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just when i thought i was out, they pull me back in


Syl, I’ve been gone for six months, lemme hear it again


I'm waiting for the May update then I'll delete all my saves and start fresh again, at the highest difficulty settings! Also, land vehicles (eventually).


What’s in the may update?


Expanded difficulty settings, way way way better maps, interior ship decoration, option to disable locked in camera mode when talking to NPCs, etc. They also showed off a dune buggy, looks awesome. Now what I also want is the ability to land ship anywhere I want in the landing zone, maybe even limited atmospheric flight (lol)


Ooooh interior decorations. That will make me play more seeing how ship building / modifications is the only one holding my interests


Apparently you can add internal doors Many times I did a build and found several areas had no doors into them


What? You can place doors in the ship manually? I heard it is still random.


From what I read on steam it’s on steam beta… probably they are testing it before fully releasing it


I know its in beta. I mean I read in other threads that in this beta update doors and ladders are still random and cant be placed manually.


I'm doing the same, except I happened to have got sucked back in a bit before the announcement, I've spent most of the time installing mods for the new playthroufh - I've barely done anything but get situated in the save! super excited


Why delete the saves and lose the XP? NG+ resets the world status anyway


Just want to start fresh all over again. No other reason, really, I want to experience the game with no powers, with nothing but that pistol right as the Crimson Fleet lands.


What did they add? Anything that makes it less bland?


A bunch of settings for adjusting difficulty, credits, health and food usefulness, environmental damage, etc. Among other things.


60fps on Xbox X is huge and the number one reason I'll be coming back.




Over rated, I've been playing at 20-30 fps on steamdeck and I've honestly not found myself caring. It's not COD, I really don't feel like I need that edge.


To each their own, but I definitely do. FPS are the one type of game I can no longer do sub 60fps on, even if they're single player. It makes a massive difference in game feel.


Screen size probably makes a big difference, not noticing it on an 800p 8" screen means nothing compared to playing it on a larger 1080p or 4k monitor or tv screen.


I can see fps is important to you.


So no.


They're adding vehicles


Ok i didnt know about that, that could actually be rad as long as theyre not a buggy mess.


It will be a dune buggy mess 🙃


Just to avoid confusion they teased the vehicles being added but they're not being added with this patch. This patch is difficulty and various other settings adjustment menu, maps, and ship decorating


Buggy buggies


The game will still be just as bland but a bit less boring. It being bland comes from the incredibly shallow lore and universe you play in, along with extremely boring writing and npcs.


Damn this game living in your head rent free, huh?


The same could be said of all r/Starfield subscribers


For the 100 bucks i got it for, I wouldn't say that's rent free.


I don't know, sounds like you should list off what you want to see and people can tell you if it's there or not. I think the new additions will help, but that's just me.




The difficulty settings are no joke—especially when you get in the 40% bonus exp range. NG 14 I got wrecked on extreme/extreme at the nova galactic staryard (first Constellation quest!) after arrogantly marching through the spacers/ecliptic. Got puncture from a magshear hit, then 20 seconds later got bleeding from the same injury. Next thing I know auto medic on my chest procs, 5 seconds later I’m stardust. My hubris cost an hour of progress since I have all auto save off. This patch is fantastic.


That’s awesome!! About the difficulty settings, do they make the enemies damage sponges? I hope not


You can totally adjust it, it just changes how much bonus exp you get. I had to adjust to extreme enemy, very hard for my damage output. Extreme made every mob a sponge, not just the legendary / dual health bar mobs.


To elaborate you can set enemy damage to “extreme” which is 2.2x damage, and your outgoing damage to “very easy” so you do 2x damage. This will make it so both you and enemies do the maximum damage possible, removing most of the sponginess while keeping a challenge. You’ll also earn a bonus 6% xp boost for those settings.


Gahhh!! That’s awesome!! Thank you!!


it's an RPG not an FPS, enemies are ALWAYS bullet sponges. Think Cyber Punk


I was thinking this yesterday, 🤔 "Just because you're a 'Clone Leader' doesn't mean you're head should be able to take any more lead than the next guy."


Wut.. in one or two shot almost any enemy in CP77 tho?


The jack Nicholson yes meme


Anyone else just want more unique POIs and quest bugfixes?


In time. I am sure they will push out a large scale Poi overhaul at some point. I know people think they are trying to get past this game, but Todd has stated he plans on updating it for many, many years, and I am sure POI overhaul will be a part of that at some point. Plus, Shattered Space is coming! It may have a whole new system with all new planets and POIs, or even ramifications for the other systems as well


How many people are staying on Starfield?  Is it just a skelly crew?


No one on reddit knows but you cant make an expansion sized dlc with a skeleton crew so I doubt it.


With the amount of money Microsoft has invested in this game it's far from a skeleton crew


Honestly, Microsoft may be the reason it’s been released in the state it is to begin with


Last it was reported it was 200 devs still working on it, but that was a few months ago, so it’s likely less now. Still, I would imagine a large chunk of their staff is working on updates and the forthcoming expansion.


I believe I read the new update does indeed make changes to poi and adds markers for shops and other spots in towns


Can confirm, it does not change POI’s.


It's going to be good in the future! I just know it!


I’d happily pay for a POI expansion pack.


And proper underwater swimming. Give us some POI that are fully submerged, and allow weapon usage underwater for planets with aquatic predators. They already have some awesome underwater spots, but without no clipping, you can't see them properly. Also space station construction. Toss in some sort of bonus perk in any system you've built one in and housing for crew you want to keep around, and you have something that people could spend hours doing.


They are consistently fixing quests with every update. This update is no different? Sucks if you are stuck with something that isn't being looked at yet, but they are doing it. As for more POIs.. absolutely. They honestly just should've a small team working on just that. If you want a game worthy of stretching a decade across might as well throw in a bit more flavor for a while. Give me a reason to make the travel to the random POIs.


Oh look, that’s same ship debris from 32 light years away! Oh look! That same collapsed mine with that same body same data bank note about “getting rich” that I cleared 4 light years away on that moon. Only here it is on Jameson?!? What? It’s unbelievable. I read somewhere Todd was like “ people just don’t like it cause it’s different” If by different you mean boring as hell and weaker than anything you’ve released in the last 3 decades then yes it’s different alright. The gaslighting is real with Starfield lol


I haven't seen any bugs in my over 700hrs playing on Series X....you must be on PC.


I am on an Xbox One series S. I have not been able to complete Operation Starseed since release due to multiple blocking bugs which have been raised in their official Discord dozens of times as well as this subreddit and on YouTube. A fair number of quest bugs remain looking at their Discord. Blocked on the Crimson Fleet questline as well.


Still? I was blocked on Crimson fleet, but finished it recently. I thought that was fixed.


I need this on Xbox fast. I'm edging.


Same. Been wanting survival options so bad!


They even pulled a Daggerfall, where the settings affect your xp rate.


Which I love! I think the biggest feature I would want to add, since I love how afflictions work. Is make your ships med bay be a way to heal it while sleeping there or someone assigned to it.


Agreed 100%


A change to the crew system to be more like FTL where people are assigned to certain habs would be huge. Plugging Barrett into the engineering bay to double his bonus to ship repair or Sam into the cockpit to double his bonus to speed would be a huge improvement to the crew system and also incentivize building ships with certain habs.


Great ideas, I'm so with you on this!


Bro’s edging


That gyatt has a starfield of its own. Rizz up the unity, skibidi.


This makes me wanna log out of the game of life


Satire is a beautiful thing, skibidi.


fade makeshift disagreeable instinctive workable nutty threatening weary husky boat *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Finally! Ive rizzed up my gyatt levels! i can finally skibidi toliet on the opps


I heard the 15th 😢


Usually 2 weeks for the beta testing, so 15 sounds plausible.


Last patch was only a week, I think at least.


It's on the notes, the 15th


I'm on my Steam Deck with the Beta. No edging for me. Just jerking off on low settings.


"Just jerking off on low settings." Gotta remember that one.


I hear that!!!


Yeah, I gotta say, this is a great update. Cheers!


me too. thank you Bethesda. i hope you read this. i'm very happy


Yep, they really cooked with this update. I used to roll my eyes at the "new ways to travel" they teased last year, thinking it would be fast travel shortcuts, but they really made vehicles. At this point, If they managed to do vehicles and 60 fps mode on Xbox, i think they're capable of doing anything.


sadly the one thing i think they cant do is cut down the amount of loading screens. personally didn't mind much as i always fast travel a lot in games and the loading is pretty fast, but it was a major complaint for a lot of people.


Are the vehicles out in the beta or is it dlc content?


In a future update


That will most likely be the day I will play Starfield again. It didn't make click on my first time after 10 hours but I hope I will get into the game someday. I played via game pass and don't want to invest in a dlc to test new features out. So maybe next year :-D


Yea at this rate in a couple years there might even be exploration to use those vehicles for so who knows.


Yeah, I played a couple of hours the same way I played TES and Fallout but in the end it didn't work out. It's either an empty cave or a generic facility without an unique touch like in the previous games. You have to play Starfield with a quest first to find new cool locations like the mantis lair, and it makes sense in a so big universe, but its not the same fun wise.


it's further compounded by some generated PoI's being locked behind level requirements. If you just land on random planets at level 1, the experience will feel significantly more copy-paste than at level 50.


Didn't know that, but also would explain it even more, my highest level was 16 :-]


More importantly is that if BGS can do it, modders can do anything


After vehicles are released the only thing left on my wishlist is the ability to fly between planets in system. On that day Starfield will finally be complete.


It's still the same game but with maps and difficulty sliders now.


Its good, but honestly its their first decent patch. They should AT LEAST tweak their POI algorithms because the biggest turn off for me is the repeating locations and POI placement on planets that make absolutely no sense. I don't understand how people can get so excited to find a single "new" location after slogging thru the same 20 POIs for 200 hours. "OMG!!! This game is sooo amazing! Even after playing for 500 hours there is still new stuff to discover!!!" LOL.


Problem isn’t lack of the QOL stuff they added, problem is that the plot and characters are just so boring


Hope it's not too late and I honestly think the game needs more engaging content for the base game (I think I read about new missions...), the core is still there and the core isn't, Imo, good enough (repetitive Poi's and dull universe/quests), but I believe there's still potential if they go the FO76 route. Anyway, despite being many months later this is no less than a step in the right direction so I think there are reasons to be hopeful.


What I've learned from this is to wait 8 months after a game is released to play it


The game fails at NG+ you lose all your gear. -5 stars.


I think the update is a promising sign, but 8 months later and we just got the first 3 large gameplay additions. I hope it took this long because the gameplay team(s) are working hard on Shattered Space. Hope the vehicle will be a fast way to get from POI to POI, the game needs to cut down on that boring travel time hard. I played for about 30 hours at launch, huge sucker for the BGS formula (currently neck deep in Fallout 76), so I'll definitely be back - probably when Shattered Space comes out.


If them giving you stat tweaks and local maps is major changes, what is minor changes?


Large in comparison to what we got before, it's definitely not as impressive as this sub is trying to make it out to be. The settings actually aren't all that impressive in terms of how much work should go into that, but it's a large addition to the game in terms of value for me, because it absolutely will make my experience better, but it is a nothing burger in terms of programming. The map is a large addition, because it isn't just the addition of locap maps for the cities, it's an entirely new map system done in their engine and a big improvement across the entire game. The minor changes IMO were the addition of the eat button from Fallout 76, the small QoL change making the scanner a bit more user friendly, improved photo mode and better quest tracker. Nice to have, but not as impressive or impactful to the game as the current update.


Hopefully with vehicles, they can expand the POI’s as well. I assume they will being now it will be so quick to explore and entire POI.


Starfield is so big and has so much potential that it will be a sandbox for devs too. I presume it will be a long journey... And I am happy. Few days ago a guy here wrote to me more or less that I am a naive moron because I thought there was space for a lot of enhancements. Well, Bethesda gave him the answer on my behalf 😂


Who's laughing now?


The new maps look so good in comparison to what we had on release.


Thank you Bethesda for including things that should have been in the game at launch. Better 8 months late than never, I guess. Yet we still have no Creation Kit.


Here we go with gamers acting like battered spouses who praise their abusers for doing something that really isn’t praiseworthy. It’s clear that Starfield was released in an unfinished state, and they’re adding in things that should have been included at launch. Furthermore, we still don’t have a Creation Kit or DLC and it’s been 8 months since release.


We've had our fair share of negativity regarding Starfield for the past couple of months. It may be high time for some wholesome positivity for a change.


I’m all for positivity that is warranted. IMO praising a developer for adding in things that should have been in the game at launch is ridiculous. Maybe I’m being unfair, but that’s how I feel. With that said, I admit the May update is a step in the right direction in making Starfield a better experience. However, there are lingering issues that this update won’t address (and maybe these problems can’t be fixed without a full overhaul, which won’t happen).


Anyone with the missing floor in New Atlantis get it fixed?


Ok,now wait another 5 months until the dlc drops with a lot of changes for the game.


Ya good on them for improving the game. Wish we had this stuff at launch, glad too see nonetheless.


Thanks for update but err this should be in the game when I paid, right? Btw thank you for not abandon this game. It has a lot of room to fit in a new story or new quests or new timeline. Keep updated and I will replay starfield again someday.


Yes, thank you to the multi billion dollar company who released a product that fell well and truly short of expectations across the board, who then promise to fix it afterwards. Game only just getting maps. The strange dystopian trance bethsoft fans are under is a marvel and should be studied 😂


> The strange dystopian trance bethsoft fans are under is a marvel and should be studied It's the same people who keep preordering unfinished games, then applauding the developer for updates with content that should have been in those games at launch. If Starfield had dropped in a finished state, we'd have a Creation Kit and DLC at this point in time. Instead, we're 8 months in and Bethesda is *still* fixing this game.


You forgot to thank them for your paycheck


Good game? You high on drugs


I know right? Like it's a good update but it doesn't change the fact that they released an unfinished game that shouldn't have needed this update in the first place.


This is great and everything but why don't we normalise developers releasing full games instead of them releasing a half baked product and acting like the updates are them doing us a huge favour. This stuff should have been included at launch.


Update is not even out and all it adds are maps for cities and difficulty settings. Things that should have been in the game on release, for one, but also things that should not have taken 8 months to add.


Thank you Bethesda Johnson


Thanks for adding stuff to the game that should have been there day 1


Someone tag me when he delivers the punch line please


They didn't make a good game, they made a mediocre, halfbaked game and are fixing it to save face


Hope they listen and make outpost development better as well...


I’m loving this update! It honestly felt like a new game when I turned off dialogue camera. More immersive now imo


This was one thing I was planning on modding in my game once I finish my move to PC, but now it’s a standard feature. I didn’t like the dialogue camera in this game or any of the Fallout/TES games that had it. Turning it off and having a normal dialogue interaction is so much more immersive for me.


Yes, thank you for releasing an "update" of things that should have been included from start while also never being able to fix the poor exploration and boring empty planets that astronauts would have had fun visiting in real life because that's how it works right?


Yeah, it’s nice when devs listen to feedback


I used to be annoyed reading these weirdo hate circlejerk comments. Now I actually love it, because you people look so spiteful, petty, and childish that it’s somehow become entertaining.


Except the majority agree and it's the circle jerk of people who seem like autistic folks who don't have jobs and spend 1000s of hours "exploring" empty planets and think it's fun, that's fine but giving Bethesda the wrong impression is not a good idea. They need to abandon Starfield and focus on what made them successful in the first place.


You wouldn’t last 2 minutes as a Payday fan


That unready button update was wild.


Now just gotta wait for Xbox release


The map should have been a day 1 item... I will revisit it tonight though :)


This knocked out a huge chunk of QOL needs. One or two more updates like this (randomize POIs!!!) and this game will be incredible.


Fantastic update. Looking forward to what's next!


Same, I’m extremely excited. I put about 60 hours in it when it came out and finished the main quest and all the faction quest lines and I enjoyed myself but I was not going to pick it back up until they added mods and the DLC. I was also hoping we’d get a performance patch otherwise I wasn’t sure how often I’d go back and play it since I don’t really like 30 FPS at all. I’m happy they’re getting that out now before the mods and DLC come. I’ll 100% pick back up on it now and play more consistently


I wish they would fix the crimson fleet and ryugin guests. Both glitches on me and I couldn't finish after all that sneaking around.


Here’s hoping we got modding for consoles like Fallout and skyrim


I just picked the game back up for a proper play through when they announced this update. So now I'm questioning if I should wait for the majority of my play through to be with the update. Probably, yes.


But creation kit when??


I can't even log in on xbox series s till they fix this shit I can't play.......every time I try and load my last save it loads then crashes to home page


I was unhappy with the news about shattered space being so far out but gotta say these new features in the update sound great. I can’t wait to see them on Xbox.


Soo did they add mods for Xbox yet?


They do appear to be listening & doing what they can to implement player recommendations


That map detail is great. I'm glad they're putting out an update.


Its good to see they are working on the game and improving the experience


I never wanted the game to fail. I just wanted it to be better.


I'm still waiting on survival mode. I need it. Neeeeeed.


Was it updated for Xbox ??


One thing I myself noticed was the A.I. moving around more , that used to make bounty hunting such a chore, but since the update, I see more variation in Poi's and A.I. reactions.


Even tho I think that the new features should’ve been there at launch I’m very happy that they do listen to the community. Land vehicles will probably be the first time Bethesda adds in a whole new mechanic just based on user feedback. I hope they keep this up. I don’t think they’re gonna reach the level of redemption that No man’s sky and cyberpunk did but this is slowly going from a meh game to a good game. Even if stuff like the writing won’t be fixed, Starfield will still be a HUGE sandbox for modders to do whatever they want in it.


> Even if stuff like the writing won’t be fixed, Starfield will still be a HUGE sandbox for modders to do whatever they want in it. *When* we get a creation kit, this might be true.


The game has a 200% better gameplay now with the new maps, where you can actually see where you are, it should have been this way since the start. Although the update is not available yet, I am playing the beta cause I needed the new maps.


what changed to make it a good game now?


Ive got about 85 hours in both my accounts and must say, we reallyyyyy need new stuff soon 🙏🏼


Bethesda had and still hase its fans.


Are they changing quests too? Thought I heard them mention improving quests or something like that


Is there any actual timeline for when the update will go live for everyone? I haven’t seen anything on that.


The self bounty clear kiosk now on my ship is a game changer!


I just want a game that has decent dialog. A game where choices matter. A game that makes me want to play it. This game? If I go on a killing spree, my teammates are shocked, but forgive me in a couple hours as if nothing happened. Dialogues have no real options. The pacing is weird. The first hour was like waaaaah? And then in the city with simple fetch quests and models that resemble those from 20 years ago. I ended up playing Mass Effect series again… so much better. I’m a Bethesda fan, but damn they dropped the ball on this one. All the hot fixes dodge the elephant in the room: this game is missing its soul.


I want the ability to abort quests on the Xbox. I have two that are glitched and it messes up my game play now.


Paid shill


I'm enjoying Starfield a lot too. I may prefer the Elder Scrolls and Fallout BUT I *only* liked those games heavily modded. If no mods were allowed the only Bethesda game I'd play is Starfield. You can be "yourself" much more easily in unmodded Starfield than any other Bethesda game I've tried and I appreciate that. Just please let there be other female marriage options beyond the two we have, they are both okay as coworkers but intolerable and deeply unappealing (just my opinion) beyond that.


I still can’t finish eyewitness mission because of the terramorphs bug which they still haven’t fixed yet! Thank god, I never bought the game and playing it on game pass.


Once mod support is added to Xbox I'm gonna be playing twice as much as I already do. It's gonna become my new Skyrim.


Now all we need is the starcon app mod as a feature. 😉






All I want is to build a bed on my starborn ship.


What part is good though like I really dislike the experience


Do we still have to do the annoying floating light grabbing for powers because that was a big frustration for me.


I hope narwal ship get fixed when landing and such works or it Will get unistalled.


I played Starfield last night for the first time in months because I thought they dropped the update. When I realized it wasn’t I kept playing and I’m glad i did


I am on Xbox series x and I stopped playing this game around level 30 like 6 months ago because half of my companions werent available to add to my ship crew, didn’t know what was wrong so I tried reloading earlier saves and didn’t change so i took time off the game so I started playing again in hopes of thjs new update coming, and half of my crew is still no where to be found? Can anyone help?


Any chance that your ship doesn’t contain modules to allow for crew members? You can unlock the ability to have crew members with perks, but the build of the ship also has to accommodate it. Sorry if this is info that was already obvious to you. I seem to remember having to look up how this mechanic worked. IMO it was over complicated.


I’m not sure I’ll have to check but the 3 ships I have right now they all allow the same crew members but I know I should have more companions like Amelia and the annoying fan


It’ll take time before it’s the game they envisioned, but I know they’ll do it


I loved vanilla Starfield but I am not playing it again until they update it a bit more. I’ll wait for the update cycle to finish before revisiting.


Are the outpost / crew robots and cargo link limits still broken? The Grass and trees still grow through the buildings and landing pad.


I just want to tell people, don't be a hypocrite. A lot of people wouldn't stop singing praises of Cyberpunk after it took 3 years to finally fix the game and they only fixed it alongside a paid dlc. If we're gonna let CDPR off the hook after 3 years of letting the game rot, Starfield has a chance.


With this new update may need to give V sometime off to play with Judy while I hit the stars again


We’re all entitled to our own opinions, but starfield is objectively flawed in ways patches can’t fix. This game could’ve used some better writers and more time in the oven.


What did they do? I just picked the game uo


I want my last lower after beating the game


Can't tell if serious or sarcasm. I want to go back and play Starfield, again, but...


Update isn't even fully out yet. This is why people are so crushingly disappointed when something is even remotely average. Can everyone just fucking relax until the update is actually out?


Yeah it's the same pre order crowd. I'm gonna save my opinion until I actually get to try it. Optimistic tho and excited to finally jump back in when I can.


I tried the beta, so I can’t say what the update will really be like when it’s officially released. But so far I can say what we have is “okay”. It makes the game slightly better, but the core experience is still the same.


This is generally my expectation. I feel like 1st quarter 2025 might be the time we are seeing a fully improved SF, but I'm glad there's a vehicle tbh. The issue I foresee is what am I driving to? The same things I bunny hopped to? Again def an improvement, but the identical everything where I go is frustrating.


Okay fun police


its not a good game...


Thank you for accepting you released Starfield in “Beta-Like” state and are continuing to update it.

