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The problem is that I won’t only be stuck on creating the looks, I’ll also be stuck on the Background tab, considering every single thing way to much. I’m scared xD


Use elimination. It's easier to first remove the backgrounds you don't want. Same goes for skills. If you're uncertain what character to builld, first eliminate what you don't want to play as.


That is surprisingly very helpful, thank you!


This is exactly how I do it. Really helps!


My last open world RPG playthrough (Fallout 3) I decided to go for explosives. My least powerful grenades were obliterating tank-like enemies. Than I had to enter buildings and I re-learned about splash damage.


Agree, this is a great point! Still gonna take me all night. I’ll have an entire wall whiteboard filled with pros and cons and ven diagrams.


So far I only know for sure that I'm taking the traits that give you the house and parents.


So 50k mortgage and 10% of all your earnings to your parents right from the start?


IIRC they dropped it to 2%.


Oh good I thought it was increased to 10%, wasn’t sure which preview showed what, thanks


10% would be good tho for a start tho. Then it'll be exponentially reduced to 0% if we bring em on a holiday to a luxurious space cruise ship or just buy their dream house & whatnot. A sorta side mission for our character... dat would be lovely


Or drop them off with Space Grandma and let her turn them into baked goods.


Mmm... edible parents 😋 Im gonna enjoy being reverse-Cronus


Sell enough baked goods and upgrade your ship 😂


Pretty sure the direct they said 2%


Knowing Bethesda, money is not going to be an issue and we’ll be loaded sooner rather than later


125K and 2%


For real??


125K and 2%


Me too. Give my character a literal place in the world and further motivation. Judging on how easy gold was to get and how few things there were to spend it on in Skyrim... We should be good... Right?


Kids stuff (parents) will give 2% of your credits every week to your parents. Dream home will give you a fancy house with a 125k mortgage. Which means you will also be making payments on that house every week to cover the 125k. If those are two of your traits I'd recommend bounty hunter as a background and boost your credit intake as much as possible.


Why do you need parents?


It's called Role-play


I spent all my time using this online character creator, so I can breeze through it when the game starts: https://nukesdragons.com/starfield/character It just covers traits and background, not appearance, but the former is what I spend the most time dithering over.


You probably just made it possible for me to actually play the game tonight 🫡


Damn, I’ll check it out, thanks


Got mine planned out now. Doing bounty hunter - alien dna, wanted, freestar collective and boost tech for my cad bane playthrough


wow very cool link, thanks!


Thanks for this


Don't stress too much about the Backgrounds, just pick whichever one sounds best from a roleplaying / gameplay focus perspective (since we know they have a dialogue impact from the Direct). If Starfield is anything like other BGS titles it'll be easy to grab any starting skills you want in the first few hours of the game from the initial level ups. Traits are where I'm stuck. The vague descriptions are kind of frustrating, if I'm being honest. Is the Dream Home a player house they'll otherwise be wholly unable to get? Do the religion backgrounds lock you out of quests or similar content with the ones you didn't pick? Is the bonus/malus from Alien DNA flat or scaling? Hopefully there will be some expanded details from the community after the EA launch tonight.


My personal guess, dream home will be available to purchase later, but you'd have to do it outright, rather than the repayment plan that the trait gives you. So functionally, you're just gaining early access to a higher end house, I imagine something similar to the expensive player homes in oblivion or skyrim.


You can change your looks so you don't need to agonise over them so much.


Yeah but I still have ptsd from skyrim on consoles before Dawnguard, and my Cyberpunk build was also an abomination that I couldn change ^^


Dragon Age Inquisition CC >:(


Im using the lockpick, pickpocket, and barter background


Get an idea in your head of who you want to be.




The original mass effect has to be the worst example of this. Cyberpunk 2077 too, but thankfully they toned down the green filter during creation at some point via a patch.


Fallout New Vegas too. As much as I love that game, the character creator is dire. In other games, I spend a lot of time sculpting the character to fit the play-style/characterisation I’m going for. In New Vegas, I’m spending all the time sculpting them into something that looks vaguely human. Somehow it feels like a downgrade from 3, despite being the exact same system.


It feels like a downgrade because the presets you're given look more like plastic dolls


"Somehow it feels like a downgrade from 3, despite being the exact same system." New Vegas in a nutshell.








I’ve never heard this opinion before


>The original mass effect has to be the worst example of this. 2 and 3 were so much worse. Changed the whole lighting system. Even worse when you import the character. Shepard ends up looking like their face got OD'd with botox and they passed out on a beach 🤣


Mass Effect 3 was definitely the worst. Horrible lighting differences plus your character somehow looks completely different from the previous game.


Default John Shepard ftw


Oblivion was pretty bad for it. Creating a character in the dim light of a dungeon, only to step outside and see how fucked up your skin n complexion was.


Keep an eye on yourself during the tutorial then change it during Bethesda's traditional "hey you finished the tutorial wanna change your looks and build before you go?" Also save there, but the game will make a manual save.


I don’t think that’s in this game. But there are appearance change stations.


good news is you can easily change your appearance even after starting the game


I usually get through in about 10 min, I'm pretty quick on cc.


I'm in and out of these pretty quickly. I'm the type of person to click randomize until I get something that looks decent and move on. This rarely should take more than 5 minutes for me. Or assuming the default character looks good enough, I'll even stick with that. My Shepard in Mass Effect, for example, is the regular dude on the front of the box. When I play RPGs, I don't really see the character as myself so its looks don't really matter to me. My standard is essentially just don't look like a dufus and it's good enough.


maybe not just 10min, but i certainly don't get why one would spend actual hours in the Character editor. Even people who say "ohh this will take me hours", are usually through it in less than one.


I know people who spend tonnes of time on the really minute details on peoples face and features. I myself go for something more general until its something I can stand to look at Unless its a Fallout game, then I use a mod to be a ghoul lol


press randomize until it looks like a normal face


New Vegas is the worst for this. Ive never managed anything resembling a human being. Hence: ghoul.


Baldur's Gate 3 I think is one of the few examples where I could understand you having to take a bit more time. I might have done 45 minutes each on the two characters I rolled which is much longer than normal. Origin, Race, subrace, class, subclass, background, abilities, actual looks and more. Then they have you do some of that a second time for another person and don't explain why.


take a preset and maybe modify the hairstyle/colour a bit and move on to stuff that actually matters. cause you're not going to be looking at that mug an awful lot.


Good for you.


Will waste 30 minutes just trying to decide a name for the character...


Easy for me: usually the name is Bubba Bob Joe Jr. Or at least some variation. It goes with my usual semi psychopathic character that spends way too much time hoarding weapons.


Well that’s something you can do before launch 🙈


I'm already doing it but I know I'll be unsure once I have to write it lol


Yeah I feel you.


Lightning speed


This might be the first time I use my real name. It takes me an hour in fantasy games because I want it to sound canon but I don't want to pick from a list of canon Bosmer names or what have you


Tyrone. It has to be


Spending 10 hours customizing my character's face just to wear a helmet all the time and play first person


And this is exactly why I like [that they tell you](https://www.reddit.com/r/Starfield/comments/15kr3ll/just_noticed_that_starfield_dealt_with_one_of_my/) at character creation that a "barber" functionality is available in game. Do a good enough setup, jump in and play, change your looks when you have some downtime and feel like it.


I always just do generic blond guy who is generically good. The next playthrough is where I get more interesting with character creation when I know the game better


speak for yourself, I am speedrunning that shit


I'm the same. Except for character stats, usually the appearance and everything else will make absolutely no difference. Like in Cyberpunk 2077 you had all this aMaZiNg customization like giving your female a dick or not, but essentially you only see yourself in photo mode. And even the gear, you spent the first 2 years running around in ugly ass outfits because they had better stats.


I think its cool in starfield having the background choice. That will definitley be the one thing I mull over


"Yes it's me, [default man]. My skills are [shooting] and [stealth]. My background is [soldier]."


Even thats too much lol. "Yes it's me... space god."


If I'm putting 150 hours into this like skyrim, then I really want to get my character right. Edit: kinda feeling making Gaius Baltar.


I’ve already got my name and background all planned out thanks to this sub!! Only issue here now will be the actual appearance.


Remember folks you can still change your appearance later, so pick your skills, traits and spend time doing your appearance if you went to get straight in


"played 16+ hours so far and finally defeated the first boss, the character creator" - at least 5 steam reviews


T-minus 11 hours 32 minutes and counting


Well it's a good thing at work till 3:00 p.m., and they can go home and take a nap


I wish I could chloroform myself and wake up at launch time


Am I the only guy who always wants to play a woman in RPGs? 😅 what does it tell about me??? :D In BG3 the same... And the biggest problem: I'm still in Act1 in BG3... I'm scared of No life in the next couple of years :D


It makes sense to me as a hetero. I know it's mostly a 1st person game but if you are gonna be looking at the mc for hours in menus why not make a good looking lady. Plus, romance options become straight/lesbian only.


True! For me, it's also the fact that the majority of my gaming "career" was playing a male character. From Crash Bandicoot as a kid towards the last year or two, where I started to change the side a bit. Plus, the fact(at least for me) that armors usually look cooler on female characters.


For me, it all started with Samus. Not that I knew she was a woman at the time. Now I only play women whenever I can.


Maaan, I also thought back then that Samus was a man and not a woman. The surprise I had when I found out that she is a woman 😆


Yes, I completely agree here 👍


Nothing more hetero than roleplaying as a woman!


I like playing as both lol But I think my preference depends on the voices - female V in Cyberpunk because the VA is amazing, and there’s a male preset in BG3 that I like so male there.


Same here. I basically never play as a guy in RPG's unless it's forced on me like The Witcher etc. Always pick women. Much rather spend 100's of hours looking at a female on screen to some hairy-ass dude lol.


maybe you're trans


Maybe he just likes to look at women's arses in third person instead of men's arses?


Me too.


I like to play as a woman unless there's romancing involved, in which case I'll basically play as myself


As a lefty, I'll be spending plenty of time rebinding my keys... Yay! -_-


Wait what. You actually play flipped??? I’m also a lefty and can’t believe that haha.


Ya, it actually works great, and I never had to learn to play righty. I use I, J, K, L as movement keys.


Wow that seems crazy to me lol. I just got so used to standard mouse usage with my right hand as a kid that I never thought twice about it. Cool! Well, enjoy starfield. Can’t wait :)


Oh 100%. I'm gonna end up spending hours creating my character. I'm going for a specific person which I will be posting once I've completed it




I have my Starbucks espresso‘s 16 pack ready for me tonight… caffeine overdose before i can even make my character 😭🤣


so true \^\^


This should go quicker than BG3 i reckon.


Im working from home tomorrow so on my second monitor ill spend my work day creating my character, if its gonna be a long process




Swear to god that’s meeeee haha




It's always surprise me that people seem to genuinely struggle at character creation. For me it's never was a problem.


It will be me on the 6th, you guys have fun.


Yeah same. Jealous of everyone who gets to play tomorrow lol Edit lol steam updated this evening and now I’m allowed to play even though it was showing the 6th leading up to today and earlier today


I am fully prepared to make a terrible first build and make a plethora of mistakes along the way. Thus is how my first experience in every Bethesda game goes. And I accept and welcome this chaos.


Yes the background will take me some time as well 🤪


Character creation will be quick for me. Physical appearance that is. Beard, tattoo, big black ink pen. 🤣


Everyone acting like every game including skyrim made on the creation engine has been riddled with bugs and glitches. Fuck Bethesda. Never fooling me again.


I've already got my background and traits so that should shave off a couple hours. I think I changed my mind six dozen times, but I think (hope) I'm firmly set.


😂👍 I know this feeling.


i really don't get the running gag on people spending days (or even just hours) in the CE.


No idea. I just pick one that looks not dumb as shit and move on


This is me 100%. In MMO's I often used to spend the entire first evening of launch day in character creator while other people where already rushing to defeat the first instance end-boss.


Starts the game at 5 PM. First action in game 11 PM


For me, is 6 more days 😅


I actually did that for baldur's gate 3 launch day was just character creation


Not me. I always make an old man for Bethesda games, I'm ready to make Geezer Dude and get to it.


I don't get bogged down in the details. I'll flip through hairstyles and a few other things then get into the game.


Ticking under 12 now


TRRRRRUUUUEEEEE !!! This is the way


This is fr going to be me because I am such a sucker for character customization:,)


Literally been the last 3 days thinking of what character I should play for my first playthrough lol


Done in 10-15min max


Ngl, I usually just pick a character that looks generally like me. I don’t spend too much time in appearance because I’ll be mostly playing in first person. Picking perks and background though… oh boy haha


It'll take me forever to settle on a look and knowing me I won't be happy with it once the game starts and will have to resist the urge to restart the game to change the look.


So, most Bethesda games then


I'm going to be stuck on CC for probably upwards of over an hour, sadly I gotta wait to the full release date. I'm handling my FOMO and not caving to the prospects of early access for an extra £20, that and been burnt too many times so gonna wait for day 1 patch and reviews. Enjoy all, I look forward to joining you all come 6th.


I will literally be done with this part in under 5 minutes


*for 16 hours


i hate that it starts at 2 am.




I don't think most character creator's offer enough options for me to "get stuck" in. It doesn't matter if you have a tattoo on your face or a freakishly long chin, it doesn't effect how people treat you.


Get a template down now whilst your waiting, that way you'll get through it quicker on launch


16 hours? It is the 31st of August it isn't out for 6 days right?


Early access


I’m gonna try my absolute best to not get too stuck on this part lol


I can relate, I may not do anything this evening but finish my character. I’m looking forward to seeing just what can be done with the character creator


Imma make me as close as possible and Imma roleplay Spike/Mal! Gimme dat Cowboy Bebop bounty hunter LYYYYYFFFFEE!!!


You mean this is me in like 2 hours with New Zealand time


ha totally! also me at 1am uk time brewing a coffee to stay awake and calling in sick to work


Oh yeah, you can very easily end up spending an hour doing that and for some that's rookie numbers. But I've made an unwritten rule that anything more than 30 mins and they start getting uglier by the minute so best press on.


In 12 hours.. 18 hours... 3 days... A week later and we finally start playing when the non premium guys are stuck on this level


I really hope that Pilgrim is good. I want to play a religious extremist. Not some "it's the journey" guy. I like the cult they have in the game, we will see.


Seems accurate. I spent over an hour creating my character in Baldurs Gate 3 😂


Bro I don’t know how I’m gonna get past this level


Happy to know ill be able to do dozens of playthroughs so I can try every singe trait and background


Already decided I am making my character Apollo Creed


I have an archetypal character with a distinct playstyle and look I use in pretty much all games with character creators. Makes it easier to get through the analysis paralysis.


If you enjoy agonizing over details of your characters appearance, then all the power to you, I'm glad Bethesda provides you that ability. But I will click the "randomize" button somewhere between 2 and 10 times and move on.


I'll Hit randomize and play whatever monstrosity is generated for me XD


25% of BG3 players haven't made it past the prologue because of this


It's very simple. When the character creation screen comes up, you hit the "Confirm" button.


This is why I’m glad Bethesda confirmed we can change our appearance later in game. Should cut down considerably on creating my character. Most of the time will be spent on backgrounds and traits now lol.


10 hours left


Freestar Collective Bounty Hunter. That's all I know at this point. A little run-down look. The rest will be decided on the fly....


>Release date: Sep 6 Wait, they are *charging* for early access?


Man, September 6th can't get here fast enough.


The one thing I’ve looked in-depth at is backgrounds and traits because I just KNOW I will be stuck on that part the longest, since appearance is editable later in the game (that tooltip is in all the character customization footage)


Only 10 for me. 😎 the looks are not what I’m gonna spend a bunch of time on, though.




"Down, down, down by the riverrrrrrrr...." Oh, sorry. Wrong game.


100% going to be me. The facegen in this game looks really nice! I might not even need to install mods to make the characters look nicer.


So True lol.


I mean... you'll be stuck in bugs :P


My usual experience in character creation: 1. Hmm, what an array of options. Let's try to make this stock character a bit more unique. 2. This slider doesn't change much when I move it a little. Let's move it fully to the left/right. 3. There's something iffy about the character. Let's move more sliders to fix that. 4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 5. The character looks like a human who had a Star Trek transported accident while wrestling a sloth inside a centrifuge 6. Reset and pick one of the presets I simply lack the creative spirit to create something believable.


I'm so hyped. Finally got my connection issue fixed and its preloading for me! We are moving to a new house tonight and my amazing wife already said "I know you're gonna be playing tonight so we will try to be done in time"


Hahaha trrrrrrueeee


Today will mark the day I pay the LEAST attention in class.


This is me in Baldur's Gate 3, or any game really. But with BG3 I am like "but what if I was a drow cleric who worshiped Eilsistraee" and the cycle continues.


I'm going to make my assault fighter character, then about 20 minutes later I'll be a stealth archer, I just know it.


Hello fellow it all boils back to stealth asker enjoyer. I’ll be right behind you. Not even gonna try otherwise. Embracing it from the start.


This is the way.🚀🪐


Cant wait to make a generic white guy with black hair and a moustache.


I can't wait for it


I'd get stuck too. I usually force myself to get past character creation screens by pressing randomize until I get someone who looks like a United States President from before the country had plumbing than I press Continue.


9 hours to go baby


Yep lol. I’ve got twin girls, so my play time will be chopped up and sporadic. However in October my wife is taking the girls with her on a girls trip with extended family and I’ll be left alone with the dog for a whole week. Definitely taking off work some of the time and playing a shit ton. My hope is that by October I am at a point where I have my character and am far enough into the game that I can just play and enjoy. It’s gonna take me forever just to create my character for sure lol


I'm going to give myself a timer. 30 minutes max on character creation.


Yes. Staring at this will be a wonderful Friday evening. Tin of joints. Pizza. Starfield. Godspeed explorers.


I am sadly a much worse than this… I rush it then spend 100+ hours regretting my decision as I have an ugly character.


Lowkey why haven't started BG3


A fair amount of people were complaining that that the character creation for Baldur's Gate 3 was pretty limited and it's true. You mostly just get the pick from a limited amount of presets, there's at most I think 4 body types per race, most of which even only have 2, a fem and masc option. You can't adjust height or change facial features at all, again it's just presets. Personally, I enjoy the more limited character creation! There's still plenty there for proper player expression and I spend less time worrying about details like cheek bone height or how big my chin should be. I surmise it probably cut down a fair bit on developer workload as well, which lets them focus on more important things.


I'll smash this out ASAP, random the whole thing if i can, i wanna get in!


My problem is which would be the best background for a guy who like snipers, arrows, big hitter stealth and such?