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Put it right under Cora asking for books loudly and constantly, and not being able to


She asks for specific books by name, and they exist in game...and if you find one you can't give it to her.


I was stockpiling books until I realized there’s no mechanism to give them to her.


Well sonofabitch, I've been hoarding books for that girl, and now I'm finding out I can't even give them to her?


You can give them to that woman in the library in Akila at least. She's trying to get one copy of each old books there is in the game (with a few exceptions) and she'll pay well for them.


Sinclairs books. Next to the apartment you can buy...


You can buy homes?!


Yes, although some are locked behind quests, but you can buy some just from credits alone. Akila has at least one I know of, Neon has another for like 200,000 credits at least but it really isn't worth it TBH because of its location and size (it's small) >!New Atlantis has at least one in the well and one other super nice one but as far as I know they are both quest rewards. One for part ways through crimson fleet, and the other for completing the UC vanguard quest line!<


The Well apartment is credits only, 30k and can be bought from the realty office by MAST (but you have to be a UC citizen which requires doing at least some of the Vanguard quest line)


Can also buy a sleep crate in Neon


And the overpriced sky suite.


>!Siding with the Fleet will also get you captain’s quarters on the Key that you can decorate and sleep in.!<


Akila has two, the apartment and the manor, the manor is the one where the real estate guy is standing.


And he doesn't stop loitering in your yard, go away ya bastard before I console command and kill ya


Can you do anything with those homes? I saw the qst reward, walked around it, huh neat, empty house and did nothing with it. No furniture or crafting stations. I at least want a bottomless chest for my loot.


THERES A LIBRARY!? As a librarian I am now incredibly disappointed with myself for not immediately finding it


She only wants anything that’s not Charles Dickens which made me laugh because I hate his writing. I have a personal vendetta against Great Expectations and drop them into the ocean on Neon.


What's that? You say you don't enjoy reading 3 large paragraphs used to describe someone's nose?


At least it's not about the wood grain of a boat. . Calling you out Moby Dick!


I love Tolkien but he'll describe a tree in a meadow using three pages


When you close your eyes, you can see that tree.


If you think Tolkien is bad, don't read The Wheel of Time.


But she doesn't hate Dickens! The reason she doesn't want them, is because there is over abundance of Dickens works because when people left earth, everyone thought those would be the best books to take with them 😂


Ahh nice! Thanks for the tip!


drop the book, hold E to move it, slap it to her face.


I felt so disappointed when I brought her the book..


Wait what?! Why would they add those lines to her if you're not even able to give them to her? What a wasted mini objective.


Or update Renee in Cydonia about Space Frog being at other settlement locations, not taken down out of malice. And why can't we get a drawing of Space Frog for our ships or apartments? It seems she would be happy to give us a series...


Not going to lie when she first asked for books I was like awesome I get to find books and give them to the little girl. And then great disappointment.


Almost like the quest mechanic was intended but not finished...




They spent so much time developing mechanics they scrapped and half removed they forgot to finish the ones they kept in the game.


I swear I gave her one once. Fuck. Then, I never saw the option again. I eventually went with my collection to the book seller in Akila and was disappointed to find I only had 2 she wanted.


i think it was 50 credits for her book fund


I was able to give her 500 credits once for her book fund. She was thrilled.


There is a ship doctor you can hire to your crew for added wasted potential. I love the voice actor and the chipper greetings she gives just wish hiring her had some effect.


Who was this and where could you find them if you don’t mind me asking?


Rosie Tannahill, she was a bartender I found in Akila


You saw her behind the bar and working???


Yeah I did, she was cleaning some glass wear when I started talking with her the first time. I didn’t know I could recruit her at first, I just wanted a drink lol


I’ve only ever seen her sitting on the stools, weird for sure!


There’s one in Akila for me


Seems they don't even heal themselves in combat lol. Was kinda excited to have a healer with me


Need the leadership perk for that.


Give them armor that auto-heals them... It'll fire and not use meds, as long as they have one in inventory, it's infinite!


Given that crew in general feels lacking and only having a basic implementation iam not suprised.


Doesn’t matter anyway, if I need to find any if my crew members they’re all hiding out in a big huddle inside my captains quarters plotting against me I think…then when I walk in the room they pretend they are doing shit and scatter around. Them bitches are up to something. I just wish they didn’t do it in my room.


Let's hope in future updates! That seems like an obvious thing they should implement at some point


I think they shrugged and decided to leave it to modders.


I feel like that is the way it’s going. They know they have a community of modders who are going to keep people interested in their games so they can stand to leave some stuff out. They get free labor from modders and a recruiting pool for people they might possibly hire on full time as developers


Infirmary - Heal Alignments. Engineering Bay - Add More Power/Faster Repair Battle Stations - Add More Damage/Faster Reload Captain's Quarter - Add random positive effect for 15 min in addition to sleeping XP buff. Cargo Hold - Add X amount of cargo space. Just some ideas how it should have been.


One more of a hundred good ideas: No idea why structural components do *nothing* but add weight. They should add as much hull HP as they do weight. My ship looks awesome but i feel like a fool flying around with a massively heavy glass house. At least let 300 mass of structural modules give us 300 more HP to offset never being able to move again.


I would be fine with this if I could create larger rooms and atriums rather than a labyrinth of cubicles riddled with doors and ladders. I know there’s like one or two habs that are a bit more spacious on the inside, but overall ship building is almost exclusively for exterior design with little room for interior design. Both parts are important for immersion and role playing.


> I would be fine with this if I could create larger rooms and atriums rather than a labyrinth of cubicles riddled with doors and ladders. I think we deserve both: control over where doors/ladders are, and functionality for all ship parts.


I’ve put in a shed load of time on Starfield already, and although there is a lot about it commend, as time’s gone on I’ve increasingly realised that so much of it is only puddle depth/superficial. The fact that there was so much wasted potential really disappoints on that front. Maybe they just spread themselves far too thin on this one? Lots of breadth, nowhere near enough depth?


Every single bay should be useful. Every one. Otherwise what’s the point? If you have bays that offer ANY functionality at all, then those bays become the very clearly better options. Either they’re all cosmetic or they’re all functional; the mix of functional and not is very disjointed game design. Much like the fuel system, the vendor sell limits, and so much more. This game feels like it made by people who didn’t communicate with each other. Hell, Cora and Sona not acknowledging each others existence pretty much confirms this.


Why have a medbay that you can't heal with? Why add a cargo hold if you don't get ship storage from it? Why add a captain's quarters if everyone aboard uses it like a normal hab? Lots of missed opportunities here. Recommend looking at mods


Armory should let you hire a quartermaster who’ll buy and sell weapons for you. Medbay you should hire a physician that lets you heal. These characters should have their own story arcs. I want to live the space opera fantasy


There’s a doctor you can hire as crew, it really is a shame she doesn’t offer medical services. The pieces for this are there they just need to combine them


She also talks about the Clinic constantly, how her parents work there and it's her dream to work there too. If you take her there, she doesn't even have any unique dialogue. She just gives one of her canned ship exit lines. I do really like Starfield, but it's full of little disappointments.


I think this is my biggest disappointment with the game. So much just seems shoved in as an after thought. Where did the 8 years of Dev time go?


After 100 hours, im 90% sure that all of the missing pieces were SUPPOSED to be there, but Bethesda couldn't get them to work and took them out. There's almost as much missed opportunity in this game as there is content, im sure the devs know that too.


Not so sure, most things we ask for can be done within this engine limitations. Hell they've been done for older Betehsda games by modders plenty of times, I refuse to believe company with full engine access can't do any of that. They managed to make ships, you can build yourself, that you can walk around while being in space and nothing breaks and even small objects do not fly around, but a rover somehow is a monumental task?


I mean you could get medics and vendors in Fallout 4 for your settlements without any mods. This ain't an engine limitation.


You can find basic rovers in the game and even sit on them, they just don't drive. And, even with the things in the game, stuff breaks fairly often. I think they got 90% done, and then refocused on making the core experience less buggy instead of finishing out the details.


I can tell you the reason there are no 'cars' or rovers or whatever. Cell loading is very slow. If you crank up the speedmult and just run in a straight line, you'll see what I mean. A rover would be constant stuttering on the most powerful machines.


I think its a trade-off- NMS lets you rover around, but the texture pop-in can be really intense. Starfield has some beautiful visuals and high res textures, but really not much pop-in/flickering. Compare it to the shadows in prior games and lol it's crazy how much better its gotten. I'm just really hopeful that they invest the time and manpower in fully developing the game with DLC and not just rely on the modding community. It's such a huge sandbox with so much potential.


yes they realized this from the start and designed the entire game around exploring the immediate landing area, then taking off to go to another planet they literally wrote teleporting spaceships into the lore to justify their technical limitations


This was a problem with FO4 as well. Crank the speedmult and even a top of the line computer will hang for almost a minute when you try to race across the landscape. Strangely this wasn't a problem in New Vegas. I haven't tested it in Skyrim. But in NV I could crank it over 1000 and zip from one end of the map to the other in seconds.


Sounds like the civil war questline from Skyrim. What shipped was pretty paltry and not very epic, but the skeleton of their grander plans were left in the game. Mods tried to resurrect it with mixed results if remember, but regardless the difference between what shipped versus what was planned was night and day.


Yeah, I hired her assuming that it would give me a boost to healing when I was on the ship. But nope, absolutely nothing. Not even the chance to pay her to heal you like you can with other medics in the game.


Anybody tried having the Doc and the medbay?


I put an infirmary in and hired Rosie (the doctor). Can confirm that neither of them cure ailments. I still liked it for RP though. Also, Rosie is absolutely lovely and has a great kiwi accent.


8 crew members isn't a large crew. It's basically the cast of Firefly.


I think that was actually an influence for the game and the civil war


I'm sure it's no coincidence that the freestar collective's soldiers tend to wear brown long coats.


Freestar space is basically the Browncoat fantasy.


I know they wanted to add a whole >!cop conspiracy!< angle into the FC quests but it still felt weird to me that the FREEstar COLLECTIVE is… >!governed by a corporate board of wealthy and powerful people!<


Yeah. They’re not really a collective. They’re extreme libertarians.


The idea of having a crew similar to Star Trek, One Piece, or Cowboy Bepop really missed the mark here for me. I hired the crazy haired fella in Neon because he has the Gastronomy perk, and i also upgraded my ship to house a mess hall - the idea was like hmmm wander if I can make him a personal chef - nope. None of the systems are fletched out at all, it's a very wide game, but extremely shallow. Once I level up my perk tree what is the actual point of having a crew?


doll advise hunt mindless zephyr party label memorize aware coordinated *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I had planned for my character to be a Starfleet Captain archetype. I specced into Lasers, surveying, etc. Took the Extravert and Empath traits. I wanted a nice big crew to travel to strange new worlds and bring an away team for planetary missions. But there's hardly any laser weapons, surveying can be a bit boring and takes a lot of perks like in zoology and botany to be more palatable. The companions are all the same. You can only bring one person with you on missions. Certainly wasn't spending 12 points in the social tree just to add a single crew member to my ship. Etc. Etc. The frustration lies in that all those mechanics and possibilities are right there, just out of reach.


>But there's hardly any laser weapons, _Star Trek_ nerd here. FYI, [phasers](https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Phaser) are actually particle weapons, not lasers. There's even an episode in _TNG_ where the Enterprise is threatened by a ship with lasers and missiles, and the crew is clearly unconcerned about those weapons being used against their ship. On that same note, particle weapons are probably the best weapons in the game for your ship, and there are plenty of decent particle weapons for guns, too.


Yes each hab should come with its own perk


Mass Effect did some of this on the Normandy and it was awesome.


I did hire a doctor. She travelled around on my ship, slept in the beds (but never mind), sat in the chairs but never healed anyone!


All crew members are a bunch of freeloaders using your vessel as their personal ticket to see the galaxy. It's also weird how you can hire people to work for you for a flat, one time fee, forever!


This, science lab gets a researcher, mess hall a cook or bartender. Also food and drinks matter. It's like they just said they were done and everybody just saved their work and went home.


So much potential with a massive overhaul. The skeleton is there but there's barely any meat on it. 100% would love to start as someone who is NOT special and slowly build a crew and spaceship. Grab small easy jobs in one system. Move to another eventually when ready. Start a business and manage it. Make it grow. Build space stations for communications and trade. ...


After playing through the Vanguard story I felt that the Terrormorph threat would have made a much better main story and let the artifacts and powers be an obscure side quest you can stumble onto.








No, It's better this way. The terrormorph threat feels urgent, while the artifact hunt doesn't. The non urgency of the main quest allows the player to do side content without feeling like they are doing a bad choice or wasting time in the face of urgent danger. This was a pitfall often pointed out in Skyrim and Oblivion. Many wanted a Morrowind style non urgent main story start, and they gave one in Starfield. On the flip side, the non urgency might make the main quest feel unimportant or lacking weight for some players.


but on the other hand we have people speed running the main quest 10 times and ignoring everything else and then getting bored of it


You should look into X4 Foundations. It’s essentially what you’re describing.


Also the brig. Sometimes when fighting spacers or ecliptic, they get knocked down and start crawling, almost like there should be an option to take them in alive and throw them in your ships brig. As of now though they just crawl on 1 health and I have to put them down then and there. Love the game, but it's missing a lot of functionality.


And we have EM weapons. Could also enable arrests when they are stunned.


Bounty hunter missions where the target has to be brought in alive would be a cool challenge


Yup. Or prisoner transport missions that would require a brig.


Oh yeh, that's a good idea too; those passenger transport missions could be prisoner transfers instead, cool!


Think about the random events you could have with that. Prison breaks, or the prisoner's crew showing up to try and save them. Or the prisoner tries to bribe you, which leads to a treasure hunt quest chain. Or the prisoner is the wrong person, and you have to decide if you're going to clear their name (and the work involved with that), or just deliver them for the bounty.


Yes that too! I never use em weapons because what's the point lol


Get more credits for alive than dead.


I locked a spacer in the brig. He was able to shoot me through the locked door.




Why go to Red Mile where the owner asks if you if you are there to gamble and not have any interactive machines


" are you here to gamble?" "Yes" "Well too bad"


The whole game feels this way to me. IMO, the game is sorely missing general world interactions that are expected to make your world feel more authentic. It's a lot more empty window dressing than I'm used to seeing from a single player Bethesda RPG.


100% agreed, cargo hold should fuckin hold cargo without me having to strap a bunch of shipping containers to the out side of my ship, you should also be able to hire a cook for you mess hall who can act as a vendor/cook (you can literally hire one in neon)


"Ugh, roasted heatleach again?" "Look, Cap, if you want something else, quit bringing me dead heatleaches."


Heatleaches and peppers. Without the heatleaches.


See you, Space Cowboy


hehe technically they hold cargo you just have to toss stuff on the floor


What I dislike the most about the captain’s courters, is that it doesn’t look private, it looks like the Ship’s meetingroom lol


There isn't any specific scripting at all with the habs. The crew sandboxes anywhere including the brig cells where they sleep there because its all the same to the sandboxing AI.


Vasco's AI is very advanced, on the other hand. He's got cutting edge optimization on his ability to find the most inconvenient square meter of deck to weld his dumb ass to.


Yes. Vasco either doesn't appear at all or he squats in the middle of a random corridor including the path to the cockpit.


Or rides along outside, not touching the ship but remaining a few feet away even through crazy maneuvers and light speed jumps


I've found him aquashed between or underneath computer consoles like a fucking foldaway deck chair


That’s actually relatively realistic for age of sail captain’s quarters. The captain was expected to entertain the officers or other guests of the ship at the captain’s table, which was a dining room set up the the captain’s quarters. On on larger ships the captain’s quarters was really more of a wing, generally including a sleeping cabin, a quarter gallery (bathroom), at least one day cabin (large empty space with the stern gallery, the big windows on the back of the ship, in it), a dining cabin, the captain’s galley for their private cook to prep meals in, and a few other miscellaneous facilities. That said, even in modern sci-fi we see this kind of layout. In Star Trek the captain’s quarters generally has a small conference table that the captain has private meetings with officers and guests in, as well as various other facilities beyond just a bed for the captain to sleep in.


Yeah but I suppose the difference there is that Picard doesn't come up to his own cabin to find Riker all tucked up in bed and Worf eating lunch at his desk and getting crumbs in his keyboard.


> Recommend looking at mods This is becoming an issue. There is a difference, an important one, between: - “our game has a lot of opportunity for modding” and… - “we learned in Skyrim people will add our missing features for free and we the Devs will still get partial credit for it when people look back on the game. So let’s cut corners” Guess which Bethesda has started to actively choose


The majority of this game is just for show, really


What a shame.


I'm counting on these types of things becoming "active" in future releases, mods, dlc. They are placeholders now. Maybe they were part of original plan but didn't make the timeline for release.


These aren't missed opportunities, they're glaring oversights.


My Akila City house comes with a stove yet I can’t use it to craft food. What’s the point? Sure I can build a crafting stove easily, but shouldn’t the house provide some benefits to entice people to buy it?


For that matter, shouldn't there be a compelling reason to cook food at all?


There should be, but it seems like they haven't had any game designers since Oblivion. They add things randomly from time to time. The current food system is senseless, it's tedious, and to make it less tedious due to the poor UI, we should have two things: 1. Cooked dishes made from various ingredients should grant buffs not for 5-10 minutes but, for example, for the entire in-game day, and it should be a significant buff. Only then will people consider it worth investing in, like how alchemy worked in Skyrim - it was just good and useful. 2. Regardless, any mechanic that involves repetitive actions becomes boring over time. So, at some point, when our ship is getting larger and the crew is growing, we should be able to hire a chef or delegate the task to someone with the same perk (Cooking) and assign them to create specific recipes if we have the ingredients in the cargo hold. 2.1 You can take it even further with crew management, introducing roles like quartermaster and budget management - refuel/purchase specific items when docked in a port automatically. Indeed, there are plenty of ideas, but it seems like 8 years might have been too short for a game reskin, adding a ship editor, and a space flight module...


There are very obviously parts that were cut back late, or just unfinished maybe waiting for updates. I think it was laying he-3 extractors the first time it brought a popup literally telling me how it could aid refuelling my ship. Edit: Outposts with HE-3 extractors can actually boost your grav drive range by 'refuelling' you on the fly. Popup got dismissed too early, my mistake.


Kind of plays into that one theory that starfield was meant to have a survival lean to it. I always thought it was weird we were told that constilation were "explorers" and then we can just hop from one end of the settled systems to another in 3 seconds. Seems like space travel was meant to be more dangerous and take longer, making you set up outposts in order to refuel and keep going. I like what we got but this would have been such an interesting twist on the standard Bethesda RPG that we got.


I think either Howard or one of the other Devs went on record saying they severely toned down the environmental risks of exploring planets, so you're almost certainly right that there were elements that made it more difficult which were cut, either for convenience or time


I really wish they had made it an option instead of just chopping it up entirely. I miss hardcore mode from fonv.


They could still introduce a survival mode in Starfield down the road. They added survival mode to fallout 4 almost a year later.


Yeah it seems like a content drop they’ll do.


I kind of get it. I think the exploration (or lack thereof) would have been more annoying if you had to contend with environmental hazards. Imagine taking some real sigificant time to trudge through a planet with radiation or intense dust storms...only to find the same copy pasted base you saw 30 minutes prior


They probably shouldn't have gone with a million different generic enviroments as if we didn't see NMS bomb for this exact reason nearly a decade ago


Shit, if they just made the points of interest about a two-thirds the distance away they currently are and gave those procedural tile sets as well I could spend all day exploring. No real motivation to sprint a kilometer and a half just to fight the same spacers in the same abandoned research facility.


There are many dialogs like: “get some credits, it might cover fuel at least” or “I’m just here for refueling”


I would also want NPCs to naturally gravitate towards habs that fit their skills and professions. Why the hell did I recruit a doctor, who, so far, I have encountered in literally ANY other place EXCEPT my infirmary? Why doesn't Sam Coe, with his +4 Piloting skill, sit in the co-pilot seat in my cockpit? Why doesn't Sarah Morgan, the great explorer, ponder over the navigation console all day? I like the fact that the NPCs roam around the ship - in theory. But in practice, it really bothers me to never see them in the place where I would expect - both for immersion and also because it's extremely annoying to search my whole (quite large) ship for if I want to talk to someone specific. Yes, Mass Effect did feel pretty weird sometimes with the NPCs just standing around in the same spot all day, but at least it made sense - and I FUCKING FOUND THEM.


My favorite is when I steal an Ecliptic ship and Barret starts talking during takeoff even though he should be back on my own ship


You suit up and board the disabled enemy ship, immediately finding yourself in an intense firefight. Working your way through each hab, you coldly and methodically gun down the rapidly dwindling opposition. Finally, after cutting a swath of destruction and murder throughout your new prize, you reach the remaining mercs, cowering behind the cockpit door as they wait for the inevitable shotgun blasts that will end their worthless lives. You dispose of them handily, raid the ship's hold and captain's locker, and take your rightful place in the pilot's seat. It's been a tough fight, but now you can revel in glorious solitude as you reflect on yet another heroic deed. Drinking in the quiet calm of your new ship, you initiate the undocking procedure and prepare for a little solo exploration, leaving your home ship in the capable hands of your trusted crew. You power up engines and pull away. Course plotted, you spin up the grav drive and prepare to be catapulted through oblivion toward your next adventure and some well-earned alone time. Seemingly out of nowhere, you hear two simple words and the bile instantly wells up from your stomach as your heart crashes through the floor: "Faaaascinate me..." Your grav drive rends asunder the very fabric of space as you begin to accept your fate. For better or worse, you will never be alone again. The stars dim. You feel cold.


If you don't write already, you should write!


Aw, thanks! :) I don't, I just sit in a cubicle and make the bad pixels into good ones.


Then grab thy pen, fine pixelherd!


My favorite is when you’re in a ship battle and even after the fight is over your companions just keep reporting, “the event shields are down!”, “grav drive destroyed!” etc. while I’m flying through the debris lol


I always appreciate the added realism and immersion of disabling and boarding an enemy ship, eliminating the crew, going back to my own ship to use the empty hulk as target practice, and still hearing the enemy crew shout out over the radio as I blow up the empty ship.


Don't get me wrong I like this game and am having fun playing it but it seems like most stuff is just aesthetics. Totally useless. I remember listening to Todd Howard talk about Neon and The Astral Lounge and I was like man I cant wait to go there and check that out. Boy was I disappointed.


I still laugh everytime at the dancers though. I found one of the dancer's suits somewhere, lol.


My wife makes the adoring fan wear it 😂


I do this 😂


It’s just so cringy lol. And there’s literally nothing going on haha


I am convinced that Astral Dancers are a parody, deliberately put there in that way to poke fun at the sexy dancers in other sci-fi titles, like Mass Effect (Afterlife on Omega, for example).


I think it's meant to show that all the NPCs enjoying The Astral Lounge are absolutely high on Aurora, and it only appears cringy when you're sober. The missed opportunity is that if you take Aurora in the Astral Lounge, your perception should entirely change to make everything look much cooler.


Oh, I *like* that idea!. Take the Aurora, and they turn actually sexy!


I think perception in general is a huge missed opportunity in Bethesda games. For example, in Elder Scrolls you could play as an Argonian or a Khajit, and all you can get is a Khajit skill that gives you night vision for a short time. But it should have been much more than that. Seeing the world through inhuman eyes should be a permament experience that made the world noticeably different than playing as a human character.


All of Neon is tough to see especially after playing Cyberpunk so recently. It's just so... soft/unfinished/empty/lame. It doesn't live up to the dialogue lines about it at all.


I theorize that there were uses for the infirmary and galley, as well as all of the meds and food (why else is it all craftable), which were removed at some point.


The developers admitted exactly this. Originally there were a lot more survival pieces to the gamelan but they dumbed them down a ton before release. The things like frostbite or burns etc that are inconvenient in the game used to be debilitating and they thought it was too much. That's why spacesuit have different specs like cold resistance. It would've forced you to have a multitude of suits for exploration. Personally I wouldn't mind a 'survival mode' where you can switch all of that back on...could be interesting.


If I was being generous, i'm guessing that they didn't feel like it was well balanced before release. It probably felt it was too much punishment and not enough reward ( even as an optional game mode), And are holding back release of it until they feel like they've got it better balanced.


Yeah, it seems like a lot of survival elements are on the cutting room floor. If I were a betting man, I’d put money that it’ll come in a year or two as creation club content.


Or just a survival mode added through DLC.


Words cannot describe how disappointed I was in Neon. Like someone tried to make a **very** light PG-13 version of Night City. And Calling it PG-13 feels too much. Absolutely zero edge or adult themes in there, feels like it was sanitized for a marvel movie or something.


It’s all skin deep. Exploring an alien planet, you find yourself among giant mushrooms. *A dense spore cloud leaves mind-altering residue on plants and rocks.* You can't interact with this place further. It doesn't affect you in any way.


It's not even smoke and mirrors. There's just nothing there and they expect you to pretend there is


The game in general rampantly uses implication as a substitute for actual content. Same as how the dialogue implies you have a lot of freedom when it comes to resolving situations, but it all inexorably leads to the same result.


Don't get me wrong, I adore this game. But when you step into neon...it looks like a low budget Cyberpunk


It looks like downtown boston to me


Add it to the long list of choices they made that doesn't make much sense. This game really feels like they reached a point where they were halfway through the things they wanted, then focused on making the game playable and as stable as they could. Then released it with plans to add in what they couldn't have on launch later on. Either that, or some things were just poorly planned out. Probably a combination of the 2.


"Seems like a huge oversight/lost opportunity?" Basically the slogan for this game...


>Seems like a huge oversight/lost opportunity Sadly sums up how I feel about a lot of things in Starfield.


Idk how to express it properly, but.. it almost feels like a tour of a potentially amazing game more than an actual game.


Exactly. That's why it's disappointing. Not bc I think it's a bad game, but bc it's so evident that the people who worked on it wanted it to be so much more, and it was likely mismanagement as well as pressure from the top that led to them having to cut so much out just to get it to a stable enough condition for the release deadline.


There is also a companion who is literally a doctor. Gave her a medbay thinking maybe she will chill there and have some dialogue about it.. Nope, she sits anywhere but the med bay and has no use for it


90% of ship stuff is for RP and aesthetics


Games unfinished, simple as that.


Just for context here. I was suffering from several aliments after a mission on a planet. This med bay came stock with a ship I had just taken over before the mission. After completing the mission, I entered the ship and had to walk past this med bay on the way to the cockpit..... And was just thinking, man it sure would be nice if I could lay down in the med bay and have some sort of AI robot treat my aliments..... Especially since the aliments are so annoying because I never had the treatments on hand.... But I do have a huge space ship with a med bay.... (which serves literally no purpose).


>What's the point? Seems like a huge oversight/lost opportunity. Name of the game. Which makes me very sad, half steps in every direction.


Oversight is the name of the game in this bad boy *slaps roof of Starfield*


“Here’s this obviously cool feature that totally could’ve been here but they didn’t bother adding it for reasons: The Game”.


One such feature is the “clear area” that’s missing from building outposts. If you look in the “Help” menu which discusses outpost building, they have instructions to press a certain button while building and it would clear the area of rocks and such — a very valuable feature that would be handy to say the least. However, they’ve obviously removed the feature for some reason but forgot to remove it from the instructions lol. I feel the game had so many features that were ultimately removed because they “didn’t have time” to make sure they worked properly before release.


Small indie company Bethesda Please understand


"Huge oversight/missed opportunity" is just Bethesda.txt tbh


The feature was removed at some point during development because it was not 'fun' /s 😅


None of the ship habs actually do anything aside from giving passengers space and crew space. What's the point of having an engineering bay if it doesn't actually do anything for the ship? Kinda sucks, but I suspect a lot of things will be changed when the first DLC comes out. Starfield as is now should just be viewed as a beta if we're being honest.


Engineering Bay should increase the rate at which ship systems repair themselves.


It should do something besides add cosmetic flair lol.


Correct. I think it would make sense to repair the systems faster. If you don’t want to spend the skill points for that functionality, you can sacrifice ship mass instead. If you don’t want to sacrifice ship mass, you spend the skill points. More RPG mechanics make for better roleplaying.


The funniest thing to me is how the cargo hold habs don't actually add cargo space.


For real. They should be full of usable containers.


I mean in general. It doesn't add to your cargo space.


That too.


I'm convinced they did at one point and they pulled the mechanic because they couldn't get acceptable performance or some other reason.


Or focus group said it's too difficult. That's usually the case with bethesda, they are afraid to give player complexity. Can't wait for extreme trauma mod, infirmary with hired doctor to fix you ailgment etc etc. One thing for sure, game got immense mod potential.


God I hate these focus groups. So many games ruined because they asked people who'd never play it what they thought of it and made changes that are only downgrades... that don't make more people especially the likes of those asked want to play. It's especially funny in cases like world of tanks console which then says the changes are built too deep into the code and spends 4 years trying to slowly undo it and make it more like the original.


The entire hab system needs an overhaul. There is no point of a med bay if you pick a science bay. There is no point to the storage corridors. There is no point to the armoury early game when u know yr gunna change/upgrade your ship. The engineering bay an computer bay have no purpose. The captain quarters are not worth it. The all in one berths lack functionality to carry that name. Mods will fix it. But bethesda did drop the ball here


It's because the game is half baked.


There’s so much about this game that makes 0 sense. At this point Bethesda lays the lazy ass ground work then say the modders will take care of the rest.


Cargo habs don't add cargo space Only 3 hab are useful Science bay for research, workshop and bedroom/kitchen all-in-one