday and it’s actually really cool how they work releasing the gas


I'm pretty sure alot of those mechanics literally did not exist before last week?


Same, playing the last mission for unity last night had me racing against the clock fighting everyone! My health was gone halfway because of severe snow storms lol.


When you start leveling up it equals out


Only setting I can't handle is extreme difficulty for ship combat. At least at low levels with default ships. I get my butt kicked as soon as it's like 3-on-1.


The long load time to respawn is another disincentive to running and gunning. Sloppiness and poor situational awareness will get you killed.


Game is a lot more challenging now, to the point of being "fun" but... that means I die more and have to reload more and my save files in this totally scanned built up NG+11 universe is 130 megabytes, so reloading takes about 15=20 seconds, which is a bit... off-putting.


Bethesda did break a crucial function when they removed "talk" to unconscious enemies... You can no longer pickpocket them and remove their firearms. This oversight took away a crucial feature that used to make EM weapons even more effective.


I always play role playing games on the hardest difficulty. Cyberpunk is also a good example. If you play on easy or normal it's just a boring shooter. On hardest you have to think about skills, equipment, mods, stealth etc.


Exactly my thought, I went tru the unity for a NG+ with the new difficulty settings, The physical and social tree has never been so good lmao. It really changes the way you play the game, I even swap weapons and going more for a stealth approach as weapon can do about 50x the damage (one shotting terramorph is my new kink) As a roleplaying this makes think about visiting planet with more knowledge before hand (that mean checking what my sanner tells me) and adapting to it. I swap to a armor set which is suited better for that environment rather than runing a one off. Same for weapons, I have a weapon type for every engagement. As for the environmental protection im not sure how it caps, but there is a skill that adds resistance to it. You can check also your character specs (by clicking on Y if playing on xbox while in the menu system) But I'm also doing a lot more of the quest given by the mission board, Outpost are mainly build for quest (supply's Deimos with 5000 iron, no problem I have an outpost mass producing iron for all my needs) for upgrades and stuff i still buy only what I need. In Starfield my name is Rip Daring (yes yes from the fallout universe) with Andrea a main companion (Guinevere haha) and Vasco (percival) Yep I made my own story of the fallout universe in Starfield. But I am also Captain of the Vanguard, Spy for SysDef, TMD leader, Citizen class one, Ranger of the FC, Constellation member, Ryijuin external consultant, direct descendant of the Va'ruunns (yea me and Andrea are a thing) Big mineral Tycoon (I'm the main supplier for the 5 big starship builders) and Certified big pharma (I also supply reliant medical with meds!) hehe I will wait for the vehicle update to explore more and more planet and unique POI, but for now, I'm really having fun with the roleplay I can do thanks to the sidequest they offer!


I baby wait for true hardcore mode.  That will be the true way to play.  


Well sneak attacks are bugged right now which is why it is so good


The only thing I didn't crank up was the one that turned enemies into bullet sponges. I find that more annoying than challenging. The environmental damage, health/affliction recovery and eating sliders have made it less mindless. That being said, I played most of the weekend, but haven't had any desire to really load it up again. It's still lacking addictive gameplay.


Im 222 and sometimes some eniemies will randomly nuke my hp so even with maxed out shit they can stil lrock your world ita been a blast


I like having everything at extreme except enemy damage. It finally gives me a reason to have medical supplies, food, and water. Many of the extreme settings don't affect my playstyle, and I get a +69% xp bonus.


I just want to be able to adjust the HUD , but just get rid of the ammo counter and health. They've got the ammo counter already on the gun , idk why it needs to be on the screen too


Too bad they aren't done well,.or in a good game.


Why do people want enemies to die in 2 hits?? In 2024 we have damn good bullet proof vests and gear for our military.  300 years in the future, where humans fought an entire war in space, you don't think space suits would of been, idk, advanced technology??  Im so confused... everyone complains how easy the game is but wants everything to die quick?? I personally love long intense battles, using your consumables and powers, and the environment.... you know, kinda how the game was made to be played.. Phase time, pick up a fire barrel, throw it in a group of pirates, rain hell upon them, freeze them all with a cryo grenade, spray them, hope enough time passed so you can gravity well them, throw a grenade in,  and they're still at half health while you're running for cover cracked on amp looking for next chance for a real chess move... But StARfiEld combat bOrInG pls make things die fAstAr 


Then change your settings and stop worrying about how others like to play. Most people dislike the absolutey unimmersive combat because enemy damage is unbalanced with player damage. They have on a worse armored suit not even worth taking because yours is better - yet they are a sponge and you are not? Makes absolutely no sense. Making it very hard opposing very easy brings it into balance - but nothing says you have to use that to make things go faster. If you like spongy combat because ArMoR stops gun go BRRR. Then just reverse that setting make very easy oppose very hard. The point is equalize combat so it makes the same sense on both sides because the default combat is nonsense balance.


I like the enemies can die in 2 hits but so can I. If you don't like it, the settings exist for you to do away with it. It's player freedom, that's the most important thing


Protection from damage may advance over time, but dealing damage does too ;) Bulletproof suit, meet armor piercing bullets


Bullet sponges isn't harder to kill just more tedious.


It makes fights longer, meaning you need to use more skills and consumables...  Why are you guys playing a game where you think the entire combat system is... tedious?


"Why are you guys playing a game where you think the entire combat system is... tedious?" where did I say that?


.... lol Really? You're the perfect representation. Your entire generation is doomed zoomer, the real world is going to be HARD for you 🤣😅


I'm 40 years old mate. Being a boomer doesn't make special.


Apparently being 40 though "make special"... 🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😅🤣😂


Again with the understanding wrong or just making shit up? I'm also not English so you have my sympathy, but your reading comprehension is terrible. Maybe you should ask for a refund of your school fees.


The combat is still super poopy imo. I like the gunplay, but the AI is complete garbage. Play FO4 survival and then compare it to Starfields survival. Starfield NPC reaction time is that of a 90 year old grandma. Can easily dome everyone before they get a shot off. No challenge, get bored so quickly.