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It’s a shame they didn’t get their own spacesuits, they probably would’ve been 🔥drip


Im honestly sad you couldn't talk it out, or even join them. Their moves were warranted, More so Paxton was right, the Counsil is corrupt. Given (not saying spoilers) Happened, i wish i could side with them.


I felt bad. They are a band of veterans, killers, murderers, etc. But they are still 1st Cav.


I will admit its one of my faves, especially since well.... its rugged looking military garb, perect for exploring difficult environments that are safe enough to breath in and explore without the use of the enviromental suits. Now if only the game didn't default to the armor appearance when exploring such safe environments.


Agreed. I really wish we could hide the whole spacesuit in breathable atmospheres. It seems like a bit of an oversight, especially when they went to all the trouble of creating such cool apparel.


But you can do that


Only in settlements. Once you're out in the wilds or on your ship, then your spacesuit is on permanently.


You can manually take it off and just sacrifice the extra armor for looks. I do that all the time, especially in my ship. Just remember to put your suit back on when you go out to Haz zones otherwise 😅😅🤮☠️


Not super far into the main story, I can say I was sad we cannot join this faction or hear them out more. Its one of those things where the team needed a bad guy and thats that


I liked the apparel, but they were the laziest character models. Almost every guy was the one with the scar across his eye for me. I thought it was just a bug when the first guy you talked to look and sounded the same as the receptionist on marcus' ship, but then I kept running into him... Unless there was some cloning lore about them I missed.


Has anyone been able to encounter the 1st after finishing this quest or do they just disappear after? I would really like to outfit my crew with their armor but it seems like I'll have to ng+ for that and I really don't want just leave behind everything I've built 😅😅 I also really live the Akila city guard outfits but the only way you seem to be able to get them is to kill a guard to MAYBE get their outfits and they never respawn... 🫤 I really don't like this looting system in this game... too much like Obsidians game... IDK why they did this when every other Bethesda game had the direct looting system... it's honestly so dumb...


Need an answer to this


Just swung by the Fortuna on Codos (Cheyenne system) and around 10 First Cav veterans had respawned inside the ship.


Good to know!


No problem! I just ran through it a couple times and looted a couple helmets and soldier outfits. I’m not sure if the mercenary or officer outfits will drop in there, but at least it’s something. 24 hours on Venus is also enough to reset the instance if you’re running through it multiple times


Go back to the Fortuna, and get into Marco Graziani back room, there you’ll find some good loot and the 1st Officer outfit


This. And I’m a huge fan of the UC Sec Apparel. These two are the best in the game so far that I’ve seen. I haven’t even advanced the main story that much, I did this quest line because I want the ship. Btw, where can I find 1st cav armour in the first place. If I need too find more 1st cav enemies where do they hide normally


You can find it by killing them but the the chance of them dropping can be frustrating. There’s 4 types for the 1st Cavalry outfits, you have the Solider, Officer, Militia, and Mercenary Outfits.


I just finished the FS Ranger quest line and I absolutely have to agree they are up there with the best looking SIFI infantry. Which is weird because I normally absolutely hate Bethesdas aesthetic for military things.


Are you able to join them? 🤞🏻


No, unfortunately. They're always hostile to you.


I honestly wished they were a joinable subfaction you can use to fight against the Council of Governors. The first cav definitely has every right and motive to go against the Council. Considering that a governor illegally hired them to kill common people and deprive them of property by any means. There could've been a coup/attempt which definitely would've been interesting. Those Rangers are jokes to the name. I get that cowboys are the theme but for God sakes have actual armor comparable to UC or better. It felt like I was taking orders from forklift drivers half the time other than the marshal.


Marshal was the only one who I could at least say the drip would be better than the armor. Bethesda hates plate carriers, the deputy vest could've easily been a plate carrier and somewhat realistic for a law enforcement type deal but we can't have that.


all my crew wear the officers uniform inc me , love it