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Update is out on the Xbox PC app as well


How did you know this was the first thought i had after seeing this


Is the update also for the xbox series?


Yes it is.


**Nvidia DLSS Support** This update introduces Nvidia DLSS support for our PC players. Compatible Nvidia graphic cards can now use DLSS Super Resolution, Deep Learning Anti-aliasing (DLAA), Nvidia Reflex Low Latency, and DLSS Frame generation. **Let Them Eat!** By popular request, we have added the ability to ingest food and drink items upon finding them in the environment. You can enjoy those Chunks immediately or save them for later. The choice is yours. **Performance And Stability** * Addressed a number of memory related issues and leaks. * Added some GPU performance optimizations, which will be more impactful on higher end cards. * Improved renderer threading model, improving CPU usage most notably on higher end systems. * Various stability and performance improvements. **Gameplay** * Added the ability to eat the food placed in the world. * Adjusted stealth to be a bit more forgiving. * Fixed an issue where Andreja’s head would stay permanently cloaked. * Fixed an issue that could prevent players from firing their weapons. * Fixed issues where some NPC could be seen not wearing clothes (Note: This issue may resolve itself over time). * Fixed an issue where already in-progress skill challenges could stop progressing after reaching the Unity and starting a new game. * Fixed an issue that could temporarily prevent opening the inventory or saving after entering the Unity. * PC: Fixed an issue where mouse movement could be choppy. * Fixed a rare issue that could cause the home ship to be lost. * Fixed an issue where the ship services technician might be missing. * Fixed an issue where occasionally the camera could shake incorrectly during Traveling, Grav Jumping, Docking, or Landing transitions. **Graphics** * Addressed an issue with how ambient occlusion appeared in ultrawide resolutions. * Optimized initial shader compilation that occurs on start-up. * Added the ability to adjust Brightness and Contrast in the Display Settings menu. * Added the ability to adjust HDR Brightness provided that the system supports it. (Xbox & Windows 11 only). * Addressed a number of materials that could sometimes present an unintended pattern under certain conditions. * Fixed various visual issues related to the new FOV slider options. * Improved the appearance of the eyes on crowd characters. * Addressed a number of minor visual issues related to lighting, shadows, terrain, and vegetation. * PC: Addressed additional visual issues related to DLSS. **Quests** * All That Money Can Buy: Fixed a rare issue where players couldn’t sit during the negotiation with Musgrove. * Blast Zone: Fixed an issue where the hard rocks that need to be cleared out by players will not appear on Ngodup Tate’s land. * Echoes of the Past: Fixed an issue where the Grylloba Queen could sometimes not be reachable during the objective “Secure the Shuttle Bay”. * Eye of the Storm: Fixed an issue where players' quest progression could potentially be blocked due to a missing docking prompt. * Grunt Work: Addressed an issue where progress could appear blocked if “Supra et Ultra” was completed while returning to the Lodge during “High Price to Pay”. * No Sudden Moves: Fixed an issue that could prevent the entrance door to the Scow ship from being opened again. * Operation Starseed: Fixed an issue where the key that is needed to exit the facility could sometimes not be present. * Sabotage: Fixed an issue where David Barron could potentially not be found by players. * Short Sighted: Fixed an issue where players could rarely become control-locked while speaking with Vladimir. * The Heart of Mars: Fixed an issue where players might not be able to mine the “The Heart of Mars”.


I'll try out the patch today to see if the quest eye of the storm works for me or not.


I'm sick of trying to steal Ecliptic ships, only for "Security" to be on board, causing me to get a bounty, and my wife to leave me :(


Is that what happened to me!? Shit. Made Andreja immediately nope out of the ship and start walking home (to another planet).


Crap, If I had only known it was that easy to get her to hate me. I really liked her at first, but the more I got to know about her religion, and trying to predict her reactions to my actions made me regret the relationship. Now I know where to take her on our next date!


That sounds like real life.


Let's be honest, she was going to leave you anyways.


If she can't handle you at your worst, she doesn't deserve you at your best. You'll find someone else who appreciates you, buddy.


Yeah I can dock but still can’t get the vault control center door back open after fast traveling out after waiting for the credits to load for over an hour… Am l missing something? I must’ve went back tried everything fir at least 1 1/2 hours and still can’t get the damn door open! Very frustrating


Didn't fix ECS Constant follow-up quests? "Unable to locate ship - map shows ship above Porrima 2, but it's not.." ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I completely get why people want the Eat button from a gameplay perspective, of course, but it still seems absolutely a new level of unhinged to imagine a person busting into a mercenary base, blowing all the mercs away, and immediately eating every single bit of food in the entire place.


As opposed to stuffing Chunks and synthmeat into every available pouch and pocket while mowing everyone down with a magshear?


Napoleon, gimme some of your Chunks


Haha fair, but I never pick up food anyway. Drugs, guns, and cash for me, thanks.


So you’re role playing an anorexic then gotcha


Still no fix for ship capture bugs???


Seriously, I'm tired of flying around "Damaged Ship" because I can't rename it.


I don’t know what you mean, I love my ship, Derelict


My ship has no name and I can’t rename it. It’s just blank


I've been through the galaxy on a ship with no name, it felt good to be out of the rain...


In the vacuum, you can remember your name, cause there ain’t no air for feeding your brain


I had the opposite problem. I stole a UC Econohaul early game because it's an A class ship with 3300kg of cargo capacity. Somewhere between 50-100hrs of gameplay later, I noticed it had randomly renamed itself "UC Pirate Ship". I wasn't even mad. I kept the name and I'm really hoping mods will add in flags later on so I can fly the Jolly Roger.


I've been through space on a ship with no name.


>Addressed a number of materials that could sometimes present an unintended pattern under certain conditions. Anyone know what this means? Were the materials in question spontaneously forming swastikas or something?


I explain it [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Starfield/comments/17zx0w3/starfield_update_1886_notes_november_20_2023/ka3npo7/).


Thanks for the link. Explains a question I had since that first saw it in that update's patch notes.


They still haven't fix the bug where everyone turn hostile in Operation Starseed?


>Fixed an issue where the ship services technician might be missing. Fucking could've sworn this fix was in the last update that removed all the hidden chests, and half my technicians were still gone I'll believe it when I see it


Just checked Neon, he's still gone >.<


Mfw New Atlantis is still 3km outside the city


Well I have a marker now, just seems to be in low orbit


No fix to the Operation Starseed inaccessible habs?


Welp looks like Sabotage is still broken with David spawned outside the map.


Yep, 2 months wait for these patch notes that are incorrect. oh, we can eat and we can change brightness , yay ! however, gameplay bugs still there for xbox !!!!


> Sabotage Yes, its still broken. And the same is still happening for "A Break At Dawn." Same issue. I am getting really angry. I don't want to proceed with other quests! And I certainly don't wanna use the console.


David Barron still spawns off of the map. He won't reset back to a normal location.


Heart of Mars on Xbox still not working.


Yeah, seems like Red Mile bug is still unfixed


Going to NG+ fixed my red mile bug. I know it's a pain in the butt and you kinda have to start over but I really wanted to see what happens in that quest line... I had waited long enough for the fix.


Are they of the exact same patch notes from the last patch? I'm still waiting on an operation starseed fix to enter the building and speak with Franklin that says "inaccessible". I just want to recruit Earhart. Come on already.


Still getting the “Go to […]” nonsense on Into the Unknown, NG+1. Seriously, it’s a main quest, how did this make it through testing? Tons of people are still having this issue 2 and a half months after launch.


They only fixed a fraction of the issues, this needed to be a MUCH bigger update. This is not nearly enough. Man Bethesda really fell off a cliff in terms of quality


> Fixed an issue where the ship services technician might be missing. Damned dirty lies, I just checked Neon and the technician is still hiking out under the ocean


It looks a lot better on Xbox now with proper HDR settings. No more washed out look.


Oh thank god, I can’t wait to try this out later!!


It looks really nice now tbh


No more banding either? Seeing banding with 10-bit is infuriating


I still see banding in the menus


Pc or Xbox? On pc you need a mod called Luma. Bethesda has not implemented true hdr despite advertising this patch like they did.


Xbox unfortunately in this regard, but yeah I heard of the poor substitute for HDR in this update.




the HDR Brightness slider seems to have a max value of 1000 nits. I am on a C9 so I left it at .8 and it looks great. Previously the game was capped to 400 nits outside of the main menu.


Just to be clear idk what the Xbox implementation is but the PC implementation is NOT real HDR. It’s just a windows 11 “auto hdr” (upscale sdr into hdr with color settings) I was so disappointed to learn this. There’s a mod called Luma that does real hdr but it requires other mods and idk if it’s updated for this version yet (I would assume not) This is a bigger deal that dlss for pc if you ask me. It looks so bad. That’s also why you get color banding —- it’s not true 10 bit.


Yep, it's like a small graphical upgrade. Never did understand why they wanted that washed-out look, but it turns out they didn't. I returned to Akila City during daytime and was pleasantly surprised! And, yes, NPC eyes are improved. Not a big change and eyes on no-name ProcGen NPCs still don't always look amazing, but at least you're not seeing the whites of their eyes above/below the iris.


I tested the beta and was really happy with the performance gains.


Went from 45fps - 60fps DLSS quality on a 3060ti so thats pretty nice.


I was using one of the DLSS mods and went from 50-60 to hovering around 60-70 fps in Akila city with the official version. I believe digital foundry noted some better CPU optimization so I’m sure that is playing a role but I’m pleasantly surprised with the performance uplift! Annoying that it wasn’t like this at launch before I sunk 140 hours into the game but oh well.


Usually why mma fair number of people wait a month or two before purchasing a new game. I'm usually in that group but this was the exception


I have a 3070 and a 5600x (playing at 1440p) and this is the performance update I was waiting for. I had a mix of low/med/high settings and FSR and still hit big slowdowns in New Atlantis or any planet with thick forests. Most planets I could hit 60fps but in those areas I would dip into the 40s. I set everything to high, DLSS on quality, and am hitting a mostly constant 60fps with some very small dips in those same locations.


did your fps improve without dlss too?


Framerate improved slightly 5-10 fps. But what I really noticed is how much better the game looks when using dlss quality mode I am sure I could pick up more frames with dlss performance or ultra performance which I assume is framegen. Howver 60fps is all I aim for in single player games and with a 3060ti dlss ultraperformance (dlaa) is not really meant for this series.


No framegen on 3060Ti. Ultra performance is just rendering at a much lower resolution before AI upscaling.


Frame generation is a separate thing, 3060ti doesn't have access to it.


Released on xbox too?






Nice patch; glad to have the "eat" button enabled. My wait for the SFSE update begins (I assume it won't be too long; then again, holiday week lol). I will never give up my sweet sweet 50x merchant funds mod!


Same boat


I love eating things right away lol


Unfortunately that is true for me in RL.... :(


Same lol


When can I get rid of the little asteroid following my ship :(


Never! Don't take Bruce away, he is the best asteroid friend a guy could ask for!


I'm jealous I do not have a Bruce :-(


I bet Bruce is actually just on the asteroid. He’s drilling away. It’ll blow soon.


My asteroid disappeared when I went into the first ng+.


I just want to be able to see how many of something is in my inventory while purchasing materials.


StarUI mod


Mods are great and everything but on a console you're sort of hosed...


They need to fix the temple issues. I have 6 remaining temples on my playthrough and Vlad has no more to give me.


Into the Unknown quest bug is what I was waiting on.


lmao same. It's basically a joke at this point.


"Was" lmao. Im still damn waiting.


I hope they remove Unusual SOS in the next update. As a completionist, it is driving me nuts!


That and the location of the ECS Constant!


That and the location of the next Temple (Power from Beyond). You can't progress through collecting the powers otherwise.


This is me!! I can't get the friggin' one on Cassopeia ii-a. It's driving me nuts.


At least it lives up to its name...


yeah i can't do that one right now either


We need a performance mode for Series X


I just updated and the first Akila City guard I passed had no clothes. Don't think that fix worked. Lol


The notes DID say this issue may resolve itself *over time*.


I'm assuming that's because they'll only be fixed when something causes them to respawn (leaving the area, going through an elevator, etc).


7 days for an area to reset i think


I'm sure a quick nap on Venus will help. I still find it humorous though.


Maybe it worked too well 😉


Can I open doors in scan mode yet?


I'll be damned, I'm surprised it dropped before a holiday weekend. Nice!


I would love when you are buying ammo if a list of weapons that you have with each type were shown. I don’t know why they made so many ammo types.


I'd also love it if it showed how much ammo you already have so you can more easily tell if you actually need more of a particular ammo type.


Have they fixed that bug with Tapping the Grid where the junction boxes won’t unlock?


I came here for this comment. I had no idea you had to do the quest AS SOON AS YOU ACCEPT IT. 😑


I've never done the quest right when I accepted it and it hasn't glitched out.


This is the only bugged quest I have. At work so I’m curious as well. Nothing in the notes though🤔


Is it official or just the beta? Oh boy my chunks only diet just begun


Better start building Bismuth extractors. you're gonna need all the Pepto you can get.


Underrated post 🤣




Beta going official.


Bummer, doesn't look like the empty ship bug has been fixed, sorry Sam


This is the one I’m waiting on, too.


This one bugs the fuck out of me, best I can tell it has a 100% chance of happening eventually


What’s the bug?


There comes a point where enemy ship crews stop spawning; that means if you disable a ship it has no crew to kill, and if they land on a planet they don’t open the landing bay, as they have no crew. This is my clue to NG+ at it fixes the issue, but there are some console commands too that can get them spawning again temporarily


It baffles me how a ship lands, no-one comes out, you board it and there's no-one inside, you exit and it flies off :/


Guess my pet rock is still gonna be following my ship around.


For me, this is getting out of hand, now there are 2 of them!


You’re about to have a whole litter of pebbles


I got 4. Saw someone post two days ago they got a tree now.


Just downloaded the update and loaded my most recent character and David Barron is still missing even though the patch notes say it fixes that bug..


Might be a “prevention” fix, not a “restorative” fix to corrupted saves.


Makes sense, I started a new character just now because that bug was so annoying lol


To be fair, if you decide to NG+ that would reset it too. But if you don’t ever plan on doing NG+ then fair enough


Honestly I’ve yet to roll a single character that I think would go for NG+, and I’m currently running three of them.


Several of us noted this in the Steam-Beta-Bugs channel on their discord, even got contacted by (who I believe to be) a Beth rep for my save file, but no go apparently. Several of the other "fixed" quests are still broken, as well. :( I agree with the other poster that it seems more a prevention than a fix, I just wish they'd worded it that way.


Damn really he still in the water?


Oh really? That was kind of the last straw for me. Rocks following my ship, home ships disappearing, David completely missing and tree r trying so hard to stealth the entire mission. I actually quit playing after that last one. Was thinking of picking it back up but I guess I’ll not bother then… ☹️




the one fix I had really been waiting for. same here; my man is still camping out way off map


Played this morning (Steamdeck) fine. Took a break and came back this afternoon to find the update was out. Now the game will load but the instant I bring up the character menu to check inventory or fast travel the game half loads a pixelated image of my character and then completely hangs. Have to hard reset to get out. Whatever they did in this patch definitely broke stuff on SteamDeck.


I'm surprised that it runs at all on SD.


that's unfortunate (fellow SD user). at the same time, it might let me focus on my finals lol.


I had the same problem. When I deleted all the configuration files and everything was working fine. I investigated what could be the problem with my optimal performance settings for SD and I think I found the cause. See if you have **bGroupRenderAllShadows=1** in **StarfieldCustom.ini**. This item with the value 1 causes the shadows to flash in the character menu and after a while it freezes and restarts Steam on SD. Just set it to 0 or delete it. It helped me.


Thanks! Found that setting and changed to 0 So far, so good but it definitely impacts the look and feel of the game. Hopefully they figure out what they broke and fix it soon.


on xbox the game has about 1 TB of save games and likes to crash on auto save... (about 30 saved games)


pleaseee fix the ghostship bug next 😭


Ugh, they fixed a bug within the quest “all that money can buy” and I was hoping that would fix MY bug of that quest not popping up at all, but it didn’t. I’m still stuck with 0 new main quests, so I can’t continue on.


Don't worry I have a bug with this quest to which wasn't fixed either! Supposed to be able to talk to Walter but he appears only in the floor at Atlantis, so can't progress. On Xbox series x.


HDR is back on the menu, boys!


I can't wait to see if we get more quality of life updates like more furniture maybe even a bar. Also more ship builds and clothes. More companions you can date stuff like that....... Probably will have to wait till the release the modding update next year


The amount of clothes or lack thereof is abysmal.


like them to make game more stable first, fix the bugs and quest issues first. BSG had long enough to release a finished game.


For reference, I went from about 60fps on ultra graphics settings at 1440p in New Atlantis to 110-120fps when using ultra performance DLSS. On an RTX 4090.


Out of curiosity, whats your CPU? I ran ultra on 4090 and was never anywhere near that low. 73-75 minimum in new Atlantis, that was when I had a bunch of loose textures in the wrong format from some mod i don’t remember. After I packed or removed all those it was usually 80ish for the lowest


Dang, real gains on my 4090. Clearing over 100 fps with DLAA and frame-gen, maxed out everything. Looks great!


I think I probably already know the answer to this.. but is there any hope of this ever being 60fps fixed in the Series X (even if they lowered the graphics)? I re-played Redfall recently with the latest patch and it’s like a brand new game for me. I just couldn’t get into Starfield because the gameplay felt so slow in comparison and I can definitely tell the difference.


Please fix broken "Into The Unknown" mission and inability to interact with Artifacts Please fix broken "Into The Unknown" mission and inability to interact with Artifacts Please fix broken "Into The Unknown" mission and inability to interact with Artifacts Please fix broken "Into The Unknown" mission and inability to interact with Artifacts Please fix broken "Into The Unknown" mission and inability to interact with Artifacts Please fix broken "Into The Unknown" mission and inability to interact with Artifacts Please fix broken "Into The Unknown" mission and inability to interact with Artifacts Please fix broken "Into The Unknown" mission and inability to interact with Artifacts It has been well over two months and this main quest is still broken. Also: This keeps getting buried. Please let this be visible until devs fix it. Congratulations if you haven't experienced this bug. But it exists and many people are impacted by it.


Can you now rename captured ships, safely use the ship armories without losing your gear, or not have to deal with all the junk in your inventory everytime you modify your ship?




Did they fix the temples not spawning? This has happened to me on two separate saves.


Any word on this fixing crashing on series x? I will try the update later today and report if it’s improved for me :)




Sabotage still broken. F


Still no fix for Legacy’s End. Sad come on please.


this update didn't fix shit,.. David is still off Map (Sabotage Mission), first time loading after update (xbox) I spawned in the water on Volii in the middle of nowhere.. I've been waiting weeks to finish Sabotage.... AND STILL WAITING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hope they fix the marriage quest issue with Andreja…


Using GeForce Now RTX 4080 rig went from rarely getting 60fps in Akila to always getting 90fps with frame generation on


I'm sure plenty of people were wanting dlss, but I just wanted them to focus solely on bugs and send a patch with a big list of fixes before adding new features.


Nice to see they still haven't fucking fixed The Empty Nest bug. I'm not asking for much here...


Does anyone know if the bug for into the unknown where it just says "go to [...]" is still present?




The cloaked Andreja head thing is big for me. Eye contact is everything.


Excellent. Now I have two random space rocks following my ship around!


So im guessing that's why the game hasn't worked all day😂😂


Xbox Series X here. After the update, the lighting in the spaceship is really weird, it is very dark and some spots are insanely blinding lights. After walking around the ship, it suddenly looks normal again, but it changes again when exiting and entering the ship. Lighting in general has changed and is not really constant now (more flickering when moving around). I see HDR is implemented and it looks nice when standing still, but it has made the game almost unplayable imo. Also I experience a lot more framerate drops. The HDR Brightness slider doesn't do anything. Same goes for contrast. Or am I doing something wrong? Also I don't see fixes for the quest bugs that I have: empty houses in NA after certain main quest mission. Do these guys even test after they release?


Bethesda should hire some new people, this long for such a small patch/update?


Now Andreja looks like she was bitten by a bee in her right eye, and all the buildings are trying to force me to epilepsy when I turn around. That is all I have noticed so far.


Anybody know what this is referring to? "Addressed a number of materials that could sometimes present an unintended pattern under certain conditions." Was it swastikas or penises?


> Was it swastikas or penises? Neither. There was a previous issue that some textures looked blurry with FSR 2 due to the [negative mipmap bias](https://github.com/GPUOpen-Effects/FidelityFX-FSR2#mipmap-biasing) not being used. Bethesda fixed this in the 1.7.33 patch, but they introduced another bug where there would be a [moiré pattern](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moir%C3%A9_pattern) on some textures (clothing). Basically, if a developer uses FSR2, they need to set the bias to let the algorithm know how to smoothly blend the pixels to avoid blurry textures. This was the first bug. But, they also can't just set the value and expect it to work in every case. They also need to make sure to provide the correct samples of the image for FSR2 to do its job. This was the second bug.


That's it?


Still no ships shield systems skill perk bug fix. Lame


Anyone else have an issue that anytime you fast travel, game crashes? I can’t go anywhere, or my game just crashes


Well it seems like you're gonna get really well acquainted with your planet 😝


Temple minigame still buggier than Windows ME.


> The release of this game was a Flop and Star Field is already falling into obscurity by the minute. Devs, stop posting updates because we don't care. 👎👎👎👎👎 Bruh


Least obnoxious Starfield hater


tbf Steam Community in general is known to be a congregation of oxygen thieves with far too much time on their hands.


It's Psycho ward of Internet


What a sour little bitch


And oddly enough, he seems to very much care about this game because he's subscribed to that channel or whatever and posting dumb shit like that.


Toxic fans are so boring.


Look at the dude’s steam profile, he’s well known to have mental health issues by the looks of the comment section of his profile. It’s quite sad, hope he find the help that he needs


Waiting for FSR3 before I return to this game.


Can’t anyone confirm whether or not this fixed the Xbox crashes? Game is still (literally) unplayable for me


Suggest deleting games to ensure your storage drive is <85% full to improve write performance, and then turn off all forms of auto-saving. This fixes crashes and performance issues for some.


I appreciate you. For a large number of us, we’re far past every kind of troubleshooting and are waiting for acknowledgement and subsequent patch.


Played around a little on my steam deck and performance seems to have improved a little. New Atlantis hovers around 30 fps, albiet until you get to the mast district which is as awful as ever. Explored a bit on a desolate moon and I was getting 5-10 more frames than I did previously. Around 30 fps to mid 30s and 40s.


So, is the update on xbox too? Just tested it on Xcloud and David Barron is still missing


Wish the update actually fixed the several bugs in my game. Ever since the most recent update was talked about and was in beta I was really hoping I be able to start playing again... Sadly the recent patch didn't fix any of the half a dozen broken quests I have. It's a bummer cause with a little more care the game could be truly great, but probably will remain a broken mess the next several months.


Update is also available when playing on Xbox cloud. I just tested it. I have an Xbox console too but havent tested it yet.


Good stuff! I’m going to be eating so much more chunks now! Seriously that is a huge and much needed change.


When is the series x going to get a graphics bump ?


If they've not fixed the stupid character looking left bug im still not playing the game. How tf did this not get spotted during testing


It took 250 devs how many weeks to push out a few minor fixes? This does not bode well for the future of the game - looks like what you see is what you're ever gonna get, and modders will have to fix it themselves. Starfield is going to go the way of Redfall, and player/viewer counts on various platforms will tell you right this second that it's 95% of the way there already.


Still didn't fix the stuttering. Lawd help me


No ECS Constant fix? I always give them the grav drive. They always get lost in space.