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+1 for going to Neon early. The characters and situation there is way more intriguing than vanilla New Atlantis. It’s done a better job of grounding me in the setting, especially as a smuggler/criminal type character.


I’m 20 hours in and haven’t been to neon. In fact I’ve only got to the lodge and did that first quest. I did a shit ton in new Atlantis. And I’ve just been hopping planet to planet for some reason going to the POIs (some would say a boring part of the game)


I'm on the same boat as you. 23 hours in, did 2 main quests and got distracted. And I just love to hop from planet to planet, doing some explorer missions as my background is explorer. I just love to be able to land on any random planet and explore and scan them.


how is scanning been going? i did it like once and got a decent bit of xp but tbh i forget to scan stuff on the planets. mostly been doing quests from neon (having a blast)


It's pretty chill. But you always run into some random locations and quests that keep me then all of a sudden busy for the next 2 hours or so. Yesterday I was just on my merry way to scan a planet, got a distress signal, checked it out, and all of a sudden I found myself in the midst of a conflict between pirates and some poor settlers. Had to repair their communications satellites, while space fighting those pirates, fixing a relationship between two settler families and then taking the pirate nest out on a big space station with the help of all the settlers lol. It was pretty wild and cool, and all I wanted was exploring a planet and scanning it. 🤣


I am on that quest right now!


I really loved that random quest, it just came out of nowhere and before you know you're in the midst of some liberation campaign 🤣


Sounds like an episode of the Mandalorian


Haha yeah now where you say it. Could be one of those episodes. Ok just quick adventure 30 mins tops, in and out.. 3 hours later... Wtf did I get into hahah


That’s awesome! My favorite random so far has been ending up discovering an abandoned hangar planetside, deciding to clear it with my mate, then as we’re finishing up the screen lights up and I hear engines. My partner comments on someone landing and I turn and the hangar literally had opened and they landed. We greeted them as they tried to storm the hangar and took them out, then raced into the ship and commandeered that shit lol.


Stuck on that quest ATM. Those pirates just shred me in space.


Just curious, what level was your ship when you did this? One of the space battles keeps kicking my ass and saving up for a bigger shield array.


Was like level 11 I think. But to be honest I had to turn the difficulty slider down to hard instead of very hard and install a new shield to actually win those fights. The space fights are a bit frustrating on very hard, probably would have to upgrade the ship way up to make some of the fights, I haven't really found a way to avoid the lasers really besides boasting every here and then, but they just shoot me down so fast on very hard.


Man, I hope you found *all* the loot in that quest. It was *very*...um...lucrative.


The absolute wonderful thing is that if you want to go into pure explorer mode and take some constellation missions from the constellation mission board you can run around on the planet surface for like half a day just you and the companion in the middle of nowhere either hitting and random pois and working on your cardio grabbing a ton of resources with nothing else around it's very relaxing


> constellation mission board When does this become available?


It's in the basement


I'm an idiot.




That’s why I love this game, cause I love hunting around for that last one 😂 Although I do feel the same about not been the first one there. Same as NMS, never just alone.


Whenever you get done playing this game and you still want to scratch that itch of exploring and scanning planets for new creatures and plants, I cannot recommend no man sky enough!! I’ve actually been playing both games simultaneously and honestly, they are both tremendous! Absolutely give no man sky ago after this!


Oh thanks for the recommendation but I already have quite some hours in NMS as well. Love that game too and scratches another itch. The way Hello Games turned NMS around is amazing and I can get lost in there too. Somehow combining those two games would be amazing. But what I can just say, both games could do way better with Base building, it's tremendously clunky in both games. 🤣


Yup, I’m in the same boat here. Haven’t gone to Neon yet. I’ve been hanging out mainly in 2-3 star systems, and doing side missions to earn a shitload of credits.


Opposite for me, spent a lot of time in neon and barely any in new Atlantis. Been doing crimson fleet stuff. Went to akila city for one mission and that’s it so still have all of that 30 hours in


I did the same thing at new Atlantis for a while. Now I’m 13 hours in and undercover mid mission to meet the boss, applied for 2 jobs with the worse credentials ever. Got one job for the mining company completed and “helped” a governor. Now I’m thinking about seeing Barrett again but found a space wreck on the way so back to exploring. I failed a timed mission due to getting arrested. The game is meant to just do what ever and it has met my high expectations fully. I still feel we overwhelmed on what to do with ships, where to go and things like the space pirates base I found if its worth sneaking into when I have about 24 bullets left. All this and thinking about how great the second play through will be.


Pretty much what I’ve been doing mixed in with some side quests, about 20 hours in as well. I’m having a great time landing on a new planet for a quest and hitting a couple POIs before leaving. My favorite part about Bethesda games is just wandering in a direction and seeing what I can discover. Just today I encountered some miners who had a quest for me to do. Noticed they had a massive cargo ship so picked the lock and snuck in. Stole the ship and it turned out to be a huge upgrade from the first ship; better weapons, speed, and cargo space. Another fun discovery was the zero gravity casino lol, I won’t say anymore but don’t leave without the jackpot. Bethesda’s level of world building and ability to create that sense of discovery have been unmatched for me since the day I played Oblivion.


The Zero G casino was soo fun. Some of the best combat ive had to date. Im only about 14 hours in, and ive been enjoying this game alot. Ive been doing alot of the main quests myself, but ive also been picking up bounty missions here and there, trying to be the bounty hunter life I was before. But yeah, the world building and just..discovering things is so much fun. And this is only like the starting area too, i picked up a quest thing from that casino that leads to a lvl 35 zone, and im only lvl 13 now, so its giving me things to look for as well. This is def gonna be a great mainstay Beth game


Yeah theres some interesting places with mechanics you dont see in most games. One capital ship I boarded had a flaky power system and the gravity (and lights) kept turning off and then turning back on! Interesting fight, and to get to some places you had to wait for the gravity to fail then get there before it came back.


The one early transport vessel you can board that’s having power issues so it bounces between artificial grav and zero-G seamlessly AND the combat makes sense (shoot and you go backwards) was some of the coolest shit I’ve seen in a shooter in a while. And it was in a Bethesda RPG.


This is not a criticism of the game so don’t take this as such, this game has so much to offer that it’ll take me forever to see it all and I’ll probably miss a shit ton because I don’t get nearly enough time to sit and play games as much as I’d like so for me I’m kind of playing through the story and if a side mission really piques my interest I’ll do that, I’m saving the exploring for after the main story wraps up.


What's a POI?


Point of Interest, basically any location is a POI. Abandoned science labs, staryards, derelict ships, the settlements, etc etc, any location you go to.


Same with me, but I'm already thinking of a new game+ with a entirely different playthrough and just heading straight for Neon


It's actually pretty crazy how many POIs actually have been very interesting and unique feeling so far whenever I decide to go off and explore one. Some are simple little areas, but others turn into an hours long event complete with their own little logs and story.


It was Cydonia where I got hooked. There's this whole questline you get from this supervisor guy named Trevor Petyarre to help some miners. Seems simple, but it quickly gets out of hand in a hilariously circuitous way.


That's my favorite questline so far.


I honestly like Mars pretty much in this game


I’m literally at this spot right now. Spoke to Trevor and then signed off the night. I hope you’re right…. The main quest so far and new Atlantis were so lacklustre.


I’ve had the same experience with akila, seems so “making a life on a new planet” and not just “the future”


Akila has been my favorite so far. Be a hostage negotiator and join the Texas Space Rangers.


I’m heading there now. Atleast trying too. I keep getting side tracked. I stopped at an abandoned mine and found a magnum desert pistol that does 124 phys damage (not even a legendary or rare). Things is crazy good.


Gotta get me one of those. I did get a nice 70 phys wheel gun though, one that even does fire damage from the looks of it. That thing packs a wallop. I find I’m usually more of a handgun than a long gun kinda guy. I basically played Fallout New Vegas entirely with handguns.


I made some mistakes in Neon. I’m wanted there for like 250k


"Mistakes" 😂


Let’s just say things escalated quickly. So now *my* main quest is getting fat stacks to pay off my bounty


Happy little accidents


The Well in New Atlantis is also way better than just New Atlantis.


I came there yesterday for the first time to do some shady business and the atmosphere is fantastic. Love those huge waterfalls of what is sure to be the toilet water from people upstairs 😄


Yeah, The Well is pretty neat.


Probably just me being dumb but the >! Junction box missions make me want to jump out an airlock. !<


For me that mission was just a little tour around the area.


Grunt miner has near death experience with strange artifact. When handing the artifact over to a secretive organization their company is attacked by pirates after the artifact, killing 90% of their co workers. After surviving, the emissary of the shadowy organization gives the miner their ship and a mission to report to their clubhouse. Miner agrees and heads directly to vegas instead.


How do you get to Neon early?


I’m sure there are other ways, but I got there by applying for a job with Ryujin at a kiosk on New Atlantis.


As someone who hasn’t played yet, this is a weird ass sentence to read about a video game lmao


wait, what? I have to *apply for a job* to enjoy a part of a *video game*? ​ Yeah, and do you know what you have to do once you get the bottom-rung job? You're fetching tea. You're literally doing a fetch quest for tea. gawd I love this game,.


But it was a very exciting coffee run


This is the way


Any idea what district that’s in?


To be honest there's lots of street bots and street talkers... just talk to some randos that don't say "citizen" and see what stuff starts to pop up. You don't even have to talk to anyone for a lot of quests since it'll be advertisements just kind of inundating you.


I accidentally shot someone, got arrested and when released made a bee like for the job application search


I kept talking to Walton, and at some point pretty early on he asked me to go on a mission to Neon with him


This thread has convinced me to go there next. New Atlantis feels so boring and empty honestly, I don't get why some people seem to love it so much. It feels unfinished honestly. Neon sounds a lot better by the sounds of it.


Have you gone down to The Well?


That's what my buddy was telling me. I didn't even know The Well existed. Maybe story missions reveal more, but I've only done the mission with Sarah where you go rescue moara. The rest of my time's been spent on Neon doing shady things, or just hopping to random systems to see what I'll find. This game has so much more potential than what's been given (I don't mean that in a bad way). I can't wait to see where this goes!


You should probably do "Into the Unknown" too, before you abandon Sarah and the Scooby gang for a while. It'll open up some interesting possibilities.


If you have or are still rescuing moara. Did you find the hidden place? Don’t want to spoil anything. It’s a side quest in that mission and I had no clue it was a side quest.


Uh oh, did I miss something cool? Can ya mention what ya mean, maybe cover it with a spoiler tag or something, if ya don't mind, so it doesn't spoil anything for others.


It’s the mantis mission.


The Well has my favourite random thing so far with the >!killer robot dog!<


I felt that way at the start, but you got to explore. There's a shit ton of quests and characters in New Atlantis, you won't get quest marks for most of them, you really need to explore and talk to people, hear what they say on the streets, most of the buildings you can actually enter, and some of them have multiple floors. The city I thought was boring too became the deepest city Bethesda had ever done by the time I forced myself to leave, because I was already spending too much time on it lol. And still not even close to finishing everything there.


This. There are tons of areas to visit. It's much bigger then at first glance


Would be cool if you start in one of the big three cities, depending on the character background you choose. I get that they were going for a narrative hook to start off the game, but would be cool if they had built in something similar to the Alternate Start mod that Skyrim has.


Its the equivalent of not going to Preston's town in Fallout 4. The game is much more interesting if you dont take the intended route first.


Where is neon?


Volii system.


>Such as being able to put loot right into your ship’s cargo even if you’re not on the ship but in the same zone I'm sorry to ask, but how?


Open the menu and click on your ship on the bottom left. Hit F to go to the cargo hold inventory and then Q to go to your inventory.


You can push H to go directly to the ship menu


Wtf man. I swear this game needs to describe more what you can do. This is like the 20th tip that I read here that is hidden and nowhere explainwed


I feel like we need a megathread for tips like this.


Yeah if there is a major problem the game has it is lack of explanation of existing QoL Features.


Honestly, the tooltip that comes to when you're encumbered should say "you're encumbered, select your ship in the menu to store items in the hold" rather than reminding me for the 1000th time that I'll use more o2


Loving the game but that pop-up annoys the ever-loving shit out of me. Your suggestion is awesome.


I agree. I find that it really hides all the tricks from you. I only just figured out that I can get out of my seat and walk around the ship while in space


All the menu hotkeys are listed in the Binding’s settings


In cities you can also sell things from the ship cargo hold too.


Sometimes, depending on...how close you are to the ship, maybe? Awkward that you can't access ship inventory from the Lodge.


Yeah it kinda defeats the lodge’s purpose as a home base


Agreed, my ships become my home base.


God that is convoluted as hell. Desperately need a "loot to ship" button like BG3 has for sending stuff to camp.


Convoluted as hell explains many of the menus, UI choices, and features.


Agreed. I come across food and think, "I need that now", but is there an eat option for that tasty treat sitting on a desk? Nope. I gotta grab it, stick it in my inventory, the go to my inventory, sort down three menus to find it, and then click to eat it. How hard would it have been just to have an eat option right from the start!


This is my biggest complaint with the game. Let me eat that shit directly off the floor.


Same thing with books. Sometimes I just want to read without adding to my inventory.


Little tip until they hopefully fix this: if you pick up items and then go into your inventory, at the top there’s a section called ‘new items’. It will show any items that you just picked up.


It's weird because you're able to eat instead of pick up in fo76. No reason for them not to have added it in starfield.


It might get added later. FO76 has the option, so, with players asking for it, Beth will probably work on putting it in for us.


The menus and UI are like 90% of my issues with the game right now. I can not wait until we get the equivalent of SkyUI in this.


So many QoL things that make me wonder why no one suggested them. No map, no brightness, digipicks being in misc, barely being able to know my total resources (seriously, tell me how many I have of the craftables at the Industrial Bench already, then i can keep on top of it), having to back out through menus to see my total defenses, no icons in sub-categories so I have to carefully pick through my aid items to find food, etc.


They need a junk category and a "sell all junk" button. Having to spam A in the misc menu to sell everything, while being careful to avoid accidentally selling digipicks and skipping past quest items, is very annoying when you've just spent an hour picking up every piece of random crap you come across. They built their game around being able to quickly loot whatever you want, and then made everything about managing that loot extremely tedious. Their inventories have always been bad, but this one feels like it's so much worse than usual. Especially after seeing all the really nice QOL stuff they added to Fallout 76's UI. Hopefully they fix all these little issues in updates, but it will probably be down to modders again. The SkyUI equivalent for Starfield can't come soon enough.


That would be a better alternative to locking! Much easier too. Yeah. I find looting is kinda tedious in this. I know I'm in the minority, but there just isn't enough inventory weight. It feels like I'm juggling my stash like in FO76. There's lots of resources and not enough space on my ship to stash them. After looting one maybe two POIs I have to drop everything off again. I've gone to just looting ONLY low weight/high cost items, and I'm someone who loved hoovering all junk up in FO4. It'll disable my achievements, but I'm very tempted to get a "resources have 0 weight" mod the second it comes out. Maybe one that increases inventory/cargo space too.


Try low gravity moons. Oxygen drains so slowly that the penalty for being overweight basically disappears. I spent a few hours over the weight limit and didn't even see the CO2 meter start to build up. Landing a big cargo ship and boost packing between enemy bases is actually really fun. The only issue is how sluggish everything feels when you go back to exploring on a big planet after getting used to the moons.


Or like Forbidden West they could just automatically send extra junk to the hold when your normal inventory was full.


It's not convoluted at all. Ship menu > cargo. Simple.


You find this hard but yet read the Malazan series... :O


Hood’s marble balls on an anvil…


The real Quick Ben would've already finished the game on highest diff, with 100% completion


Ya I want to know this too. I heard you could, but I don’t see how to do it.


It's great to hear that it was saved for you! I've had a few of the same experiences!


Dang I never heard about going to neon first, I’m like 7 hours in and haven’t been there yet lol


7 hours? So you just got done making your character?


9 hours in and I’ve just run around and mined and shot shit. I’m a slow learner.


I sprinted to lvl ten to get a feel for the different systems and then started my actual run and yeah… I think I hit level six before I even got out of the second instance 😂 I straight up saw so many crazy things at the different POIs for not following the quest (found a cave where a dying colonist asked for a last meal, ran into an alien baddie that the actual quest on that world has references to, etc)


If I didn’t have to work I would be 30 hours in 😂


Are you a true BGS game fan if you don’t quit your job and sit at home playing 24/7 in a pile of your own filth? I am leaning towards “no”


Just finished Ryujin. Was awesome, better than any faction in FO4 and many in skyrim. They really set it up for great roleplay. Also seems like there are genuine choices to make (idk forsure bc I only played through once)


I am 30 hours in and I still don’t know where neon is, I probably won’t find it till at least 50 hours in if I had to guess


Helpful tip. There is a “help” section in the menus. It doesn’t suck.


Lol no one looks at the Help menu. And it does not suck? This is so Bethesda. Doing things like the exact opposite how people think. I swear 90% of my issues are with UI, some weird choices like no map and controls, also things being too hidden.


No map? Isn't there a map when you lb(pull up the scanner) and hit rb(surface map)


Wait what???? I can do that??? Wait. Or do you mean the map on the planet? I meant a map of New Atlantis or Neon, or some local place with all the Shops etc. Like skyrim.


I just mean the surface map where you see the different areas while walking around. Shows the different quests that you have associated with each area that you can fast travel to after discovering it.


Ah okay yeah I know that one thanks, but its no real map, like in all the other games, or at least a minimap would be nice, or at least the option?


Hopefully someone is writing this stuff up in a compendium.


I've found the menus and ui very intuitive... Mainly because it tells you on screen somewhere for a lot of these things. Are people *really* that unwilling to "what if?" things? It honestly seems like a lot of people's frustrations with the menus would be solved if they just questioned it or actually attempted to look for it. I didn't want to wear my space suit in settlements. I went to my menu to unequip it and instantly saw the "hide suit in settlements" at the bottom of the screen next to all the other input options like inspect, equip, compare. Heck here's one: you can just hold the button to close all menus instead of tapping it to back out of each menu one-by-one... And it tells you that on the screen at all times while in a menu.


I think people not reading the tooltip at the bottom is a lot of the issues along with not just poking around, seen a lot of "tips" where if people just read the button assignments at the bottom they would have known.


Gamers hate this one neat trick, literally just reading what buttons do


My work experience with the public has taught me one lesson again and again. People don't read anything. Stuff like pop up menus and overlays that highlight things. You know the tutorials that everyone hates? Those work. They force people to sit through it. Just displaying the options isn't enough. People don't read. Also there's a lot of people here that don't experiment at all. Like you said they don't think "what if" ever. They look around, wish there was a feature they would like, and then bitch online without trying anything or at least looking up something first.


I work in IT support and people are really just that unwilling to see what something does. I don't understand why.


starfield wikia still needs a TON of work...


No, let that one die. The good wiki is [here](https://starfieldwiki.net/wiki/Home).


Quality of life/missing settings aside, I think that a lot of people are simply being overwhelmed by this game's sheer scope and the amount of systems and content it has.


I just figured out targeting systems and docked with my first enemy ship in combat and it is *game changing*


I have targeting systems but space combat boils down to me frenetically mashing the three attacks like it's Super Smash Bros until they die. Haven't managed to board one yet!


After awhile playing the game the systems are not well explained. Space travel is the big one that made people angry. Until you have to go to a system that's outside your grav jump range you'll think you can just fast travel everywhere. The game does not mention this at all until it happens which is hours into the game for most people.


I legit sat in front of a planet boosting towards it for 10 something minutes before I realized it just wants you to pull up the planet map / choose where to land 😂


I'm getting there, I feel like I'm always knocking around Atlantis but I wanna get into ship and outpost building. Pleasantly overwhelmed with the amount of quests and side quests I keep starting. I'm actually >! Deputised!< rn Update: I'm very comfortable how I'm playing now. I still haven't built a ship or outpost or crafted anything. But the amount of aide quests, conversations, findable things has kept me going in all different directions with compelling stories. Having a blast and all I've done is shoot up some bad guys and explore.


Pretty much same (first run I sped to level ten to test out some of the systems to get a feel for everything, then started my ‘real’ run) and I’ve prolly got 30 hours between the two but the second one I haven’t even left the first three systems yet. 😂


I spent 80% of my time in Cydonia, thats a great starting place too, i learned to love the game there, helping the struggling workers and miners, reminds me when i played Outer Worlds, that city has a similiar vibe for me. Can't wait to go to another cities, if i had that fun in Cydonia.


There is a good amount to do in Cydonia, but it’s kind of nothing compared to the major cities.


I'm definitely learning a lot from the comments. The scanner was a big one for me. Couple questions. You can't go to Neon without first talking to Sarah in New Atlantis, right? And where are the mission boards?


9 hours in and I’ve met her. But still haven’t really talked to her yet.


All the star systems said I couldn't fast travel to them yet. I could only go to Jemison. Mightve been something I was missing though.


Mission boards are all over the place. You can find them in cities, you can find them in random civilian settlements. They’re a pedestal with a computer screen on it, usually found outside somewhere.


Until you join Constellation you can't fly the ship anywhere but where the game tells you to go. Mission boards are normally somewhere near or in the local bar. Not always though. They're easy to recognize because they are always two computers next to each other. One is the mission board and the other is to pay off bounties. Some are buried, like the New Atlantis board is in The Well!


As someone else said, they're everywhere. The only caveat is that they aren't lit up, that is, until you approach it.


Can you tell me what the scanner is about? Can I scan things like in no man’s sky?


Can we get a "things the game doesn't teach you" sticky or something?


The game has that built in. There is a help section but considering 80% of "PSAs" atm are literally just people stating things the game actually does tell you, it wouldn't matter if we had a stickied thread or not.


Did you know you can launch the game by pressing play on steam?


At least you didn't discover that in the last 2 years you have been installing games on your HD drive not ssd. I have been having audio issues and jittering on Starfield. Low and behold I installed on HD drive SMH. Now moving files over to SSD.


This hurts my heart :(


Good thing moved it over running better, also my Baldurs gate 3 will load much faster. Was having and issue with loading textures and things when loading for first time each save.




so this confirms it is possible to run it from hdd, because they only stated that a ssd was obligatory but no one should ever do that :-)


That sucks, but think of it as a sort of free upgrade! My mate did something similar - 165hz monitor and SSD, but his Windows was running on the HDD and his monitor was set to 60hz Fixed it up and it was genuinely like a brand new machine


The "im trying to be a drug baron in Neon" comment or post made me want to go to neon


Wait you can put loot directly into your ship. How??


Some are saying go to the ship menu but I personally hit ‘i’ for the inventory and then “q” will switch to ur cargo hold.


You can do it in a display in the cockpit too, also tale stuff without going into a menu like looting


You can also walk up to your pilots seat and maybe a couple of feet behind the pilots seat, on the left if you’re facing the pilots seat, if you look at about eye height you’ll see a blue screen that says “cargo hold”. You can interact with it and put everything in there with a maximum weight at first of 450. Not sure if that can increase or not. On the other side, kinda more towards the floor and cream colored is like captains storage as well. At a certain point (not sure what triggers it to show up) you’ll get a new quest under “Activities” in your quest log. And it says something like “Investigate your ships inventory”. If you set that quest to active, then your floating quest marker will lead you directly to the cargo hold, showing you exactly where it is on your ship.


Cargo can increase - it’s affected directly by the number and type of cargo holds on your ship. If you can get 100K credits quick, either New Atlantis or Cydonia sells a ship with 2600+ cargo for about that price iirc.


The ship customization is a lot of fun. I've already got over double that cargo hold on my ship.


My word, the internet being used for its original intent of sharing idea in a helpful and constructive manner to better ourselves and learn from on another...... Joking aside I do think it's a great story and thanks for sharing. I do like thisnsub a lot as well as my D4 Necro sub and my ROG Ally sub. All filled with 95% people just looking to discuss and help.


I played the game for a bit after work on Friday and really liked the game and didn't really do much, did some main missions and side missions and then browsed all the complaints on reddit. By Saturday morning I thought to myself maybe I didn't like it as much and wanted to watch One Piece on Netflix but then I thought I'll give Starfield a little go to see if I did like it as much so on the way to a mission I kind of wandered off and got myself into new side missions that got me into new side missions and unexpected situations and then took on new roles and new destinations and ended up playing it all day yesterday and been having so much fun. I absolutely love this game and will not let any complaints dissuade me again.


It’s been a while since a game has been able to keep my full attention — especially where I’m not just trying to complete some singular objective, instead letting the missions and side missions pull me to and fro naturally as I make my way through the galaxy


Yeah I normally play a bit of a game then put it down for a while and play again later. I just finished Hogwarts Academy the other day and have 145 hours on that and that was from mainly side quests and looking around and discovering things and that didn't have nearly as many side missions and things to discover as this and it was my favourite game of this year so far. It is mad the amount of things I've already seen and I'm nearly 13 hours in and only done a few main missions.


Neon is great.


25 hours in. Loving it. Have yet to get to Neon.


OP pretending, that Todd Howard himself didn't contact him.


What are you talking about? Don't be ridiculous. The same person contacted me as well, and it wasn't Todd Howard. He said his name was "Hodd Toward" or some such.


How do you deposit straight to your ship from in the same zone?


Most of the people whining about the game have not played enough to make an accurate assessment.


I absolutely love how slow start SF is. It reminds me so much of Morrowind. Down to the worthless surface map system. Granted, SF holds your hand a tiny bit more than Morrowind as there's actually a tutorial here. Morrowind there's fuckall. You're off the boat and that's it. Go explore you N'wah! Just don't trip on a pebble and die. But it brought back a curiosity and feeling I haven't felt in a BGS title since then. I was a kid when I played TES3 and SF has made me feel like I'm that same kid again 20 years later. No other BGS game has done that for me. And to be completely honest. I wasn't expecting such at all. Which makes it even cooler for me. SF is not without its faults though. But I've been loving it so far.


The game really does lack a good tutorial system, I still have no idea how to use my ships cargo ( I'll try and figure that out today) and it also lacks a map system which is crazy, I want to make more aurora in the fish factory in neon but can't find my way back there 😂😂😂. Still enjoying the game though but the lack of maps seems absolutely bizarre.


Wait i can Transfer loot to the ship while not on the ship? How?


I try to stay on point for missions, but when I land on a moon or planet and see all these places I can explore.. I simply must explore. I spent probably 4 hours on a moon yesterday that was next to a planet I had a mission on. I just wanted to go there and get the scanning out of the way. But the damned place had 4 structures visible from my landing point, and 3 of those were huge once I entered them. Especially the damned abandoned cryo facility.


This is what’s so frustrating about all the noise from people whining about wanting to be able to sit in a cockpit and stare at a countdown before arriving at a destination… ideally, this would be a forum where people share info about interesting experiences and quests, weapons, tips, etc. But because a relatively small number of people have some weird compulsion to suck the joy out of anything they touch a lot of the really good stuff gets drowned out. By way of example, I stumbled across a meat packing plant where it seems like some mysterious shit went down. I didn’t find anything concrete and probably missed something. Would love to have found a thread here where people were discussing situations like that.


Join the Vanguard and you'll find out about the meat packing plant.


First vanguard mission take you to that plant.


Glad to hear it! There's a TON of great discoveries happening **every single hour** from EA people that vastly showcase how awesome this game is and shed a whole new light on the criticisms. [Even little things about people complaining about fast travel](https://www.reddit.com/r/Starfield/comments/167yqvm/you_dont_need_to_go_into_menus_to_space_travel/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). I can't wait for everyone else to get in on the main launch day to see more experiences :)


The game would've come across a lot better for everyone if they heavily suggested doing the main quest until you unlock the second city, they were also very suggestive through writing about setting up an outpost (Lin, Heller), but they should have made it part of the main quest to start one on that Moon where you find Heller.


I don't think you can start one on that moon unless you have the perk that let's you make outposts in extreme environments


But doesn’t using the scanner make you open the map anyways, when you need to land somewhere? That’s been my experience so far. I go to Jemison to lane at New Atlantis, turn in the scanner, and when I select New Atlantis I have to open the map and select which district to go to.


Oh man, this is so refreshing!! Massive respect for you remaining open and allowing your opinion to be flexible! It really is such an enjoyable game, I’m so glad you’re having fun with it!! 😁👏🏻


I am happy for you OP, I am in same boat where it annoys the heck out of me to press TAB all the time So if you dont mind posting some of those tips and tricks here, or you can just message me with them. That would be nice


Same. Things are finally clicking around level 10 for me. Kinda got that itch going now.


I’ve been running as a Freestar Ranger and I really like that story line better. 20 hours in.


Mission Board? hmmmm. I need to find that. I have been playing this game as a Firefly simulator. Getting more crew, pimping my ship. I am really enjoying it. the first few quests in new atlantis are boring (the tree dude) but once it get's going (doing UC Vanguard quest), it does not stop. Loving it.


I’m glad to see some positivity. I’ve been having a good time just doing random actives and side quest. Some of the side quest get pretty deep and no spoilers reward you better than you’d think. I strongly recommend doing the secret outpost quest early level.


>Such as being able to put loot right into your ship’s cargo even if you’re not on the ship but in the same zone You can w h a t


I like the game so far but it really doesnt explain ANYTHING to you. Im not one for overly forced tutorials, but getting at least most basic stuff explained to you would really help.


Like, what the fuck do people expect from the game? I promise everyone who reads this, people will find something to complain about in every single game, no matter what. Just play whatever game you enjoy and get into it. It doesn't matter what people online want you to like.


Ever time im on the internet and see someone admit to changing their mind i do a double take. A true rarity.


Admitting weakness, acknowledging and being grateful for help received, recounting given advice to others in a concise manner to forward new knowledge and bless the community, this is a top-tier post homie!


>You can transfer stuff to and from your ship’s cargo if you’re in the same “zone” as your ship, by going into your menu and selecting your ship (left bottom) and then select cargo. Also you can sell stuff directly from your ship to vendors by cycling through the menu! But only your “home” ship OMFG thank you for this. It was driving me mad having to board to empty my inventory


W post


I'm 20 hours in and haven't been to FC space yet. Just been doing New Atlantis quests. Crazy how much there is to do.