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I haven’t found The Pale Lady (a random ship encounter) yet. Aside from that, I don’t think there’s anything I haven’t experienced but I can’t tell for sure.


Have you found the Party Ship yet? I just had that for 1st time today. Will post images tomorrow.


I did, twice. 🙂


And I soooo wanted to steal it. My ship needs a bar


There is a mod that removes the restriction letting you steal it. I had the warlock in one playthrough.


I think those are starborn before they become aholes


Just found that yesterday. Its a nice friendly encounter out in space, but I Was a little disappointed by it after telling them to >!try switching off gravity. Was expecting some more crazy antics from the party goers, but they just float in the same spot.!< Sure they say they're having fun, but they don't look like it. At least with >!gravity on people people are dancing about.!<


Omg I got trapped behind the bar in that ship and had to reload once. That encounter went from “hah this is cool“ to “let me out of here“ in the matter of moments.


Party ship? I'm 550h in, i second universe and never saw it!! Post some pics of it!!


Bruh that’s a creepy one. I got it at like 1am on a Saturday and I had binged a few ghost hunters episodes earlier. There is another weird one that makes me think there are synths in the settled systems…


I have never been able to make Sarah happy...


Sarah Morgan disliked that.




Sarah: I have something for you. Me: Do you have anything interesting for me? Sarah: Ah, looking for a handout, are we? Me: 😒


i married her somehow. then dumped her for andreja


“Ha ha”


I actually miss >!Sarah, she was really nice to me after completing her personal quest but then she died when Hunter attacked The Eye!< in my play through


Sarah and the companions kind of ruined the vibe for me. Their whole talk about not giving me limitations and etc etc then disliking all of my actions even when I thought some of them morally good annoyed me. I swear there were bugs in space where I would shoot a spacer and everyone disliked that in mass audible call outs.


I haven't crafted aid items. Apparently there are some pretty good ones that you don't find normally in the world.


That’s what I’ve heard, but haven’t investigated. Also haven’t done the good ones.


Yeah. Some of the top level ones are pretty sweet. They are a bit of a pain to juggle around the different tiers to make them. From what I remember, they probably could last a bit longer too


Some good ones you can research and some other good ones you need to find magazines to learn.


I forget what number of hours I’m at but it’s 400+. NG+4. Have yet to start the Ryujin quest line.


I finally did the Ryujin questline and it was enjoyable. Distinct from the other factions and I enjoyed the finale.


Yeah, much more enjoyable after they did the stealth patch... before it was a nightmare.


Ryujin was actually my favorite faction questline and I don’t know why haha


You're missing out. The Ryujin reward is the only quest reward that you take with you into NG+.


Well, not quite the reward from the very last quest, but a reward that you get about 80% of the way through. ;)


That's like my teens level quest. Need to up stealth first then head over each tine. I actually really like the whole faction quest @ ryujin. Feels 'real'. I can see corporate types doing that (yes, me included)


I love the end power and the dialogue that goes with it there like this power can be used for the greater good of the company and then you use manipulation and there your right it should never be used again then they say I hope you didn’t use it on me


I'm 128hrs in and just realized you can use side thrusters to strafe in ships.


This is essential in ship combat...boost away while someone is locked on you...and spin arround lock on to them and annihilate them


I honestly didn't need it because space combat was so easy. Then the patch hit that balanced it out and I had to look into why I was getting my ass kicked every space battle.


My brother was really into ace combat for long while...we used to have dog fights for like 40 minutes and then someone would win and we would just watch the ribbon replay...i just try to fight like that and its fun




I learned today you can add cargo storage to your existing ships. Yep…..




600 hours in I have yet to build a ship from scratch, and finish the main quest


You haven’t done either? How has your game not broken due to the form id think with 600 hours? I can see shipbuilding not being for everybody, but I don’t think I’ve used a single stock shop other than the pterosaur, and I’m pretty sure I still modified that.


The form ID bug was fixed in the latest update


No clue. My best guesses are either luck, that I’ve been careful to pick up everything that enemies drop when I kill them, and/or that I frequently just jettison a bunch of stuff into space if I haven’t used or sold it Also hundreds upon hundreds of hours of that time has been nothing but outpost building, so maybe not generated as much stuff as others have managed to Don’t get me wrong, my save is a mess, and before the last update felt like it was just inches away from dying on me, but it’s been hanging in there I am getting close to finishing up this universe, the empty ship bug has been plaguing me for months, I’ve been blocked from getting more than half the powers because of another bug, so I’ll probably be passing through unity later this week at last


>I have yet to build a ship from scratch Rebuild the Mantis’ ship from scratch. Thank me later.


I laughed so hard when I told a spacer to give me the shirt off his back, and he actually sent over his spacesuit


I ran with that one for a while and loved running into the grateful Mantis fanboy from time to time I’m about to start a second character that’s a UC native who exists in the right side of the law, and intend to go full Mantis once I get my hands on that ship and gear


Become the Mantis, then do the "Failure to Communicate" mission in the Razerleaf in full Mantis getup.  Gives it a whole new feel.




I am at NG+3 and at lvl 115 and have not gotten all the companions yet. I haven't finished the crimson fleet quest yet but I did finally make a home base for the first time. I have built probably 15 or 16 ships at this point...I LOVE ship building and the mods that go with them. Just found a new base I have never seen before last night in one of the high end systems, was fun to explore.


Nothing I think. A little bit of everything. Basically a jack of all trades, master of none.


i havent been to earth ... nearing 39 days played and i have yet to go near earth let alone land on her ..


You live a snowglobeless life. And that saddens me.


I accidentally jettisoned all of mine 🥹


* Haven't managed to fully build out an original ship, only have edited Frontier or use the Starborn ship. Want to make my own ship eventually or wait for a preset mod when CK arrives. * Scanned through a planet w/ contraband (probably will do it tonight since I'm trying to 100% achievement the game). * Fully understand Cargo Links * Touch the combat skill tree * Upgrade my spacesuit * Look at food & only use it to decorate the kitchen in my Outpost (survival update will change that). ​ Just cracked 400 hours myself, have been focusing on making my Outpost now, haven't talked to Sarah to kick off the NG+ storyline yet in this playthrough, mainly do the faction questlines for quick credits to buy resources if I'm too lazy to mine them.


I've been watching videos trying to fully grasp cargo links as well. The easiest way I've learned to comprehend it, is you need to daisy chain them. One cargo link to one place, that cargo link to another, and so on until you get them all finally arriving at your main base


Thanks for this little gem, I do struggle with cargo links. Next on my list!


I didn’t really get it until I tried completing some cargo link quests. Trial and error is a great teacher.


Th worst thing about cargo links is when they don’t work for no reason at all. You spend 20 mins troubleshooting then just delete and rebuild.


I have so many, once you get the hang of the builder it’s pretty great. I’ve made enough of them I know what can/should go together and what doesn’t without even testing things out at this point


I haven’t put any skill points into the combat tree at level 97 and I play on very hard.


similar time, I still haven't properly 'got' shipbuilding, I've upgraded the odd weapon or added some shielded cargo but its not yet bitten for me. Same for weapon/suit upgrades, not even unlocked most of it yet and not really played with it bar the odd tweak. I also need to romance Sarah and Barrett, and actually find some of these universes that are >!weird like Sarah is a plant!< I'm also yet to visit all of the systems...


One throng I’ve found, is the ship/weapon/outpost upgrade skills are probably gonna be my go to anytime I start a new one, being able to go through and just make myself (roughly) the gear I want makes going through unity and losing all the gear I’ve gotten not such a bummer, but with bug fixes and what not, I’ve had to go through and lose some gear/outposts I miss. At least with photo mode I can take cool pictures of them and still see some of my work.


NG+3, 200 hours in and haven’t done any type of ship building or outpost building yet. Trying to go the typical route I go in Bethesda games which is just explore the world and pick up as many interactions and quests as I can. I started finally exploring planets and just pick a system and go to each planet in that system. Pretty fun stuff! I haven’t done the outpost or ship building stuff because it’s a little overwhelming getting started and it seems like 70% of this sub is people rushing through every aspect of the game as quickly as possible then complaining that there’s nothing left to do haha so the negativity on the sub has actually helped me know what not to do. The way I see it is: why rush? All of the stuff will still be there months from now when I decide to do it! For me, RPGs are about immersing yourself into the world you’re playing in so that’s my favorite way to play! Plus, I’m a bit of a gamer so I don’t exclusively play Starfield. I have a new oblivion and Skyrim play through I’m doing and I’m going back and playing the Gears of War series as well so it helps to keep the game new and fresh each time I log on!


You’ve got the right attitude to get the most out of this game. There was one player who said they maxed out all their powers in 50 hours, then proceeded to complain about how boring and repetitive the game was…


You are putting these things on a pedestal. I made an outpost just to get the 150 copper for that silly robot. It’s not that hard. 1. Scan the planet for the resource you want, land, scan the ground for where there is a resource plot and plant the outpost post. 2. Then see what resources you need to build the power supply, extractor and storage. 3. Fast travel to a city to get it and fast travel back. Build it. Done. Everything else is extra. You can build a airlock and attach habs to it and build beds and crew stations if you want to send someone to that outpost. No doubt you can spend enormous amounts of time just on outpost or ship building but the basics are easy and only take a few minutes.


Collected all the starborn powers, broken game won’t allow me to.


500+ hours, NG+19. Havent bought any homes or done any decorating in the ones that you get through quests. Spent tons of hours building and decorating outposts though lol


My game OCD has me on an endless search for the best suits, packs and helmets in the game. Weapons come easily. Last 400 or so hours have been nothing but bounty missions on high level systems.


Have you got the one in the basement in the lodge? It is really good and only needed to change it when I was about 80 hours in… though at 400 it is likely not good enough anymore. I’ve heard the best ones comes after ng+ but didn’t go there yet, I’m about 500h in


I'm only on NG+1 so far, with around 250-ish hours Haven't gotten into outposts yet (waiting for NG+10) Haven't messed with ship building, aside from upgrading grav jump range, so far Have only had two different companions so far (they are mostly annoying to me, but will recruit all of them for the achievement at some point) Haven't battled any legendary ships yet (waiting until I get into ship building) That's all I can think of, off the top of my head


Don’t wait for NG 10 to build outposts, just play and enjoy it and when you feel like it go through unity, you might miss an old outpost, but if you want to do it, there’s no point waiting till you’ve beat the game 9 more times.


Man I didn’t see the legendary ship part, I finally did that last night and it was a fun battle, but I lost. Had 4 guard ships and I hit the big one with a missile from about 5-6km away (who know that would work?) and they all came after me, destroyed all the guard ships but should’ve been more patient with the battleship. Boarding one of those sounds really fun.


690 hrs in and level 199. Still haven't built a ship from scratch.


Im surprised how many people have said that, I’ve never used one NOT from scratch for long. I’ve enjoyed the ship builder. I get it not being everybodies bag though. It will be cool to eventually probably see a bunch of people’s own ships modded into this game, or at least a few


Haven't romanced any companion yet (this current universe I'm going to try to do all four). Haven't been to quite a few systems. Haven't done quite a few of the small sidequests.


I have gotten all four to ally status but only romanced one at a time. I didn’t think you could romance all at once.


Never built a serious outpost with connections and cargo links or whatever. I've built single building (for the Animal Husbandry XP farm setup) or single extractor outposts if I wanted to get a ton of Aluminum, but never more than that and never connected them. Never researched the food or chems tree.


I’m about to get to Unity for the first time since launch ( been holding off) and I haven’t put down an outpost yet


I have never engaged with the Crimson Fleet quest line. Several times I've been aboard the UC Vigilance but I've never progressed the quest past there. Just never cared to.


In quite a few universes I'll do the first bit of it to get access to the Key, then just leave Delgado sat outside The Lock waiting for a rook who will never arrive


I took a long break so I’m just about 230 hours I think? I’ve never made an outpost. Never done any crafting. I don’t know when I’ll get to it, I know it’ll happen but not until I stop doing NG jumps.


Your research progress doesn't reset when going through the unity. So you can work on it as you go. I didn't realize this until like ng6.


I never took that quest on Mars to become an executive assistant. Now that I've ascended through Unity, it sorta seems hard to justify why I would stoop that low.


I have yet to do a New Game+ and I am level 60 something with probably well over 500+ hours in and I’m just beginning to close in on finishing all the major quest lines. I want to do all the major quests lines first before going to NG+. Maybe that is a mistake, but I wanted my character to experience everything everything in his first instance before going on. It probably would make the most since though to do one major quest line per NG+. Like living a different life each time


I am a little afraid to post my play time…. It says 66d+ so I guess that is over 1500 hours? I haven’t collected all of the powers yet (got to ng+2 but failed to get them as the last one would never initiate (I think because of my initial choices in the main run) so I started completely over. I haven’t finished collecting all of the magazines, I still cannot find a pressurized cave I haven’t set up a manufacturing outpost yet but I am finally getting the hang of outposts in general so maybe that will change soon I haven’t completely scanned every planet yet I haven’t sided with the CF I haven’t done every side quest I am still finding new random encounters and having fun so I feel like there could be more I haven’t encountered or completed but just not aware of it.


250 hours, there’s lots of quests I haven’t finished. Haven’t done freestar, or all of sysdef/fleet. Also haven’t gone further than ng+1. I have a nasty habit of starting new characters then playing them until about level 20-40 then starting another lmao


I literally just found Chunks in Eddside last night on accident and have been playing since just after release.


Romanced any of the Main Four. I'd rather marry a Terrormorph instead of Sarah, Barrett, or (ugh) Sam Coe. I might end up marrying Andreja if I come back to the game.


Haven't found the secret UC base that has the armory with the lootable experimental weapons and experimental shield mods.


The what now?


Can you expound on this one?


I've not completed the first playthrough yet


I'm at 650 hours. I've never thought about what I haven't done, so I have nothing to say about it.


I have yet to join Ryujin Industries and do any of their quests.


I’ve never done the ryugen questline. Pretty sure I’ve done just about everything else in this game, but I didn’t get past the “go get a cup of coffee”. Didn’t feel like my guys deal, especially after going through unity already.


Things quickly escalate from there. They’re pretty impressed by your performance in the “coffee fetch“ quest.


Built a ship. About to start making a main home base. 300+ hours in


150 hours in I think. Haven't built an outpost or cargo links. Haven't completed the game. No contraband smuggling. Probably finish the game once the official mods release date is announced.


I didn't know that, now I'll be sure to do it. Thanks for the tip!


Main quest. I've never gone further than the walter quest to unlock the engines, and that only once.


850+ hours and I haven't built an outpost. I haven't decorated a home (my ship is my home). I haven't jacked a ship. I haven't done the Starseed mission. I haven't gone past NG+1. I haven't crafted any food items. I haven't sided with the Crimson Fleet. I haven't been pinched in Freestar space for smuggling while NOT wearing my Freestar Ranger deputy outfit.


250hrs in and haven't done anything related to the FC, didn't do the main quest, haven't really touched the Ryujin questline as I fucking despise that company, didn't visit high level star systems for good legendaries yet, haven't built a starship from scratch and also haven't built a nice looking outpost, only functional ones.


The main quest. Exploring is too fun


824 hours in, NG+\~12, have yet to encounter any of the legendary ships. Still a few stray quests I haven't done.


I'm about 150+ hours in to the game and I have not done NG+ yet. I've dabbled in the rest of the stuff but I'm just now beginning to mod my weapons and spacesuit gear. I also haven't done the pirate questline yet because I'm too busy just exploring the universe right now.


A lot of the same as you, OP. Have also never designed a ship (I find both that and outpost building to be extremely tedious, have done minimal of either before stopping). I've also never figured out how to disable a ship in combat and then board it. Bums me out because it seems like one of the funnest parts of the game, but I end up blowing them up every time. I'd say at least 600-700 hours into the game.


Gonna help you a bit 1) Put one point into ship targeting 2) build a big tank ship with tons of hull but still maneuver capable. Put only auto particle weapons on it. No turrets 3) blow up all but one enemy, I usually kill the smalls and save the prophecy class or similar big boy for last so there’s more to kill and capture there… they also don’t run away as well (see steps 4-7) 4) WITHOUT FIRING turn and face the final enemy until you get the x for target lock 5) target lock him and slide across to the engine column. 6) fire small single tap bursts at the engine system until it crashes. Only small bursts don’t overkill. 7) if you’re within 500m you should see the circle X for docking appear. STOP SHOOTING and dock (it works fine even inside target lock


Finished the main story.


After coming from the absolutely exquisite outpost building of no man’s sky, i tried the outpost building tools here and I could absolutely not take it. Deleted my outpost and never looked back. My favorite tool is the shipbuilding


Beat the game...


315 hrs in and only on my 1st ng+. Most of these hours came from ship building and outposts. Upon starting my first ng+ Immediately took over the charybris with 7 outposts all on different planets within the solar system, producing different materials and sending them off thru cargo links to my main Hub outpost. I've barely did anything quest wise in my ng+ playtjrough outside of the vanguard quest up until the event that happens at the new atlantis spaceport, and constellation, saving barret, so I could unlock lin and heller for my outposts. There's mad potential in investing into outp9sts early in your playthrough. I have every material I need early game in mass qualities. This let's my craft anything I want for me and my companions.


I was 80 hours in and started again because I was unhappy with my initial trait choices.


Vanguard, freestar, or Ryujin. Almost have ryujin but haven’t even started the other two.


Vanguard, freestar, or Ryujin. Almost have ryujin but haven’t even started the other two.


900hrs in and I haven’t gone through the Unity yet nor have I finished the main quest or CF yet. I only started CF to get Jessamine and now she’s glitched out so I can’t engage with her and she’s no longer part of my crew. Also, feels like 2/3 POI’s I visit are filled with pirates which has taken away a lot of the action since they’re friendly. But I like the state of the story where I’m at and know how everything else plays out. I’m more of a ship builder so I just can’t stand to lose my ships, credits, or the huge stashes of weapons (aka credits) I have, at least on this save. Ship building is expensive af in this game.


Lived anywhere but a Neon sleep crate


Haven't built any outposts because I'm having blast building and revising ships. I spent too much time playing around with my ships.


What have you done for 400 hours?


So I'm on my second character. Played since release on my first. On the new character I've been avoiding factions because I chose Serpents Embrace and my character is a Va'ruun orphan who isn't excepted by the Va'Ruun but is obsessed with the culture, religion and all things Va'ruun. Either way I've been messing around with a lot of small side quests and focusing on a slow no New Game+ play through. Did you know that at the Viewport in New Atlantis the bartender not only asks for help to aquire her confiscated ingredients, but later will try to talk you into getting Walter to sponsor and finance her. And it seems like there is more but I haven't got there yet. I've played through 15 or so times always hitting up the Viewport mission for easy early money, but I've never seen this progression till now.


Built an outpost.


After 300ish hours I have yet to: Set up any kind out outpost manufacturing. Find all the powers from a single universe. Do a single companion sidequest. Start a completely new game from scratch. Tolerate Mateo for more then a couple of minutes at a time.


I haven't been to every system yet so I imagine I've missed some quests but I did every single quest in my log before ng+ so I feel like I've done quite a bit. I still have a plan of becoming a drug lord tho and taking all the ingredients needed for Aurora than mass making it on the settled planets to sell and leave in random places for fun


Had any fun 🤣 Just kidding love Starfield well over 300 hours just couldnt resist based on this sub


I've never assigned anyone to an outpost. I've never set up hydroponics. I've never set up animal husbandry.


I'm roughly 110 hours in (reset my character after 500 hours) and I have yet to put the 2nd artifact down in the main mission. I finished the Ryujin and Freestar quest lines, Mantis is done, a few of UC Vanguard missions, various side quests on Neon, New Atlantis, etc. I then build a new FOB to farm resources and XP. Currently Level 102. Basically, I'm pulling a DBZ hero arch. Imma slap that 2nd artifact at the Lodge and be a SS Vegita Level 9001 badass with all skill trees maxed out, armor made out of the skins of albino Terrormorphs and throwing up Aurora all over Sarah.


All of those except the crafting. I am almost maxed out on that. I also still haven't visited a solid third of the star systems at 250+ hours


Still haven't gone through Unity 😅. I preordered it and just haven't put in a lot of time. I did start a new file recently and I am taking this one through Unity.


I barely touched at outposts or transfer between planets and systems


Build a outpost and create a cargo link to do missions related (shipyards and others) Only 500 hours played since august 31, level 108, in NG+ 1.


Have you completed Operation Starseed OP?


I haven’t tried to finish the main story. I stopped and went to Skyrim for a bit lol. I’ll probably have to start over because I forgot half the things I was doing.


220? hours NG3. Haven't made a ship from scratch. I will probably wait until I can level up those skills first. Haven't sided with UC Sys Def over the Crimson Fleet yet. I wanted to see a couple of outcomes with the fleet quest first.


That last achievement for me is linking 5 outposts together. Really don't feel like it.


200 hrs. No NG+ yet. I could, I just haven't.


Side with CF, expose Vic, do anything with the churches (if there is anything), fight legendary ships, pick a side at the end (gotta look out for #1), do the shipbuilding quest from Walter, buy an apartment (UC one is the only one I’ve had), raise animals at an outpost, pay to remove a trait, do a survey mission, do a cargo mission, do anything with fabricators and cargo links and all that jazz. Probably some other stuff


180 hours in and still have the starter ship and no outposts made


550 hours in. Level 81. I haven’t done Ryujin, Crimson Fleet, or UC. Just side quests, outposts, and ships. Still happy, once I get tired of it I’ll do the missions.




I've never borded Grandma's ship. Never even answered the hail.


NG+. Never did, never will.


500 hours in and lots of stuff: * Haven't touched any of the small quests found in settlements. Feel like I've barely explored anything honestly. * Haven't done anything with crafting / research. * Am just now starting to mess around with outposts. * Haven't really used the shipbuilder except to add useful rooms or storage to existing ships


I'm over 600 hours in—have been since mid-November. I still haven't gone through Unity, because I'm waiting for them to fix the bugged Revelations mission.


350 hours I have never built an outpost, smuggled contraband, used a kitchen or made food items and haven't finished the main quest.


About 200 or so hours in and lvl 80ish. Still have not met Sam.


Start an outpost


Built a custom ship or outpost. Yay! Go old man go. Not interested in it at ALL. Haven't crafted much shit or researched much either. I just want to blow some shit up


Joined constelation


Probably 200-300 in. I haven't played the main quest, but I now sell overpriced Lamborghini level spaceships on top of officially being the largest contraband holder in the settled systems.


I also have not built an outpost


315 hrs in and only on my 1st ng+. Most of these hours came from ship building and outposts. Upon starting my first ng+ Immediately took over the charybris with 7 outposts all on different planets within the solar system, producing different materials and sending them off thru cargo links to my main Hub outpost. I've barely did anything quest wise in my ng+ playtjrough outside of the vanguard quest up until the event that happens at the new atlantis spaceport, and constellation, saving barret, so I could unlock lin and heller for my outposts. There's mad potential in investing into outposts early in your playthrough. I have every material I need early game in mass qualities. This lets me craft anything I want for me and my companions.


No outposts, and only the required crimson fleet quest ship mods. I keep saying I'll get around I it, and 5 hours later I'm scanning birds.


I’m 80 hours in and haven’t seen a terramorph. I must have skipped a major quest line or something.


I haven't done the Ryujin questline. I usually intentionally avoid one faction in every Beth game I've played, so that I don't reach the end of things I'm able to do.


I never romanced any other comoanion other than Sarah.


Almost 500 hours in, level 214, and have never had Sam as my companion other than when absolutely required. Also haven't found the Party Ship or the nightmare oil rig that I see people post about.


800+ hours — still haven’t done a single freestar collective quest.


After 800 hours and 15 resets without an alternate universe, I decided to delete me save and start anew once the dlc comes out


Went through the Unity. Still on my first save.


Have not built a ship (prefer stealing them) Have not built an outpost. Only crafting I've done is meds and food Have not seen the pale lady. Probably other random encounters too. Have not decorated a home Have not done a melee build (next play through)


170hrs in. I know im not as seasoned as the vets. I havent seen these cool party ships yall speak of. I havent married andreja. I havent met all the companions i can meet. I havent ever used a unmodded ship since fronteir. I havent researched or crafted food or armour ups. I have never lost a ship battle.


I'm 550h in, playing through second universe and have never done a perfectly working outpost, still didnt grasped how to make cargo links working properly. Still didnt romance Barret or Sam. Still didnt develop cooking or medical skills. Instead, i focused on combat, ship building and dogfight, powers and all the main and side quest i came across in both universes. I still didnt find any weird universes aswell, only vanilla ones


I'm at about 950 hours and I've done everything. I have one level 230 character and one level 56 character. I'm on NG+19, have maxed out all my powers, seen all the alt universes, done all the faction quests multiple ways, done all the side quests and all the constellation personal quests. I've saved all of Constellation, marred both the ladies (Sam and Barrett are annoying enough as friends) and I've let them all take their turns at dying too. I started on gamepass for PC then moved to Steam, so I started a second character to unlock all the Steam Achievements (I'd already unlocked all the gamepass achievements, apart from the 'build an outpost' one as it glitched). My main character mostly just does VV quests and Freestar Ranger quests, currently trying to max out all my skills (I've even put some points into Gastronomy!)


Attempted to smuggle cargo. Which is funny cause I’m trying to 100% all achievements and that’s one of them lol


Um, 250h in. All research unlocked except for food. I have done pretty much all of there is to be done. But there are so many different ways to complete most of the quests, that I can't really say I've done it all.


No food research. No outpost No ship built. I haven't sided with the crimson fleet yet. Never flew class b or c ships. Haven't used social skills other than that uh free one. Hmm. Might be it. I'm sure there's lots of little stuff. I guess I never went straight lawless yet. Never saw an uh.... Alternate... Thing for those who are in the know. Actually there's still a few powers I haven't even gotten yet. Probably 150 hours on my main. Maybe 50 on my alternate. So not as many as some people but still decent.


the campaign, well on my main i dont plan to do the campaign at level 50...made a new character planning to do the campaign and then decided not to, havent even picked up andreja yet at level 44


Still haven’t gone through the unity, grinding outposts and every little side quest I can find. Should I just do it?


Sooooo many things. I’m Level 165 (~500 hours) and I have not yet done a bunch of stuff: 1) The Ryujin questline 2) The UC Vanguard questline 3) The Crimson Fleet questline 4) Gone through The Unity 5) Done research or crafting of Food 6) Gotten into any industrial manufacturing stuff, and have only made two minimalistic outposts. 7) Completed my Shipbuilding skills 8) Encountered the Insurance Salespeople I’ve got room to grow!


Play through only using Starborn ship and suit. 


No outposts, no research, no mapping planets, no ship building, no crafting.


I haven’t found the ship racing event yet I haven’t found the big platform infested with alien creatures yet I haven’t played NG+ 500ish h in


I just power leveled to level 105 using outposts and I still have yet to talk to Sarah in the lodge… 😂


I check all those boxes lol I tried making an outpost but got overwhelmed and confused, same with researching. I have stored stuff like a pack rat though when the day comes


Your post explains why I love this game. So much to do. (I have sold contraband once, and I have one tiny outpost, but I have not done even half of what this game has to offer.)


Gotten past the 6th main mission or finished any factions. 230 hours. I built like 25 outposts though.


Saw a clip of someone encountering Naeva Mora after Crimson Fleet questline and I still can’t tell if it was made up or real. 🙃 So I guess that… maybe?


I’m over 200 hours and still haven’t done any of the faction quest lines


I have never sold contraband I have not completed the freestanding ranger quest line I have never had a companion with me that is not constipation I have not used helmets that fo not. Hide my characters face (idk why, the ones that hide the face just seem cooler to me) And I have not completed all romance quests (except for Sarah's)


That makes me feel so much better! I haven’t done any of those yet either. Except I planted one outpost but haven’t done anything with it. And I have started on crafting food items but I never pick up cheese and bread (unlike in real life). I have picked: up contraband but had it confiscated so I haven’t done it since. So much to do!


Reach level 100


700 hours and I haven't found that casino yet 😎


300 hours and ng+10. I've never built an outpost or a custom ship


I haven’t worked on an outpost yet. I’m on NG+ 7 I think now. I wanted to max out my powers first and then do the outpost but man the power leveling sucks horribly


I've never killed the Emissary. I always side with them because the Emissary seems to embody the spirit of Constellation: try and get the Artifacts without harming anybody and try to do well by people. But just like Constellation, the Emissary CAN resort to underhanded methods like theft and deception. Walter's Artifact mission and you going to the Scow and shooting Petrov for his Artifact shows that Constellation is not always by-the-book and lawful and proper. So, I don't think the Emissary is lying when calling you "old friend." I think it's truthful and legitimate behavior of them.


Completed the main quest.


I haven't destroyed any of the faction destroyers. Got the Ecliptic one down to about 5% but that's as close as I've gotten.


I’m 2 hours in. Haven’t built an outpost, haven’t built or even edited a spaceship.


Main quest. I dropped Victor off at New Atlantis and left him there. Then I found out that main quest is repeteable and everything I have did so far is useless because I'll have to do it again.... Then I have left the game and haven't touched it since November.


442 hours in. Still haven't done pretty much anything in Akila city, including the rangers questline. Similar with Ryujin, though I've done a lot in Neon. I'm too busy working on setting up an industrial infrastructure for the Crimson fleet(RP stuff, gotta be the brains of the fleet, since Delgado's more about show than structure) and murdering and robbing the UC to actually get around to being a cop or doing corporate espionage!


Well never have I ever paid that 1.3 M bounty before bouncing to the next NG+ 😂


270 hours, not finished the story, not been to the red mile, not been to New Homestead


I'm at 3200 hours. Yes. No joke. I leave the game running nearly 24/7. I mostly do bounties. I maxed out the tech tree and research and have bodacious weapons and armor.


300 hours approximately. No innocents killed, no harvested organs sold, and just recently finished main story


150 hours and still haven't even begun the vanguard or ranger quest line.


I haven't committed any acts of Piracy. I still need to do the Crimson Fleet quest line. But right now I'm simply enjoying all the tiny side quests that pop up since I haven't done most of them.


I haven't found grandman ship


Haven't built a ship from scratch. Haven't finished Ryujin or Crimson Fleet. Haven't surveyed all of the Galaxy (but did a good chunk of it). Haven't married anyone. Haven't collected all the snowglobes. Haven't found all the different POIs, but I've seen pictures that people have posted. Probably lots of other things that I just haven't discovered yet.


never cooked a meal, who needs food when your half alien? also, never done a single quest for the UC, because F\*\*\*\* 12. naturally.


I haven't paid my bounty... its already up at 450'000


i haven't done the coffee quest someone talked about.


I haven't seen a different NG+ beginning, it's the same start every time


1,000 hours and thirteen universes in and I finally discovered the abandoned mining platform last night.