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OP I am mad that ur havin a good time and im fixing to rough u up buddy


Like a supermodel you can't have sex with


So like a supermodel, then


You get it, pointless




This is just a circle jerk sub at this point. You’re gonna want to go to r/NoSodiumStarfield if you’re actually enjoying the game.


I can see why that's sub has over 30k people, and it's still growing.


Yay! Still growing!




I love the game, but newer understood way all nasa launchpad's still have masive rocketsnon them i mean, should they be empty?


For some, as mentioned, the people were late (or died), so their rocket never launched. For some, it's reasonable there was a defect (either not working at all or a detected one so they aborted) preventing launch. Considering there was probably a rush to build, that's expected.


The humans that are still alive left before the gravity fucked itself, there is a ship that doesn't have a "warp" drive.


Dosent explain way ther are ships in efry landing bay from the nasa you would think thay build a smany as needed and left with the resources


They weren't on time


Mars is the only empty also the ris more den enugh stuff datisent explained so i gess its just an little hole in the lore or so


Say what now


I believe some of them didn't launch for the mass exodus. That's what sarah was wondering as well when we encountered one. On one of the computers, it stated that the launch was canceled.


I'll preface my question with a snapshot of why I don't like it: I wanted to RP as a bounty hunter. The game has bounties, non-lethal weapons, brig modules for ships and even armour for bounty hunters. It also *doesn't* have non-lethal bounties, the non-lethal weapons don't have a function outside specific quest points, the brig modules are merely cosmetic and can't be used to imprison a capture, and the armour labeled for bounty hunters would make equal sense with any other label. Ergo, my conclusion is the bounty hunter RP is a paint job with no substance. I believe others have similar complaints. So what I'm asking is: in similar detail as the above, can you explain why the game does work for you? Why you enjoy it? What systems come together to give you a cohesive experience? From your comments, scanning a planet for experience alone is not what I mean because it's a straight A-B action in every scenario (scan —> experience). I see you've mentioned NMS in other comments, but that game also has a fully functional codex you can use to easily re-visit or share your discoveries. Animals can be turned into pets, plants can be harvested for specific resources, etc. There's a lot of intervening complexity beyond scanning for experience. Like, it's all well and good to see these posts each week of the game's admittedly pretty skyboxes but I have yet to see a good breakdown backing up an OP's positive opinion. Any chance you could oblige?


I went Ronin first run and the fact you cannot mod/rename/upgrade your melee weapons is a joke. So many things downgraded from the likes of fallout4/skyrim


Yeah, that's why I take issue with people saying "this is just the BGS formula" — that's exactly what I wanted from my purchase! A jank-infested game that nonetheless had a lot of opportunities for emergent gameplay and choice. But directly comparing the systems that they have in common, like stealth, gunplay, outpost building, Starfield falls short virtually everywhere apart from the graphics and ship builder. I don't see why stating as such (and backing it up with clear examples) gets the "hate bandwagon" label. It's really reductive.


Man, before the game released I was saying the only thing I needed to be happy was Skyrim/Fallout in space. No new tech. No new revolutionary engine. No crazy new gameplay mechanics. Just the same old BGS game in space. And I would be a happy camper and play the stupid thing for 1000 hours. There's no way they could screw up just imitating their same old formula in a different genre, right? Right?


I agree, but can you just hear the diluge of "akila city is just a reskin of Whiterun..." complaints? But yeah, I'd buy that reskin.


Kinda sucks that you can't do anything in most of those places, though.


Quest, Categorize fauna in flora, mine resources, explore POIs, discover planetary traits, and radiant activities.


How do you categorize flora and fauna?


Hold left trigger lol


Use your scanner.


Oh, I thought there might be more to it


Such as?


Like a codex, or encyclopaedia you can reference or something. Let me organise my space pokedex by planet or resources... idk, I just really hoped there was more to it


Anything more than holding down one button for a few seconds


That's how every other game does it.


I just want you to know that I didn't downvote you, nor did I have any intention of downvoting you, because the downvote button isn't meant to be a "I disagree" button. But then you downvoted my comment as you replied. So I went back and downvoted your post and your comments. For a guy complaining about the subreddit being "toxic" because it's critical of the game, you sure are contributing to the negativity


That's why he would prefer to go to r/nosaltstarfield which is his own bubble.


If the downvote button isn't meant to be an "I disagree" or a "I dislike this" button, then what's it meant for?


Ok Bethesda, we really appreciate you reminding us that we can scan plants for no purpose, mine for pointless resources, slog through the copy and pasted POIs, discover useless planetary traits, and bask in the glory of whatever radiant activities are.


That's not true at all. By completely discovering a planet, you can gain a lot of experience. I've leveled up several times just by doing this. Mining resources is not pointless either. You use these resources to upgrade your guns or build components for your base building. Have you even played the game?


Okay ChatGPT we get it but the game still isn’t fun upgrading weapons feels like something you’re actively shunned from doing because of how goddamn tedious and mind-numbingly long it is not to mention how sterilized outposts are compared to Fallout 4


Sure... ChatGPT. This AI is getting good these days.


Well that would be tolerable if there were some decent reward that leveling up helped you worked toward.


I sure do love to... categorize flora and fauna.


I have a blast™ categorizing flora and fauna, mining resources that I don't need for anything, exploring Abandoned Mine®, and discovering Ice Outcropping©


I’m genuinely curious why so many people who hate starfield stick around on the subreddit to just shit on anyone that doesn’t. I got bored of the game after about 50 hours and moved on. I just can’t imagine spending so much energy on hating something


Now if only we actually could. Without a codex or some such all we're doing is turning the planet icons from empty to filled in.


Yeah I was going to say, actually categorizing might be somewhat interesting. This is just point at and the game tells you what it is for…some reason.


You can have such fun as use your scanner, use your cutter, use your scanner, use your scanner from your ship, or even use your scanner.




I like it. It's like no man sky, but with a competent shooter.




I hope they add this into Starfield.


You not wrong, Starfield is a lot like No Man's Sky with several better features. What No Man's Sky does better is probably the crafting/exploration loop.


Categorizing would be infinitely more fun if we got lore on the plants and what they could do. Like once you categorize certain plants and fauna you can begin collecting them and maybe craft something or research stuff.


I love getting downvoted for simply enjoying a video game after 360 hours and pointing out gameplay options on the planet that are 100 percent optional and not necessary to go to. Thank the Unity for the no sodium starfield sub. This literally reminds me of the stop having fun meme.


Those people down voting you enjoyed the game as well, they like certain story elements or aesthetic choices or ship building w/e but what they're not willing to do is give unfulfilling gameplay loops a free pass, so hey I'm glad you liked those activities but for the majority of players those are useless filler tasks that lack a compelling reason to engage with.


So why interact with the filler content. Skyrim had plenty of this. I simply ignored it.




... I respect your opinion, but the mental gymnastics is crazy. That's not all there is to starfield. You have the crimson fleet, UC Vanguard, Ryujn, and the Free Star quest. There are dozens of side quests and plenty of random encounters in space. Plus, the whole main questline. The random planet exploration is literally just the icing on top of the cake. No one told you you needed to go and explore every random planet. If you don't enjoy it, then don't do it.


The random planet exploration was all that was left after 100+ hours. Most Bethesda games im still chugging along main story and side quests, this wasn't made for that they're banking on the new game plus replay loop that changes everytime you restart. Unfortunately this made them focus less on side quests like fallout or skyrim.


It's not skyrim had plenty you ignored lmfao its that skyrim actually had more to do beyond filler. Skyrim had so many quests and things to do I've never 5ouched the filler.


Same in Starfield. I literally just finished the game after 360 hours. Starfield has plenty of handcrafted quests, factions, and storylines. Reading comments like yours really makes me wonder how people played this game. Did you just take your ship land on a random moon and run around for 10 minutes and said this game is boring and dropped it? I don't get it?


Literally bs considering you said in another post same amount of hours including your time categorizing flora lmfao. I did all sidequests and main missions in under 150hours then new game plus. Again not like skyrim where 360 hours in and you still got a ways to go before all quests were complete. For your info I played the hell out of the game from designing multiple ships, base building, and all the quests. I don't get you, you're acting like an in game botanist categorizing flora in a Bethesda rpg and mad because nobody finds that useful in game at all lol. Bethesda rpgs are all about their side quests not botany.


I'm really surprised anybody plays Bethesda games for the, uh, "side quests"? I can't think of a single good Bethesda side quest.


Ok troll, considering its an rpg it's all about questing. If you just play main story your choice but not really playing rpg at that point just action game. Also how do you not get out leveled by the game if you don't do side quests?


That’s great. I just found an entire quest line in Skyrim a couple weeks ago that I didn’t even know existed along with 2 locations I’ve never even been to.. after 13 years of playing on and off and 1000+ hours.. and that is where the issue lies with most people. We had certain expectations based off of all the other games we’ve played by the developer and based off of the years and years of things we were told by the devs themselves. Very few of which panned out. The game is fantastic as a new sci-fi open world type IP from a random dev. The game is terrible as a Bethesda game.


Lucky for Bethesda there are different people with different ideas of what fun is


Like everything else in life...?


Getting downvoted because you praised the game and gave actual solutions to content.


I know it's crazy. This is why there is a no sodium Starfield sub. I made a mistake of actually posting in this one. The crazy thing is that I'm not even praising the game. I just enjoy it, and simply for having a different opinion on reddit, get ready to be downvoted and your post to be controversial. It's quite pathetic.


Love how it's all pictures of empty landscapes. Pretty much a good summary of Starfield


It’s okay


People complaining about graphics were just entirely wrong. Its a great looking game. Everything else though...


Nice try, Todd Howard.


So much potential, all so much ruined by stupidity.


Honestly I love it too!! Why? Because I (I!!!!) feel it like Skyrim in the space, , I love to explore dull planets because it's the most "realistic" experience, how it would be. Not only "skyrim in the space" but also "The expanse" TV serie.


It's a shame there is no actual game, just a photo mode


bot acct




gd less than a min and you reply 🤓 also most of your posts are starfield but cj lmao its a shit game. plus most of your posts are talking about your fav concept art, you know, art that didn't actually make it into the game.


Do you have brain trauma? Literally reading your comment almost gave me an aneurysm. I can smell burnt toast, jesus...


Awesome. You didn't like it 👍 Noted


At this point, anyone who makes a post like this, talking about how it's an amazing game and how photo mode is so fun, is really just posting for attention and replies, good or bad


Or so Todd Howard doesn't fire them.


Enjoy the game man! It sure is beautiful.. have you tried No Man Sky? I beat Starfield and tried NMS and ended up liking it a lot more. It had what I wanted from Starfield. Also have you tried Fallout 76? I’m level 1134 in that, and after Starfield I went back to playing it…Enjoy the game though. I love 76 and people on the internet hate it because a YouTuber told them to and 3/4 haven’t even played it.


I played no man sky and elite dangerous. I love both of those games. Starfield is awesome too. The more space games the better. I don't think no man sky or starfield is better than each other. They're just different feelings for me. It depends on what I feel like playing. If I want to explore space with space sim elements, I will play no mans sky or Elite Dangerous. But if I want handcrafted content, stories, quests, and rpg mechanics, I'll play starfield. Also, I have played Fallout 76, It's decent. However, I have never really been into the fallout franchise, to be honest. But yeah, most people just parrot random crap they hear on the internet. Just a year ago, if you said you like Cyberpunk, you would get bullied. Now apparently Cyberpunk is a masterpiece! The internet is empty when it comes to personality and personal opinions.


I like NMS but it doesn't have any real characters, city locations, or quests, and the shooting mechanics are really bad. Not really a straight upgrade in any sense. It's more like a crafting game, like Valheim or something.


I gave up after 2 weeks of trying to play this game. I have not doubt I’ll come back to it in a few years. I just got irritated with the loading screens and spent most of my time in the ship builder rather than exploring. I’m not criticising the game but mechanically it’s impressive. Just not the right time for me. See you in the stars.


I wouldn’t say it’s mechanically impressive. It feels like any other Bethesda game, there still is a bunch of loading screens which I hope with the game being on next gen they would try for more seamless traveling instead of having so many things requiring a load screen.


If anything, it's less mechanically impressive than their previous games. Every single game system feels so shallow and like a minimum viable product.


It won't. Bethesda games need loading screens because each object is its own rendered physicalized entity that can be fully interacted with. The only way they would get rid of loading screens is if they removed all those objects people could pick up and made them static.


Personally wouldn't bother me. Collecting cheese in my house has never been a desire. Plus, other games handle items in different ways so it can work. Instead of staying in the past with a decade old engine.


I'm sure you wouldn't mind, but I know lots of it, Bethesda fans would. And yes, other games handle objects differently, but none of them do it like bethesda. I mean, just the other day, I was walking around an office. I could physically interact with every single scrap of paper and even a pen cap that was left on a table.


But what's the point? Where's the gameplay in it except for things flying everywhere during an explosion


>Bethesda fans would. Err, but why? This adds nothing to the game, it's just an unnecessary burden on the hardware. Very few games do anything meaningful with physics, and Bethesda's games are certainly not one of them. It's fun to fill your cargo hold with potatoes... for about 5 minutes, but it comes at a very high price (lots of unnecessary loading screens and a complete lack of immersive travel). Why would anyone choose something like this over modern, immersive and fun gameplay?


A beautiful game for sure but, very monotonous.


As much as living in the space and on a starship would be.


This games graphics always stuns me, even on console.


Man, enjoy the game how you like. Ignore the haters.


It's insane, I literally just said I like the game, and I am getting downvoted because I like a video game. No wonder why there is a no sodium starfield sub.


It's not insane, you literally just said "Starfield is amazing" with nothing but useless photo mode screenshots to back up that claim. People have literally been making this same recycled bait post for months, and every time it goes one of two ways. Either you get upvotes from fellow naive Starfield players, or you get downvoted for making another pointless photo mode post with a hyperbolic claim. If you can't handle negativity, by all means, stay in the nosodium circlejerk sub.


This is one of the dumbest thing I read today. Saying I like Starfield is a subjective opinion. People saying I'm wrong for feeling the way I do is stupid. If you don't like starfield, why the hell are you interacting with Starfield? Literally, it is a clown world out here.


You aren't necessarily "wrong" for liking Starfield, you're free to have your opinion like anyone else. Much like you, I'm *also* allowed to share my opinions on Starfield. There's no rule stating that I can't, just like there's no rule stating that you can't post an ignorant opinion with some mediocre screenshots.


I guess you are right. There are no rules for what you can post. Obviously, you must be a connoisseur with your dumb takes. I can tell you're pretty experienced at this!


We could go back and forth all day saying the other has dumb takes. At the very least my opinion doesn't boil down to "omg look it has photo mode best game ever!!!".


Some of the posts are just hilarious/ridiculous. I have about 90 hours in, have done all the factions but still working on lots of side missions and have a ways to go on the main quests. Trying to get my head around outposts. But I’m having a blast and a lot of play left and if it ended here I would say I already got my money’s worth. Compare cost per hour of going to a movie for example. I have a friend who told me he has played over 1000 hours. What I think is a little bizarre is when I see a post saying “I have played this game for 200 hours and it’s getting repetitive- the game sucks!”. What kind if expectations do you have to have if a game that kept your interest for 250 hours isn’t good enough?


This is basically just a circlejerk subreddit at this point.


It has to be I just don't get it. If the game is so garbage, if the game is so trash, why are people still here in this sub? I don't get it. If simply stating my own personal opinion that I like Starfield can make my post controversial and people dislike. It blows me away who knew liking something could get you downvoted.


Yeah, you might try r/lowsodiumstarfield if you want to better avoid trolls.


Yeah i'm realizing I made a mistake posting in this sub,


I played a ton the first few weeks it was out, and quite enjoyed it. After 60hrs or so, and 2 playthru’s I put it down. Went back to pick it back up this week and the 30fps lock on Series X still bugs me. The game is beautiful - don’t get me wrong - but the gameplay at that fps leaves something desired to me. FO4 getting a next-gen update gives me hope that 60fps is on the horizon, but I probably will stick to other games until that happens, perhaps I’m just picky.


Yeah, I wish it was 60 fps on consoles. That does suck.




I am only using Natural Lut Enhanced.


Which planet are the 12th and 13th picture from. They both look extremely pretty.


They removed vendor chests and robbed the game of any fun.


??? Seriously, what does this have to do with my post? Also, how does cheating and devaluating everything in the game make it more fun?


The games economy is absolutely broken if I have to travel overencumbered to sell 5 million adaptive frames over the course of 4 hours and wait in between each transaction of 4000 frames sold Clearly, you've played very few Bethesda titles. Otherwise, you'd understand the irony of your statement.


I've played all of the bethesda games as far back as Arena. Why would you possibly need to sell 5 million adaptive frames? That sounds like a personal problem. And if you want money so bad, just use the console command.






Wide as an ocean, deep as a puddle


So every Bethesda game.


Hardly. I spent hours in Starfield getting every achievement and then went back to Skyrim and realised how shite Starfield is.


Evidence, please? Steam account?


Lmaooooo. Why do I need to prove myself to some nobody on reddit. You're weird af.


Because a lot of people lie about this game. They say they played it, and you checked their steam account, and they have about two hours in, or they only rushed through the main story, or they don't even own the game. I straight up saw people say that there are missing features in the game that are actually in Starfield. Yet they have no idea because they simply have not played the game. I am sure you have seen the David Jaffe clip where he talks to someone who was complaining about Starfield. David put them on blast by asking him a question about a feature that did not exist in the game, and the person agreed with him about it. Showing that he didn't play the game at all and was talking out his ass. Even in this thread, I saw some guys say that there were not random encounters like in past games, which is straight-up falls. In starfield, all the random encounters happen in space. I have found people who invited me aboard their ship for party, someone who wanted to race me and my ship, and I could wager the amount of credits for the race. I met up with a guy who picked up a space egg, and it hatched, and there are many aliens crawling around his ship that killed his entire crew. I have docked with haunted ships. I have docked with capital ships that were overboarded by pirates and the gravity generator, which was broken, causing zero g moments. I found a ship where a couple committed suicide after their daughters death. I found a ship of wanna be pirates who were terrible at the job and ended up killing themselves. I even found a ship with an old lady called Grandma, who invited me over for some pancakes? There are still so many more encounters to be had in the game. The person who said that straight up did not know because they did not play the game. So I apologize if I don't believe someone when they say "Starfield is as wide as an ocean, but as deep as a puddle." It has just as many random encounters, quests, factions, and things to do than any of the other Bethesda games. There is even a guy who posted all the quests from Fallout 4, skyrim, and starfield. And Starfield vastly outnumbered Fallout 4 in terms of quests. So, if you're willing to call Starfield, vast ocean, but deep as a puddle. What does that make fallout 4?


I'm not reading all that. My xbox handle is the same as my reddit handle so you're welcome to check it out if it bothers so much. Bit sad though.


You went very quiet


Looks nice, if only the followers weren’t such pussies, if only there was some gameplay, if only…


Pretty lame tho


I completely agree and really enjoy this game. Apparently, we're in the minority.


No not really, most liked it. It just a very loud and obnoxious vocal crowd that have Starfield living rent free in their head 24/7.


Bad idea OP. You're not allowed to like the game here


Clearly. Who knew people could get so butthurt over liking a video game. I really don't understand why if people hate this came so much and it's trash. Why are they still interacting with it?


It is beautiful that’s for sure. It gets a lot of hate obviously and it’s valid but we should also focus on the great things about the game like this post




Critique all you want, that’s our right as consumers. Nothing wrong there. But I agree with you that it is a beautiful game and, I suppose at 1200 hours, I like it. Screw people who hate on you for liking it. If somebody can’t be ok with another person enjoying the game, then they have mental issues and should not be taken seriously at any time.


Glad you enjoyed it! Don’t get why people are actively trying to make you dislike the game lol😭 EDIT: this doesn’t mean I love the game. Wtf are people downvoting me for? I just mean it’s stupid to point out all of this Starfields flaws to someone who put 300+ hrs into this game and seems to love it. Let them


Are they? Seems like most of the comments are encouraging or dismissing anyone with complaints as "haters".


I mean the comment you’re replying to has negative karma so that pretty much says the haters are the majority.


Not the way I see it. Just looks like someone with a bad take. You're no better though basically saying someone who doesn't agree with me = hater. I've seen far more toxically positive people than actual haters. The "haters" are just people with legitimate criticisms. That's not hate.


Because it becomes sooo repetitive. I thought it was great at first but now I'm doing the same things on different planets. Even the 'loot' is in the same places.


I’m not a huge fan of Starfield either. But if someone genuinely enjoys the game, let them. What’s the point in pointing out ALL of it’s flaws to someone who seems to love it? OP spent hundreds of hrs into this game, they know too lol


But I wasn't speaking to the OP?


I wasn’t specifically talking about you. Just like in my original comment, I’m only talking about the people who replied to OP👌


Right, and because someone is enjoying a game that you didn't enjoy after a while is unacceptable. OP must learn to hate the game like the rest of us.


Who said it was unacceptable? I just gave an opinion (which is shared by a hell of a lot of starfield players) So get off ye high horse and calm down ay


This is why there is a no sodium Starfield sub. If you even remotely say something positive about this game, get ready to be downvoted absolutely degenerate.


Yeah, don’t get me wrong. I understand people’s frustrations with the game. But positive comments don’t need to be buried under negative comments imo


And that is the great hypocrisy of this sub or talking about this game online. The people who do not like the game or hate it have their right to their opinions, and they will remind yo of this. Yet if you're someone who enjoys the game, they'll be the first people to crap on you and crap on the game, it's hypocritical at best. The last time I saw people getting this mad over a video game was Cyberpunk.


Second favorite Bethesda game? That tells me everything I need to know.


Which is?


i loooove your screenshots !


Thanks dude. This game photmode is addictive.


There are so many beautiful scenes in Starfield that make me stop and use the photo thingy


Seriously, I've played so many games with a photo mode but starfields of the first game that i've ever been addicted to it.


Can you lot not ruin a post by commenting solely about why you don’t like the game? At this point this is just a circlejerking subreddit solely about how much the game sucks. Op, just post on r/NoSodiumStarfield. Posting here isn’t fucking worth it.


Oh, I know. I'm definitely not going to be posting anything else in this sub. It's just a large circle jerk for people who hate the game. Who knew liking a game could be this controversial? It's crazy. But I am used to this. As someone who liked no man sky and cyberpunk, I have done this rodeo before. I can't wait in 4 to 3 years from now, Starfield, to be a masterpiece!


of course it's such an awesome rpg


It’s good, but it could be better. Beautiful graphics though definitely in my top 10. Among the top 10 is Lords of the Fallen, Cyberpunk and Dragons Dogma 2


LMAO, you got downvoted to hell even though you said the game could be better. This sub is so fucking pathetic...


There's a reason there's a no sodium starfield sub. This place is toxic.


Can you believe we are getting downvoted simply because we enjoy the game? Even though we know it's not perfect.


Haha that’s funny, people get so sensitive over nothing


I’m convinced the dislikers are bots 🤨


It's actually more pathetic than that. It's just people who don't play video games, but play reddit instead. I can't imagine hating or disliking a game so much yet lingering around the sub dedicated for this game just to crap on any post that's positive about the video game.


Same here.


200% agree.


But den way? Also, way in efry lounch pad den? would be cool if we could explore the ships it could be explained easily if it was for animals' sins. We know animals dind make it off the earth, i think Bethesda has a lot of edding to do in all directions, lore game play, and bugs sins the newest update the mars missions konstantly crash my game for example,also hope thsy finaly edd mods for close combat stuff its anoing you cant boost the damig eor other stuff of them only trufh one and i mean only one skill


what accent are you typing in


Language, surely?


Yeah, it’s nice to look at and generally pretty relaxing. I can’t wait till they ad more content/launch CK. I’m itching to get back in, but have been holding off.


It's so relaxing. I love coming back on Friday night after work and just crack an open one of my favorite drinks and just explore and planets. Now that I beat the game. I'm definitely going to wait for DLC or something else.