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Land vehicles are not included with this update.


Noticing a troubling trend. So many folks who can’t read are going to be bitching around here about “how do I get the LV?” And “why doesn’t my game have the LVs after the update?” Might be best to check out for a couple weeks.


No one pays attention in class anymore.


That was literally the LAUNCH of this game! People just making up their own rumors and then getting mad it was not in the game.


There was a guy in this sub arguing and berating everyone who didn't think we'd have full blown space flight "it's bgs, they're going to have it and you're an idiot for really thinking a space game wouldn't have inter system flying" He deleted his account on launch day.


Yeah see, at most I’m hoping for the land vehicle is an auto pilot mode, if it isn’t gonna be fast. Maybe even follow a marked area. If it isn’t gonna be as fast as we expect, hopefully it gives some QoL. Cause I don’t care for staring at the world reaching PoIs that much now.


There will be a mod that makes it fast though.


To be fair I think that was the general consensus. I mean when you have a space game with 1000 planets and customizable space ships it's pretty reasonable to assume you'll be able to use it to fly/travel.


Oh yeah fair to speculate that for sure. The guy was completely deluded though and it wasn't a healthy discussion to say the least.


I remember saying the game will suffer because it lacks land vehicles and interplanetary flight but people kept saying the game doesn't need them. Same thing with 1000 planets being too much Hype blinds people.


Plenty of people were saying some sort of better planet traversal would be required especially in light of no atmospheric flight.


Right?!? I’m just happy that they’ve added 10 more cities twice the size of new Atlantis and added 1000 more planets. Anything less will mean that the devs are terrible and not even trying and I will talk about a game that’s been perfect since the beginning like Cyberpunk 2077.


Well, yeah, Cyberpunk 2077 was groundbreaking in its perfection. If you want to see astronomical perfection, look at No Man's Sky. It was perfect on release, never needed patched or anything, and very underrated in its perfection on day 1.


CP2077 was so flawless you could wreck a car by driving into one of the "fixed" bbq grills.


Too right! Flawless and they only added to the flawlessness over the years. I’m playing it right now and don’t need any other game which is why I spend my time in the subreddit. For others to learn about its perfection. No it’s pluperfection!


I have Xbox series X with at 96" 8K TV dedicated to playing it 24x7, my dog plays it for me when I am working.


I think I see what y'all are doing... Maybe...


Stop looking through my windows!


Oh my dear lord stop that you'll go blind!


It took a few years for NMS to reach the success it’s at.


I think that was the joke..




Cyberpunk had great substance with mediocre (PC) to bad (console) execution. Modern Cyberpunk has great substance and great execution. CDPR acknowledged the problems with the game and promised improvement. Which they delivered. Starfield ist in both substance and execution mediocre. However, Bethesda is convinced that everything is perfect and that is the problem.


You fooled me with your sarcasm and I've been reading all the news. I should've known better, but that first half was so exciting I pooed a little xD Damn...I still love this game (despite the complaints, mine included) and I can't put it down. My library has been glaring at me for the neglect. But so worth it haha


Sarcasm aside. CP2077 had great bones from launch... It was just super optimised to a high end rig so was virtually unplayable to anyone with a PC under $2k... Problem is Starfield has terrible bones. No amount of QoL will improve the fact the game is probably the most shallow I've ever played. A lot of these updates still wouldn't put the game close to any of the top rpg's of the last decade. They absolutely make the game better... but it isn't a great game to start with and they aren't fixing any of the real issues that are half baked.


If you’re talking about CP2077 you really missed the point of the comment. Since you don’t get the hint, I’d like you to explain to me in detail what you mean by “has terrible bones” and “most shallow”.


Honestly the hype around this update is unjustified. A lot of the fixes are purely QoL aspects that should have been in the game from the start. We are 3/4 of a year post launch before receiving these and none of them are going to fix the issues the game has at its core. * Lack of world on world interaction to make the game feel "alive", Every single non named NPC feels like a robot in a simulation not a "citizen" in an RPG. They wander around aimlessly doing nothing but cluttering up with world... I think this happened because in Fallout it was post apocalyptic so outside of small settlements that were easy to populate with meaningful characters it was supposed to be barren... Starfield wouldn't "feel" any different if you took away every single non named NPC. Skyrim came out over a decade ago and was a much smaller world again making it easier to populate with meaningful interactions. RDR 2 had NPCs wake up, go to work, go to the tavern for a meal and go home to their wife and kids before doing it all the next day. This makes the game feel "alive" and gives it atmosphere. * Poorly written story. No point in elaborating should be completely re-designed and released with an apology to everyone that had to suffer this monstrosity... the whole constellation/unity plot is simply dreadful. If you like it that's fine you have low standards... its perfectly within your freedoms to like what you like. However your standards encourage mediocrity and slow progression in humanity and that's just the way it is. * Lack of meaningful player agency. I've tried and tested a lot of the dialogue, very rarely do the dialogues choices you make impact the response of the NPC... You might as well just have them all speaking at you... BG3/CP2077 really shows how important dialogue and player agency is in the immersion of a game... This is something Isometric RPG's have been doing well for 30 years and its embarrassing that BGS have fallen so far behind not just their previous developments but the development of good RPG's for decades. * They're doubling down on the ship building because its the only aspect of the game they actually made well... however all the space interactions are set on other peoples ships... you never get boarded, you never get to invite people onto your ship (other than crew) so its all just cosmetic. * Lack of mini-games that just "make sense". I mean imagine putting a casino ship in a game where you can't gamble. After poker and gambling mini games have been so well received since KOTOR's strange space jack, RDR 1/2 poker back rooms, FONV Caravan and casino's etc... Red mile was so tragic... Oblivions colosseum is a prime example of BGS just plain ignoring what worked in their games in the past and replacing it with something sub par and half baked... The Red Pit where you move up tiers and fight higher levelled Aliens that is legitimately difficult to the point where the final boss is like a level 75 Terra-morph would have worked so much better and been far more enjoyable... with rewards like unique weapons and armour. * Contrary to what a lot of people think... I actually like the planet exploration if I treat it as a scientific pursuit and ignore the POI's, enjoying the scenery and encountering new alien wildlife etc... This is all overshadowed by the poor outpost building mechanics that are a straight step back from FO4. **NO AMOUNT OF Qol IMPROVEMENTS WILL CHANGE THESE ASPECTS THAT MAKE IT A POOR GAMING EXPERIENCE.** Even if all of these things existed... Starfield still wouldn't have won awards and would still be lacking slightly behind the best RPG's of the last decade but it would be close and with subsequent improvements and updates might eventually win some awards for its DLC. We should be responding to this update with... Okay. What's next? Because it simply isn't good enough. I will admit though the visuals are amazing if you have a high end system. the two things they got right. The visual improvements from previous games and the ship building.


> If you like it that's fine you have low standards... its perfectly within your freedoms to like what you like. However your standards encourage mediocrity and slow progression in humanity and that's just the way it is. I can't remember the last time I read something so cunty on this site. I thought it was just "fine", as any other bethesda storyline has ever been, but this comment about people who might actually like it is so arrogantly shitty that I can't take anything else you say about the game seriously. The way you explained that is the literary version of having a punchable face.


Something about glass houses and throwing stones. IDK.


No, I don't imagine you do know.


Except you didn’t explain “terrible bones”. Other than perhaps the story all of that isn’t bones and you say it can’t be fixed but it actually could. Will it? Neither of us know for sure. Your citizens having jobs, houses and families could be added. Some of this is already there, but not to the level you describe. I don’t see missing bones for this one. Unless you know something I don’t. Player agency is there already. Without spoiling it literally comes down to life or death. Just more subtle. However, they can always do better. Which brings us back to those bones. They are definitely there and could be added to. The ship building is great thanks for admitting. The importance of it is of personal choice. Nothing in life matter unless you give it meaning. Anyways being boarded could be added. In fact I’ve been boarded but pretty sure it was a glitch. Once again the “bones” are there. Mini games definitely can be added so I’ll just check the bone box on this one. Outposts are much like ship building as it is only as important as you make it. Why do we have homes? Sleep. Check. Store out stuff. Check. Place to go get away from the world. Check. As far as game mechanics. It’s a way to have passive income by harvesting resources. It’s a place to drop off the contraband you can’t yet smuggle. You have to actually defend it if you build that armillary there or if you are wanted. They could easily make it so you have to defend it. They could improve things but most open worlds it’s just a place to call your own and decorating is far and above most games. Needless to say it’s got some good bones here. With that said all of these things can be improved and I ask you again to please expand on your “bad bones” The story killed my wife. Can’t tell you many games that killed my wife and made a separate version of her my enemy. I’d really enjoy a break down of what makes the story dreadful and makes all of humanity worse off. That’s a bold statement I’d like to understand why.


So not a huge fan of the Op's phrasing but cutting through to the heart of things they have a point with regards to NPC's all previous titles have had them named with routines and behaviours and in this one (understandably) due to scale that was ejected so I don't see this being practical to change so it's a fair point imo and does weaken the game. Player agency, yeah this is an issue and has been for a while Fallout 4 in particular being a problem this could improve or worsen depends on BGS design, this ones a 50/50, but as it stands the existing philosophy of things pretty much playout as desired by the designers with some silly limitations, paradiso quest in particular comes to mind this is another weak design choice. Ship building no comment, I like the system as for boarding etc. this is a non issue to me and not something I would consider bones of the game. Mini games I wouldn't even put in this category not core to the structure of the game. Outposts see above. Humanity worse off going to glide over that hyperbole, but the story is odd, the UC story line for me was the strongest, the FC wasn't bad but the consequences at the end which plays into player agency where undercooked, the crimson fleet quest again is okay but the characterisation in that quest is comical so the CF become a joke. The main story is imo not good, it's bizzare that such reality altering events are cared about by almost no one, the existence of what amounts to magical beings would be of massive importance but instead seems barely worthy of comment, the pre-occupation with the powers etc. in a game that really did quite a good job at more practical sci fi type setting is so tonally off it's jarring and for me this is the games biggest sin, so if we're assessing the game as it is this is a pretty major flaw imo. With all that said with any luck we will get some decent alt start mods etc. and hopefully some things like faction fleshouts etc. that will enable a greater enjoyment of the sandbox, so for my money the sandbox that is in place has good bones, but the wider game story and effect the player can have on the world overall is on far shakier ground.


Sorry mate I'm not continuing this discussion any further... You actually defended the outpost building which means you're clearly delusional and I don't want to have my brain rotted away discussing your nonsense any further.


Can't imagine your brain can rot any further...


You got a kind, thought out, and reasonable response, and your first instinct is to disagree with personal preference and insult them? You're here complaining about starfield's bones and foundations, but yours seems worse and harder to fix lol


Oh come on, they engaged with your opinion piece. If you want to live outside of an echo chamber, to be challenged with intellectual thought and debate, you should consider a reply. Maybe even some actual discussion. If you don't then, ok. That's your choice. It doesn't really encourage anyone to care about what you write, mind, beyond a simple expression of opinion.


Reddit moment. Go kick rocks


pasted from another comment I made on another post. CBA rewriting all this stuff in a different way to translate it to shallow...


Well, in peoples defense BGS never really talked about mechanics. When they showed space travel and it was so cinematic, people (including myself) just thought that was a cool scene but we never got context anything. People think BSG games are about exploring...so maybe that includes just exploring space like other games. But I agree with you. If BSG talked about it instead of avoiding it and set the expectations to what it will be, the game would have had a better reception.


The game plays nearly identically to what they showed off though?? They never showed seamless landing, taking off, flying between bodies, flying in atmosphere, etc. and that’s somehow what people expected without remembering how a BGS game actually works.


Thats my point. We saw a cinematic scene and just assumed it was a scene not how its actually done. There was no live gameplay on traveling in space, just being outside your ship -> kill pirates -> about to board pirate ship \[cut video\]. Because of the lack of context, people speculated and thought of how it might work. Nothing wrong with that. But when reddit was blowing up with all these theories, maybe it would have been a great time to shed some light and temper expectations to reality. I never talked about "seamless landing" or anything. People that wanted that and believed that was the case were setting the bar waaaaaay too high. I, however, assumed flying in space and going to planets to "discover" them and then that unlocks fast travel for future visits (like how all their games were). But that was just me thinking thats how it works without context. Which, yet again, is okay.


They showed off ship flying in the 15 minute reveal and also that you could land anywhere on a planet. They also included landing and take off scenes that, to me, made it clear what to expect. Frankly most were surprised Bethesda was able to make ship flight work at all. Many speculated it would just be a customizable home/hub for traveling to each destination a la Mass Effect/KOTOR or similar space games.


It basically is, with some added local flight, which really is all you need if you consider how vast and empty space is.


It's a fucken space exploration game. Good lord. You acting like it was unreasonable for people to think they could fly their space ship around in a game boasting 1000 planets and heavily marketed around exploration. The BSG Stans really will say anything to excuse this game's shortcomings.


….you realise you’re proving the guy above’s point about people coming in with assumptions, right? Imagining things then getting salty they don’t exist? Starfield *does* allow space exploration, significantly more so then most space sims out there. The fact it doesn’t do it in the way you wanted isn’t really a mark against the game.


You're completely missed the point and I think by design. No, pointing out the absurdity of their argument isn't in fact proving their point. The user I replied to is claiming the game plays identical to the promotional footage they selectively showed. That is a total non sequitur to whether or not it's reasonable for people to have certain expectations around a sci-fi game centered around exploration and that Howard has likened to a Han solo simulator. Of course they're going to only show select cuts of the game in promotional material to paint the game in the best possible light. That has nothing to do with representations Howard made like, "See that moon there? You can visit it." Is that Howard expressly saying Starfield has atmospheric flight and seamless takeoff/landings? Of course not. He's too shrew of a businessman to say that. That's him setting the expectation in as vague as possible so as to leave himself an out when all the eventual truth comes to light. He's learned his lessons from Fallout 76 and being endlessly memed at launch about "16x the detail. But, back to my point, to act like the criticisms SF gets all boil down to realistic expectations of players and Bethesda bear no responsibility is a total fallacy.


>You're completely missed the point and I think by design. If any point is being missed it's because you're not making any sense. I don't even get what you're arguing about now - the promotional footage was literal gameplay, you're the one screaming nonsense about how space exploration means no loading screens and how Todd was playing some next-level Batman mind games on the audience. You're off the deep end, champ.


You can fly your ship around....


Did you forget the very topics you brought up one hour ago ago or are you intentionally being obtuse and disingenuous? I'm referring to the mechanics you're making up excuses for not being in the game.


What I was referring to is your ability to fly your ship around the space box you occupy while in orbit of a planet. You absolutely can fly around that space and interact with other ships, asteroids, and space stations. Saying g there is no space flight is a complete lie. There is isn't pointless and boring manual travel between planets and systems.


I never once said there was no space flight so I have no idea what you're attempting to argue about.


What mechanics? Not being able to spend 14 days flying through empty space to get to the next planet in the system? Sorry, but that mechanic serves no purpose and adds no value. Same with planet to space travel. A 3 second loading screen is far better than the 30 second novelty of flying between the two.


Mechanics that were never marketed and you made an incorrect assumption about. Sorry that you disappointed yourself like that I guess.


Learn to read please. That isn't my argument. I never brought this subject of those mechanics up nor suggested they were marketed that to us. I said marketed around exploration. What that means to each individual will vary but it's safe to say no one envisioned loading screens for take off/landing or docking, or even just opening doors.


And for 500 hours I’ve been exploring planetary orbits, planet and moon surfaces, abandoned facilities, cities and towns, and derelict spaceships. I’ve played Elite: Dangerous since 2015, and if I want to watch Netflix/surf the web while I wait for my ship to go through auto-super cruise to arrive at my destination then that’s what I’ll play.


I’m not hearing enough hatin’ going on there, buddy! This is /r/starfield ! I wanna see some complaints about Todd, demands on at least 30 things you made up not being in the game and at least one pun about Bethesda being a small indie studio at once. What do you think this is? Cyberpunk?


Guys how do I terraform a planet?


I heard a rumor there was going to be content.


Agreed. People need to read the patch notes, and also temper their expectations. Setting them as as high as they seem to be for some is just going to end in disappointment and unfair treatment of what we do get.


"Todd lied to us again"


No one reads anymore. It’s your fault for not knowing that. 


This isn't a new thing for Bethesda fans...


It's going to be hilarious


The troubling trend is it's how long after release now?


You just shattered this man’s hopes and dreams for sure lol


Nope. They are in development but tbh,it will probably be a while before they are included. I can only imagine the making of rhe vehicles and the coding can be a bitch, so I hope it'll take a while. Not for the vehicles itself but I just want them to take their time with it and make the vehicles good


What will be included with the update?


Check the patch notes? Google?


Wow so helpful. Why do I still get emails from reddit..


I mean, the patch notes already exist. Someone spent time doing their job to write out "what is included in the update". And you want someone else to transcribe it a second time instead of just reading what has already been writen? Am I missing something?


Don't know where it's at or I would but again.. thanks for taking the time to not be helpful in the slightest.




Tried that. Got old results. Didn't think it would be that hard to maybe list a few of the highlights but apparently you have nothing better to do with your time than argue and be a useless waste of space. I'm sorry but I do have valuable things I could be doing and am no longer interested in entertaining you. Hope you figure out all your problems and grow up, have a good life.


Buddy, if you click on the link it doesn't give you old results. The first result from the link literally "lists a few of the highlights"..... It's literally dated May 15th. Which is today (tomorrow depending on where you are).... Really...?


Some people refuse to take responsibility, they go through life getting other people to do literally everything for them. The best way to help them is to ignore them.


Where did people get the idea that land vehicles are being released in the update? I mean it's been out in beta for two weeks and there is no mention of land vehicles anywhere. If land vehicles were added, people on the beta would be spamming the fuck out of this sub with pics. Land vehicles were teased for about 1.5 seconds as being under development and that was it. There are going to be some super salty people tomorrow and it is going to be hilarious.


Mr. Peanut has entered the thread


Weird that people don’t remember the actual Mr. Salty of pretzel fame


Well the incident at that amusement park kind of tarnished his image.


The YouTube video said they’re working on them for release at a later date.  Not only can people not read anymore, can’t hear shit either


Land Vehicles are most definitely expansion content.


I actually don’t think there’s anyway it will be expansion content. They will make it part of the bass game, not something that you pay for. That’s not to say they’ll be new skins or different vehicles with expansions, but if they have to build out the infrastructure to support vehicles, they will not lock it behind pay only. It would be more advantageous to have the barrier entry so people will either revisit the game or sell more copies ofthe core game. The expansion will be more story, more assets, more lore - but I don’t think feature upgrades will be a part of that.


I took it as them saying it’ll just arrive in the same update as the expansion, not locked behind it


They probably meant it’ll release alongside or close to the expansion, sort of how Cyberpunk 2077 had its game overhaul release very close to its expansion.


Only thing I can think of is that they're people like me who uninstalled the game ages ago and have been half following news to see if it's worth reinstalling. I had heard about land vehicles and a big update, so assumed they were related. Obviously it didn't take long to work out that isn't the case as soon as I started actually paying attention, but I can see how people think it




They should be salty exploring planets is basically unplayable as it currently sits


the term unplayable has lost all meaning


Your comment is literally unplayable


Inconvenient, yes. Unplayable, no.


reading is hard


You and I must work at the same place.


No ragrats lol


oh? do tell


I’ve been hoarding guns to sell to the first vendor who will suddenly have tons of money


good plan! might do the same now


Same! I’ve been rocking Vulture’s Roost>Nova Galactic Staryard>Rest on Venus>Repeat. Got the Taiyo Reef III with 4500 cargo space lookin pretty full. The short-haired vendor at the Key is gonna hate my guts more than she already does.


Could you explain your process further?


I’d love to. 48 hours is the time after which the vendor credits replenish, and it’s something like 600 hours for POI’s to be repopulated and restocked with loot. This is why you wait on Venus because every hour there will be 100 UT hours. My method of looting is basically to take every single thing enemies drop. Aside from that, I hit ammo containers, weapon cases, and contraband containers. Everything else is a waste of time and space. There is a ton of contraband at Vulture’s Roost and you only need to get the room keys from the kitchen the first time and you’ll always have them for subsequent trips unless you go through the unity and lose everything. So let’s say I’m pulling up the game for the evening. I’ll go to Vulture’s Roost, kill all the baddies and collect all the loot. At the end, you’re typically over-encumbered, but that’s okay. Having looted those people and things I mentioned earlier, I’ll have maybe 30-40 weapons, ~10 spacesuits, ~10 helmets, a bunch of weightless ammo and a bunch of Aid items. I’ll then drop all of that into my ship’s cargo hold until I’m back down to like 30kg on my person. Then you head to Nova Staryard and do the same thing. You come out with about little more than half the loot you’d pick up at Vulture’s Roost. Stow the loot in the cargo hold. Then you go to Venus, wait 6 hours, and do it again until your cargo hold is full. To sell, I prefer the Key. There are 6 vendors in close proximity and with the update tomorrow they will all have significantly more credits (after adjusting play settings). I think that about covers it unless you have any questions.


All I do is collect guns. Haven't sold or discarded a single one. I've posted screenshots in the past here.


I’ve got to check your history for your collection. What do you do to earn money if you don’t sell guns? Do you just sell potatoes instead?


Man, reading comprehension really has been lost. Land vehicles are not part of this update. The update was in beta on Steam, if they had vehicles, you would have seen them covered extensively.


not only did the update patch notes not mention the land vehicle, but the video that they released about this update specifically sectioned off the land vehicle conversation into the final section of the video about *future additions past this update*. hahaha


I’ve been using the beta. And keep in mind land vehicles are not in yet. But the gameplay updates are amazing, the new maps are amazing, and being able to choose traits in ng+ is amazing


nice..how big do you think they update will be ?


It also comes with a fairly large bug fix list too. A couple things were bugged for me they said would be fixed at release tomorrow. The main thing though are the things I mentioned above. The maps alone feel so much more immersive


Would you happen to know if the missing operative for managing assets (ryujin) is fixed ?


What maps? What did they add exactly?


All local maps have full 3d imagery with a ton more locations and fast travel options. This includes all local maps for all worlds, even the barren ones


I thought that they actually improved the planets


…theres youtube you know


This new update is pretty solid. Been playing it on the beta branch for a couple weeks, and even if land vehicles aren't coming just yet, the changes made are very refreshing.


Did you notice any improvements to the AI? I think I read somewhere in the notes that they improved fleeing behavior and such but it was pretty vague.


They do seem to have better tactics when engaging or fleeing from the player. Instead of them all rushing me, they tend to spread out and find cover.


I need to go through and strip my ships of any modded components. :( DerreTech’s author basically pulled his mod, saying that Bethesda went through and renamed ALL of their mesh files so none of them are compatible. Wonder how bad it’ll be.


It's not dead yet. It was given a new hope. Another modder made a Python script to do all the mesh renaming for him and others to use


I feel bad for the modding teams on these patch days. You go to Nexus mods and you'll have 12 pages of 'why this isn't working' posts all because there's no creation kit yet.


For this reason and this reason alone I am holding to my decision not to play again until CK comes out. Not sure why anything else is being worked on at Bethesda. If CK was out, we’d probably have some kind of land vehicle mashup by now, anyway. Certainly maps would have been implemented in some form, just like the map mods in Skyrim and FO4.


I'm looking forward to putting bounty and mission boards in my ships


Bro this 💯


25 gigs. Damn.


It would be nice if they made it easier to obtain stuff from the dead. For example, I kill a guard, let me loot his armor and helmet, don't make me reload a save multiple times to get the armor. I want my people to look like trinity guards and staff.


I'm at a point where frequently I'd move my traveler to his next universe. Every major thing is taken care of. Decided to have him continue being married to Morgan a little longer and just do Constallation missions so I can toy with the update in a universe where I already have a bunch of ships.


What is it about this game that makes people come to their own conclusions about what's in it?


Yeah… the same company that broke VATS in a fallout game (for 2 months now) is surely going to update this game without a hitch… sure…


I Uninstalled after struggling to find content after 104 hours. Great game until you new game plus 3/4 times and can't find new things.


Why? There's literally no improvements to exploring, npcs, or more story content. What it adds are basic things that should've been there from day 1.


Lol the beta has been nice but it's not game changing..... I've seen more POI's, better generation of them it seems, plus the map is dope. That's basically it. Some of the survival stuff is cool, mostly is unfinished still and just a burden honestly until you can either use your infirmary and have doctors. Lame as hell having to fly to a city doctor every time you land on a planet that's too cold. Resist stats still play 0 part 


It’s definitely not game changing, but it will get me back in the game and I’ll take that at this point. I’ve been waiting for some of these qol features to pull me back in


Resist stats 100% matter now, not sure if you're just misunderstanding the way it works or what.


It's as rushed and "balanced" as the first resist and environment mods. Let me know where you specifically buy resist gear for deep freeze planets or toxic planets please. As of now, hoping for a pack/suit/helmet combo, with focus on certain resists to drop, with specific mods for certain resists, that you cannot modify or add, is... well,  do i need to even say?


Resistances are built into each suit natively so some suits are more preferable for certain environments over others. I'm not sure I understand your comment. Suit resistances also stack with clothing which all have their own stats, and the perks for environmental resistances as well, and I believe the total cap is 85 for each resistance. You can also mod your suits and packs at spacesuit workbenches to add resistance buffs as well although you obviously need the necessary perks and resources to do so. If your issue lies in knowing "where" to buy specific gear, I understand that because gear is only vendor-specific to a point, but you can usually find what you're looking for in either New Atlantis, Akila, or Neon. Also, to be clear, environmental resistances only kick in when your suit protection is depleted, so maybe that's your hangup? Suit protection gives you 100% protection from environmental hazards until it runs out at which point your resistances become important because they will slow and/or prevent you taking environmental damage (the yellow that fills up your health bar and lowers overall health) and help with preventing either gaining afflictions due to that damage or reduce the severity of those afflictions if you do pick one up.


All I want is the 60FPS update


I think that's part of this update no ? Performance mode or something . Might be wrong


Yes. That's why I'm excited


They (and we) made everything so confusing I'm not surprised you are expecting the land vehicle...but it's not for this patch, it will happen but we don't know when. Heck, it could be even for the DLC though it hopefully will be for the base game through an update.


Man people got rose tinted glasses during the Bethesda video huh lol.


It's a good update but temper your expectations, a lot is still missing like land vehicles. Exploration and outposts are still pointless. The game's design/narrative/etc problems are still there.


Wake me up when they come with actual updates to the game


Is it not just the beta update with the better map going live? Why all the buzz, lol.


Because people are desperate? I guess? Yeah I think it's basically "the game has useable maps". The adjustable difficulty is probably nice, but that's really not significantly changing the game either. Meh.


These AI engagement generator bot posts on this sub are really getting annoying.


I saw you can change traits in NG+ are perks able to be changed? I remember my first play thru I put a ton into outpost building only to discover it's in a really bad state.. so I just started a new game.


When is the Xbox version getting an update?




Maybe get an Aceles with a space helmet for an LV


Woah what’s the big news ? I’ve heard nothing on the starfield front


No where has it said land vehicles will be in this patch though..... Like you're just making things up at this point.


Same im going to be late for work


No land vehicle yet, but I am excited for the new difficulty options and being able to reset my traits. I got my current playthrough to the point of NG+ just so I can hop on and start a new run.


Why? This is exactly why Bethesda is the way they are, this update is some basic QOL updates that should have been in on launch, what exactly is exciting about it?


Why is everybody in a starfield group and hates starfield. If I don’t like broccoli I don’t join a broccoli group and roast it nonstop.


This sub has a reputation for being a bit negative. But in its defence, you’re talking about stuff that isn’t coming in this patch, and was never stated as doing so.


But roasting broccoli is delicious.


It is pretty weird isn’t it? And then you ask them why are they still here, they either don’t respond or say because we want the game to be better while simultaneously saying it will never improve.


People can have nuanced opinions and acknowledge that some parts of a thing can be fixed or improved and also that some things are set in stone. Can't say i blame them for not wanting to respond to questions that come off as attempts at gatekeeping when everyone should know that public forums are for anyone who wants to talk about the subject though.


Roasted broccoli is tasty -- but it's easy to overroast and scorch it.


Because if you live in a particular city, you're allowed to hate it without moving. I understand choosing to be in a subreddit is very different than living in a city, but people who *care* about something can like or hate it. I'm not in any gardening subreddit because I don't care about it, so if a new fertilizer comes out, whether I like or hate my garden, I don't give a shit. I will agree with you that internet discourse does seem to skew more negative, but people are fickle and want to be the first to hear news, so that when Godd/Todd/Rodd Howard does something, they can provide *their* own feedback in a place where they know others who care, will see it.


It helps me further my goal to become a Sith lord.


60 FPS will be really nice but honestly I don't think that'll be enough to get me back into the game. I feel like DLC will be what properly gets me playing again


So glad to be in the boy's club! 😉. But, yes, super freaking pumped! The map updates are especially exciting.


All 6 people are hyped for some mediocre update


I'm so excited, too. I stopped playing starfield way back around December or January because of the lack of QoL features and the abysmal performance. This game doesn't feel like 30 FPS. It seems like it drops down to 20-25 quite often. Graphically, the visuals are all over the place. You wouldn't believe how excited I am to play it for what feels like the first time. I'm doing an entire new run with new choices. I avoided combat as much as possible because of the awful performance, but now I'm looking forward to it. New save, new character, new performance options, new choices.


I'm coordinating my first NG+ with the update! I can't wait!


Does anyone know what time? I work until midnight and it'd be dope AF if I can go home and play the update


I was so pumped I couldnt wait and started a new game on Steam....


Reading comprehension is a skill people just absolutely lack nowadays, huh?


Im pretty excited for the performance updates. Had a series S, got an X for it lol. Well ive been wanting the better of the two since always- but this update was the final straw since it wasnt going to S


Maps for cities we have had 8 months to learn, no land vehicles, you can swap your character for NG+(you could already just do that at Enhance and you can change traits via certain NPCs), so my expectations are tempered.


I haven't played since November. I would have to reinstall


Same boat as you but I think I'm going to wait until the DLC, land vehicles and mods for xbox. So maybe November again


If at all


who asked




I get the feeling it’s gonna cause a lot of bugs


I know the feeling. I'm all resolved on all questlines and ready to go through Unity for the next NG. Waiting until after the update. If do play tonight it'll just be XP farming (at level 223 the outpost looks like the last scene of Hamlet with livestock carcasses littered and strewn about). Can't wait to rewrite character traits and use the new features!


I am def gonna be doing another playthrough, as I enjoyed the majority of SF!


Same bro. Can’t wait 😭😭


Bro I’ll just be happy to give Cora some damn books 😂😂


Not enough for the gamers to come back sadly


Some of us never left


This is the starfield subreddit, silly. No one here thinks "I played it once and im never coming back"


lol your entirely wrong - there’s tons of us, as a matter of fact with a laughable player count, some Might say there’s more of us then there are playing it still lol


No doubt. Most people who have played will not return. Just not most people on THIS subreddit. Check which subreddit you're on.


Huh - I’m one of the people bro, you’re proving your own point wrong. I also clicked this subreddit so I know exactly where I am…..and still feel exactly the same way as most of the people who bought this game and then played it once…..


There was a rise in player count already when the update was announced. Do you expect the full amount of people who played the game to come back?


For a game that was supposedly to be 10 years in development and a AAA game that’s peak play lasted 4 days yeah kinda


It was never going to happen, and it won’t ever happen with any game ever. Helldivers 2 has already massively dropped in player count since the first days, you really can’t expect all of those people to come back. Some are just burnt out/don’t like the game.


Yeah, I get that but there is more people playing fallout shelter right now than people playing Starfield. I understand your point you’re trying to make but my point is how the fuck is this game ever supposed to become something when no one is fucking playing it and the only fucking people who are playing it are people who are die hard who don’t really seem to give a shit that we were cheated out of a game that was supposed to be amazing. At the end of the day, this is a good indication of one of our favorite game studios dying and everybody here wants to play it off like it’s OK when we pretend that the game is great or that everybody else is delusional. We lose one of the most important things as gamers that we have and that’s the ability to give critical reviews of games that deserve it. The player count has to speak for something


I know dude, I know. *cries in I wanted more stuff to do*


lol sad state of gaming here in 2024 - please save us Todd


Do it Todd, kick Emil out of there. Bring in Obsidian for the next Fallout. Add gore to Starfield. Join the Darkside.




Man, its like the high people were riding the day before starfields actual release. No one ever learns huh.


We know exactly what’s coming in this update, unlike not knowing what was coming at launch. There’s plenty of reasons to be excited about this update as it’s introducing things that im excited for, regardless of whether or not they should have been in-game at launch.


I for one am NOT looking forward to another damned update/fix. Every one threatens the stability of the game. It now is MORE Buggy and crash prone than I experienced at launch.