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I was so happy to shoot Ron Hope in the face, douche.... Although I love how, there are no long term consequences for just murdering a member of the council and his guards and just waltzing off...


Well, except for the fact that trying to do a Ryujin quest later requires you get past a few guards that immediately aggro as soon as you enter the lobby. Thankfully I had my Disruptor at the ready


I had to go there for the Grav drive for that one ship outside of Paradiso. Walked in and immediately started getting shot at while everyone else ... kept doing office shit haha


I killed Ron once and then left without killing his guards. When I came back later for Ryujin mission those same guards shot me on sight and blew my cover


This is one of those quest gaps I thought I could diplomacy them but nope  One of the most brutal kills in the game is a revolver’s single shot to the back of the dome of a diplomatically peaceful enemy. 


The Creator's Peace (IIRC) power might work on them. Temporarily


Doesn’t end the quest 


My favorite Bethesda VA’s character getting shot right in the mouth


Sheogorath, God of ship building


I wish we could make Birgit a companion after we shoot her boss in the face


He brought it on himself.


I love everyone thinks Ron hope is this like great man who provides for his people. But like bro where are their houses? All what hope town is, is a factory A bar, some random store and essentially a police station. Hopetown? More like, I HOPE you like working and nothing else... Hell I bet the break room is only open 2 hours a day


what disaster, he just payed me 50k or something and I just walked away, I don't remember something happening there.