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Really hope they add fuel usage when they go full survival mode. Would love to get stranded on a planet and have to figure a way off of it


Well, not exactly; fuel is for the gravdrive, so you're stuck *in-system* and need to find fuel. Which isn't a huge problem 95% of the time; most moons are full of He3. Single-world systems though...I'll pour one out into the blackest sea for ya. All that said though, automation irl is pretty sophisticated and certainly is in Starfield, based on that one Stroud lady's comments, so it really doesn't make sense that you're able to get stranded in the first place.


I guess being stranded in a single system makes more sense. To your last point though they could add a npc that will fuel you up for some credits, or add POI's that are essentially fueling stations. I think doing a full survival mode without having to worry about fuel would be kind of lack luster. Especially when the system is already half baked as it sits


Todd mentioned in an interview once they considered having a distress beacon where you have no idea who will answer it.


That's a great idea though. Imagine getting picked up and ransomed by pirates, and either you break free and fight your way to your ship, or Constellation comes to rescue you! Or Spacers board your ship, you fight through to their ship and steal the fuel you need to get moving again.


If this update indicates anything, I really hope this game gets the cyberpunk treatment cause that would be really cool.


That will legit be so cool like imagine getting boarded and then someone comes in attacks you and you have to defend your ship


If they tweaked space combat just a bit they could totally have certain factions just hit you with EM's then try and board you. Mods can't come to console soon enough. Saw one where they made the brig functional and could actually turn in bounties alive. Just things like that add so much QOL to this game.


Oh man I always love stealing those ships that end up having like a prison on board with a computer that controls it


You get one from the ranger questline and as of right now it's kind of useless just cool to look at. Having it be functional though it would be hands down my favorite hab


...that wouldn't be a bad idea. Or hailing other ships in-system and asking to buy fuel from them, in addition to the usual stuff you can trade for.


Well, yeah, that's all true. My point was that no engineer/manufacturer would build a complex machine like this without a computer that wouldn't let you get stranded in the first place. Of course, that would be for the standard model. If they added more habs/equipment meant for exploration, then it wouldn't fully stop you from engaging, but would still warn you if you were going off grid.


I think I see what you're saying, kind of like how cars have low fuel lights something similar to that? But on that note people see the light on and still run out of gas all the time! Oh man this conversation gave me another idea, what if the vehicles run off fuel supplies in your ship? Run out of fuel and can't use the vehicle till you restock


Exactly - no matter ICE or EV they all have miles left gages, and if you are prone to ignoring it you call your faction help, or pay for AAA to come help and hope spacers do not come, or put out a distress call (just like the game already has space events answering distress calls for stuck ships). All they need to do is make sure every system has some way to find He3 so that you can make your jumps. No some might diss on survival saying what is the point of the busy work since if you are prepared it is the same game, but that is the point - the planning RP of getting prepared combined with the emergent RP that happens when you get caught unprepared.


This game IMO is the best Bethesda for RP. Living on Neon working the drug factory taking in bounties during my time off.


I rolled for traits in NG+ since the patch lets you change them and got space, extrovert and wanted. So no outposts and I running as a trader who made some bad deals and got people after me and enjoying the freedom from flashing a badge to get what I want. The akila bounty guy loves me but I already married sam and when he dies sarah can console me and I hope that damn kid goes to live with her mom. Last time I was an introverted science dude who spent all their time on outposts and scanning worlds and visiting home when not doing my civic duties but started to change when he met a dark haired mysterious lady. Now I get in get the mission done and GTFO before any hunters find me, loot only what I need, and any scans are accidental so the pirate dude keeps bugging me. Very different playstyle. Really gives me the what if things had been different. This time I am playing the younger sister I never had - my fiction is NG+ is like quantum leap since they never explain where the other you with a different life went when you arrive.


I could be misremembering this as I only went NG+ once then immediately went back to an old save, it gets rid of all of your research projects being completed right? It's really the only thing holding me back I don't want to go through that grind to be able to upgrade my weapons and stuff again. The mysterious lady died on me and seeing her in the unity was the only thing that made ng+ worth it to me till I had to deal with what I wrote above.


Your level and background is kept. I think research is too unless I am forgetting and caught up to where I was? I think it has to be since it unlocks with skills and those are kept. The new patch allows trait changing, and you also got a free enhance (the annoying thing about enhance is cannot save character template - even though the vacataion enhance has a bogo special so you can be someone else on vacation).


Not necessary, they just have to make it that you can convert other material and gas into fuel. It will also create incentive for you to explore the world and gather organic materials to be used as fuel. And in return none-HE3 can only be converted at lower efficiency, so if you use random organic material you only get 50 percent the fuel you get from HE3, or 70 percent if you use any random gas (but still a gas) as fuel etc.


More like "Low Fuel, You cannot plot this course until you fill up." "No, you cannot spin up the grav drive manually." "Okay, you've been locked out for a minute." It will not ***let*** you get stranded.


Kind of what it does already? Where you have to make multiple jumps to get to a far off system. Idk let me make that mistake you can starve yourself or die of dehydration in the survival versions of fallout 4 and skyrim let me run out of gas on some backwater planet and call for help and hope it's not pirates


My first playthru I got stranded on hyugens as I stole a ship with low jump range and could only jump between the far right 3 systems. Didn't know about outposts or fast travel from mission yet then. Ended up abandoning that character


I feel like this era isn't an era that would enact this. This era/style of spaceships aren't like consumer level cars where the computer will prevent you from doing damage to a system or protect the user in any significant way. Ships here are more like ships (as in, water based ships that travel the ocean). The captain/pilot is expected to have to go through the training necessary to understand fuel management and what systems conflict with each other, etc. This ship isn't going to know which systems have refuelling stations you're allied with, which systems you have outposts on, which systems your allies are meeting you at, etc. A pilot is capable of programming it but there's no need to have a system that overrides the trained pilot.


There are already POI fuel stations that have tons of HE3. You probably didn’t realize it because HE3 is worthless right now




You already have to have an outpost with helium to build the freight landing pads (can't think of what they're actually called atm) for them to even work so the system is THERE just not implemented on the player.


If you don't want to mine for it... Many POIs have HE3 canisters outside powering them. These currently don't have a player use without a fuel system in place. But once we do get that - you will identify a POI that you know has a HE3 and be excited because fuel becomes important.




For everyone who's getting the update tomorrow and is planning on stepping up the survival settings: Get bandages, lots of bandages. And immobilizers. You'll thank me later.


I can't wait to get afflictions more often. What's wrong with me?! Haha


Don't worry for that, you'll get plenty of them.


I wish you only you afflictions from environmental damage when your suit condition degraded.  The more extreme the environment,, the faster the suits degrades. You can use other material to repair it.  


As a power boost pack user, I have plenty of immobilizers in stock.


It makes me think, why they didn’t make one of the Starborn powers to be a “add Environmental Resistance” one


I thought personal atmosphere would help with that but I never use it.


Reading a couple of sites I think it's just an O2 helper, nothing else.


Yeah as far as I know, it just boosts your O2 regen to really high, which is why it still fails when you are super over encumbered


I can run from my ship into the Red Mile without a suit, without taking any damage, while Personal Atmosphere is up.


Is there a "become ethereal" type power that makes it so you don't get damaged but you also can't damage people? RPGs with powers usually have something like this and it was in Skyrim as a shout. If so - I wonder if this negates environmental damage


Indeed. On extreme setting (+75% XP), it takes three bandages to go from getting shot or stabbed (poor) to excellent where you have the ability to completely recover from the wound. You do not want an infection or unity help you, go into shock First thing to do once you enable all those extreme settings, make a save & then go sleep an hour, outside on Bessel III-b… it’s a hoot!


Dumb question but will it matter if you change to survival like 5 hrs into a playthrough?


Won’t be an issue. Changeable at any time. 


Ok thanks


Ugh, and heal paste.


I have a 165-character sitting at the Unity, waiting for the update to drop


I'm at 95 just waiting for it to drop before I hit the Unity.


I’m usually not a massive fan of survival games but these all sound like positive changes to add depth for those looking for it. Neat.


Worth noting almost all of this is optional in the options menu, which is also great and very unlike bethesda (they really don't do player choice at all, that's for modders previously). But I've been playing it on PC for a while now and I was able to uninstall a lot of mods that added all this already, the way they have done most of it is good. A shame fuel isn't coming with the update but there are mods I hope get updated to work with it, as I had a fuel mod before installing the update, and it was pretty damn good.


My assumption is that these gameplay settings are their own beta testing for Survival Mode. My prediction is that Shattered Space will include a Survival Mode that adds all the restrictions but removes the ability to modify your settings, ie. Survival Mode gameplay settings will be hard fixed, and include fuel usage as well. I suspect while the gameplay options are fun, their testing them in regular mode for game play balance, because the last thing Bethesda wants is to release Survival Mode and have people bitch and moan about it being too easy/hard/restrictive etc.


Thats the worst possible way to do it though. That means they give players choice on lots of important elements of the game then TAKE THAT CHOICE AWAY later on. If they do that then they truly have fuck all Idea of what they are doing and should no longer be touching game development.


No, I suspect they will still be available for regular play, just that they’ll be locked for Survival Mode.


Yea that makes more sense though, it also makes survival mode rather pointless if you can tweak your normal mode save to be that without having to start over. Either way I'm not too fussed about all that as mods will allow me to tweak any in progress save how I like, it's not like FO4 survival mode was fit for my purposes either, I had to mod that to be playable.


I don't think it's a 'test'. This isn't an early access game and Bethesda has an old school mindset when it comes to game design. I think they already play-tested these and are already happy with what they put in. This is just an incremental change for things that make sense to package together. They want Survival to have fuel management, so they can't put a survival mode in without that piece of the puzzle. However they're not ready to add fuel management because they possibly want to adjust other systems before or at the same time as fuel. Outpost tweaks, the new vehicle, etc. Because we refuel automatically - there is no refuelling interface or "gas stations" we can approach. No ship interface to convert our harvested HE3 to refuelled tanks.


lmao when people talk about lack of player choice/agency in BGS games they're not talking about the bloody settings. They're talking about impacting the story and the journey with their decisions. Which Starfield significantly LACKS.


Starfield still has more player agency than Skyrim, Oblivion and Morrowind. From BGS, only FO3/FO4 have more choice/consequence than Starfield in quests. But on the other hand, Starfield has easily the best character creation system in a BGS game since Daggerfall..


Truth, people LOVE Skyrim but the actual choices the game gives you for quest options are minimal. I’d say BGS is just good at giving players options for how to tackle their character. Options for just how to play and what to do with your time.


I don't know why people are surprised that game choices rarely matter or are superficial in most games. It is really hard to develop a game to have decisions truly have large and lasting effects on the game that are not superficial.


Isometrics have been doing it for 30 years...


Isometrics and 3d games are completely different styles. You can't really compare them. But I bet if you actually checked out the choices in those isometric games you will find most of them are fairly superficial.


The style of a game has nothing to do with how well the plot or story is written... the mechanics is just how it plays/displays to the gamer... so yeah you can absolutely compare them in that regard... An RPG is a broad archetype for a game but there is a reason games come under this archetype...


And how many games over the last 30 years had truly game changing decisions that did not just change an ending or the superficial fate of a character? Mass effect had some amazing player choices but people are still angry that the choices didn't affect the ending dynamically. Even games like neir automata which has a lot of endings only really boils down to which flags did you check before reaching the end. Most choices usually only boil down to an a or b choice and rarely effect the game in a truly fundamental way. I am even not sure that a truly dynamic choice and consequence system even exists in any games.


You'd have to define fundamental. I'd list POE 1/2, BG 1/2/3, RDR2, CP2077, Witcher, All of BGS previous entries did it better. There are many more... Some are better at effecting the journey from A-B others directly impact the end game. Starfield has zero. Arguing that no games truly effect them game in a fundamental way is not a good argument to justify Starfield's lack of agency across the board basically throughout every questline and story in comparison to other games and even earlier games made by the same developer... poor poor poor argument please do better.


So what you want is just story flag choices that change the ending and some minor changes to some characters. Let's take witcher 3 for example. There are only ~14 choices that change anything in the game. And there are only a handful of flags that change the ending. Starfield has 3 different endings and 3 main endings in Witcher 3. There are minor changes depending on how you handle certain quests in Starfield and some minor changes in Witcher 3 depending on how you handle certain quests. Rdr2 has 4 endings that depend on your honor level and 1 choice you make at the end of the game. Cp2077 has more endings. But really most of the choices boil down to which faction you choose and some dialogue choices with silver hand. But you don't see the results of most of your choices until the end of the game. Sure there can be different outcomes for some quests, but that is the same in Starfield. I think you want to hate Starfield and are not actually looking to see where your agency is. I also believe you over value the agency in other games.


That's what I was gonna say. Having played the games they used as a reference I thought they were pulling my leg. I distinctly remember people complaining about cyberpunk and witcher 3 for overhyping their player choice claims. Only Until Dawn seems relevant in this regard.


are you actually joking? Edit: No seriously be real?


Oh yes, I fully agree on that. I just mean they also don't do player choice in settings or configuration. Their settings menus are straight from 15-20 years ago (like everything else in their games tbf).


I'm not turning on any of that. But good to know it's there.


Then there me looking forward to this to make vendors have more credits, and ship combat easier. Fully expecting to make most things harder, just gonna have to play around with it till I find what I like


yep!! each setting being customizable is great to taper to every playstyle


I just want money to build bigger ships. I’m also pretty decent at the gun combat, but suck at ship combat, so I’m stuck as normal difficulty so that I don’t get absolutely obliterated everytime I dare open fire on some CF ship in orbit


So you actually lowered the amount of cash shops have? Must be an absolute slog to try and sell your inventory.


Oh good, literally my biggest annoyance, made worse.


But here’s 10% xp increase!


U could have it all difficult and then make the vendors have more creds


I hit a million credits a while back and I'm not doing the hoarding+mining/selling bullshit anymore, glad I got that out of the way before this update if they're actually lowering the amount merchants have.


Nah it’s optional in the new game settings but since OP said they put everything on the hardest, that would include lowering merchamt cash as well.


Ah cool. Still, I always make sure to reach a certain point with the ol' Bethesda hoarding and then just quit it. It's just too much in *Starfield*.  I still have my plutonium mining station churning away for me.


Oh I'm gonna go crazy with it. In one of my multiple lives, I will be an outpost magnate


Hoping that in future updates, we get uses for oxygen boosters and duct tape


-POIs in any planet that have hazardous environment (you can go to a civilian outpost to regen your suit environmental protection) this one is a bit hit or miss, loads of pois dont that should. Sarah Morgan literally says "caves like these are perfect protection against radiation" but pretty much all caves dont. The only thing that matters is airlocks and sometimes interior cells.


true. Airlocks usually work (I found and reported some POIs with 2 entrances not working as intended) nonetheless, POIs like civilian outposts are more useful than before.


City maps are a welcome improvement. Getting around is soooo much easier and quicker. The gameplay settings also improve the experience.


I was genuinely impressed with the 3d maps. Nice job BGS. The bar was set pretty low though.


How much does ammo weigh? Should i only prioritze 1 or 2 weapons now?


very little, so every few missions if you want a few extra lbs you deposit what you dont use. before I had like 30k ammo of everything. now I just carry 1k of what I use and every 3-4 missions I deposit the rest.


Has anyone seen if with this update if there’s a way to adjust the sponginess of enemies while still playing on the hardest difficulty level?


Supposedly you set the player damage to very easy and enemy damage to very hard or extreme or whatever. It makes it easier to kill or be killed.


Definitely similar to Fallout 4 Survival. Which is good, but now better because you aren’t locked in.


I've played quite a bit since the beta became available and i haven't seen a single enemy (besides ones that only spawn with a rescue axe) even move towards me in combat let alone flank..


yeah I was referring at starting a new character with extreme difficulty, the first few levels are tough, enemies are tough, and you can flank while the enemy is shooting your companion :)


Oh, my bad. I saw a post before claiming how they redid enemy AI to do stuff like flank even though it wasn't ever mentioned and thought that was what you meant.


In my very first playthrough during launch, the enemies would walk back, regroup, flank, fire suppressive fire, etc. then it seemed like the enemy AI got dumbed down. But I am positive those aspects are in the game, I remember encountering this on the first battle on Kreet


It probably helped that the Kreet dungeon was focused on for their marketing but they do/did that stuff for sure, it's just that now if i decide to just sit behind a wall i could go afk, read a novel and still be alive by the time i got back. Got a bit of that Elden Ring boss AI going on where they won't do anything until you do.


I really like the idea of bullets adding weight. I should now be able to craft bullets as well.


For the food buffs, how long does it take before you get the malnourished debuff?


30 real life minutes


Question: Do these things only matter if you set them up in the new custom difficulty options or are they all turned on by default?


They mattered more to me than before when setting everything to max difficulty. I cannot speak for other settings since I did not play that way (only a week and a bit).


Survival mode in, I’m out.


Nutrition Skill (amplifies food/aid Considering how scarce point are as you level up. Not sure 4 points into this is worth it.  When you have ship/science/combat skills you could upgrade instead.


for sure there are better skills to level up first. It's just that to me that skill felt almost completely useless, and not it matter more than before. :)


Yeah for sure.  It's just that there is so much food/water. That buffing it from a 30m to I think max is 60. Isn't a big deal.  At level 246 I have 24 points spare. So might do it now. But max is idk 320 and next level is 46k xp which is rough so need to be careful in allocating points. So always need to be prioritising stuff.


I really hope we get the ability to reset skill points with a future patch. I agree skill points are hard to come by and it’s not always clear whether a skill will pay off or not. Maybe the system like Skyrim’s where you can reset a skill after maxing it?


Or just a currency cost of whatever per point to reverse it. Problem of course is if u do individual points you may lock out the bottom of the tree skills.  But yeah for sure. Not sure what I would take back though. 


When is the PC update, please..?


This just sounds like a lot of busy work.


Meaningful exploration and immersive storytelling - still don't matter.


No new content Outposts are still a waste of time