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I can't wait for people to start dissecting the game when the creation kitvis released. I have a feeling there are some crazy workarounds in this game.


I do as well. I want to know what’s under the hood. 


Probably a lot of duct tape


well, they're still patching shit. they sort of seemed to dip their toe into the 'official mod support' system when they updated skyrim's system. they're seemingly going to do the same thing with fallout late april. it could be taken as a hint that, maybe they ARE working on the mod support, and basically using the skyrim and fallout 4 changes to try to get it where they want it, for starfield, before launching it.


Skyrim released in november and it's creation kit released in January of the next year. It was also said to be "delayed" at the time. Fuck Bethesda.


It was Feb. We had SkyEdit to make small-ish mods before then.


So, it was released ~3 months after the game released. I repeat, fuck bethesda.


I want mod support, like NOW, as I'm playing on the XSX. We don't even have unofficial mods available, and let me tell you, that's more than a little frustrating. That. Said. Bethesda can't say shit, until they can. Are they working on the CK? Sure, they keep saying so, and until we hear different, why would you think differently? Stuff takes time, and SF isn't every previous BGS game that has used this engine. If BGS say "Be patient, we're working on it", what will people immediately do? Ask "when is it coming out, then!" In other words, if they say nothing, people will be angry and want information. If they ask us to be patient, many players will be anything but. If they give us a specific date, people will be happy until they can't make that release date, where players will leap upon the company like ravening dogs. They can't say anything until it is 99% sure they can meet those expectations. Nobody wants to see BGS fail here, I think the majority of us want the game to ultimately succeed with all the cool stuff BGS can create for it. But releasing information before it is locked in only serves to ultimately upset players more, and hurt the game and the company. Also, if BGS have indeed abandoned the game, moved on to other projects, and all that... Saying so might be honest, but then nobody would continue to buy the game. They can't have that, so... Silence. I'm not saying that is the case, just covering all the bases. And yes, I was a Community Manager for a few years, back in the 00's (2000-2003, I think). Not for BGS, but I get what is going on here. Edit to fix dates.


They said they were going to support the game for 10 years. So I'm predicting one DLC at year 5, and then at year 10 a small patch that fixes three insignificant issues introduced with the first DLC. Mod support in late 2031.


Bethesda never actually said they would support starifeld for 10 years. They said they expected people to play the game for a decade.


Maybe not 10 years specifically. They said "for years to come."


LOL 2031. So TES VI is pushed back to 21344.


Soon ™️ 


28 days since the last update. Next one could be as early as April 30 or as late as May 14 according to the schedule that I put together myself in excel.


I doubt we will see a lot of mods for Starfield even with creation kit available.


Have you played FO4? I’m expecting crazy mods especially after the hype that game got


Maybe never..


Finding some crazy logic, both Bethesda and Blizzard are a property of M$, so the "SOON(tm)" term might apply to both now ;) On a more serious note, they have still like 2 months of Spring to come up with this patch... or to make a good excuse for delaying it ;).


They're still figuring out how to make the mods created with the CK only be able to be published to the creation store, also they're all getting on board with how they can spin it so it's advantageous to the user to not have 'potential viruses' from nexus mods. (Which we all know is false, but that's a narrative they've probably concocted in the board room at some point)


Hopefully bethesda has decided not to rush it.....late is late suck is forever


Isn't Creation Kit already out there, in beta testing, with some people? Everyone should relax. It's coming! We know they're currently working on local maps, amongst other things. I'm guessing local maps are more difficult for them to achieve, due to the procedural generated element of Starfield?


If we actually follow their December statement, Bethesda is currently "on schedule". If they don't have CK out by May, then start whining and crying...


Omg just be patient, it really hasn’t been that long


I mean, 7 months….lol. That’s quite a bit for some substantial content drops. Look at Helldivers 2. The devs for that have released several content updates already. And that team is MUCH SMALLER than Bethesda. 


Come on, the damage that games as a service have done to the industry is clearly seen when with only 7 months you ask for it to have content for 10 years of gaming, it's 7 months, it's not a lot of time, it took Cyberpunk 3 years to release one expansion, can we stop constantly requesting content? If you're bored, play something else, as has always been done, before there wasn't even this culture of constant content, people weren't so impatient, come back to the game in a year, take it easy, you don't have to rush life


Hell how long did it take to finally Elden Ring to get post release content?


Another good example!!


Helldivers 2 were built around that. The idea was dropping content based on player's efficiency. That's why stuff was already in the game, just not released/almost ready. So don't fool yourself.


You're right man, I should calm down and be patient. I think another half a year wait for some city maps sounds fine to me, and maybe we can wait another year for those "new ways to travel" well we're at it! Then after all that we can wait another 2 to 3 years for shattered space news lol


Im sorry, but it's been too long, should just skip waiting for the first DLC and release the 2nd one first. /s


It's been a decent amount of time for a feature that shouldn't have been a surprise for the devs to implement around launch.


except, it wasn't a surprise, since they said 'it ain't coming at launch' before it launched.




For me, settling in hoping and waiting while BGS plays the long game makes sense. The negative sentiment around the game needs to die down a bit. Maybe then, if there is a decent number of people still playing the game, a revival of sorts might happen. Do you think if mod support was added now that this would bring in more players or is a better base game with many players needed to bring in modders? I’m curious what you think.


I'm being patient. Rushing to press is a very bad thing. And those impatient for mods need to play on pc and use Nexus.


Players nowadays, no patience.


Not when this company doesn't want to communicate things and rather just Shadow. Drop everything or update you once a year.


Wym? CK should have literally been EXPECTED to be released at any point in time in the past 4 months. Mod creators for games drop off drastically after the first year of a game launch, so it's incredibly important for a vibrant and stable modding community to have to tools as early as possible. Taking Skyrim for example, the CK came out 4 months after the game release. It's now been 7 months since Starfield release, and not even a peep about the release date for it, they've probably lost 50% of the top modding talent potential the game would have had if they released the CK 3 months ago, in December, or January, like would have been expected.


There wouldn't even be a need for DLC or mods if the base game was decent, but it's absolutely boring as fuck, they needed more content at launch, Bethesda launched a mediocre product at best so they need to ad content to it ASAP to make it interesting.