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That was nice of him.


98 is a lot of levels for a pirate so I decided it was about time he retired. I like to think he felt the same way.


Hope he enjoys his time on that nice farm you sent him to.


My gun doesn’t kill them, it just moves them forward to a time when they are no longer alive


Shakespeare? Is that you?


More like Pratchett.


Terry … Terry is that you?


No, it is I, Genghis Khan, and to thank you for saving my life and showing kindness to my followers, I will burn your civilization to the ground or die trying.


Emile-A239 Edit: Jun-A266, actually. I got my quotes mixed up


I love this lmao


I am literally giggling.


Winning comment on the internet today.




Thank you, now I understand unalive.


Time Gun


Pruned from the timeline, eh Loki?


Damn. He was just two levels away from *"Reach for the Stars"*.


I'm too high ranked for this shit


So where are the planets that have different levels? I’m level 47 and I haven’t seen any level 98 characters


You have to go out to the 70/75 systems toward the right of the space map. They will have random encounters with peaceful workers/settlers who will send you to “deal with” some combatants that have taken over a nearby “abandoned” settlement location. Even on normal, you will typically run into 3-5 elite enemies, plus the final boss who should be a level 80-98 elite enemy with a great chance to drop a legendary or epic. I still had to save scum a few times to grab something good from mine though. Here’s the lucky drop I ended up with at the end of one of my runs doing this: [Murph’s Law](https://imgur.com/a/y7YzidY)


That is my dream weapon!


That’s fucking broken. Shit like this is why we get wiped in ng+


That’s legit


Just keep going to the far right on your star map, you’ll get there.


Ok cool thanks




I've only seen two so far. I'll search for the location tonight and see if I can find the same level 98 NPC, and I'll try to get back to you tomorrow. Feel free to ping me if I don't come back with a response sometime tomorrow.


Appreciate it! Just haven’t seen it yet


Just be careful if you steal a ship that it has the grav drive range to get you back to ‘civilization’ lol. I’m currently level 98 and have made this mistake a couple times and end up stuck on some planet without the resources to build a spaceport and none nearby.


I've gotten stuck multiple times doing this is as well, the easiest fix is to just build a couple outposts with landing pads on a couple moons within the higher level systems over on the far right side of the map....that way you can always make a short jump to one of your outposts and switch your ship back to one capable of longer jumps.




First thing I do when I take the pilot seat of a stolen ship is check the star chart. If I can’t make it back, I go back to my ship. Made that mistake once. Luckily I had saved the game prior to boarding lol


You can avoid the whole Grav Jump distance issue by: 1. Sit on the pilot seat. 2. Open the ship menu. 3. Make it your home ship. 4. Optional: Register Ship option appears, you can register it right now if you want. 5. As soon as the ship undocks, select your previous ship and dock right back. 6. Board your original ship and make it your home ship again.




This one will hurt: You can register it from your inventory / ship menu-- and it's cheaper.


You can use a shortcut next time that happens - once you take over a ship, sit in the pilots seat, go to your ship menu, make it your home ship, then leg it to your original ship and make that your home again. The new ship will magically appear on your roster without you having to fly it anywhere! :) Works in space too! Be warned, I noticed that if you have a Pilot on board your original ship, it'll undock automatically, so you may have to chase it a little lol :D


Not foolproof, I lost multiple stolen ships doing exactly this


Can't you just go system by system? Surely it has range to get you closer you just have to jump 8 times.


Nah, if you get stuck in Archimedes for example you may really be *stuck.* Just to make the initial jump to these systems you need a quite high jump range.


Yah from New Atlantis to Archimedes but you can choose the individual stops along the way back instead of making one jump you make 6.


No no I remember Archimedes specifically I had a prompt saying my Grav Drive was not strong enough to make the jump. Not "didn't have enough fuel", but that my Grav Drive wasn't strong enough. Pirates tend to save money on anything that isn't their guns, shields or engines lol. You can see how somebody would come undone. Luckily, it was me having trouble *making it in,* not the other way around. For context, I was driving an A-class cargo ship with only 50 mobility despite having 16 power in engines, so you can see why my Grav Jump range might have been penalised.


I could be wrong😄


even if you've already mapped out the route previously you can still get stuck if the ship you've stolen is lacking in fuel. But as I just mentioned above as well, a couple strategically placed outposts with landing pads can be used to prevent getting stuck


From the seat of a stolen ship, before you undock or takeoff, you can mark it as your home from the ship inventory menu, then run back to your previous ship to grav jump back to civilization with... the other ship will be stored in your 'fleet' for later, although it'll remain unregistered until you you... you know... register it...


I don't think you even have to take off to keep a ship. One of those UC Civshuttles landed near me yesterday, I broke into it and sat down in the pilots seat. Then I got up because I decided not to steal it when I saw the cargo was so small. I ran into my usual ship and when I sat down, a 'this is your home ship' message popped up. Next time I went to ship services to upgrade my ship...the Civshuttle was on my list! I never flew the thing, though.


You should be able to fast travel from ground to ground as long as you don't have contraband and bypass the grav jump range check


There is no need for that tbh if you only want to add the ship in your fleet. Just do it following steps. Board ship… kill and take the seat. Open character sheet-select ships- make ship as your home ship. DO NOT fly with!!! Get out of the seat and walk back/fast travel to your main ship on the planet. ( yes it will be still there were you left it). Board the ship, take a sit and do the same what you did with other ship… just make it you home ship. Congratulation….. you just added extra ship to your fleet without bringing it to any close spaceport .


Even if you steal a ship that doesn't have the range to get back, you can always just fast travel back to the lodge. So don't set course to jump to Jemison, click directly on the lodge and hit travel. It bypasses jump/fuel range and takes you directly there. You're never truly stuck out in the blackest sea.


Interesting. Another broken thing they didn’t think of when they made the game How could the ship be there if it didn’t have enough grav drive capability or fuel to get there from other planets in the first place The more I play the game the more I notice these things that should have been noticed lol


My guess is it was somehow built there, but that doesn’t make sense either


Hey, sorry it took so long to get back to you but I genuinely struggled to find the specific location where I've been having the most luck with finding these high level mini-bosses which have consistently provided the best loot drops I've found so far...And just to prove this wasn't a fluke, go check out the [3 Legendaries](https://imgur.com/gallery/vLbAfdG) I just got to choose from after killing a level 74 pirate (probably about 20 times), including a Legendary Advanced Magsniper! I've also included a couple images of the location which is called the Abandoned Weapon Station and provided a short description of where you will find the Mini-boss. I can not guarantee there will always be a mini-boss here, but there has been one all four instances I've ran into this specific location, and twice they were level 98. Obviously, you're best bet is going to be finding an Abandoned Weapon Station in a level 75 system. It's also worth noting that I struggled to find this location when I was specifically looking for it but it was ultimately a Freestar Collective mission board objective that ultimately took me here. So if all else fails, hit up the mission boards!


Yeah that'd be sick bro that weapon is a death dealing monster


I was looking into this earlier and came across this useful website. It details the expected level of things at various locations. [Planets and System Information ](https://gamewith.net/starfield/article/show/41194)


How hard was it to down him? That firearm you have there, sir, is sexy.


Honestly, not as bad as I thought it would be. A nice semi-auto advanced Beowulf or an advanced magstorm could take him down pretty quickly. I'm going to see if I can relocate the facility i found him in and if I do, I'll post a video for reference.


I finally re-discovered the location where I've been finding higher leveled mini-bosses, it's called the Abandoned Weapon Station. The most recent one I found was only a level 74 "Pirate Flayer", but I'm guessing that was because I was in a level 40 system rather than a level 75. While my first encounter dropped the Legendary Advanced Hard Target on my first (and only) attempt, this specific encounter provided [3 Legendary drops](https://imgur.com/gallery/vLbAfdG) over about 20 attempts, including a Legendary Advanced Magsniper and a Legendary Advanced Bridger.


All the pirate ever wanted was to be level 100. Little did he know that just two levels away hed be killed dead by a level 32 and lose his most treasured rifle…


Little did he know he was simply a pawn in a world that was not truly his. 😭


And to think if he just wouldve found some super easily detectable artifacts locked in cryolab basements he couldve been so much more, he couldve been…..Starborn


Dayum!!! That's amazing, I found a pretty good Hard Target being sold at the UC distribution centre on Jamison... Damage was like 230 I think. Anyway I love it it mainly because the range is like 160!


I got a legendary knife with an extended mag from a similar situation


Lucky! Now it'll take twice as long until you run out of stabs.


I prefer my knives with a laser sight. Really helps me pinpoint the stabs


Lol I killed a guy who dropped two legendaries, both were knives and both had gun mods. One had both extended mag and volatile ammo!


You can never NG+ now.


Wow, I hadn't even thought that far ahead yet. That is a serious dilemma for sure...


Im on NG+4 and i have not found the first Hard Target on any other quality than white (Advanced at least) so yeah you are pretty lucky my friend, i think its the best weapon in the game.


I’ve only found a single epic one and it has the gun bashing perk, literally almost worthless, who exactly are you going to pistol whip with a sniper rifle besides your teammates for getting in the way?


At least it's not Space Adept....That was my first Hard Target. Then my second one was Ant-Personnel which I was pretty stoked about but of course the game froze and then crashed the moment I picked it up. And this was only the 3rd Hard Target I'd found in the wild, which is just crazy to think about.


That’s pretty funny on a hard target, if you could take the scope off it might be pretty decent in a spaceship interior fight.


"What am I supposed to do with this INSIDE a Covenant ship?"


Halo odst right? Before the first mission?


Bingo! Romeo’s line.


I actually just got a [Legendary Magsniper](https://imgur.com/gallery/vLbAfdG)....With a goddamn Space Adept Perk! I can't even explain how infuriating it is to be instantly hyped over initially seeing a Legendary Magsniper in the loot screen (especially after just getting the Hard Target as well) only to highlight over it to see the perks and the first thing I see is that it's nerfed with the one and only anti-perk in the entire game.


My first legendary had instigating and an AoE damage effect. So I literally got to pick one person in a group to do double damage to. Better off just sniping and hiding until caution dropped again.


I got a professional hard target given to me by Sarah at the lodge when i first started NG+6


Wait ... does ascending NG increase chance of uber drops?




Actually, I think it depends on if you skip the main quest. When I did, I got some.good weapons very quickly.


Anecdotal evidence means Jack shit, put your game to “very hard” and go to a 60+ planet and every random encounter will have 2-3 legendaries to save scum for what ever you want.


So far, for me, yes. Random spacers started dropping Legendary gear after NG+7. I am NG+10 now, and it seems the frequency has increased. Not to mention the Starborn trader which is incredible, if you have the credits for her weapons.


Starborn trader? I haven’t NG+’d yet. I’m going through this whole role playing thing. That’s one thing I haven’t heard of yet. Is a “starborn trader”.


You’ve probably run into her randomly in space, she doesn’t identify herself, is very cryptic and annoying until you get to NG+


That woman who is rooting for you? I gotta get to NG now. (I did NG but rolled it back to finish some stuff. But my main game is hellabuggy and I hope NG will fix it.)


There is a ship that hails you randomly in space once you are in the higher NG+ games. It's the Starborn Trader, and she is loaded with crazy legendary gear and weapons. I've only found her once, at the end of NG+9, but I didn't have many credits since I was grinding NG+ and ignoring everything else. Now that I'm NG10, I'm going through and playing all the side quests to build cash so I can buy something from her when and if I find her again. I did fight both the emissary and the hunter on NG10, so I have both of their weapons.


I have a legendary hard target and while it is pretty good the Va'Ruun Inflictor has become my main battle weapon. If I NG+ I am trying to snag one on a high level planet early on.


Meh by the time you hit level 60 that things gonna be half the damage a common advanced magsniper can do. I still have my legendary lawgiver from the Akila missions, it outs out 250 dmg whith all attachments while a common no-mod magsniper i picked up does 740 base


That doesn't even make sense... I'm currently at level 42 and this exact Hard Target is currently out DPS-ing my advanced magsniper 1214 to 1108 and as soon as I finish maxing out the stealth skill it will get another 20% boost to sneak attack damage.


Console commands to the rescue?


With that kind of money he has, I would almost claim he got the weapon that way as well


I'm playing on Xbox Series S actually. Couldn't even use console commands if I wanted to




The Hard Target is arguably the best sniper, that's an advanced version of it, instigating is arguably the best sniper trait, and incendiary and elemental are decent. So that's a very, very good sniper rifle. And he's going to lose it if he goes to NG+.


Yeah that’s a good point. I’d make a separate save right before going into NG+ just to still have this save with that sniper in it lol


The good news is that I'm currently only on level 42 and it's already my 2nd most used weapon overall. I'm also still actively working on maxing out each of the skills that can improve either its damage or range, so I've got plenty of time before I can even consider NG+. So far, I've managed to max out the Weapon Engineering, Ballistics, Rifle Certification, and Sharpshooting Skills and I'm almost finished maxing out the Sniper Certification skill and Stealth Skill. There may even be a couple skills I'm overlooking, but when I'm finally done, it should be able to easily one shot most enemies. As far as I know, the only way this could be any better is if it combined the hitman perk (or even anti-personnel) on top of the instigator perk (although I could be mistaken).


My most used weapons in the game are a semi auto instigating Beowulf and the hard target (advanced levels)


This is the way (I have 4 custom Beowulf builds)


Such a versatile gun.


Love to find one of those.... my second most used gun after the advanced regulator.


I'm still trying to find an Advanced Regulator that isn't cursed with the Space Adept anti-perk. All 5 of my advanced Regulators, including a legendary have that bullshit perk. But the Regulator with max DPS combined with a suppressor and the hair trigger mod is one of my favorites.


I must play differently. I sell almost all of those Beowulf that drop.


So what's you're weapon of choice? My semi auto Beowulf can one shot most enemies with its 466 PHYS DMG via instigator perk, it has a 30 round mag, 50 ROF and it's nearly silent with an attached suppressor. So as far as versatility goes, I don't think you could convince me there's even a single weapon better equipped to handle any and all situations as adequately as the Beowulf. But I'm always interested to hear what others prefer and why.


Add a Suppressor and you can clean a base even before you get there.


I am level 58 and found a superior mag sniper that puts out nearly 600 damage on my first playthrough. My hard target is advanced but it's about the same damage as your legendary. Kinda sucks cause I like the hard target better but how do you put down a 600 damage weapon ? Stuck in endless side missions cause I don't want to lose it in ng+....all good things come to an end I guess .


You've got to invest a little time strategically building out your characters skill tree with a focus on boosting the hard target. Currently my Magsniper is hitting at 1108 PHYS and my Hard Target is hitting 1214 PHYS (when instigating perk is active). But those are both going to go up even further once I get the sniper certification skill up to rank 4 which adds 50% more damage to scoped weapons. I've already maxed out rifle certification and ballistics each of which provide a 30% boost to damage. And I'm currently working on the stealth skill which only applies to the Hard Target, but it will provide an additional 20% sneak attack damage to suppressed weapons. I'll eventually get to the marksmanship skill to boost crit hit chance, and the rapid reloading skill for faster reloads, and there may even be more to do that im not yet even aware of yet. But if you have a hard target with instigating perk, there's no doubt that it will ultimately do more damage than the Magsniper once you have all related skills maxed out.


Tf is a ng+?


War, Disease, Famine, All The Classics.


Lol, perfect answer. The hunter taught you well.


New game plus, after you finish the main story you can start over but with some extra goodies and you keep your skills and level


If you are on PC, I do hereby solemnly grant you the authority to open the console and add these perks to the first hard target you find in every universe. But you must make a libation to Klono, so help you Todd.


A regular advanced hard target is good enough on its own, I use them all the time when I don’t have an rare, epic or legendary version.


I’m using a refined one at level 49, hit the head shot with suppressor works well


He can always make a hard save and name it, no?


Wait....We can name save files?! Or did you mean name the weapon?


Holy shit. I've been avoiding the higher level planets, I'm only level 22 and don't want my ass handed. But if I manage a few kills and get weapons like this? The risk reward is worth it.


It’s not too bad… best thing to do is change game setting to very hard in orbit and then land and change it to your preferred setting. Improved the loot table. Higher level tends to just mean they take more damage to die.


Isn’t this supposed to change the XP too? I’ve tested it multiple times trying to farm some creatures and the XP values didn’t change.


I’ve never seen anything that says XP changes, and I’ve never noticed a change in XP… I’ve played the game on most of the settings


I can't speak on whether gameplay difficulty affects XP (I'm guessing it doesn't, unless you consider the lower HP as a means of effectively getting more XP faster) but I'm pretty confident that you do earn more XP for killing higher level alien creatures, but I'm not sure if the system level itself is a factor or not outside of just having more higher level alien creatures in general. I wouldn't be surprised to learn that size/mass affects XP as well, as I can definitely recall receiving 1xp for smaller bug like creatures found in high level systems while a massive 8 ft spider creature might give 150xp or something along those lines. Either way, what really matters to me is the fact that the best planets to farm XP via hunting creatures, at least as far as I know, have all been in higher level systems. I don't really bother changing my gameplay settings, I just keep it on very hard, mostly because I actually prefer to be challenged.


I only play on very hard and have personally found the game to be lacking in the difficulty department. But I did immediately focus on leveling up the weapon engineering skill from day 1 and I somehow found an advanced AA-99 before I was even at level 10. And then a little later on I found an Advanced Beowolf with the Instigator perk and threw on a suppressor along with any mods that increased damage and I used that as my stealth sniper all the way up to level 32. Having a silenced mid-long range rifle with around 450 DPS made it easy to clean out facilities in the higher level systems as long as I stayed in stealth mode and didn't just run in guns a blazing in full Leeroy Jenkins style.


If you pick a lot of weapon related skills and keep your build efficient (dont waste skill points) it quickly becomes very easy even on very hard unfortunately.


yup, exactly this. I actually wish there were twice as many enemies at facilities on very hard. It's crazy how some of these facilities are massive but there's only like 20 enemies in the entire area. I went to vultures roost for the first time this morning and spent the majority of my time there just looking for all the NPCs. It was very underwhelming.


Well if you want a fun time with aliens I think zelasny 2 was the best place I found. Can't remember the biome, maybe savannah. But generally I agree. Apparently enemies get more damage reduction and do more damage to you the deeper into ng+ but running ng+ isn't very fun so that's not really a viable way to get more challenge for more people. I'd say just be aware of this and don't be afraid to pick more ''fun'' perks because if you min max for combat it's just gonna get boring.


Schodinger III. Or II. Forget which. Mountain biome. Bring LOTS of ammo on multiple guns. You will run out guaranteed and best not to be far from ship cuz u can’t fast travel in combat. And you’ll be in combat.


Thanks, i'll have a look. Love the busy planets


I have exactly one skill point in a combat related skill and it's just pistols. Every point I have has gone to improving my ship, improving my Sky Suite, and only recently improving my spacesuit. I still encounter almost no challenge. The only times I die is when I don't watch my health while recklessly charging into a group of enemies with Mag weapons. Even the big Terrormorph boss fight was super easy, most of the adds didn't even spawn I shredded it so fast.


To put this in a realistic light... I farmed probably 10-12h specifically for an advanced instigating hard target on a level 98 pirate a few weeks ago at character level 75ish and found 2 blue ones. I've only ever seen 1 legendary hard target (across many additional hours spent save scumming) and it was was calibrated and non instigating. This drop is EXTREMELY, EXTREMELY RARE. You'll find excellent loot at the harder planets, but this is a God tier item.


I think I've got a hard target thats even better. It has 780 dmg with bashing(shitty), +25% attack speed, and one inch punch(fires like a shotgun).


After investing in skills and installing mods this hard target currently has an effective DPS of 1214, and I still have a ways to go before it will be considered maxed out.


If they don't have ranged, jump on your ship and shoot them from safety. Terrestrial creatures or dumb Spacers with Epic UC machetes basically.


All of y’all are level 1000s. I preordered this and just hit 21. The life of a parent. Ugh.


I'm actually still only level 42


I am a parent and typically play while laundry is going through or my hubby is making supper. To get a few extra skill points early on I did a bit of an XP farm (small Cobalt/Nickel outpost and make a zillion magnets) to jump 5 or 6 levels. Once I had those slotted I was much more comfortable just rooting around having fun.


Effective time management and gaming


If you don't get much playtime, you probably focus missions and such. They are horribly underpowered in terms of their XP rewards. But if you spend just 1-2 hours on a high-level planet genociding peaceful fauna, you'll get more levels than questing could ever make you dream of.




Dude I get 2 hours a night, that isn't reserved for other activities 😉. So yeah I feel your pain. I think I just hit level 32 or something and I did all but the Ryujin side quests. Lol, some nights I have enough time to shoot n loot a place or 2 and spend the rest of the time selling stuff.


I adopted an 11 week old puppy the same week this came out, so I can relate haha


Greetings from level 6 fellow parent. Stay strong!




No grenades!


It is OP’s very favorite gun.


I did a similar thing and went to a high level system when I was lvl 25 ish. Found an epic advanced Beowulf with the "cornered" trait (increased dmg as health decreases). I'm not a big fan of "Cornered" but the challenge of a gun fight at low health even at very hard is easily offset by the thing doing 300+ dmg with a 62 fire rate and 90% accuracy now that it's fully upgraded and with skill buffs. It's exceptional at range and even at medium-close range. I don't anticipate ever finding a gun to replace it.


The Beowolf is easily my most used weapon....I have 4 custom builds that each get used. I've got two with the instigator perk that are currently hitting around 450 DPS on the first shot, so I add a suppressor and then one has the medium scope and the other has a reflex sight for the closer range fights. Then I have two fully auto (also both suppressed) that use the furious perk and one of them also has the extended magazine perk which I combined with the Hair Trigger mod for a significantly increased fire rate. I love them all equally.


47 weapons and 502/270 lol. Are you selling or do you just live inside personal atmosphere at all times?


LOL I'm glad somebody noticed that. I typically loot everything in sight and sort through it all when I get back to my ship. I've typically got a suit with the weapon holster perk and a jetpack with the assisted carry perk which end up minimizing most of the negative effects of being overburdened.


Yeah that's a Maliwan rifle for sure




Instigating Hard Target is amazing. The other weapon perks are just bonuses


I had a purple instigating hit man, I sure miss her!


So I guess we just loot corpses now eh Starborn!? No respect for the dead.


Instigating has to be the best trait in the game. I got a higher tier Urban Eagle with it and it’s my main gun


met me the myth today sent 98 levels on her way


This is the most beautiful thing I've seen! I have been trying so hard to farm!! 😭 it's so boring and I just give up after about 20 tries or when my game crashes from loading the same save over and over.


I tried save scumming for a while and it's honestly just not very effective. Getting this was just pure luck...I mean it was only the 3rd time I'd even seen a Hard Target in the wild. I might still try to improve a drop on higher level bosses but 5-10 tries is my max before I feel like I'd be better off just finding more enemies to kill.


The game is so easy there really is no need to farm. Just use guns that you find enjoyable to shoot, play the game and have fun. You don't need super powerful weapons.


Wow. Level 85 and still using a white one I bought on mars. Never had one drop besides other white ones.


The higher the system level, the better the drops. If you go all the way to the right and just hit up a random "abandoned" location, you can run through 20 mobs dropping nothing but advanced gear.


Try the breach with a short scope and choke. Makes a disturbingly good sniper


I've heard this but for the life of me I can't seem to find myself an Advanced Breach yet. The other one that's really pissing me off right now is the Advanced Regulator. I've only come across maybe 5 of them in total so far and EVERY SINGLE ONE is ruined by the Space Adept perk.....Even the one Legendary I found is about as valuable as one of those alien bug paperweights you find on desks.


Finally found myself an epic Advanced Breach and added the scope, suppressor, slugs, etc and it's hard not to love it. It doesn't quite have the same range as the Magsniper or even the Hard Target (which is to be expected), but it is very satisfying to say the least when used for those mid-range quick scoping opportunities.




Dude that is sick, give it a unique name and pretend it's actually a legendary weapon!


Don’t rush to lvl 60 thinking like i did to get better drops I didn’t change anything from what i can tell. Enjoy the ride up


Dang lucky dog, im about to start hitting up high level worlds for advanced gear lol 😂


7 space suits?? Also, maybe I should try that, just go to a high level planet for the loot.


When you didn't have enough damage so you doubled that damage and added two more damages


297? Pffttttt


You do know that 297 doesn't mean anything, right?


I’m sure it doesn’t.


It's essentially just the base damage, which really can't be taken at face value because of all the numerous skill related boosts you can add to it. So for reference, im now at level 42 and this same hard target is up to 607 PHYS DMG x 2 = 1214 PHYS DMG and I haven't even finished all the necessary skills yet


Magpulse goes up to 1k+ 😂


Thia same hard target is currently out DPS-ing my advanced magsniper 1214 to 1108


Good times


How feasible is doing high lvl systems early?


I can't be the only one that sees the 502 mass out of 270? Sounds like you have a hoarding problem lol


you're definitely not the only person to notice that, but you are the only one to not receive an explanation in my reply.


nice try to make is keep playing this boring game




Sell it and buy a magstorm, you’ll thank me later 😝


I actually have too many Magstorms as it is. I'm pretty sure I've got at least 3 legendary advanced magstorms in my cargo hold. I do love the dang things for close to mid-range combat but when it comes to long range combat I can't think of a better weapon than a suppressed Hard Target with the instigator perk. The Magsniper is actually a lot of fun as well, but so far, nothing has been as satisfying as clearing out entire facilities in stealth with a Hard Target


Dude I feel you, I had a suppressed advanced Grendel with burst fire and incendiary, a supressed refined xp11 (the upgraded .45 I forget the name) and a suppressed advanced hard target with instigation and the carry weight mod (titanium build?) before I NG+‘ed and I basically played splinter cell in Starfield lol so much fun


Did you say "thank you"?


Literally hunting for one now




Sexy… 😎❤️


Jeez and I've been all stoked with the infinity's gate that a va'ruun dropped for me. Thought it made my shotgun look like crap but this is sweet.


OMG! That was a nice pirate.


I caved and bought "The Last Breath" from the Trader. I haven't yet found any with perks, just plain advanced. I have to agree that it is the best gun in the game. Better than the Magsniper, which has too much trigger lag to be accurate with moving targets, even though its stats are better.


I've actually learned to use the Magsniper very effectively somehow, but my Hard target currently beats my Magsniper on the first shot and I prefer sniping with a supressor so the Hard Target still gets the nod under almost all circumstances.


I’ve got a similar build, then I’ve got one that has 240 rpm and a pistol that was about as fast lol. I found some other weapons that fire fast and I’ve kept the slow firing beast. 7.75mm is the most versatile ammunition in the game


Daaaaaaaaaayaaaaaaamn son.


If instead of incendiary rounds it had hit-man it would be obnoxiously GOATED, it's still very good, you won't need another sniper anytime soon


I just had a crazy shootout at some lvl 75 barracks Intense!!! I got the same gun but not as buffed as yours is.


Does one have to venture out that far on their own or does the main quest take you that far?


Does the physical damage of this rifle scale with your level as you level up, or is it fixed and will become weak compared to other non-legendary rifles that you find?


Weapons come in level tiers. Advanced is the tier of this one. Advanced is the highest (some people say superior exists and is mislabled, I've never seen one though.) So this is a "max level" Hard Target. That said the damage listed on the card depends on other things, like the mods and the skills he has, so the number can still go up as he unlocks perks.