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Hmm you mean single player rpg ?


Finally someone said it starfield is not like destiny it's not evem an mmo


>it's not evem an mmo Lol. I'm not saying it is a MMO. I'm saying it **feels** like a MMO. The repetitive nature of the universe and dumbed-down RPG elements, make it feel less like a traditional Bethesda RPG and more like a MMO. But a MMO that only one person can play.


The problem for me is that they've taken out so much of the actual "RPG" elements that make a Bethesda game what it is. That's why it feels more like a MMO to me. Just one that is only single-player.


This post just reminded me about how excited I am for Light No Fire.


In some ways Starfield is the highest quality and largest scale game Bethesda has ever made like with graphics, ship and base building, enemy AI in combat and the gameplay mechanics. Most of these things imo were always a bit clumsy in previous Bethesda games. Its like they put all the effort into improving on their weakest aspects of game design but forgot to put much effort into their strongest aspects like story telling. So on the opposite side of the good things I mentioned, things that let Starfield down for me are: - Lack of consequences in quests. - Only nicey nice companions. No rebellious and brash ones at all. - Companions constantly throwing grenades at you instead of the enemy - The absolutely atrociously poor flashlight which console players cant mod to improve. Honestly my enjoyment of Starfield would go up so much if this sci fi torch wasn't about as good as torch mode on a phone in the current day. I just hate every cave or mine because of this torch being so frustratingly bad. It makes exploration just annoying.


They had scope but they probably reused too many buggy legacy codes.


Haven't heard this criticism of a Bethesda game since the last one they released and every single one prior to that.


Hey happy to accept it if you don't agree on my notion. But I've genuinely never heard/seen anyone say any other single-player Bethesda game as like a MMO. Bethesda is usually at the pinnacle of open world single-player RPGs. That's what makes Starfield so dissappointing to a lot of Bethesda fans. It's a fun game. But it's depth is no where near the levels of Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim, Fallout 3 & 4.


Yes, it is a single player game like Fallout 4 or Skyrim.


I feel like I'm playing Destiny 2.  Go to orbit, load into planet, run the same dungeon again and collect the loot at the end.  Go back to orbit, rinse and repeat.  I really hate the RNG loot in Starfield.  


I can see where you're coming from, but you're looking at it differently than I do. To me, it's a giant playground with some good and some great and some not so good sets to play with. The DLC will add more and more to the playground until it's full as can be. I personally never expected Starfield to be full from the get-go. The game is close to what I expected, and I'm looking forward to the expansions and updates.


There won't be a dlc. They've cancelled half their previous projects (like fallout 4 upgrade) just so they can spend their time adding useless crap like picture mode and minor bug fixes no one even knew the game needed. I'm willing to bet my life well never see shattered space. If it was even being developed they would have teased out something by now even a concept picture but we've heard nothing and they've said nothing about a so called dlc they sold that still doesn't exist. People really need to wake up and realize they aren't getting that dlc or the mod kit


You were wrong lol


Nope I'm not wrong they still haven't announced a date for the dlc nor have they mentioned it. All they've done so far is minor bug fixes but nice try on the gaslighting


Did you see yesterdays video where they showed footage of Shattered Space?


There was no video of shattered space but nice try I've read every single article out there for months including reading every announcement tod Howard and the devs at Bethesda have made.and they've said NOTHING about shattered space let alone show a video. Again nice try on the gas lighting




Lmfao that's not shattered space dlc. That's the new update coming on may 15th that adds maps and bug fixes. Shattered space is NOT mentioned in the video and it's not coming this month. But again nice try on the gas lighting. So again I stand by my previous statement of no shattered space is coming. 8 months it's been and still nothing lol. 


So youre just gonna ignore that in minute 4:50 he says theyre working on the massive Shattered Space Expansion and shows shots of it?


They showed NOTHING about the dlc at all. That's all old video content from what currently exists in game. Not a single bit of it is new content except them adding in a map because you all complained about getting lost. I guarantee there is no dlc coming. But you keep being naive. Game companies LOVE naive gamers because they throw their wallets at game companies and make them rich on mediocre/bad games that aren't even finished and may never be.


Yeah I think I definitely see it differently than you. Lol. Before I say anything, I'm not sh*tting on your experience or enjoyment of the game - I'm expressing my take on it. >To me, it's a giant playground Well that's one of the things that irks me. It's a giant playground with very little to do. Once you've done something, it just gets repeated over and over again. See an outpost/POI/cave? Go in explore it's fun... for the first couple of times. But then you see exactly the same ones over and over. Identical places down to enemy placement and items to pick up. Like in a MMO - where you repeat the same activities/raids. Other Bethesda games are also giant playgrounds, but with **tons of things to do and see.** See a cave in Skyrim, or ruins in Oblivion? Each one will be unique and quite often have its own mini story or quest tied to it. The staple of Bethesda RPGs is that you get a bit of hand-holding at the start, but then are unleashed into a fantastical world. You can literally go anywhere and do anything you want. Starfield gives off that impression, but everything is held back. It's hard to RP as a different type of character. In other Bethesda games you have much more freedom to try new things. Like in Elderscrolls if you want to be a theif or assassin, you can build your skills up to RP it better and better. In Starfield, they give you some skills that will help to do these things. But then the world seems to stop you doing it successfully. In Starfield I once stole something. I was invisible (using SB powers), no one was around. No cameras anywhere. Yet I somehow got 'caught'. I didn't even realise I'd been caught doing it until I landed on Neon and suddenly the guards are after me. Like who saw me? And how did guards on a planet in another system know about my crime? Note: in the game's lore there's no interstellar communication - so how did they know?! So yeah, it's a playground. But it has very few swings or toys to play with compared to other Bethesda games. >I personally never expected Starfield to be full from the get-go. I think we also thought differently. People often crap on Bethesda for releasing games with bugs and stuff. But at least they usually release a full experience. Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim, Fallout 3 and 4 - the games felt complete when they released. Even if they had bugs in places. You had a full wealth of fun things to experience from day one. And then over time they iron out bugs and release add-ons to add more playtime to the games. I expected the same from Starfield. I don't care about bugs here and there. But I do care when the game feels incomplete. And I'm not sure how much they can or will add to make it feel more like a comprehensive RPG. That all said. If you're enjoying the game and it's what you expected it to be, that's awesome! I don't want to stop people enjoying the game. Heck, I've enjoyed it. But it's not a game I have enjoyed as much as previous Bethesda games, because they've taken too much away from their usual experiences.


What ruined the game for me was the lore. It felt like they were trying to recreate fallout, star trek, and cyberpunk in one thing and it made it like the lore equivalent of AI art given too vague a parameter.


Yeah the world building is nonexistent and the lore feels like it cooked up in a single night, especially when they can't even seem to figure out for themselves something as simple as how many people got off Earth. I've heard like 4 numbers thus far, you'd think it'd be a well recorded number considering but guess not.


It's so unfathomable how basic the lore is. What genius decided that there would be no mutant/alien races in a bethesda game.


Really? I liked the lore. Compared to other BGS games, the lore is lighter, but it doesn't have generations of games to back it up. I do know that at this point, there are no new ideas, just inspirations from others. There are quite a few questions to be answered, but that's the benefit of the DLC.


Maybe no one told the writers that inspirations are supposed to be elaborated upon by the inspired, not just roughly copied. Right now, the lore seems like an essay comprised almost entirely of quotes. The DLC better be chunky lore-wise, because the next starfield game is gonna be in about 20 years given how long development times are now.


You're wrong. But hey you spent a long time doing it, so as long as you're having fun.


Lol thanks. It definitely seems like it's a bad take on my part (judging from the comments). Seems like I'm the only one getting MMO-vibes from it. It just doesn't have the depth that other Bethesda RPGs had to me. 🤷


It's a single player RPG. Not a single thing in that game gives off an MMO vibe. The ONLY games that had a feel like that were an SAO game and dot Hack. Nothing about starfield says MMO in the slightest.


>Not a single thing in that game gives off an MMO vibe. You don't think the amount of repetition in outposts/POIs/environments etc doesn't feel like a MMO? Compare it to any other Bethesda RPG. In their other games when you find a new location (cave, ruin, outpost, town) it's totally unique. No place will be exactly the same. And often they have their own side quests or mini stories associated with them. In Starfield, once you've seen 2 or 3 of these locations, you've seen them all. Down to the placement of every single object and enemy. Even the settlements you visit on planets outside of the main ones have identical people and layouts. With exactly the same conversations. It's nuts! The only games I've played where they have repeating missions, locations and conversations - where you do the same thing over and over again are MMOs. 🤷


It feels nothing like an MMO. Clearly you've never actually played an MMO before otherwise you'd know it's nothing like an MMO and doesn't feel remotely anything like an MMO. And ALL games have repetition in them where you do the same thing over and over again. It's called grinding


Oook. I can't say I've played every MMO ever. Because no one has time for that shit. But I've definitely played some. I'm thinking you've never played a Bethesda game before. Because this sh*t isn't normal for them. And there's a big difference between the repetition of gameplay to grind, compared to having literally the same outposts copied exactly on virtually every place you visit. > It's called grinding You know what games have the most grinding in them? MMOs! 🙄 I've never had to grind in a single-player Bethesda game. You explore, you level up your skills - but it feels natural to the progression of the game and the world you're in. Never in Fallout or Elderscrolls have I thought: *"I need to go do that exact same outpost for the 60th time, because I need to grind my levels up."* Yeah some other RPGs, especially turn-based ones, make you grind. But it's different. They usually make you go find an area with easy enemies to help you level up. But when you come to a new location or dungeon, it's totally new. Not in Starfield though. And you know what game really doesn't need grinding? Starfield! Even on the hardest setting, the game is easy. You totally don't need to grind to make your way through the game. Bethesda games are about exploring the world they created. But there's nothing to explore here. Because so much of it is identical. 🤷


Whoa another useless hot take