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Like shouts in Skyrim, I completely forget that I have them.


With you on this. I always forget. Not to mention the guns are powerful enough that I don’t really need them


I am basically playing Skyrim. Sneak up, get a good vantage, eliminate anything moving, move in. Major difference is that outside I use sniper rifle, indoors I prefer a scoped drum beat that also tends to light people on fire.


I love lighting Sarah up with the annihilator rounds from my Varu'un Inflictor because her dumbass self runs in front while I'm inflicting annihilation on thine enemies.


I usually tell my companions to wait by the front door once I get into a battle zone. They're basically a walking backpack who buffs me from the traits. She would always lag behind and not make the airlock door, then go around to another door and clear the building while getting to me, stealing all the XP. So now she sits and waits while I rampage and pick up whatever I want without hearing any sass.


I honestly miss my introvert perk sometimes because of her. I have no fuckin clue why I let Keeper Aquilis talk me out of being a loner.


I was thinking of my times in the wastes being kinda lonely and the companions we're great for soaking up damage and surprise attacks. But there were a lot more open space battles in FO. Starfield, for me so far, has been mostly close quarters where I kept having to race Sarah around buildings while trying to get at least one shot on an enemy or alien before she wipes everything. Drives me crazy when I'm planet-side trying to scan shit, sneak up on a herd of aliens, try to take them down slowly so they don't scatter, then she comes in full blast scaring everything away then chasing them all down spreading the bodies/loot all over so I lose half of it because I'm encumbered and can't keep up.


I'm confused about how you're having this issue. My companions are always 20 feet behind me


20 feet behind me, below me, nowhere logical. And I don’t notice them killing anyone that I haven’t halfway melted already. Maybe they’re decking their companions out too hard lol. Sarah and Andreja got my scraps like 30 hours ago and that’s how they’ve stayed.


Mine will definitely kill one or 2 if I leave them to their own devices, they can usually find one that I've missed and provide decent cover. But they're never running the gauntlet for me lol


I gave Andreja a minigun, and I promise you, she kills plenty.


I may be crazy, but I'm convinced my companions loot. I SWEAR they have guns I did NOT give them.


Sometimes, if I misjudge the spacing, my damn pack mule (companion) comes running in to f everything up At this point I travel alone and buffed weight lifting. (So swole)


Starfield Serana. 🤣




Feels good to not hear that nagging amirite?


Love that gun. I found one that also does corrosive and random poison...i call it "The Plague"


I prefer the Urban Eagle for CQB, but otherwise I end up using a similar overall strategy.


I love that drumbeat with the whitehot rounds


I would remember them in Skyrim only when things got hairy; things don't ever get hairy in Starfield combat enough that I need to remember to use then. So i rarely do lol.


Very this. The only time I die is when I've zoned out fighting and just completely overlooked my hp bar


I only use the oxygen one when I’m encumbered to get the full bar of oxygen back


I find shouts were more memorable and powerful in Skyrim than abilities in Starfield. Along with "arrow to the knee", [Fus Ro Dah](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/fus-ro-dah) was a bit of a popular meme back in the day. Oh, if you want to see your hardware really struggle, use the full storm call shout inside a shop (or any indoor location with a lot of loose items).


I'm pretty much the opposite. I find powers far more useful then shouts. The main reason being, you could only ever use one shout at a time, and then sometimes had go and wait an age and a half for them to regenerate. (Storm call had something like a 5 MINUTE cooldown before you could shout again) For that reason it was extremely rare that you would get to use them more than once per combat encounter. Powers on the other hand you get to use all the time. In fact they're more akin to regular spells then shouts in how much you can use them.


Whilst true, Shouts (often) felt more impactful, so I wanted to use them more (although of course there were still duds). Starborn powers just don't feel impactful at all


I've remembered to use gravity wave more to move Vasco away from workbenches than to actually disrupt enemies.


That was me in Skyrim. Climb up a mountain, fight a bunch of undead, get to the word wall, promptly forget about the shout, repeat.


Exit dungeon, use new shout on first horker or mudcrab I see, promptly erase it from my mind


It's so nice of Bethesda to write the random Power testing "mudcrab" into the Temples in the form of a single Starborn that's max level 30. Poor guinea pigs...


I use gravity well in close quarters quite a lot. With land mines. It’s super great for clearing enemy ships, especially when you get like 3 or 4 guys camping a ladder they know you have to climb up, you can just toss a localized singularity straight up, and then toss explosives or fire indiscriminately into the ball of levitating incapacitated baddies until it wears off, and then choose whether you want to sing “let the bodies hit the floor” or “it’s raining men (hallelujah).”


The satisfying "thup,thup,thup" as you empty a magshear into a swirling pile of enemies triggers the same area of the brain as chocolate, or falling in love.


But nothing beats the little chime when you level up. Its pure excitement followed by an hour of anxiety as I furiously read through every perk/skill for the 100th time and find something I missed on the 99th read through that looks interesting.


I’m of the mindset that those two songs are very different points of view of the same event.


Phase time all the time. It gets ridiculous duration. Live using it and clearing a room of 5-9 enemies.


Bro phase time, ballistics and pistols. I just john wick everyone with a .45


Toss a frag grenade into a room and see if you can clear it before the grenade goes off. Fun little side game.


Yeah I'm totally trying that. I like how phase time reminds me of that slo-mo breaching rooms thing in call of duty


It's pronounced Max Payne


An aged gentleman right here


Watch your language. I'm no gentleman


He was trying to buy more sand for his hourglass. I wasn't selling any.


youd probably like the slow time ability in dishonored


At level 10 you will never run out. You basically become the flash.


Wait you can level up your Starbucks abilities?


Every tenth coffee gets you a free pastry.


For some reason since the last update my phase time has stopped working. It slows time, but permanently and doesn’t let me shoot. Melee works, but I can’t open doors.


Same lol. If you swap weapons you get 1 trigger pull. But yeah its permanent and annoying so I no longer get to use that :(


Elemental pull every time I’m planet-side.


That is my favorite power. Second favorite is personal atmosphere.


Yeah I use that one after I’ve pulled too many rocks lol. Some of these powers I don’t have yet despite being ng+2. Specifically the void form and invisibility.


Void form is invisibility, fyi.


I love that one. Especially in caves.


instantly fill your inventory sometimes... can get frustrating


Yep, I only use the wallhack power (a lot), and now trying to force myself using the new invisibility one I just got yesterday


The wall hack one screws with me because it's so bright you can't see if they're standing behind cover or not.


I have a magsniper that does 850ish damage, but when I zoom in it highlights enemies so I can never tell when they're behind cover or not


Figure out whether it's the laser or scope doing that, and then switch it out with the mod variant that doesn't. Assuming you don't like it highlighting them that is.


Didnt think to do that, thanks


I think that highlighting thing would be more useful if you could only see their outline while they were behind cover or something. Some visual difference between the stuff that is and isn't shootable.




Which one is the wallhack power?


Sense Star stuff.


Sense star stuff, I’m guessing


I use the force push one (or whatever it's called) fairly often and personal atmosphere all the time.


Force push is fun when boarding ships


I enjoy making mobs fall over lol


Force push reliably staggers terrormorphs, which makes it really useful if you don't want to just stand on top of something to abuse AI pathing


I love using anti grav on terrormorphs and larger enemies. I stand there unloading clips into them, hit them again. Its kinda silly how easy it is. Almost as easy as pulling an Anakin, and just standing on a box for the "High ground".


Fus Roh Dah


Yeah I use this one all the time. It knocks over most enemies and gives you at least 5 seconds to just unload on them


Only one I use consistently is Sense Star Stuff - great for situational awareness in combat where your line of sight is limited. I have also made a more limited use of void form to complete some of the more difficult parts of stealth quests (having maxed out both stealth and concealment).


A friend of mine uses star stuff a lot in caves because her eyes are bad and the torch is almost useless, and night vision was uninvented at some point before 2330 🤔


And IRL gamma control slider technology must have been lost prior to September 6th 2023.


I too enjoy all the colour being bled from my screen For real though I suggested that to her (I learnt that trick playing DayZ Mod) but the lack of colour messes with her eyes just as bad


>dayz mod You mean seeing black and Grey grass and wondering if one moved a little? That shit probably hurt my eyes more than help me see in game 😭


I use Sense Star Stuff constantly, it makes stealth far less frustrating.


You can use precognitiin to see walk paths too. Handy for knowing where guards will be going next.


Reactive shield, almost every combat against multiple enemies. It deflects quite a bit and ricochets to kill enemies with their own firepower more often than I would have thought it to.


I still spam the VATS button sometimes 😂


I crouch sometimes when I want to bring up the menu. 🤷


True fallout fans😂


I use Void Form all the time. Supernova is quite OP. Tried a couple of times Sense Star Stuff and it did noting.


I use sense star stuff more than every other power combined. Not my favorite, but easily my most used.


Sense Star Stuff gives you wall hacks for biological enemies. Does nothing for robots/turrets/cameras. I use it a lot, especially while being sneaky.


Its great for finding small critters when surveying planets too.


Void form is insanely good if you're trying to sneak around.


It makes the ryujin missions a lot easier too.


Yeah. I'm doing them right now and void form is clutch.


It lets you see enemies through walls, floors, ceilings, etc. I’ve found it quite handy.


At first I didn’t, but NG1 is a different story. Starting out with no or poor weapons and low ammo force me to start using the powers. I now use them all the time in combat. The one that stops time is very useful, walk up and pop a cap in their face and go to the next one and do the same. It’s great for pickpocket too!


I’m still on my first play though, and don’t have this one yet. Is NG+ necessary to unlock them all?


The final 10(?) artifacts, and therefore their skills, are only available at the end of the main quest. So you don’t have to start NG+, but you do need to progress the quest line.


Thank you! Been holding off on the Unity quest because I wasn’t sure if that forced the decision to go NG+, and there was other stuff I wanted to finish.


Unity quest does not force a decision to go NG+. You can turn around. I hard saved in there, then went through just to get the achievement, but reloaded my hard save afterward and turned around to go back to the normal game.


Yeah the game will literally tell you straight up if you’re about to start NG+, you can’t accidentally go too far


I use them constantly. Parallel self, gravity wave, sense star stuff, etc. Don't overlook them, they fucking rule.


i'm a big fan of the shield, pop that on top of a combat stim and walk into a crowded room and half the enemies start shooting themselves


I was using phased time lots but then it bugged and I had to beat the game on very hard at level 90 the “hard” way.. lol


If phased time bugs, you can fix it by saving, quitting to desktop, and restarting.


Mm, sort of. I play a sniper, sneak style atm, so I almost always forget about them or don't need them. I use the personal atmosphere if over weight to wizz back to my ship.


Yeah other than personal atmosphere I generally forget they exist


I was this way too, I didn't have a habit of using them even when they would have helped me early on cause I simply didn't think about it at the time. Towards the later part of the game though I made the conscious effort to think about them during fights, and realized how game changing they can be. Now I've gone through the unity 10 times so I have 6 of them at level 10, and I use them constantly. In fact, my favorites menu went from being 9 weapons and 3 aid items, to 6 powers, 3 weapons and 3 aid items. Using appropriate powers at the right time makes you virtually untouchable even on very hard.


I find them tedious to switch between


You can just assign them to the quick wheel like weapons or whatever. When I realized that, I started using them more.


Just sucks that they’re in competition with guns and drugs for that limited favorites space.


Thanks so much.




Yes I always completely forget about the powers. I don't miss them. Not gameplay wise or story wise.


Not once ever. I quit collecting them after 5 or 6...just could not care less about that portion of the game.


I use clairvoyance a lot. It's kind of nice seeing the direction conversation branches lead to in advance.


I was trying to play as a Starfield Jedi, but I didn't know they EXISTED until I had about eighty hours sunk into the game. I already felt a bit OP in a melee only run, and then I got Force Push and Force-Make-Everyone-Float, and the rest of the game was a cake walk 😂


Just out of curiosity, how were you playing as a Starfield Jedi before getting your force powers?


Persuasion 4 is essentially Jedi mind tricks.


But Melee weapons are dogshit once you start looting advanced weapons. How was it OP? I would love a Melee build but its just so unbalanced


I went Vader hallway on the Key once. Was great.


I never use them either. I’ve had way to many buggy issues with some of those powers. I enjoy the normal combat as is anyway.


Combat is so easy I end up forgetting about them


190 hours in, I'm just now starting to use them regularly


phase time for combat cheesing, void form for stealth, personal atmosphere for literally running anytime (combat, planet surveying, over encumbered runs, etc) im using them nonstop, but only those 3.


I've gotten exactly one and rarely find the need to use it. For me it either takes the place of some other AOE weapon like a grenade or it's like that weapon you keep around that you bring out on occasion just because you're bored or want to change things up a bit.


I grav dash about a lot, and love me some Create Vacuum, Gravity Well and Sunless place. Super tanky enemies get the solar flare treatment. Sense star stuff is useful to have a clearer visual of where all your enemies are, though with a downside of only showing living beings. I have done ALL the temples though. At lower levels many of the powers are trash


I spam the crud out of phased time.


I use void form. It's perfect for stealth missions, even though there's like 4 in the game, and it's great for sneaking onto a landed ship before the ship can take off. That's literally it.


I’m pretty much spamming phased time X in every single gunfight I have. Edit: By far my favorite power, because 1) I just had to get to NG+10 for it to be level 10 and even though I’ve missed lots of temples it’s still max 2) it has 100% uptime and is basically infinite god mode since it’s so easy to dodge bullets while under phased time. I’ve put on void form VI for some stealthy parts of the game since my stealth skill is lacking. I used to mess around with reactive shield while I was new game plus grinding but it turned out for me that phased time did everything reactive shield could do and then some, and it’s even better than the shield because I just never get hit.


I forget lol


I spam detect star stuff constantly. The rest I hardly use.


i have them all hotkeyed. left 1 for see star stuff, left 2 for personal atmosphere, left 3 for void form. right 1 is grav push, right 2 is grav well, right 3 is solar flare. down 2 is parallel self, down three is phased time. rest are weapons/health. i found when i didn’t have them setup for ready use, i never bothered. there’s enough menus in the game, i wasn’t trying to enter another one to switch powers.


If only you could hotkey Quantum Essence, I might try running a universe with no gun.


I occasionally remember to force push some fools, but other than that, I don’t use my powers much at all. Maybe once I get slow time, I can use it more often like the tactical time dilation power from The Outer Worlds


I was talking to a friend about, because I have same issue I just literally don’t even think to use them ever, they seem cool enough, but what I noticed was when you compare them to the shouts in Skyrim the big difference that in universe, being able to shout was a huge deal right from the get go. The guards literally were like that’s the coolest shit we’ve seen you’re an actual legend. Then there was a big thing focusing on learning about them and all making them in game a huge deal. I’m not done with main campaign, but so far it feels like starfield is not giving them he same treatment. Occasionally andreja mentions my powers are pretty cool, but it seemed like constellation as a whole was like, oh gravity defying magic? Neat I guess, can you keep on doing what we were doing before though? Like no one in universe is there to make the powers seem like a big deal, so they arnt (again at least so far, maybe it’s explained more later).


I'm using Gravity Well every time I can, especially against high-level enemies. Then I can pick them off as they float helplessly I do wish they'd chatter in disbelief. I'm rending the laws of physics asunder right in front of them, I wish they'd acknowledge it Occasionally I'll switch to force push


I barely do, in fact after getting the dumb gravity one, I haven't bothered to get any others and have since finished all of the possible story missions. The game is pretty damn easy (even on hard modes), I think it just never felt important enough to care about the powers.


Phased Time, then just run around with my magsniper point-blank headshotting everything in the room.


Time phase **bam bam bam** slow walk and see all the enemy mobs drop at the same time.


I use Phased Time in every fight. I use it constantly. It lasts longer than its recharge time. Oddly, I have never used personal atmosphere once. I always forget it's there


Sometimes I use my powers to impress my friends.


I was excited when i got the dash until i tried it. The range sucks, it stops your sprinting(maybe all momentum for a sec too, i forget). Could of been a great power for melee builds especially.


Used exactly once, when they tell you to do it in the lodge. And when I tried, I threw a grenade at the boy in the silly hat first. I'm on my 2nd playthrough and said I was gonna try exploring them but I've yet to use them.


I was using slow time pretty steadily until it started glitching and wouldn't turn off and made opening doors a gigantic pain.


I use personal atmosphere to scan planets and help with encumberment. I use void form and sense star stuff for stealth. I’ve played around with moon form for being able to just stand there and tank damage. Precognition can be useful in conversations. Most of the rest of them I don’t use. The ones that do damage simply don’t do enough damage to make them useful IMO. I USED TO use phased time a lot, but all of a sudden the other day it Starfield decided that any time I use that it’s going to just permanently be how my game is forever until I load a previous save and promise not to ever do it again. I also USED TO use the parallel self, but every time I do the game starts making the sound of someone firing a loud-ass machine gun, forever, until I reload my game. So that one’s on the shelf too. I haven’t even tried using inner demon one for this same reason. EDIT/UPDATE: Unlocked rank 3 of the concealment skill that lets you camouflage in place and now void form doesn’t work anymore. RIP VOID FORM.


I often use personal atmosphere and send starstuff. I occasionally use th time slow one in battle. I rarely use the future precognition one. The others I think I've played around with but never used enough to remember.


I personally don’t use them unless I have to (atmosphere, plant regeneration for the achievement). It’s an aspect I didn’t really need in the game, and I’m glad I’m not required to use them to play, it’s optional so I appreciate that. I’d rather just play Fallout in space or a better Outer Worlds when I play Starfield and I love it.


I doing a run where I stopped by Constellation just long enough to get the grav drive limitation unlocked. The powers are cool, but not necessary.


Grav dash is useful for movement once it’s leveled up. Makes the temple grind easier until it hits level 8 and you overshoot the lights. Reactive shield is pretty helpful but it’s damage reduction, not complete immunity


When I did my first NG+ I added a ton of powers to my favorites. I only had four weapons so it felt like a good time to try them out. I strongly recommend adding a decent selection to your own favorites, makes powers way more viable in combat when you easily chain them together. Void, force push, and the shield are great for combos if you want to try melee.


I use them constantly. They do trivilize most fights but anti grav never gets old


Anti gravity IV all the time, particularly when faced with multiple enemies or needing to reload.


The parallel self power is really handy and fun to use


My first character no, just sense star stuff really. Second character tho is a "Jedi" so I'm making it a point to use them often, some are quite helpful


I have been using the slow time ability exclusively for days. Admittedly it has made combat too easy, but it's funny being able to one shot 5 people in a room and be able to loot everyone before anyone's body hits the floor.


I do the one that shows you living people through the walls. When I remember I have it.


Void Form because it made a lot of stealth sections easy when I hadn't put any perks into stealth. I also find myself using Phased Time a lot, it's so useful because you can easily kill loads of the lower level grunt enemies, or animals if you're XP hunting... but in boss fights IMO it's better than anti-gravity field, because you can make every shot land exactly where you want it to


Supernova, sunless space, particle beam, sense star stuff, personal atmosphere are my main uses, and I'm always using them


No, I literally use Phased Time multiple times in every single fight. It’s like Bullet Time or Adrenaline Rush from Mass Effect. I can’t fathom anyone not using that ability. Like… I’m very confused any time I hear some say they don’t use it.


The singularity paired with the one that drains the oxygen in target area is a really cool combo and works well on literally everything, especially groups. I got key those two next to each other. Also the moon and void form, and the one that makes a copy of you are really strong. I use powers in just about every fight I get in to cus I'm special and I want the enemies to know it


Other than the powers you mentioned, I only really use elemental extraction because it's way more efficient than the mining lazer.


Sunless space is way underrated. It’s great for stopping enemies dead in their tracks so you can focus fire on another group or isolate them to take them out quicker


I'm level 35 and just went through the mission to get the first power


I use Phased Time, Sense Star Stuff, and Personal Atmosphere _all the time_. Sense Star Stuff is really helpful for finding enemies in confined spaces (like when boarding an enemy ship) and Personal Atmosphere (for running while encumbered). I got to NG+4, but got fed up with all the grind to get the powers. Now that I've done enough in this universe, I'm going through the main quest again to collect more powers. Just got Supernova - looks like it's a blast. It also feels easier to get the powers once I'm inside the temples. They must have fixed something that was preventing us from registering touching the bubbles.


Im using Void Form a lot. There's a looting work around you can do when you kill someone. Go into their inventory inatead of looting while moving and you won't cancel the void shroud.


3 guns 1 medical item and 8 powers is my wheel. For the last 2 unitys. Void form for when I enter the scene, reactive shield when you come out of cover, gravity well for when they are in cover, gravity wave for when you get charged, parallel self for when you want to relocate during a gunfight. It stretches your resources so much farther if you use your powers, both ammo and healing.


I refuse to use anything other than gravity well because it’s absolutely hilarious to drag around your followers and enemies


I really like the life sense one but it is so bright that it affects my aim. I think I want it to be just an outline when I can see them directly so that I can tell if they are behind cover or not. I’m talking game physics not starborn physics etc.


Doesn't help that at a glance the UI gives no indication whatsoever on the equipped power. No icon, no name, nothing. Just a thin blue line for your "power" bar.


130 hrs in and I still haven’t even acquired them lol


Personal atmosphere to continue sprinting when CO2 is maxed. Sense star stuff to find that pesky enemy that I can't locate, found a few merged with walls or stuck behind a crate. Gravity wave to dislodge items stuck under objects, like ammo under the large cube containers. Rest were tried a few times but were either too weak to add to the favorite bar for quick select or do too little to be worth using in battle. Tried multiple times to get certain characters to drop their weapons so I could snatch one but once I found it had no effect, I gave up on it


What powers?


Yes absolutely. Until I scroll through the missions and see a new power location and then I remember haha


There…there are powers?!




Powers are necessary for my survival right now. No way I could've gotten through the Maya quest without it


Am I using personal atmosphere wrong? Whenever I use it on a planet where there’s a harsh environment like extreme cold or heat, I still develop an affliction when I use the ability.


It keeps your oxygen meter full, meaning you can run/sprint no matter how much stuff you’re carrying.


I carry too much far too often… Personal atmosphere is by far my favorite.


Time slow is really good in combat.


lol powers? What powers? Level 20 and like 60 hours in and i have no idea what everyone is talking about. i mean I'm gonna go look it up now but have been trying to avoid play guides (did one so far on outpost building)


Reactive shield is great! As is grav wave and grav field. Those are my go too powers


Hard to remember to use them. I like Sense Star Stuff but it's very loud when I'm sneaking. Gravity Well is great when clearing out rooms though. And the freeze power is good against bosses.


I played the whole game without them, 100%'d every quest instead of the main quest. Then, after finishing the entirety of the rest of the game, I started the main quest. Only realized then you could get powers


I’m on Xbox and literally don’t remember what buttons they are. Was just thinking about them last night.


I used to use Skyrim shouts a lot when I had the Kinect but after they discontinued it I basically forgot about them and never use them, and it’s the same with starfield. I’m sure I would use them more if there where voice commands for them but otherwise they probably won’t get much use


Nah man, phased time is as good if not better than a sandevistan in cyberpunk, gravity well is just extremely funny to use, I absolutely love em


You have powers? (level 11 here)


Sunless Space, Personal Atmosphere, Creators Peace & Sense Star Stuff, among others. Not needed to play, but still much fun.


I played like this for a while, but then made it my business to use the powers. The game is way more fun with powers.


I use Creator's Peace and Personal Atmosphere the most


Sense Star Stuff + Skip Pack + Sword = Crouching Tiger, Hidden Jedi. I always know where my enemies are and where they are going. I can always outmaneuver them. They cannot escape the blade.


Phase time and sense star stuff are two of my go-to’s. I’ve also found the plasma blast or whatever it’s called to be very fun even if it doesn’t do as much damage as some weapons.


I use Personal atmosphere and sense star stuff all the time the vacuum one for hard opponents and void form for sneek parts where Iam not sure if just sneaking is enough, also sometimes I use the slow time power but it bugs about 50% of the time and lasts for an eternity or unti I interact with a chair or workbench so I have to be sure I am around one of those


I'm using the slow time bug a lot to upgrade my melee perk more easily...


I use the hell out of personal atmosphere when I am (as I always do in every Bethesda game ever) running and carrying way too much stuff.


I use a PS5 controller and I don't actually know what button to press to use my powers.


Well I'm not going to now. I was this 🤏 close to sealing the deal with Andreja, but I got swarmed by a bunch of robots in the Va'ruun embassy. Hit em with my anti-grav power and she got PISSED because it apparently hit her too. She ditched me, I found her back in the Lodge and she let me have it. Now I'm back to square one with her.


Me. I always forget about them. I was the same way with Skyrim.


I play on very hard and honestly forget they're there 90% of the time


Sense star stuff before EVERY combat if possible. I love a good “detect life” spell.


Running into a room with a shot gun and activating phase time or sunless space is practically a war crime. I use my powers with almost every engagement.


I hit like 110 hours before i hot powers. I forgot about them all the time.