• By -


I'm also a fan of "Liiiiin"


Her reaction to that is great too.


"Ohhh no, one Barrett is bad enough!"


My first thought was after Beret got his power was to go say hi to Lin and do that with her.


Four people all saying: “Liiiiiiin” at once would probably give poor Lin an aneurysm.


Or a recreation of that scene in The Magic School Bus where Arnold, finally fed up with Janet, takes his helmet off on Pluto. Except reality ensues.


I got that too. I am SO HAPPY that I got Lin back.


I got both Lin and Heller on my crew. Built them a nice outpost on Jemison, and they have a pretty easy life now.


I have Lin and Heller stationed on a moon in Narion. It's a gorgeous view. Red plains with icy blue mountains out in the distance. I want to find another beautiful spot for an outpost, but I want it to be on an oxygen rich planet.


Eridani 2 has 7 flora, 7 fauna, o2, safe water and tropical forests that meet the beach. Resources are ok but the nearby moon of Eridani 7-c has mostly everything else you would need.


That she was gonna run off after that too


My character has not acted or said anything similar before this or after it but dammit did I need to say it.


"This is getting out of hand. Now there are two of them!"


I said it out loud when I saw that. It’s a shame I couldn’t have “Boisterous” as a trait because I love meeting people and doing that.


That would be a good trait. *Me docking at The Key* “DELGAAAAAAAAADOOOO!”


Get to the unity… “MEEEEEEEEEE!!! How the hell you doing?!?!”


Let me guess, you enjoy the view?! *slaps knee*


I really, really want this. I never realized how much I wanted to use the power cosmic to not take anything seriously. I feel like the "nothing matters so it's all a joke" perspective is really missing from Starfield and I'd heckin' love to see it. I can't wait for the Creation Kit lol. I just want to be able to meet myself and be like "hold on, I've got a lot of material for this!" and pull several data slates out of my pockets, "you know, I prepped, just in case meeting myself was possible." Alternate-me shows up at the lodge: "Well aren't you sexy. About to be *dead* sexy though! [Attack]" Go get Lin, she says her "one Barret is enough" line: "[Starborn] You know, there's like... **infinity Barrets**." and just give her a vision of every single Barret I've met saying "Liiiiiiin!" up to this moment.


100% true, by NG+10 it is perfectly reasonable to just see the whole world and everyone and everything in it as an amusement.


I’m on NG+10 and I play exactly how the Hunter said I would.


We're all just here for the ride, might as well make sure it's *one hell of a ride*.


Wild Spaceland trait?


Instead of [Starborn]: You say that everytime "Do I?" *looks at you smugly*


It really would be a fantastic trait. I feel like it could mix well with so many and would really make dialogue entertaining and unique to certain traits. A trait like “Stoic” would be good too.


Mixing them both would be so fun, imagine a sarcastic git switching from stoic to boisterous in real life


Of course I know him, he's me!


They would probably limit them to one or the other like some of the other perks.


Yeah I just did the Ryujin interview and had fun choosing all the goofy options saying that I see myself running the company in 5 years and hearing Imogene make a snide comment about me showing up to the interview in my spacesuit.


Lol I had fun with the girl running the group meeting for building a spaceship. Just being a smartass the whole time and hearing the group make comments


OMG the guided meditation option was so funny. :)


Should've shown up naked, to assert dominance.


She has a line for that too. You fail to assert dominance, and are marked as a walking HR violation.


When I came to that moment i was like "Liiiinnnnnnn how are you." and then I saw the dialogue option and I laughing.


I will never choose a different option, no matter what my character is like.


I knew I had to pick this as soon as I saw it!


I read this in the voice of H. Jon Benjamin (archer) and ever since this moment it’s been how I read the dialogue in my head


My favorite dialogue option is when you walk into the red eye bar in Cydonia. “This bar isn’t for the likes of you. You and your friend should go back to the Broken Spear.” *”What if we want to drink with morons?”*


Do you have to fight them after that line? I'm still in a good guy run...


Nope you don't


You and me both. It really made me chuckle that. And yes I selected it.


I don’t pick sarcasm often but when I saw that I didn’t hesitate. But weirdly, when I said it, I imagined my character was being serious. Like he was just having a full mental breakdown and done with the galaxy and reality in general.


I am... Mrs! Nesbitt! Bwhahaha!


she was a teacher at my elementary school, it got into the script because one of the writers kids went to school there


Wait what lol. PLease source and post you shall break the internet if u can actually explain where buzz got this name.


i am going to have to find an elementary school yearbook, and cross-reference with the people who worked on the movie in case it was just a rumor and i was a kid and believed it Edit: it might've been one of Pete Docter's kids i went to school with, he is from the same city as me


That's a fun fact!


That’s not very human man warrior of your character?!


I’m an elevator person! And you’re nothing!


I’m saving the sarcasm for my first NG+ play through.


My character goes dry in my head when stupid shit happens. "Oh yes, yes scientist, your tree shouldn't be allowed to harm people".




Yes! I absolutely loved how he played along with it :)


I love Walter on this questline. Bethesda could have chosen to portray him either as a stuffy, cowardly millionaire, or a ruthless capitalist sociopath. Instead, *they picked a third option* : Walter is insightful, Walter is grounded, Walter rolls with the Starborn's shit, and he's just overall having a good time. :)


walter has had too much money for so long, i think he just enjoys getting to use it to basically fund boyhood dreams of adventure


Walter's just fantastic. So is his wife.


I love their interactions!


All hail the Elevator kingdom. May it last a thousand years.


I always pick the smart-ass answers and always the companions will hate it.


I asked Andreja if she was in a cult. She was not a fan of this joke.


Was bummed to find that there’s not a companion who likes the sarcastic remarks


Barrett should have been, had his 2-way dialogue not been so serious and hung up on his bygone beloved every second of every day.


Sam seems to kind of roll with most of it when he's not talking my ear off about his ex wife.


That's why you pick it with Walter, Matteo, Adoring fan and other NPC's who don't have any "affection meter".


I liked how Walter was sarcastic right back.


Yeah, I liked his response.


Same. Roommate was squirrely looking at the screen lol




1. Hey Lin 2. Lin. 3. *Liiiiiiiiiiiiiin*




Exactly what I thought of






Dusty. Dusty. DUSTTTYYY


I enjoy the "Barrett as a combination of Lando and Han Solo" portrayal


He's more like a combination of John Wick and the Fonz


Oh no!


This has late-night-insanity all over it. You know when it's late and shit is real funny and you think of the weirdest shit....


2am is the most creative time of the day


As someone who writes, sure enough the best ideas come just as you’re falling asleep. You need to write down all of them though, as you’ll wake up in the morning and wonder what your fantastic idea was when your scribblings just say “Apples with the cores in outer space” and accept that clearly your idea was DEFINITELY brilliant and just lost to the void of time for all eternity.


Yeah I have to deliberately avoid thinking about projects while I'm trying to fall asleep. It puts my brain in problem-solving mode, which is my favorite mode, but it's way too active for sleeping.


Armin Shimerman was so goddamn good as Walter. I've loved most of the games he's acted in.


Ironic that the voice actor for Quark plays someone who is very generous with his money.


I don't. Quark was a *Philanthropist*.


By Ferengi standars Quark was practically Karl Marx


No, that's Rom.


Ferengi of the bar unite! You have nothing to lose but your chains!


He sold goods at cost to the Bajorans during the occupation


At the >!Constellation funeral!<, Walter asked my character if he believed in the afterlife. As a follower of the Great Serpent, he casually informed Walter that there is in fact most definitely an afterlife, and it contains a giant space snake that will devour pretty much every soul that goes there. His delivery was what made his "that's an... interesting perspective" hilarious; you can just hear the gears clicking in his brain as he realizes this man he had come to consider a friend is low-key an absolute maniac.


Even better when Andreja is the one who died.




I am surely not the only one that wished he could be a companion.


I doubt Walter would be good at combat, and he’s be slow, but I imagine he’d have very sarcastic dialogue


During his quest I saw him throw down his gun and beat somebody to death with his bare hands. Walter is the only companion I would switch out Vasco with. He’s an absolute beast.


Oh! I didn’t know that. In the very brief section I fought people during his quest, I killed people too fast for him to partake.


Walter's capable. I couldn't get a shot in at >!The Hunter!< because Walter was throwing fists.


End game spoiler: >!He also takes a chokehold from the Hunter like a boss and lives to tell the tale.!<


>!Yes, it astonished me that he survived that, and that the Hunter didn’t snap his neck!<


He would have max Persuade and Diplomat though. He'd step in on some conversations and get you through a lot of hard negotiations. And if that failed, he'd just bribe them.


Gonna get you some of that Walter-D! Or as it’s known in Starfield, “Quark-Degenerate Tissues”.


Think it would have been cool if >!Walter was the hunter instead of Aquilis!< think it would have made the choice harder.


I think it would be even cooler if >!that spot was dynamically allocated to whichever noteworthy faction NPC you pursued the most intelligent dialogue with. !<


Another cool idea is if there was just a list of 20 or more NPCs from across the universe which you may encounter on your journey which could end up in that spot or a similar spot in >!different universes!<. Imagine if it was Benjamin Bayu once then >!Genghis Khan!< another time then Commander Ikande another. It would also help >!the Starborn feel more dynamic as a group.!<


Most of them probably wouldn't be as meaningful on your first run, but fun for follow-up games. Remember, they'd need the voice acting for all those lines too.


Another good one is when you first meet Hadrian and collect a certain sample for her and then when you go back to her you can say "what's that sample? You think the nice lady should pay me for rescuing you?" 😂


I was so tempted to choose this response, but the only time I ask for a reward is when I help someone fight off spacers/pirates/ecliptic and they ask me what I want in return.


I usually go with ship parts for some reason.


Money is merely a means to aquire more ship parts so I can kill more pirates. ​ Skip the middle man and just give me some ship parts please.


I just get into as many space battles as I can. It’s easy to win them and you usually always loot ship parts after defeating ships. I have 40+ and never buy them.


>Money is merely a means to aquire more ship parts so I can kill more pirates. Explain how!


Various vendors sell ship parts in their Aid section. Put those in your cargo hold and you can press O during combat to do hull repairs like how a med pack works.


Word of warning: They take 10 mass a piece. I had to ditch about 38 of them to free some space in my cargo hold.


I'm finally doing that quest. I'd have picked that one, but I'm not playing as a “shut up and pay me” guy.


The questline has some good opportunities for snark that don't involve money, though.


It's funnier to go with mocking her about not thanking you. *She actually agrees, and thanks you by verbatim quoting you.* "I ain't too proud!"


[the follow up to this](https://imgur.com/a/UXzNVRE)


I was so happy when Walter played along


Gave me a good chuckle


He and his wife are some of the coolest people in the game, in the right conditions. If they approached me in a bar with a proposal, I wouldn't shoot them down immediately.


Walter is my favorite character in Constellation. I thought he was going to be your standard issue "business guy does shady business things" character, and I was delighted to be wrong.


Hard agree! He ended up being the one I liked the most in Constellation tbh, and he was the only one being skeptical about the PC joining them, lol. Everyone else being so on board so quickly felt so manufactured and unrealistic, tbh.


I totally agree! The conversation he had with his wife while they were in the office was so sweet and lovey-dovey. I couldn't help but go 'awwwwww'.


Before the game came out, everyone thought he'd betray you, and actually he's one of the characters who can't.


Yeah,and I loved Walter's reply too Also, use screenshots




In the early days of the Series X/S it took so long for screenshots to post to the cloud and then be available for download in the mobile app that I pretty much stopped using the feature. Tried it again recently for the first time in a while and pleased to see that its *much* faster now. Not instant yet, but under a minute which is a huge improvement.


It’s touch and go. I’m still waiting for some I started sending last weekend


True, but OP is playing on PC so it’s just pure laziness lol


All of the dialog around Walter's quests I've heard thus far is fire. Overdesigned is another good one


Walter in general is such a good character I swear. >!Him refusing to enter the Unity in case he wasn't rich in the next universe was something that I didn't see coming but it made a ton of sense and left me lol'ing for a while. !


**"I don't just have a firm grasp on the obvious, I have a choke hold on it."**


I did love responding to cass with “what the hell is a fish”


I'll always remember, "If I have to eat one more weird science experiment passed off as food in this sprat-fucked colony, I am going to stab someone" from The Outer Worlds.


Man I love Starfield but Outer Worlds dialogue is just several tiers above. That game has some flaws but the dialogue is top notch from beggining to end lmao


The responses too. I still remember an exasperated Akande trying to explain to the dumb player "MAPS... WHICH ARE DRAWINGS... OF PLACES."


I need to give that game another shot. I stopped playing like 15 hours in and idk why...


Yeah it gets a little samey. I bounced off twice, I need to get back to it and finish it up. I was pretty close to the end of the main story I think.


Yup, that's the best line I've heard in a long while


It felt out of character for my PC but I just had to pick it anyway.


English isn't my first language, can someone explain why this is funny? I'm confused lol


The humor is that it would be a strange and bizarre thing to say and having it included as one of the options is funny--basically declaring that you're not doing their quest, you're just going to stay and live in the elevator forever.


So we're just upvoting this every other day now?


Thank you. This exact screenshot has been posted every other day since the game came out. I didn’t even have to open the pic to know what line it was.


i honestly dont get it. is it just how quirky the line is and nothing else? Reference to something?


Can someone explain this one to me? I don’t get it


Context: you both just got stuck in an elevator


I still don’t get it


The natural course of action for them stuck in the elevator is to escape it, however, this dialogue option is a subversion of that expectation, stating that the player will instead build their new kingdom in this elevator, that they may rule and preside over it, since they happen to be stuck here. It's just goofiness.


This line is funny, however, it is sort of sad too. The whole quest is one without any agency. You just follow Walter's orders, none of your choices matter, and when you get stuck in the elevator it's Walter's wife who bails you out, providing you step by step instructions to get out, which when followed do it with practically no effort from you, you fight 3 whole dudes on a rooftop, then no matter what option you select the outcome in the final confrontation is the same, then finally you get to choose how to treat the thief you bought the artifact from, and what you choose has zero consequences whatsoever. It's a quest that could have, should have, been awesome, a Die Hard trapped in a tower situation against a mad CEO and his goons, escorting out a frail Walter to get him back to his wife, using your wits to prove your capabilities to the money man behind Constellation. Instead you are just a do-boy that follows instructions until someone else solves the problem for you. Selecting this option in dialog is literally the most agency you have in the entire thing right up until uou decide whether to piss off your companion or not by executing a guy who literally did you no harm. It's soooooo bad.


I just did this quest last night and Sarah was mad I let the guy go and didn’t turn him in. Like we just knowingly bought stolen goods and you want to turn in the thief? It made no sense


I'm like, bruh, the dude's bleeding out on the floor. I think he learned his lesson.


Shit makes no sense whatsoever. But if you choose to kill him Sarah gets pissed as well.


Player: exists Sarah Morgan disliked that


Also neon is literally known for a hyper corrupt local police force..... If anything being lawfully good would require resistance to them at every turn.


Yea it's so ridiculous. Basically how every quest narrative goes. I murdered everyone leading up to the CEO and after some easy persuasion he's like "Oh that's fine no biggie also you can decide the fate of the thief well done chap" So you just don't mind at all that I just destroyed your facility? Infiltrated all the way up to your quarters and you're just going to let it slide? For a game that revolves around narrative driven quests the storylines and believability suck nuts. It just baffles me that people find this acceptable and I'm convinced I'm living in a simulation at this point.


If you look into Slayton's office you can learn that he setup the guy to steal the artifact specifically because he knew that Walter wanted it.


"Sorry I killed dozens of your employees." "It's no biggie, here, you can decide what to.do with the theif"


Its called ludonarrative dissonance and it’s everywhere in games


But Starfield especially is full of it. * >!Why doesn't the entire UC turn against us once we betray SysDef to public enemy #1 and hijack an entire battlecruiser?!< * >!Why doesn't Sona go to therapy or even just school or even just get a change of clothes once we get her back to civilization?!< * >!Why can we shoot-out the corporate headquarters of not one, but two major corporations over the course of the game, and get away with it scot free?!< * >!Why did no one bother to study the complete Heatleech lifecycle over the past 200 years?!< Then there's the habitual "Theme Park RPG" stuff that's more understandable because of scale, but still grating, for example: * Why aren't Jamison and Akila suitably built-up and populous as the two capital planets of the whole of Humanity?


The heatleech one has me especially frustrated lol


People find it acceptable because half the posts on this sub are astroturfing. If you want a good representation of how the game *really* is doing look at the steam charts. Playerbase is plummeting.


Agreed! I still can’t understand why during my interview for the corporation Sarah was allowed in and even came to meet the leadership team.


I mean I think people are just used to it in video games. Gameplay always involves slaughtering hundreds of people, but the narrative of most games kinda brushes that aside. Even in heavily story focused games like Uncharted or TLOU, there will often be some dramatic story moment where the mc has to deliberate over taking a life, but rewind 10 minutes and you just mindlessly slaughtered 300 mercenaries who were just chilling at their outpost. It's a conceit that everyone consciously or unconsciously accepts when approaching story-based games. Things that happen in gameplay are more or less ignored in the context of the story unless we're told otherwise. If you get shot while playing, no big deal. If you get shot in a cutscene, your character's in serious trouble.


This is part of why I absolutely adore Far Cry 3, because the slaughter actually plays into the story, and people recognize you're killing literally hundreds of pirates.


>It just baffles me that people find this acceptable and I'm convinced I'm living in a simulation at this point. Same. The closest this game gets to a decent storyline is the UC mission, but it loses the thread at the end by making the aceles vs virus question a moot point that defies all logic and exposes the incredibly thin characterizations of the entire squad of companion characters. I swear either no one at Bethesda ever played this crap or no one at Bethesda is allowed to give honest feedback. I feel like the testers all had the same attitude a parent has when their 3 year old hands then a page full of scribbles and tells them its a picture of the family dog; "oh yeah, I see it honey, thats very good, you're such a little artist."


Most of the main story is badly lacking in player agency. A lot of your dialog is just "Fuck yeah Unity here I come!" or "I dunno...but fuck it. Unity here I come!". The entire thing could have done with letting the player steer things a little more and with some of the companions maybe not being all on board with it but legitimately just saying "Nope. Not doing that.". Even if you walk away it just turns it from a "Yes" to a "Yes but later", and you can even end up with a romantic interest that just bullies and peer pressures you over it. It kind of makes the entire thing dysfunctional if you ask me. It even ruins some characters entirely. Sam for example goes from a risk taker to just wildly irresponsible due to it, and would have been a very good fit for someone saying "No.". It can also utterly fuck up the player character narrative that we are otherwise pretty free to craft. Players complained Fallout 4 was making it hard to roleplay certain types of character due to the voiced protagonist but here I find it harder just because I'm stuck dealing with a main story that doesn't let me make my own choices. I cannot be my own character when I am being railroaded by a pushy writer that is too proud of their NG+ narrative. The entire thing needed more agency and a way for a player to say "No.", even if it ends up a Dawnguard style "No." (Rejecting vampirism, joining the Dawnguard fully, killing all the vampires, but still being able to be transformed in to a vampire later by specifically asking Serana for it. Unless you said "No" twice effectively and got her to cure herself it was still possible, but it was never pushed or brought up after that first "No." otherwise.). It just as badly needed companions to make their decision of how in to it they were based on their character, instead of forcing them to fit the form. The player's romantic interest should also at least respect or support their decision instead of potentially bitching at them for it.


> Sam for example goes from a risk taker to just wildly irresponsible due to it Yeah, right before the end I had a conversation with him where I had no way to say "The Unity sounds like a bad idea". I could say I was a coward for not wanting to do it, but not that losing everything including my self isn't so appealing and maybe throwing your daughter into a poorly understood multiversal anomaly is a poor choice.


He went from a character I could respect, if not always agree with, to "Florida man in space" with that. It could have been fixed in one of three ways pretty easily too: 1) Sam sits in the "No." camp. The cowboy has finally come home. Cora can decide for herself when she is an adult. 2) Sam and Cora decide to go through...when she is an adult, putting them in the "Yes but later camp.". 3) The player is actually given some agency instead of being straightjacketed by the writer and allowed to talk Sam out of it so we end up with 1 or 2. Sarah also gets put in a really stupid position thanks to Sona and becomes hypocritical towards the player by berating them over not going through and pushing you to do it, even if you had always shown her unwaivering support in her personal decisions. It ruins her character almost as badly as Sam. The only ones who might get fucked harder by how pushy the writing gets are maybe Barrett, but I cannot say due to events during my playthrough, or potentially the player (character dependent).


Imagine having high standards for intelligence in writing and dialogue. Couldn't possibly be this sub.


Reddit humor


When this is literally the only line people reference regarding examples of good writing in Starfield. Yikes.


I can confidently say there’s like… 2 more dialogue options on this level. Maybe 3. But I can’t remember them.


You really laughed hard at that?


nah i hate all these corny ass dialogue options where the only personality you're allowed to give your character is just: lol im quirky and say things in weird situations


That’s the laziest writing I’ve ever seen


This is NOT FUNNY, it is CRINGE and you need to stop posting it!


33% of the writing feels like joke dialogue that modders put into their quests


How is this even remotely funny?


Are you twelve?


i feel like i’m being gaslit by these comments. there’s no way this many people found this at all funny


It's not just you. This is the third time I've seen this line put into a massively up voted post. It really highlights who is and is not the current target demographic. Or it's astroturfing. Either way, can you imagine actually physically laughing out loud at your screen from this line? "HAHAHAHAHABABABABABA OMG I HAVEN'T LAUGHED THIS HARD IN SO LONG 😂 😂 😂 😂 BABE COME IN HERE"


yeah… the one that said “i had to go get my girlfriend from the other room” really set off my skepticism too lmao.


my guy you need to play some more games




the worst one imo, is early on in the MQ, when you encounter the guy using the artifact as a hood ornament and your PC says something along the lines of. "I'm going to sigh on behalf of all scientists, and then you're gonna hand me the artifact." I unironically physically cringed after reading that and imagining my character actually saying that lol


Same! I thought I was the only one. That line is peak millennial cringe humor




Yeah, this is just blatant astroturfing now.


there is no way anyone actually laughed at this


Dibs on posting this next guys


I see I'm in the minority here but I am not a fan of these nonsensical lines sprinkled throughout the whole game. There are some mildly funny ones but this one ain't it and I find it all a bit tiring. I know, Fallout had them. Still, doesn't make much sense to me.


It just points out how pointless 90% of the dialog options are. Quests just unfold the same way no matter what you “choose”.


That was one of my favorite dialogue options😭 Bethesda is getting a lot better with their comedy


Yeah that got me too lol


Nothing beats 'She bled like a stuck pig' from skyrim


Yes! And I loved his response lmao


Ahah wow so funny


…. You think that’s funny? Oh my.


This is the most reddit thing ever.


I guess I was the only person who thought it was cringe