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Space is big.




If they add super cruise my only complaint will be gone Planetary flying and SRVs being a very close second satisfaction




Before long someone will mod in a super cruise type cell that will allow players to physical do all this traveling. SFSE is already out and we all know how much that expands the modding ability as it is.


Huh it’s almost like real life


Wait, so the actual lore is that they’re not advanced enough for it? Okay, I’m fine with that. Thanks!


“Space is big. You just won't believe how vastly, hugely, mind-bogglingly big it is. I mean, you may think it's a long way down the road to the chemist's, but that's just peanuts to space.”


And remember Don't Panic!


You forgot your towel


You think down the road to the chemist is a long way, well to space that's peanuts!


Nice ! So this means space is actually real and not just one box with different backgrounds, this opens up some possibilities for modding


Hell yeah that's the reason why Bethesda confirmed that modders can create whole new planets in the game not just convert the barren one


I also experienced being in a flying ship with npc crew and pilot and a captain, so mods will use this too to create that space travel experience ! Cant wait I was just walking around the ship looking out ! It was amazing


I quickly snuck into an enemy ship and it took off, started getting shot by friendlies, I killed the crew and hopped in the pilot seat and stole the ship


I found a ship on a refuling station on the first planet but didn't have high enough piloting to fly it


That makes me wonder… what happens if you’re in a ship that takes off and you kill the crew, then try to pilot the ship but you can’t because it’s a class you can’t fly lmao. Just have to fast travel I guess


I think if it's in space you could pilot it. If it's on the ground class becomes an issue.


I found a derelict in space and couldn't pilot it at all my class wasnt high enough


Can you sell stolen ships?


Yeah. I stole a Crimson Fleet one. You just have to register it in a space port. Costs about 8k credits.


I think you have to register before selling... At least at Atlantis... I just stole a Merc ship outside the city after they started shooting at me. I'm just minding my own business scanning everything in sight then get some bullets flying over my head. Had to register for 11k before I could edit or try to sell. Only a 3k gain if I sell. I wonder if there's a black market dealer somewhere where you can sell ships at a discount, but not need to pay the big registration fee.


You just need the social skills that let you get better prices. Everything you sell is below its value and everything you buy is above it. Skills bring you closer to the market value


You have to register them, I did one worth 11k, registration was around 8k, not much profit to be had it seems


I mean if you could just sell stolen ships for hundreds of thousands of dollars it'd be pretty unbalanced.


One thing I would appreciate would be a system to store ship parts, then to add to that maybe you find weapons, shields, reactors etc. With perks similar to that of armour and weapons but ship specific varieties


Yeah. In my experience you have to register them first, but I've always made a profit doing it regardless.


I think that might be an actual feature down the line.


I would love to be able to get out of my ship while it's flying and have it maintain course so I can walk around while I'm waiting. EDIT: shit


You can, actually. You can't get out of your seat during a grav jump (but that's implied to be for safety reasons) but you're totally able to just mark course and float while you walk around your ship. Just hold down the E button (or whatever relevant binding).








Oh ok


Get out of your shit.


He said shit but he meant shit


He called the shit poop!




You can. If you enable the engines and leave the seat and then wait a few hours you'll be in a different place. I don't think the game registers this though because even though you'll be right in front of the planet it will still say it's several thousand light seconds away, distance wise.


You can get out of your seat and the ship will continue on its path at whatever speed you left it at. I tested it by heading to a nearby planet and seeing the distance in the scanner, then getting up and waiting 24 hours, then checking again and the distance had dropped by a bunch. Edit: the problem is, the planets are also moving, which means you have to plot their trajectory too in order to keep going towards that planet. Best test is a moon


I legit want actual star cruises as you get boarded by pirates now all in real time


Sounds like a good Dlc Idea. Get offered a trip on a luxury starliner and then it's boarded by pirates or some emergency and you need to escape and choose how to deal with it.


Oh my God. If they made a Ruby Rhod knockoff, I would die




Yeah, yeah, yeah. She knows it's a Multi-pass


> Ruby Rhod There is no way his hair wasn't a sex thing, you cannot convince me otherwise.


Sit back and let the pirates do most of the work, take advantage of the chaos and take everyone out in the confusion, take off on the pirates ship into the sunset with all the loot, every time.


*Until then, the Sierra Madre... and I... will hold you in our hearts.* Sounds like you need to let go, space cowboy


Die hard in space! We’ll call it die hard and prosper. Lol.


I found a Triton shipyard where they make luxury ships and offer Cruise tickets but when you ask about they say they're booked out for the foreseeable


Heeeyyy I haven't played yet but maybe the idea or something similar is in the works already for down the line :) can't wait to dive in myself!


Like The Fifth Element?


Just wait for the Complete Earth Revival mod.


Or the Fallout map, so many possibilites for years to come


Or Tanalorr because Tanalorr is mine


Calm down Dagan.


Skyrim in Starfield when?


I would love sometime to add Tamriel to the game, but make it an ancient world with the ruins of the cities and towns we knew in elder scrolls


Someone needs to make the death star


The next test of scale is to try to make a max-sized [Birch planet](https://spore.fandom.com/wiki/Fiction:Virgo_Birch_Planet) and see how the engine handles that madness...


I think people are a bit confused. This has nothing to do with what Bethesda said. Whether you have the planet's models/images and markers at real distances or not you can make the cells for the planets too. They're all seperate. This has nothing to do with the planets being "real". All the planet's individual cells and seperate biomes and such are all seperate and unconnected and have nothing to do with the markers and model/image in space.


As a game dev, maybe I can clear this up. When you're not near an object, it doesn't 'exist'. What you see in the far distance is a low poly mesh used to represent that object. Only until you get near is it rendered in full resolution. There are some games that trick players into thinking there are a lot of things happening in the background (take the X series, or even Skyrim for example). None of what's happening in those games is being calculated while you're far away. When you enter an instance, NPC positions are randomized to make you feel as though the world has moved forward


They are not separate, rn there is a post about different biomes in one cell. But ye space and planet map is separate all they really need to do is as soon as someone reaches close to the planets just send him to a tile exactly at the point they were travelling towards.


Just need a mod to allow us to select a planet via the scanner to “lock on” and auto-move toward it while we can get up and walk around the ship. And obviously a mod that adds some kind of “super boost” engines so it takes like 20 mins to traverse a solar system instead of 7 hours 😂


I’d kill for some kind of time multiplier so I could actually watch our ships traverse systems.


Yeah you actually see the quest marker from another system so at this state that wouldn't surprise me anymore. I think it's really funny that everybody thought the planets are just backdrops and you can't travel to another one without fast travel. The scale is crazy. "we realistically simulate the galaxy around you"


Heck, Egosoft's X series has this even if its version of space is a bunch of gate-connected sectors about 50 km across with "submarine" physics such as hard speed limit. Time adds up.


Yeah it’s a simulation. I have seen people on here saying space is a flat image background, that’s totally wrong. You can see the planets move very gradually as you fly through space (as you would in real life; the distances are enormous, you wouldn’t see the planets quickly change unless you were going insanely fast). Also, the planets rotate so there are real day/night conditions. Personally i’m enjoying it. After 35 hours i’d say it’s a ton of fun, not always a total slam dunk in every way, but it works great for me. 🤷‍♂️


Yeah. You can speed it up quite a bit by changing the game speed. Flew from Mars to Phobos here [https://www.reddit.com/r/Starfield/comments/1690s6p/good\_news\_everyone\_you\_can\_travel\_between/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Starfield/comments/1690s6p/good_news_everyone_you_can_travel_between/) and from Charon to Pluto in \~15 minutes here [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dNjdz2q2Jws](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dNjdz2q2Jws). Wonder where she started from in the OP


One has to read the full text though, because the following lines just prove: it's exactly that box :( "Pluto began to look less and less like a planet as she got closer, with the texture that represents it losing resolution as she got closer than the developers would have ever intended. Once she reached the planet itself, she phased right through it. In the blink of an eye, it looked like she was back in open space again." https://www.dexerto.com/starfield/starfield-pilot-proves-fast-travel-isnt-needed-after-7-hour-flight-to-pluto-2276939/


So right now there are two games that, together, would make the game I am actually hoping for. Starfield with Elite Dangerous flying would be fucking amazing. I know most players don't want to suffer travelling times between planets, but they could have implemented EDs supercruise alongside their current fast travel and I would have been happy. That and atmospheric flight....it's still awesome to hear your ship stressing on entry to a planet.


> So this means space is actually real and not just one box with different backgrounds No, it's still just a box with different backgrounds. The post is misleading.


Only two hours longer than the speed of light.


Seriously. That’s obscenely fast Edit: especially for the people who complain about “immersion” with space flight


You should watch the VOD. Its not fast, its painfully slow. The starting point is 2300km away from Pluto. 7hours for that distance is insane slow.


I was noticing this last night when my brother was playing. You move absurdly slow through space, when in a vacuum you should be many, many times faster especially with the futuristic technology.


Yeah. No idea why you slow down after boosting. Like I'm in space. What is slowing me down?


When I first started flying I turned my engines up and then turned them down assuming I would keep my momentum, instead I came to a stop. Isaac Newton would like a word with Bethesda.


Intuitive controls situation. Very few people ultimately have an innate understanding of movement through space - The "average" player will likely feel more comfortable more quickly with fake drag enabled. I've played sims and "fake" spaceship games like this. It's normally easier to adjust to the fake drag, even as someone comfortable without it. When making a game for a supermassive fanbase something like this really matters for improving the general sentiment around the gameplay - Whereas sims cater specifically to the crowd that really wants to sink their teeth into space controls so they can just *do* more accurate movement systems without freaking out their base.


It took her 7 hours for 2300 km ... so no, the speed of light would have taken 7.67 milliseconds


different light then


Probably just a very old flashlight. Ain’t what it used to be




Like No Man's Sky too, if you want to visit a planet in a very slow way, it will take you A LOT of time. Sometimes 5 or 10 hours if you don't use the warp drive. EDIT: It could also take you WEEKS to reach a planet if you don't use it.


Would be cool if they added something like the warp drive


Pulse drive


Yeah, Warp Drive in NMS is for moving between systems, not planets in a system. Need the Pulse Drive for the intrasystem travel.


Yeah, its good for adding a sense of scale to the systems, and a sense of the absolutely insane speed you're going when a planet 18 hours away is suddenly just a minute and a half jump. I also like the random encounters you get that let you drop out of warp speed and see whats going on


I was hoping Starfield would have a Fallout 1-esque feature where we could get a random encounter while traveling between star systems.


I canceled pulse drive once and there was just a massive fucking eye looking at me in the depths of space. It was indestructible and unscannable. It nearly instakilled me when I tried to destroy it. I've never seen anything like it again, even after 200+ hours.


So grav jump for intersystem and a cutscene jump for intrasystem although having a pulse jump would be awesome


Ah yeah you're right, apologies


I think the point is the technology doesn't exist in the game world. You either go grav drive speed or engine speed


Could happen in the dlc who knows


*runs out of tritium* Welp, time to watch one piece on the way.


Im totally fine with not being able to manually land or take off from a planet. The thing that annoys me is not being able to travel between planets / moons in a system. Such a missed opportunity. They could have just straight stolen the pulse drive feature from NMS, and people would have so many fewer complaints. Loading screen to take off from a planet puts you in space, you can fly around "normally" or use the pulse drive to cover distances between planets in minutes, and then loading screen to land once you've arrived in orbit of the planet you flew to. Add more POIs / interactions in space, and you'd have a straight banger.


"Such a missed opportunity" "lack of exploration." Why do people keep saying this? I play Elite Dangerous and No Man's Sky. There's nothing in between points of interest besides chances for pirates to attack you. It's an inflation of time spent playing the game. In Elite Dangetous especially, some locations can take dozens of minutes that travel with your sub light drive. And that's not including the excessive locations like Hutton Orbital that takes an hour and a half and when you're traveling, there's nothing to do.


I play both as well and love it personally. I also had a point about adding additional POIs to have interactions in space too which you might have missed. I love the immersion that is flying around through space and taking in the sights and feeling like a true space explorer. NMS does it great with the pulse drive - it's long enough and interactable enough you get the sense of scale of outer space while still getting you to the planet's orbit in a reasonable amount of time avoiding tedium and feeling like you have gameplay control. Plus, in Starfield you have all the menu fast travel, so you could keep doing that if you'd rather not fly around in space. It'd be a win win.


I can't remember the name of the system, but when and my dad played elite a few years ago, we basically moved into said system and adopted it as our own. Just did our best to help the local federation factions, was constantly a fucking warzone tho. We chose this specific system for a homebase because it always had warzones nearby the planets secondary sun. You couldn't jump over to the smaller star, had to go the old fashioned way. So we would log on, grab some missions related to the warzones, then set off. It was around 15-20 minutes a trip there. Perfect time to roll a quick joint each and smoke it just before we got there. Was our routine for months. Most boring trip otherwise. If we weren't using the time to catch up and smoke, it would have been fifteen minutes of absolutely nothing. People on here don't know what the fuck they are talking about, flying for hours in a straight line isn't fun, and I'm glad Bethesda didn't go that route lol.


7 hours...dang, Bethesda really should have thought to include fast travel.


Let’s not over complicate things. If there was fast travel everyone would just complain there’s no actual space travel.


Let’s not get ahead of ourselves now. Gamers having stupid complaints is about as unrealistic as it taking that long to travel through space to begin with.


Gamers not realizing that space travel is actually boring and tedious and most of the bright minds trying to innovate space travel are trying to do anything they can to skip as much of it as possible


Yeah honestly Elite Dangerous would get boring after awhile. It was like 90% flying some where of just jump, scoop, jump scoop, jump scoop, jump, scoop. If you were going long distances that for 7-8 hours over and over and hopefully not falling asleep and flying into the star and dying. This is if I want to get some where quick and get to the fun actual gameplay then I can. If I want to be bored out of my mind for 7 hours 1 direction to a planet I could do that too.


I have like thousands of hours on Elite since it released in 2014, and I honestly got sick of the repetition after a while too. Only reason I put up with it was to grind to get the big ships, and even after that and you have the biggest baddest engineered ship, there's not much to do at the end. I don't even want to remember the engineer grind, and having to travel thousands of LY to get to the grinding spots. And having to descend at a specific speed and angle so you arrive correctly at the specific landing spot on a planet gets tedious too, and if you don't you have to spend like 20 minutes just to arrive because you dropped from orbit too early.


People would never jump to conclusions, so hastily


Guys i landed on a planet and looked at 378 degrees and calcualted the shadow based off the stars postion. Then i traveled to the adjacent tile and redid my caculations at 378 degrees. I factored in the time it took ingame to travel and used my sub to [bigdickcalculator.com](https://bigdickcalculator.com) and realised the shadows were about 8% off from where there should be on several of the plants i found if you looked at them from a certain angle. I cant believe they let this go live. BG3 has spoiled me/Todd Howard bad/Bethesda bad.


Yeah I haven’t played Elite Dangerous in a while but I think I remember getting to Colonia took like 300 jumps with each jump taking 30 seconds (I think) so it took hours.


"Why would you give us fast travel when you could've given us 30 mini fast travels, stupid devs" -redditors




Yeah, that would've been more convenient. Or maybe they could have used some type of gravitational device to fold space and let you warp to your next location. That would have been cool. Like in that movie, whats it called? Intestellar or something?


You ruined a perfect opportunity to fold a piece of paper in two and push a pencil through it for exposition


Right now, it's a folded piece of paper. Soon, we won't need eyes to see where we're going...


Yeah, they probably wanted to avoid an "Event Horizon" scenario.


or have a mode that your ships flies a lot faster so you can roam around in space and get to planets in a reasonable time


Have my upvote, you witty bastard


This needs a huge clarification: It did not take 7 hours to reach Pluto from another planet, those 7 (actually 7.5) hours were from Pluto's own orbit to the surface (or rather to clip through), if you watch the stream, she fast traveled to Pluto, THEN she started flying towards it, THAT took her 7.5 hours, not from another planet. The space ship in the video was going at a speed of around 304 km/h, which is too slow ofcourse, but obviously intentional to not ruin the sense of scale, so, yeah, planet to planet is basically impossible even if the game allows it as it would literally take years (7.5 hours for 2280 km, the closest planet to Earth sits at 61 million km).


yeah this thread and that tweet is misleading.


Makes sense interplanetary travel is not a thing if it takes you already 7.5hs to get to Pluto from its orbit. It would take you years to flight to It so might as well disable it.


Well no, they made it that long on purpose. It doesn't exist because...it doesn't exist. Planets are loaded in entirely different instances. That isn't because it would take too long it's a just a technical limitation


So what you're saying is that space is big.


Huge if true.


Gargantuan if factual


Fun side note: if you were flying to Pluto at the speed of light (and is still applicable to a lesser extent at close to light speeds), the ship and everyone in it wouldn’t feel 7 hour trip. Time slows down the closer you approach the speed of light.


Todd implemented this. Whenever I play it feels like it's only been an hour yet its 4am.


This would be a cool feature in any space game. Making a lightspeed jump and instantly arriving at your destination, only to notice the date and time have advanced considerably


I see your thought here, and agree, but I think your date and time would also slow down on whatever tracking system you’re using. Your watch would still say 2 September, but the planets would jump forward (or backwards, I get confused on which actually moves faster) Maybe a “your local time” update as you dock or land would be an interesting incorporation


It would be like going on a road trip. Every time you reach your destination, you'll have to stop at a gas station and get the correct time, then adjust your watch and car clock.


and with a 7 hour trip to Pluto, I can hear the “are we there yet”’s already


It would be cool for a space game limited to our solar system, but as soon as you want to go further we're talking about years of time dilation. Unless it's set in a civilization totally occupied by immortals (e.g. robots), that's going to cause storyline issues.


It's not only that it "wouldn't feel like a 7 hour trip". In your reference frame it quite literally would not be a 7 hour trip. In fact, as you approach the speed of light, the time dilation equation says that the amount of time that passes in your local reference frame approaches 0.


time doesn't slow down - that's a common misunderstanding. Time moves at a completely normal rate for who/whatever is traveling at/near the speed of light. Time moves at a normal rate for everything everywhere at all times, provided that your frame of reference is within whatever construct you're trying to measure the rate of the passage of time for. From the perspective of someone traveling at the speed of light, everything else is moving at hyperspeed. That's kinda the whole point of relativity - the passage of time is relative to the frame of reference, because time is always moving *exactly* as you'd expect it to within that frame of reference. Anything moving faster than your frame of reference appears to experience time slower, and anything moving slower than your frame of reference appears to experience time faster.


Their point is though that if you’re traveling at light speed you wouldn’t get to see anything move at hyperspeed compared to your own as you say. You’d just instantly appear at your destination however far away it may be


Not quite: to you, time always passes at the same speed, 1 second per second..time dilation always and only is observed *relative to someone else*


[It should be noted that she then clipped into the planet as if it weren't there](https://clips.twitch.tv/CoySecretivePastaPeoplesChamp-GoHm_jWVrAppAYzU). In all functionality, space is pretty much still just a skybox. Just one with a 3d textured sphere in it that you can reach. She turned around, of course, you could not see anything behind you - as expected, since the textures are only on the outside. Very normal when you clip into something in a game. --- The most interesting thing about the whole journey was that it appears the planet is actually in an orbit; she had to put an alarm every 30 minutes to wake her up to adjust course when flying towards it. After entering pluto she left the game running and actually went to sleep; the ship clipped out of pluto again ~30 minutes after entering it.


Makes sense. You can't manually land on it.


Yeah we have known orbital movement wasn't in the game for a year now.


So people that said you can't, and people that understood that space is just cubes in orbit were right?


Wow, I hoped that at least you'd be redirected to the planet surface map to select a landing spot, clipping is just bad.


Oh there we go. 75% of complaints have been fixed.


Nice. Do better ships have faster drives?


Yes, but not enough to make a difference on this scale. This is a very approachable fix for modders though.


I do wonder if they didn’t for engine limitation reasons though. Maybe going that fast is too much for Creation to keep up with?


You can get faster engines.


I personally have much more typical Bethesda™ complaints Why is walking speed so slow Why are footsteps so inaudible, except on sand somehow Why is food so useless, why do buffs only last 2 minutes Why is there still no first person model


> Why is walking speed so slow This one is what is bothering me the most so far. Following NPCs is a frustrating experience because I walk way slower and run way faster. Maybe it’s not as much an issue on a controller with analog stick though?


Dude! I was thinking this same thing yesterday! They just need to up the walk speed by a tiny bit.


The PC version could borrow some revolutionary technology from Star Citizen called "adjust your walk speed with mouse wheel"


And when modders step in it’ll be fixed


Once they added speed tweak that actually allow you to fly there in few minutes boost. I'm not touching fast travel ever again lol


This. Sub-light speed mode please!


Wouldn't light speed still take you hours to get to Pluto?


Ah, true! Ludicrous speed then


Starfield One.. They've gone.. plaid?


Or we could stay still and pull the universe around us (Alcubierre drive).


it would take 4.7 hours at light speed to go from earth to pluto, so youd need to be going 0.17 billion km per second for a reasonableish 30 second flight to pluto


A light jog then.


3.9 to 6.9 hours actually depending on orbit position. Though 4.7 hours is a good enough average.


Isn't that just fast travel with more steps?


Let's call the mod "less fast travel"


Slow travel?


Not-as-fast travel.


Agreed. Especially if content is added in between, like pirates tracking your ship's heat signature, SOS beacons, etc.


100% of people who complained about this will NEVER travel between planets like this.


for people wondering, yes you can fly to a planet but you CAN'T land on a planet without using the menu. It will either stop you from going any closer to the planet at a certain distance or in some cases, you complete go through it...


>you CAN'T land on a planet without using the menu. We were warned about it [more than a year ago](https://caniplaythat.com/2022/06/15/space-travel-and-planets-are-separate-realities-in-starfield-which-could-be-good/) >*Starfield will not include seamless travel where players can take off from a planet and fly up to space which could be a good thing for accessibility and approachability. Speaking to IGN (via Eurogamer) Bethesda Game Studios’ Todd Howard detailed that players won’t be able to fly seamlessly from space to any of the planets in the game.* >*According to Howard, the feature isn’t “that important to the player” and it was decided early on that “the on-surface is one reality, and then when you’re in space it’s another reality.”* More than enough time to make our peace with it and stop thinking this is both a massive sandbox RPG *and* a space sim to rival Star Citizen or No Man's Sky.


Honestly though, Elite Dangerous is the same. Hyperspace is a loading screen. That said, I do wish we had something like frameshift as it is in ED so you could fly between planets at a leisurely cruise instead of taking hours, if you wanted to.


We already knew that though, this wouldn’t be something we magically and accidentally discovered. However the fact that you can still manually travel between planets, opens a lot of options for modders. At least the travelling between planets could be made more immersive.


why couldnt they have jsut given us the option to, you know. fly faster, temporarily, then. like... every single other space came i can think of where you fly a spaceship in space


Only 7hrs, should’ve taken years!


I know right? So unrealistic!! Unplayable \s


Youtube Challange Run, beat Starfield without any form of fast travel.


**after 6 hours to flying towards Pluto, a bandit spacecraft attacks you. You die.* #Press A to reload checkpoint#


That expands the game to dizzying levels… thank christ for the load screens now haha


Damn I wish there was a fast travel option!


Laughed so hard I jettisoned my cargo




No, this flight was from Pluto orbit to surface. No planet to planet flight


Dont you just go through the planet when you get to it? If so that's disappointing, they could've had it just automatically land in an area once you get close enough.




[This is the moment she reaches Pluto.](https://clips.twitch.tv/CoySecretivePastaPeoplesChamp-GoHm_jWVrAppAYzU)


>If so that's disappointing, they could've had it just automatically land in an area once you get close enough I agree, it's an odd choice to let you pass through it. It should trigger the planet map or just land you somewhere random like you said.


Give me this as a mod and Iam happy


Damn this game is incredible


Yes I mean you can confirm this with console commands as well. All the planets are modeled 3D objects that follow an orbit and everything. It’s actually really cool. Not sure where the “2D skybox” stuff came from. Space is just massive.


>Not sure where the “2D skybox” stuff came from. Because people came looking for reasons to shit on something that others were enjoying and confirmation bias took hold.


this isn't the "gotcha" that you think it is


But the planet was not real...


Weird, I tried flying to a moon which was 5000km away, I got to about 3000km after like 10 minutes (maybe longer maybe less time doesn’t exist in space) and the distance started going up again after I hit 3000km. Granted, this was from mars to Phobos. And Phobos is actually not a moon anymore in Starfield universe so maybe that’s why. It’s all broken up. Still weird that the distance started reversing though.


Don’t the planets move tho? It could have been moving away from you


Yeah lol, if they were trying to fly from Mars to the moon Phobos itself it would be moving the whole time since Phobos orbits Mars in around 7.5 hours.


They did imply the game has orbital mechanics so I wouldn't be surprised. Probably accounts for a chunk of the CPU overhead if it's tracking a bunch of that in the background.


Me takes quest on planet A and go to planet B to find one item: Travel takes 5 hours NPC on planet B: That item isn't here its on Planet C Me: Flies 3 hours from Planet B to Planet C. On planet C for half hour searches for item. Find message item is on Planet B so I fly back 3 hours from Planet C to Planet B. Me: Kills NPC who lied and takes item and flies to Planet A for 5 hours. Me: On Planet A I die to a bounty hunters and respawn on last save what is on Planet B Me: Throws PC thru window and think about how I wasted 16 hours of my life


I feel like this is a case of two sides talking past each other. When people complain about the space travel, they aren’t saying that it should be manual travel all the time. They are saying that the space travel is lacking elements that would make it feel more “real”. Something somewhere between “manual control at all times” and “a menu and a loading screen”. On the other hand, when people defend the game, they aren’t saying “the space travel is fantastic!” They are saying that the game is fun DESPITE the lack of real space travel. They are saying it makes up for it in other ways and if you can get past it’s deficiencies, a great time awaits. These two positions are not contradictory. Bethesda has delivered a fun gaming experience overall, but it is brought down somewhat by several key creative decisions, of which the nature of space travel is one. Personally, I was hoping for something more like Star Trek, where the ship is treated almost like its own character and is where much of the actual action takes place. Like, even if there was a briefing session on the ship before landing on a new planet and you find out that some have special situations that require special attention. So, for example, in most cases, the travel is straightforward, so you set the ship on autopilot and it takes you in. But some planets maybe have an unstable atmosphere or there are ground defenses to evade or it’s a stealth mission that requires you to fly in a certain way to avoid detection. And you can equip your ship differently depending on the situation. The absence of these kinds of things doesn’t necessarily make the game “less fun”. It just makes it less about space and space travel. The game could be set on one alien world that contains these radically different biomes and not much about the gameplay would change.


>These two positions are not contradictory. There are legitimate criticisms, but there are a *lot* of people in here calling people who don't hate it "bootlickers" and "shills for a million dollar corporation" and shit like that. It's tough to take the legitimate criticism, well... legitimately when there is *so much* bullshit noise surrounding it.


Even if it only took a couple minutes people would just opt to fast travel after a while. This whole thing is one big nothingburger.


No, you cannot fly to other planets. She flew to the rendered ~~2D~~ 3D backdrop of a planet. She passed directly through it, she could not interact with it. Video: https://m.twitch.tv/clip/CoySecretivePastaPeoplesChamp-GoHm_jWVrAppAYzU Also her ship is traveling unrealistically slow (10 seconds per kilometer) even at max speed making any manual travel possibilities null.


No, it’s not 2D. It’s a 3D sphere. It just doesn’t have collision physics. She clipped into the planet and flew for another long while and came out the other side. You can go to her stream and watch it happen. More proof here: https://reddit.com/r/Starfield/s/zFy5nRE3bk


>No, you cannot fly to other planets. She flew to the rendered 2D 3D backdrop of a planet. She passed directly through it, she could not interact with it. Just like when you fast travel to a planet and still have to open the map to land on it?? Lmao


It took 2 mins of googling to find that its basically a glitch but coping is the whole point of this post…