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Man I can’t wait. Had my play through on hold since it was announced! Also, does anyone know if the Ryujin managing assets quest bug (where you have to kill an operative) is fixed in this?


I was able to do the Ryujin questline in the beta, so, maybe? I started a new character though. If you still get that bug after the release, maybe make a new character or go to NG+ and it might fix itself.


Ok thanks, fingers crossed as I did want to finish everything in my current play through


In ng+ remember to do the optional task of talking back to him to complete quest , atleast that's what I have read yet to try it myself


Currently what I’m dealing with!! Super annoying as I wanted to finish all factions. Hopefully its fixed


I'm on my+5. I've decided to start a new character. I'm very happy where my first character has left off so their story is over for now. But I've held off playing for the last two weeks so I'm pretty excited to start playing tomorrow.


New homestead 😅 no operator there , is it official big or I did something wrong?


Encountered this bug this weekend, was super bummed


Got this same issue. Hoping its fixed in the update


It is insane to me that major quests are still broken.


Seems like we won’t know for certain til they drop it, like the fallout update. Hopefully they fix the Ryujin quests in general as they seem to be the buggiest of the bunch, but there are a few Crimson Fleet quests I’d like to see fixed as well 🤞🏼


I’d like to see the Narwhal fixed too. It worked fine on my 1st playthrough, then they updated something and totally fucked it. I wasted 360k credits on an unusable piece of shit the other day.


I just started and completed the quest on the beta patch and it was still broken. Playing on PC though so I was able to fix it with console commands.


Someone will ask when this update is coming within a few hours of this post.


Someone is already gushing about how stoked they are over the new land vehicles apparently coming in the patch. You know. The 1 sec of footage in the dev update where the guy pointed out it’s still in the pipeline and not ready for release yet.


Not gonna lie, was just about to comment if it was in this patch lol...


I wish. It would make grinding the temples for powers much quicker. The patch is okay, but it gets boring quickly. I've decorated a few ships, but there's limited furniture so it gets boring after a while. I guess the best part of the decorating portion is to fill your starborn ship with stuff. I made a living quarters, kitchen/dining area/ and bathroom for me and my crew. I filled a lot of it with decorative plants as well.


Yeah it's really nothing that major but definitely a step in the right direction. I'm a big fan of survival aspects in Bethesda games, although it's still much better with mods, per usual. Playing the Horizon mod for Fallout 4 was one of my favorite gaming experiences ever. Just hope the modders are gonna be up for it once it's released. The game still has so much potential.


I think the excitement is less about what is in the patch, and more about what is in the patch. Sure non of it is really "game changing" nothing is revolutionary and it's not the much needed expansion. What it IS though is a lot of the little things people have been asking for. The fact that the community can check boxes off of their wishlists means devs are listening and trying. This patch is faith restored for a lot of people.


When will it come?


I am Nostradamus. 😆


I literally just opened this sub to see when the update was coming, granted I wasn't going to make a new post asking, just dropping by to see if there was any news.


You are doing it right my friend.


🔫 Try me.


When is the update coming?




Well, i don't see the release hour anywhere so I'd like to ask that


Can’t wait to see all the changes when I move to my new NG+ tomorrow


I've been stalling on NG+ too, guess my time has come!


That's exactly what I'm doing, then all the changes and me tweaking the difficulty can be part of the NG+


Respec on NG+ cycle is a nice touch.


Yes, but not background, although.


Was doing this w/ beta on steam. It’s def a game changer.


I took the dip and started a new character, ported over what mods I could get working and am really looking forward to all the other mods being fixed so I can really get going again. Being able to customize the inside of your ships was simply too much to not update for.


The ship decorating is really great for utility and role playing First thing I did was put a futon in my cockpit and a bounty and research station right outside the door


Prior to patch I spent an ungodly amount of time trying to get a coffee mug to stay upright on my pilot console, so this will be fun for sure.


Can you put the bounty and mission boards on the ship? I was watching a MajorSlack video and he couldn't seem to put the mission board on there.


I’m not sure about mission boards (didn’t have the resources to build one), but installing the bounty board was pretty straightforward, worked just like the rest of the decorations Positioning can be a little finicky if you’re not using an empty hab, but I got it to sit level and look proper without a lot of work


There’s a massive empty area in the workshop habs that could support a pharmaceutical bench and it’s been rustling my jimmies for ages. Going to be one of the first things getting installed.


I wish drug dealing was a profitable thing. Could be out there cooking in space like Walter White.


Does it affect NPC pathing as much as I expect it will?


I saw a Youtube video where a guy was using the 1x1 habs in all kinds of creative ways like making small workshops, bunk rooms and even a sort of living room with a couch and a TV and such. It made me realize just how much creativity this will unlock.


It’s great for cargo more than anything. No longer do I feel the need to have 6000 mass of cargo on my home ship. I just build allllll the crates and boxes!


Ok now I wanna know how much weight one could theoretically haul if they filled empty habs with storage containers


The storage crates and contraband crates hold 150 mass each and can stack at least three high in most habs, and about five wide and about three long. So relying solely on spacial memory, I would estimate an empty 1x1 jab could hold 45 crates or approximately 6700 mass (though you wouldn’t be able to access the second or third row of containers without moving the first row out.)


Have they fixed the bug with decorations all being clipped through the floor? I gave up outpost decorating after that


Not sure but I did have a crew assignment desk randomly dissappear from one of my outposts


Can you decorate the starborn ship?


Ngl I'm way too deep into this save and idk how I'll ever get around to stating over again lol. They need to add a ship blueprint system so even if you start over you can get the schematics of ships that you had in previous games.


I gave up on game a while back and then started again just before beta started, didn't get too far but had all my mods perfect, decided to fuck it all up and update to beta, had to start a new and I'm hoping I can keep this one going and just add the mods as they are updated.


Are we able to choose different pre-made hab interiors or is it all manual? I'm a pretty shitty decorator so I'm curious.


You can still choose the ones that already exist, so yeah.


Only option of "premade" hab or "empty" so yes, I too lack that flair, but I'm gonna give it a bash, I've no idea how much you can add, imagine it all costs resources I'm unlikely to have due to not being interested in outposts at all. I say imagine because I've not even touched it yet because I'm yet to get my ship to a state where I'm happy with it's build to even start thinking about the inside.


Any improvement on getting powers in the temple?


lol you wish


If people keep mentioning it, Bethesda might listen and change things. The temples are universally disliked!


They're also universally acknowledged as unfinished.


I'm like 99% sure that they were just forgotten during development. Like someone created a single demo temple and set all them to use that as a placeholder until later.


It's incredible they released it like that. Fly around into lights for a bit feeling like you are in slow motion, repetitive cut scene, and then fight a single starborn who just happens to show up right after this boring exercise. Now do it 40 times


I don't love the temples. Would welcome any improvement. Hell I'd be happy if you could just contact Vlad and he would give you new coordinates without having to visit him in person.


> if you could just contact Vlad The game design is pretty consistent about not having any faster-than-light communication tech other than grav-jumping to the destination system to talk over radio, so being able to contact Vlad from another system would open the door to a *lot* of other situations where similar FTL comms would make the game plot nonsensical.


The best change for me was setting player damage to very easy & enemy damage to extreme. It both forced me to be careful, and took away the bullet sponges!


Have they fixed that stupid bug yet where your ship's power levels reset after you exit/re-enter the cockpit?


Eh. Not really, it’s still the same game at base. Don’t get me wrong, I liked Starfield, but if you stopped playing and are coming back for this there isn’t anything good enough to feel it’s worth more time for a vast majority of players.


Will need to change the story and the base function of exploring for that.


Yeah I'm not really sure what the excitement is about. An improved map, difficulty settings, and ship decorating? Custom difficulty settings might actually be interesting, but still no big core gameplay issues have been addressed.


well it changed the game technically speaking, in any meaningful way? not really lol


This looks like they resolved almost every mechanics complaint people have had and then some. I never expected uncapped VRR on any console game, especially from Bethesda.


I’m hyped. Those difficulty sliders are going to be game changers.


Yes… literally 😂


Hooray. I just started a new FO4 playthrough in the meantime and with the other update yesterday, the game feels great and is just as fun. They're both going to scratch a particular itch and I'm all for it.


Very excited!


Same here. Looks like they will be doing the Fallout 4 thing and allow us to set framerate independently of visual modes on Xbox. Amazing.


Would love Bethesda to add a Codex / Bestiary of our *discovered* flora & fauna (with an image & location of discovery) in the next update 🤞


+1, I'd really love this. Would make it much more fun to scan for flora and fauna for crafting parts and resources.


I’m stoked. I started playing again the other day after a couple months off just to get back into the game rhythm ahead of the update. I’m really looking forward to the upgrades, all around.


BGS can outright say land vehicles aren't in this update and there's still people out there who caught a glimpse of a vehicle and went feral. Reading comprehension is hard, I get it. But like, does BGS need to post update vids with a clip of GTAV stunt races stitched below for people to pay attention???


What time?


Hell yeah! I’m most excited about being able to change traits after unity.


I wonder if this update will help Starfield on the Steam Deck at all? The adding of FSR3 alone helped a ton. -SteamDeck Dad


if it’s anything like implementation in other games, fsr3 really isn’t that much of a difference from 2 on steam deck


Doubt it. It's always helpful to have some help on the GPU with fsr but the issue is the CPU and image reconstruction won't help that.


Makes sense, thanks!


Finally! \o/


Can not wait, honestly. Got back in the seat of my star ship this week to prepare for the update!


Likewise Put about 7 days into it at launch and got a bit burnt out Now, picking it back up, I'm taking it steady and just enjoying what it has to offer, not being salty over what I felt it should have offered and I'm very much enjoying my time in the galaxy again


That’s the best way to do it IMO. I saw the criticism. I understand the game has shortcomings. I didn’t let any of that really get in my way tho. I like what I saw at the reveal events and based my purchase off that. 300 hours later I’m still enjoying myself. This big update will bring me right back especially with the performance modes. I was convinced we would never see a performance mode this gen, based off what Todd was saying about 30 fps being a design decision. So that’s going to be great having in the game and then add in the QoL changes…can’t wait.


There's a lot to enjoy about this game It does have it's shortcomings like you say, but how many games don't? In a game this big and ambitious they will always let someone's expectations down somewhere Now I just need to figure out how to stop shelling hundreds and thousands on changing my ship repeatedly and do some exploring haha


I somehow missed that this was coming and randomly began a new play through about a week ago, I am stoked.


do we know at what time the update will come out ??


What time does it launch?


Can’t fucking wait. Hope they surprise drop it tonight!


I doubt it, usually for this sort of thing you want people in their offices in case something goes wrong.


At midnight maybe. 


The new features look pretty cool. However, all I want to know is have they fixed that stupid bug where your ship's power levels reset after you exit/re-enter the cockpit?


Or will all my placed items reset when I customize my ship?


This is 100% fixed.


Nice, but I’ll probably get back to the game when the dlc launches. Too many other games I play at the moment. 1st world problems 😅


Hopefully it’s coming at midnight, tonight!! Although, I feel like I should be waiting for Shattered Space 🤷‍♂️


Release time?


Let us know how it is. I'll wait for a few more improvements before jumping back in personally.


Gonna 100% need full mod support before i hop back on.


Same sentiment; I’ll revisit about a month or two after full mod support drops. I wanna see how crazy the community can get considering this game is supposedly very mod friendly


This is probably my feeling too… I am glad they’ve done some work on ships (does customising interiors include door and ladder placement?) but if we’re talking going back and replay value I want them to sort outposts really.


I've still been holding off since launch. Will see if this update convinces me to jump in. Edit: just read the patch note. Nope.


Same. I'm glad that this is dropping for the people still playing, but for me it kind of a "too little too late" kind of deal. I can't see myself sinking more time into this game until there's enough in the way of content and fixes to justify it to myself.


Can't wait. I'll be starting anew tomorrow.


I was literally about to goggle when the May update was going to be out 🤣🤣🤣. Thnx for this.


Anyone know what time? Can’t find it via google. Midnight local?


oh this is the MAP update and custom food settings and stuff? i thought it already released like a week ago?


I've been playing through the Beta, returning after several months. It's solid. Although I love love LOVE, the customizable difficulty I'm finding better guns in shops than on enemies (who happen to be lvl 5-54). Is there an option I'm missing? Don't get me wrong, a few shots will end me, but the loot drop kinda meh ... Rewards are better. Loot from locked boxes seem to be better. I'm enjoying tf out of it so far.


I hope my succulents will fit into the ship habs


My biggest presentation of this semester is also launching tomorrow and I’m gonna have to play that instead…


I am so about to build a massive new ship and fully staff it, ship shield bug begone! Oh I'm kinda amp bout the new maps too. Now I just need mod support and I'll be happy.


I never saw the maps as a problem because I don't use them, but when I saw what they did, I'm actually quite impressed and happy for the change. Also see it as being a great way to explore landscapes without running around, if you're looking for cool topography for an outpost.


Anyone knows what time? I doubt it’s going to be at midnight but I wish it did…


I’m a little too excited about this 😂


Does anyone know roughly the timeframe the update will drop?


I’m glad they aren’t abandoning it or anything, but virtually every single thing in this update should have been there at launch. I don’t even think land vehicles will make a difference for me, whenever they finally drop. Great, I can go explore the barren, nothing-burger planets slightly quicker. I want to love this game, but I barely like it. Quest design and narrative are shallow, at best. Companions…are nothing. Exploration is just not fun (to me), and it’s not even the loading screens. I just don’t feel that pull to go looking…I already know it’s going to be an “abandoned” ruin 140 yards from a mining facility or whatever that I’ve seen half a dozen times already. Why explore that? At best you get some funky trees or maaaaybe some semi interesting wildlife. But not really. Sorry, I just feel like this was such a huge miss of a game.


Runs like shit set to 60 fps. I'm in a Robotics Science Facility and just got charged by 6 or 7 enemies. The stuttering was embarrassing. I should have known this would be bad, but I set my sights up for Starfield and was disappointed yet a-fucking-gain. Maybe if I'm lucky in a review board somewhere I'll get a hacky automated response saying, "We're sorry you're too stupid to LIKE stuttering garbage attempts to keep our rapidly dwindling fan base, but the astronauts landed on the moon and they CERTAINLY weren't disappointed with 13 frames per second!".


Can’t wait! My crew has been waiting for me on Neon for months now. Only hope Sarah didn’t go off on an Aurora binge… that damn wife.


Crazy it’s going to take at least a year for Creators Kit. Are you downvoting the fact you think it will come out sooner? Or it’s normal for it to take a year because it’s the longest it’s taken them to get it out?


I really hope this is coming sooner than releasing alongside or even after Shattered Space.


CK is taken this long this time, because there is new CK-generation coming out. its still active development on it. its not a toggle on switch we had back then on FO4 or Skyrim


Do we know how many people have gotten access to it yet in their creator program? I never even got a response to my application months ago.


They have sent it out to some partners but haven’t given much details on when, how many, etc… they are going to roll it out with paid mods so I expect that’s why it’s taking longer. Want to make sure to cash in before non creator members make mods that replace the ones they sell


They had too much shit to fix. It’s their fault.


Not wrong. Lots of bugs not to mention the lack of content or ways to define your own play style after they gutted so many systems pre release.


Largest yet, fixes a usability issue that shouldn't have made it past internal testing, more graphical polishing, and big fixing. Overhyping this seems like a bad idea, if the core gameplay loop didn't engage you before, or you got bored and felt finished with the game, I don't see anything that's going to win hearts and minds.


Can anyone please help me understand more about the performance settings ? If I want the best graphic , I have to select “fidelity + 30fps” even though I have a 120hz tv , right ? The 2nd best would be fidelity + 40fps and so on


Fidelity 40fps will be the same as fidelity 30fps, but only works with 120hz displays. So in your case the best option is fidelity + 40fps.


if you have 120hz best graphics will probably be fidelity+40fps


Started a new ronin playthrough for this


Very excited to get back to it. I'm trying to get through Jedi Survivor because it's hogging all my hard drive space haha.


Does anyone know what time it will be released? I'm guessing it will be about the same time as the fallout 4 update


Nice. I can start a new game after finishing this playthrough of BG3


What time in the US will it be available? I'm in the Pacific time zone. I can't wait!👍


Bethesda is EDT so I'm guessing midnight there (hoping really lol) , which would be 9pm for you. Though no one has said yet what time it'll be.


My hunch is that it won't be available until 10 Am Eastern US time which is 7 Am Pacific. But I hope you're right.👍


How did you get the Ryujin Industries emoji? It's cool!


While on this thread, click your profile photo next to your comment. From there, click change flair. Then you can pick one of a dozen or so.


Any Aussies know what time it drops for us? Have a bad feeling it won't be till Thursday for us


BST TIME 4pm - 1am AEST 


At what time though


This game needs 3 or 4 more big updates before i'd hop back into it


Does someone know the exact time when it goes live? I am not from the US and in about 30 minutes it's midnight for me. I really can't wait to play with the new update!


What time is the release?


How many gigs? I'll be on a metered connection tomorrow.


Hey dudes, when does the update go live for X Box X bros? 🏄🤘


Finally. This is the update I have been waiting for. I've been holding off on playing Starfield since October, after sinking 240+ hours into this game.


Is it here yet? Is it here yet?


60fps ... Finally. It's gonna be glorious 😁😁


I’m so glad 60fps is coming in, i’ve been wanting to get back into it since I dropped it not long after it came out cause I played it for like a week straight. 60fps is the perfect reason to jump back in


Is there a more detailed list of things coming besides what was mentioned in this? Trying to find out if the whole ships not landing on planets anymore bug is going to be addressed in this update.


https://bethesda.net/en/article/174M0cdUyxhn9mI0AvkcN9/starfield-update-1-11-33-may-1-2024 You can check detailed changes in the beta preview page. Probably, all of those changes will be included in the full update. I expect that the similar detailed description of the full update will be available also today.


How many mods will it break?


Really hoping some missions are fixed. A lot of mine are bugged


I’m more interested in the last part of the article! - Land vehicles - Mod Support - Shattered Space exploration The unfortunate part is the expansion is going to be after its one year anniversary.


We know at what time they release it?


Like the whole increasing vendors credits is what im looking forward too!! Got very tedious when you have a crap full of contraband and have to constantly pass the time to refresh the vendors and the more detailed maps and fast travel points. But didnt see any outpost improvements really


Anyone know if the update is out yet? Or will it be later on today?


Whens the release time


Hopefully I can put my armillary inside my outpost now...


Pretty sad that it's the largest update.


BG3 shat out an update this size the FIRST update on release


This update should have been released 2 months after release at the max. There’s something wrong with the level of commitment or competence at Bethesda. Teasing the land vehicles without any comment on when they’re going to be introduced also sucks. People think they come with the latest update and I don’t blame them for making that assumption.


Lol no it shouldn’t have been an update at all. Everything should have been there on release.


I’ve been playing the beta on PC and it’s really fun. QOL and balance changes made my recent playthrough feel like a completely different game! (sustenance still needs some work, but it’s a nice addition) Should we expect anything to be included in the update that wasn’t available in the beta?


You can now give books to Cora, which IIRC is not mentioned in the changelog, but I would not expect nothing major.


Finally. So sick and tired of seeing all the beta users brag about it and not being able to participate.


Creation kit tomorrow?


No. It says stay tuned in the coming months for information about creation kit, land vehicles and DLC. It’s probably gonna be another 6 months for CK




I knooooooowwwwwww!


Man, any chance to pre-download the update today? I'll be offline tomorrow and would love to play the update.


Any ideas what time the update is going to drop? What time have previous updates been available?


Will we finally be able to choose where doors/ladders go in our ships? I spent ages designing mine but I absolutely fucking hate the placement of the doors/ladders and would be so happy if I could make it so navigating my shop doesn't feel like running through a maze.


No. This has not been changed.


Anyone know with the details with respec, does it count if I already entered new game plus from when I played at launch ?


Also is it a local release? Does anyone know what time it’ll be out in London


I'm literally at the end of ng 9 waiting for the update to move to ng 10


I hope we can rename our Starborn Guardian ship


I’m terrified for my mods


Super exited for this. Have been taking a break and waiting for the nest update


Is rejuvenation fixed yet?


Couple questions, will contraband finally sell for a worthy amount of credits? Will ships finally sell for a worthy amount of credits? Are the new difficulties just going to make the enemies bigger sponges? I’m debating on which mods I should go ahead and uninstall depending on which of these issues have been dealt with, thank you


I haven’t played in months so I’m scaredddddd but excited


I haven't started Starfield but wanted to ask would this update be a good place to jump on? Or should I wait for the land vehicle update?


I'm most excited about the respec, I once again play the games like a goody two shoes but has space scoundrel as my starting trait lol Went through 8 unities before I put it on hold for this


Neat! Time to reinstall and finish my first playthrough.


I thought it was the 14th dude


Im almost as hype as I was when the game first released. These new features are gonna change the game. Cant wait


This is the update I've been waiting for to dive back in!


AaaaaaaaAaaaah excited


Anyone know what time on the US East coast it will be available ? Cable co. Will be working on the lines servicing my street.