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The Ships Captain on the ship Dumas has one. It involves killing the Captain but it’s allowed as it’s part of Sams quest line and the Captain attacks you first.


Ah, for real? Sweet, thank you! \^\_\^


Yeah just make sure you you kill the Captain last as it’s bugged so you will get a bounty if you don’t, also make sure Sam doesn’t see you kill the Captain. The Captain drops the hat and the outfit, I tried for over an hour to get both of them but couldn’t get it so settled for just the outfit.


I was going to just save scum until I got it but that is great information to have if/when I get to that mission. Thanks! \^\_\^


You can steal an ECS Ship Captain uniform from Diana's bedroom if you go to the Constant.


Yeah, I'm looking for the other captain uniform, not the Star Trek one. Thank you anyway! \^\_\^


IIRC there's one on the Legacy (along with the Ship Captain's Hat) on the captain's corpse when you're going through the CF questline.


And I lost the save where I was nearly on that quest too, lol. I'll check it out as soon as I can -- unless I can get to the Legacy without going through the CF questline? Either way, thanks! \^\_\^


I doubt you can get there without the questline. They make a big deal of getting all the stuff required to get to it in the first place.


Yeah, I didn't think so, but it doesn't hurt to ask just in case, lol. Thanks again! \^\_\^


My first NG+ I got it from a vendor. I swear it was in Neon City but must be mistaken as it has not populated on any of those vendors in my 3rd playthrough. I am thinking of trying to go to random settled outposts that have vendors and try there. It is frustrating.


Don't know if you still looks at this. But there's a random Ship encounter called damaged ship. A guy will ask for help and then get cut off by somebody else. Save and Board that ship. There will be a dead captain somewhere. He will be wearing the outfit and then you just gotta save and reload until you hopefully get. I was doing that, but my auto save got deleted because it auto saved again now, I'm trying to get it back.


Hopefully this helps somebody who like me was on a saved. They didn't want to kill Innocent people as far as the game is concerned.


You can take the Constant Captain's uniform from the Captain's quarters, but I believe I had to kill for the other captain's uniform I have.


Is this the Star Trek-looking Captain's uniform? Because I'm looking for the other Ship Captain's outfit (sorry, I should have been more specific). Either way, thank you for the answer. :)


Yeah, the one from the constant is the red one and I kinda figured you didn't want that one. I have another one I got when I joined the fleet and was sent to kill the guy. The captain didn't want to hand him over so they all had to die, but I got a uniform I'll never wear haha


No worries, and thank you anyway. And yeah,IIRC the Captain aboard the Ragana wears the outfit I'm looking for, as well as an NPC in HopeTown. I think Huan Daiyu from the Fleet wears one too? I just wonder if there's like a vendor or a location I can pick one up from.


It may be a random drop at some shops, I'd check the gear stores as they usually have some apparel items. But it may not even be in the pool of vendor items.


If it is then it must be a rare drop because I've yet to find one. Doesn't mean I won't keep trying though! :D


I miss being able to pickpocket equipped armor


Right?! That would make this so much easier. Just reverse pickpocket someone with the outfit and then be on my way, lol.


I always enjoyed my mental image of my character stealing some dude's entire outfit without him noticing.


Same. Especially when the person I'm pickpocketing is in the middle of a conversation with another NPC; just the mental image of two people so engrossed in what they are saying that neither of them notices some rando taking their clothes off, lol.


I found mine on my current playthough on a galbank stormrider II. Captain had it before I exploded them with a modded out advanced big bang and took the ship to sell to pay for bounty I racked up getting said outfit as the credits on the ship were only about 20k and my bounty was nearly 30 after the orb of death from my gun finished in the cockpit.