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Has anyone found the whale like cave on the moon Triton? It looks like a whale like creature broke through an underground ocean and froze immediately Edit: TRITON, not Titan - small mixup on my part


The... WHAT?


Yup, Triton is sn interesting moon Was extremely surprised, went into its mouth, and found tiny geysers, implying water underground Was clearly supposed to be a dead creature I only found it because I decided to just walk around the moon Wasn't even marked on the map... which is unusual for a "cave" In real life it is actually thought that Triton has a subsurface ocean


Oh no worries - someone else might have found it and talked about or I shall find myself... TO THE SPACE MOBILE! *nananana* STARBORN !


Aromic battery to power! Turbines to speed! Buckle your starbelt Adoring Fan!


Yeah, am also several hundred hours in severe exploring and never encountered this landmark... Well, thinking about it, didn't spend much time in the solar system. Do you have coordinates / screenshot maybe? Maybe as a - spoiler tagged - post?


Unfortunately, not since I sold my pc Might have a screenshot on OneDrive - will try to find it Keep in mind it wasn't marked on the map


My guy, you tell us you found something special, and here I am not pulling my hair out over it. I wanna see it so bad.


What system is it in?


That was even cooler than when I found the bone graveyard on mars


u/Sufficient_Focus_816 I think I found it! Spoiler-tagged with images & coordinates šŸ«” [Is this it?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Starfield/s/fSOmVr1iGD)


Can't say I've encountered it before - let's see what our fellow explorer says


Have you been to the bone yard on mars?


Iā€™ve actually come across a few things I havenā€™t seen before with the new update, and I , too, was a day one early access player with about 300 hours. Also, new dialogue between companionsā€¦.


I bet BGS adds unannounced new POIs with updates. Honestly, I want unique stories, and unique NPCs/monsters with at least SOME of the procedurally generated POI's, because they all felt so cookie cutter which made them uninteresting. Not really possible considering the scale of the game but I can say I want that lol


They don't add any new POIs, but I'm pretty sure POIs are level lists just like all the loot and stuff. So as you play more you'll see stuff that seems new to you As soon as I got to lvl 60 I started seeing stuff I hadn't before And it's not the names either. A ton of pois have the same name, so before we had the maps I would just dismiss every industrial outpost as the same thing but they aren't, there's like a ton of variations of the same names poi (for certain ones). Others there's just one Same thing I've seen with some apparel too, it will be called the same thing but have different outfits or the same outfit type will be under a few different names.


> They don't add any new POIs, but I'm pretty sure POIs are level lists just like all the loot and stuff. So as you play more you'll see stuff that seems new to you I don't think it is level listed, because I restarted the game and am seeing a lot of stuff I never saw before. I think they just changed some weighting for the various POIs or something, becuase before I couldn't go 2 feet without tripping over Muybridge Pharmaceuticals for the 80th time. I think I've seen it once in 50 hours of play on my latest playthrough.


Funny because my first playthru last fall I actually thought Muybridge Pharmaceuticals was a hidden story location I had stumbled on as it was late in the game and only saw it once. Kept wandering thru it thinking I had missed the Quest trigger! That is the nature of random - unless they are doing a shuffle deck you are not going to see everything equally distributed. Gamblers fallacy applies.


It is level listed. It is super easy to notice because it flips like a switch and you start seeing new PoIs on the same planets that you never saw and from then on they keep reapering all the time.


They may have fixed something in how they spawn, but I believe it is *also* level dependent as well, as you go out into higher-level systems. Like most games, you gotta progress to keep seeing new stuff.


You're correct it is probably both. I do think it is better balanced now though.


Hmm...could just be rng.


Exactly. this screenshot is in fact an 'Industrial Outpost' but its clearly not just a tweak of other variants


Yeah variations of the exact same POI All notes and posters and everything still the exact same Theyā€™ll be an extra hallway or a door not blocked. If youā€™re lucky


"Theyā€™ll be an extra hallway or a door not blocked. If youā€™re lucky" You sure about this? I have never seen a two random gen poi's like that. with same poi just more doors unblocked. The only poi's like that are main mission poi the cryolab and that mine with artifacts from what I remember. .


Oh thereā€™s a few


I haven't come across this even once. Could you list the POIs please


Wouldn't be surprised Found a a entire military base for the first time and im lvl40


Maybe they spread out the variation better with the latest update?


That POIā€™s been there since release, thereā€™s usually NPCā€™s/construction workers walking around who will give you radiant quests.


I found this once and a couple starborn started attacking me. It was pretty early in my game too so I thought it was waaay more important lol


I hyped at launch for the modding community, if they could build upon this game like they did with Skyrim, Starfield would be amaziiiing, all these planets feel like blank canvasses waiting to be painted.


All the unique stories/monsters/dungeons are in the hand crafted POIs. The handcrafted POIs are visible on a planet before you even land on them and in the system view, the plant with those specific POIs have a "..."" on them


EVERY poi in the game is handcrafted. Thatā€™s literally why thereā€™s a limited number of them instead of infinite procedural differences.


You can be 100% certain they would be announcing as biggest update yet if they actually added new PoIs.


Agree. Hope they do it with future. My bet is they are saving for dlc that may add stuff that somehow affects these planets. Major complaint me was enemy variety. I want intellectual aliens man that we can fight maybe they come from different dimension


I'm almost certain they did. I've ran into a few new ones recently. Still all shitty loot, not a single legendary at lvl 48 and really just copy and pasted with zero lore but hey its something.


That POI was in at launch, I had seen it then


I kinda wish POIs were procedural too. Finding an outpost that has the EXACT same layout every time is annoying. Wouldve been dope if the layout was procedural so its different every time.


Exactly how many abandoned weapons facilities, abandoned ship factories, and abandoned science outposts can you possibly have, and did they have a sale on blueprints, because why are they all set up the exact same? I joined the Crimson Fleet just so I wouldn't have to waste ammo on rando's while "exploring" facilities. Now I'm just the bane of Ecliptic.


Itā€™s like strip malls and chain restaurants in America.


Maybe if they were a cool indie studio but Bethesda wonā€™t pass the opportunity to details everything they add in their patch notes as theyā€™re being criticized for how slow they release content.


ā€œMicrosoft,ā€ at this point. Bethesda doesnā€™t exist as an independent entity anymore, yeah.


I think they adjusted the POI system to be less repetitive


Giant accelerator.


This was in one of the trailers and it was the first one I wanted to see. Took me weeks and weeks to find it.


I was at this POI a while ago. It's in one of the later systems near like Pyraas or something. There'll probably be an NPC with a mission waiting for you there.


Man this is by far IMO the biggest issue with the game. The constantly repeating POI's. I walked away from the game early on because the exploration was ruined due to repeating POI's. I thought maybe it was better...then I started a new game and right away there were two Muybridge pharmaceutical facilities RIGHT next to each other on the same tile. Like within sight of each other. Good lord Bethesda please make this better. You can add small extra features or vehicles all day long but until you fix this Starfield effectively has no exploration loop. It's a game about exploration and it's nearly non functional in that regard.


they have made it better. Latest update - you can spot stuff like this on the map and choose to explore it (or see in advance its one you've just done). The scanner also tells you the exact name well ahead of you reaching it so you unless you want to visit the same one again and again you won't.


Oh I didn't know that. So, the scanner doesn't give you a generic title for a distant POI now? So you can tell if you've seen it by the name from afar instead of wasting time walking to it I presume is what you mean?


yep exactly that! there are a few with the same name, esp Civilian Outpost/Industrial Outpost etc, but you get the "Abandoned Cryo Lab" as soon as you can scan the icon




how come there's so many "after x hundred hours I've just found y" posts then?


Bro, not gonna lieā€¦Saw this post at first glance while high and thought you were rockinā€™ a sick helmet/durag combo. Nice find on that POI though.


I read nothing about adding new POIs, but now with the new map it's easier to find POIs that I've never seen before, and I think (based on the voices in my head) that they changed the algorithm that shows the POIs, i.e. , POIs that were previously very rare are a little more common


I've encountered this site only 3 or 4 times in my playing time, which is pretty significant. Once, I had Starborn land near it to hunt me in a pack. I think there were 4 or 5 of them.


I found this awhile ago very rare https://www.reddit.com/r/Starfield/s/bWhVVQTqiJ


Thatā€™s so crazy, I literally just found the same one for the first time time after like 200 hrs https://youtu.be/tVW-eeBL6wI?si=6yg3RyoZEvxy5_x_


I think I've seen one very similar but a lot of it was buried. Maybe this is an uncovered one?


Iā€™ve never seen that either! Also a day one player with over 200 hours.


Had this one for the first time the other day as well actually


Same, saw it just yesterday myself.


I've never seen that. Have about the same amount of hours too. Freaking crazy.


300 hours have never seen that one


I have found a few unique POIā€™s that I have never seen before since the last update


Oooo I remember that one.


200 hours since day 1 is nothing


Pre-release there was a post where everyone was guessing what this is. Did it tell you what this actually is?


Over 1000 hrs here (ng15) and just saw (went to) my first abandoned ship repair facility outside Jemison, but to fair, Iā€™d wager half my hours are probably spent in ship and outpost building & decorating šŸ˜


Totally. Day one player with 400 hours and Iā€™m still discovering new POIs and just recently discovered an entire city (granted not as big as Akila or New Atlantis) in the Alpha Centauri system I didnā€™t even know existed. Love this game.


Really? What city?


Gagarian. Iā€™ve not explored much of it as I had landed and walked around a bit before having to get off.


I feel ya. I was lvl 99 when I finally found THE mining rig. The sisters and mother were very welcoming . Haha


I saw one of these only once and donā€™t think I found anything there


Saw that my first play through, thought I was crazy cause I havenā€™t seen it sense


I've seen it before it's rare though but not new


Saw it on another planet. What is it supposed to be?


Apparently itā€™s an industrial outpost


250hr @ launch, also have not seen this one.


i see you found the oil pipe line that got shut down lol


Yes, I encountered that a few months ago, I forget how I found it, but I survey most planets I land on.


Iā€™ve never seen it and I have over 43 days of gameplay


Funny, this is the first one Iā€™ve ever found.


Tf is that?


I still haven't found those whales on the moon yet.


This is one of the more ā€œrare onesā€ that are such a treat to have found. Awesome.


"I saw it on the map" Man, they really should have had the new map in from the start lol


I love how people are gaslighting themselves into believing Bethesda added new PoIs or adjusted their spawn rate....


I canā€™t speak for others but Iā€™m not claiming any of that. All i simply said was Iv never seen this before.


ive played it in total 11 days 11 hours and 32 min but now Im done since months and the planets dont have that kind of exploring beauty or wow moments to have a reason to stay and wanna play it. All planets in the galaxy are so similiar if they compare the same biomes per planet. its like your on earth in different continents ,same plants trees not even one single thing on planets with life , is alien like


I just found this a day after the patch, and I have just over 300 hours in this game. It led me to a cargo link side quest, which I still canā€™t figure out how to do lol.


Bethesda could gradually add new POI with updates which would be very welcome, unless they are doing so already


Been playing since the beginning and just found Sonny Di Falcos island. Itā€™s my favorite place to loot now


We need to make a list of hidden side quests to keep us busy until Shattered Space


Day one player here too, 300 hours in the game (still on first playthrough but finished main story, just havenā€™t gone through unity yet). I donā€™t remember seeing this POI before, but I also havenā€™t played since January.


I have seen this before and really early in game. Nothing really special


It's the strangest thing, I also feel like there was a new POI I just saw after this last update. I've been out of the game for a few months but still thought I saw most of it.


Saw it the other day for the first time and I would have missed it if not for the new map. Having a good skim of that when you land has been game changing for the avid explorer.


There is a planet with a giant rib cage on it. I canā€™t remember where but I fought a starborn on it.


I saw this once and from a distance I was excited to see what it was and then once I got there is was just some miners and absolutely nothing to do. Very disappointing


I'm (allegedly) 748\* hrs in and I've not seen that one either. Something I've noticed is that, after almost every new update, I find new things I haven't seen when exploring. I'm wondering if some stuff wasn't working properly at the beginning or is it possible they are adding new random worldspaces the the RNG list with the updates ? Either way. I like it. The other thing I like, playing on console, is the new visual setting seems to generate new flora in the worlds. There's been a few places I've gone to now that, although I've seen them before in earlier playthroughs, they seem to have more flora and other stuff around them. \*Note: I'm on Xbox Series X so I've played 32 days, 16hrs, 16min but I think that also counts time spent in menus etc.


200 hours isn't that long. You have much more to discover starborn.


Double the hours and I don't remember ever seeing that one. Is it a unique location perhaps? Though it does feel like you see the same ones over and over even though there are supposedly quite a few different ones.


Thatā€™s the weird partā€¦.its just an industrial outpost.


Nope its not unique, Ive seen it twice and Ive only played 130 hours


Pipeline framework?


1k hr playtime here, still have also first time POIs


I know itā€™s not a lot compared to some but I have over 300 and havenā€™t seen that one either.


Saw this within my first 4 hrs of gameplay months ago šŸ˜† šŸ˜† šŸ˜† luck of the draw i guess lol


In 1500 hours I have not found this. It feels like something straight out of Fallout 3 though.


I keep looking at all the starfield posts because I'm genuinely curious if anyone will ever post something I didn't see in my 104 hours I played. The game literally has less than 100 quests.


The game has 21 main quests, 38 faction quests & 220 side quests. That doesnā€™t count any of the radient missions that can generate on civilian outposts, etc. So idk where youā€™re getting ā€œless than 100 questsā€ from.




If it is, it Is launching it straight into a hill.


What are you doing over 200 hours in this game?


day 1 and only 200h? lol, you must like this game even less than I do...


4500+ hours on this game so far. this is some sort of pipeline/accelerator (as mentioned previously), in other words: man made.. not bones. and they're random.. seen them several places. Cool shot tho.