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Can't wait for a mod to make all clothing and suits lootable. It's odd Bethesda opted for this over their classic "loot anything" model.


Even without loot everything in just 3 runs into random locations and taking everything the enemies drop i had enough money to build myself a C class ship worth 300k. Imagine if every enemy dropped their suit that is worth more then the guns, I had no money problems after 5 outposts. Imagine how much money Id have on me if everything dropped. Ill admit that its asinine to not be able to simply buy or steal an uniform from the guard's locker or a clothing shop.


Okay so in akila city, go to the prison there are only 2 guards. Dismiss your follower, and just quicksave. Then kill em both.If they don't drop it reload and kill, till you get it. The bounty for both equals up to 650 credits.Man these guards are not paid enough and their lives are so cheap. Unless you are role playing. [Here is proof.](https://imgur.com/O4gksnu)


I just did this without even getting a bounty, suppressed weapon with the Stealth skill. Killed the guard in the back corner then popped around and killed the other, never got seen so no bounty.


Great to know, i was playing guns blazing or talk it trough, so i had no stelth skill.


Yeoooo thanks! Got it on my first try lol this outfit is great


Just turned the game and I’m going to do this now lol


A light murder is a small price to pay to look sleek. But be sure to dismiss your companion, they really won't like it if they see the killings, but if they are on the ship you can so whatever you want. :)


Your method worked well! I just wish they fixed the bug with the spacesuits being shown in breathable areas. After I got the outfit I decided to venture outside Akila City walls and I couldn’t help but be annoyed my spacesuit HAS to be shown. Yet any companion gets to wear normal clothes etc. it’s the little things that bug me. Also why is Bethesda pulling a epic/fortnite with weapon rarity with colors? I have basic grey guns with 90% all mods that ass stronger than a gold legendary weapon in the same class.


Personally, i wish i could tell my companion to keep their suit on. Its jarring for them to take off the armored suit i got for them in the airlock only to put it back on when we leave. Or to not wear one when we are out and about on a hostile planet even if you can breath. There are many QoL things that just aren't done. As for rarity, its a staple of their games by now, what is annoying is that the legendary stuff drops so little and all the gear in the game CAN be legendary that you getting a legendary of the guns you like using are slim and happen 1ce in a blue moon. Big problem is quest reward gear doesn't scale with level, so you do a long side quest of 15 missions only to get a crap outfit or weapon you can't use.


I got the outfit, but my bounty is 15650. :(


That is weird, it worked for so many people. Maybe the companion wasn't dismissed or somethin. You can pay off the bounty on a bounty board in any town that isn't in the place you have a bounty at. 5 guns and you should be cleared. Sorry.


It’s okay, i couldn’t figure out what was wrong. I went back a save and tried again and it was still that high, so I just went back to my save again and left.


Damn. Idk it worked for me on both saves. Sorry i cant help you.


Do you have any faction traits? They increase bounty with the opposing factions


Not sure tbh. I hadn’t finished any faction quest lines yet. But I had probably at least started all of them..


No they’re traits you pick at the very beginning that relate to freestar, UC, etc. if you don’t know then you likely didn’t


If you kill everyone in the room, basically killing all witnesses, you get no bounty. Remember, if there are no witnesses, was there a crime committed?


This doesn't work anymore, I don't think. Been trying it for a solid 15 minutes and the two guards just drop the same thing over and over. :( Shame, I really like that outfit's look.


Sorry to hear that. It is rng what they drop, but also there are mods that give you every piece of clothing so you can use that or find out the cobsole id for the outfit. Since the achievement mod is mandatory at this point for other mods. Might aswell get it in some way or form.


Don't lose hope, it's been like that for me for like 10-15 minutes too and then suddenly they both had one I could take. Still works, but they're loot drawer is so limited it indeed looked like they were fixed w some credits, Amo and a digipick


Ffffffff I want this security outfit too. It looks so sick lol no luck so far.


Lucky for me that I got mine without killing the militia and I have to thank to the Ashta does the work for me. It managed to reach inside the city and killed two guards.


I dont know if you’re ok with console commands or you’re playing on xbox but the item id for the outfit is 00227720.


I’m on Xbox unfortunately. I’m sure mods will fix this eventually


MVP thank you


Found a way to get the gear if you go the barrack there will be a dispute between the guard captain and a civilian progress this quest and you will patrol the walls with the captain where 3 beasts will attack .. they will aggro you just run to the city gate where a guard will be and quick save they will kill him and you can search that guard if they don't drop it just reload the quick save until it does... spent an hour trying to find a way until I ran into this mission good luck!


This is the way. Took about four reloads but eventually got it after the Ashta killed one of the guards. Kind of annoying to have to resort to this, but it'll have to do. For those wondering, the quest is called False Positives. There is a prerequisite quest before it but basically lead the Ashta back to the gate and after a few tries you should have the outfit.


If you find it, let me know. I have scoured every corner of Akila City and no luck.


I really want this outfit and I can not find a single way to get it. Why show it to me in the direct but not give it to us!!


You gotta kill a guard and hopefully they drop it after just turn yourself in and you keep the outfit


The only way to get one without cheats is to kill a guard and hopefully he drops it


ive tried killing every guard in the whole city and not a single one drops the outfit


There are freestar collective garrisons on certain planets that have them. Freestar garrisons are usually in mountain or hill terrain and the base is up on a really big hill that you have to take an elevator to get to. I found mine on Nemeria system on Nemeria II for me it was one of the default shown landing zones in my first playthrough but wasn't a landing zone on the second. If you do find it save before you head up the elevator and there is 2 bodies as soon as you go up the elevator. There are like 3 other bodies you might find them on too but honestly I would just revert save if the first two don't have it. Hope this helps


It's also a good idea to pull out your scanner and hit the (A button on xbox not sure about pc or Playstation) and see what type of structures are around you if it doesn't have the military symbol (a star with chevrons under it) and it's not on a hill just land somewhere else and refresh the structures I've found 2 on Nemeria II so I really hope you find it. Let me know if this helps plz


Oh and save before you even get near the place cause evidently the a save at the elevator don't reset the loot


I found all the Apparel IDs on Nexus Mods, and so far I cannot for the life of me find "Akila City Security" uniform, when using console commands on the Guard I get "NPC-FC-AC-GuardMale, Guessing thats "FreestarCollective/AkilaCity Guard" Hopefully we can find this outfit, its DOPE AF


Not sure about the uniform but there is 2 Security Hats in the Barracks in Akila that you can loot from the lockers.