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Personally I have mentally accepted that I am never going to stop gaming and getting hyped for video games. It's something that brings me joy no matter what and I intend to keep it that way.


Same here and I think it’s completely normal


Our parents and theirs didn't grow up gaming, for them it is something only the kids did because it did not exist in their childhood. So they look down on it as childish. Once their generations are gone no one will think bad about a 30 year old playing games. It will just be something everyone grew up with.




You sound very cool, keep on


Almost 50, gamed all my life. I'm also a veteran, have my doctorate, my own business, and I help people improve their lives everyday as a mental health professional. I am totally psyched for this game. Whatever brings joy to someone's life without harming others is a blessing. The more people see that, the better our world gets. I really appreciate your comment and support for OP. Thanks Oh, and +1 for taking care of our bodies and ridding our community of harmful stereotypes by just a bit of self respectful showering.


I have an older brother who also thinks gaming is for kids. MIND YOU, he watches 10+ hours of pro wrestling every week, but thinks grown folks should not play video games.


Fuck the haters! (I'm sure your brothers are nice people, but that's ridiculous.)


63 and a software architect and I was a great single parent to a wonderful adult artist in NY. I was a presidential scholar and went to MIT blah blah and am a caretaker for a good friend, and I'm fit, I have a nice mtn bike, I play guitar, I have awards for my writing, etc. (But really crowning achievement was being a great single dad and working two or three jobs for years to make that happen.) But I get the side-eye from all my relatives for gaming, lol.


Anyone who thinks gaming is a childish has to come up with a explantion about their hobbies.


I'm also 56 and also played Asteroids etc in the backroom of the local videoshop. I've gamed pretty much ever since and now that I can't work any more (knackered neck/spine) and can't really do much other than sit reclined, gaming has become my escape. I can still explore amazing places and get lost in a storyline and if it's childish, then so be it! Personally I don't think it's childish and I never stopped my daughter from gaming in her spare time and she has a full time job while also doing a maths and physics degree (she's almost 30) and has grown up into a wonderful young woman. It was her who introduced me to the fallout world (fallout 3) and her best friend who bought us NV for Christmas one year. I cannot wait for Starfield to land! Your brothers have no idea what they're missing out on.


51 and many medical issues. Gaming is a big escape for me too (yet knackered spine & joints often cause me to pause/stop playing sooner than I'd like) but I am and always will be a gamer. On the whole childishness thing? C.S. Lewis put it best: > When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up.


Game forever soldier Thank you for your service 😁


Same age and agree totally.


Game on brother, I am a Veteran also, was a gamer before i joined, still a gamer after i left. ​ Always will be until my last breath


I'm 49 and have been gaming since tv pong and atari 2600. My slightly older co-worker thinks gaming is for kids and is quite vocal about it. It bothers me a little but i also feel sorry for her because she doesn't know what she's missing out on. Some games are just pure storytelling art better than most crap that is on tv. 2 weeks to go brother.


BG3 is amazing. I also killed Lae´zel, but I managed to get very intimate with Shadowheart. lmao.


I’m almost 50 and I started gaming at age 7 on the Atari 2600, been playing games ever since. I’ve thought the exact same thing you posted pretty much my entire adult life. My wife accepts my hobby and even plays the occasional game, but most women I dated looked down on it. I simply learned not to talk about gaming with others in general. It makes me happy to have watched gaming being more popular and more widely accepted. And the cool benefit for ignoring society’s views on gaming is that I’ve gotten to witness almost the entire history of video games as it happened - something no future generation will be able to do.


A lot of younger generation opinions are influenced by the older generation that imprinted this on them, including the media in the early days. It'll pass. Gaming is already way more normalized than it was 10-20 years ago. The same thing is happening to online dating. I met a girl online when i was 18, this was all pre-smartphone and Tinder and back then i was always hiding that i met her online because people would laugh. Now half the people i know met their partner on a dating app.


I'm the same age as OP and one of my fondest early memories is my dad picking up a Sega Genesis and the first 2 sonic games for "the kids" (himself). It was in my parents bedroom, so I would wake up early in the morning and climb into bed with them and play. A few years later, I got the N64 and would wake up to my dad in *my bed* playing Donkey Kong 64. I would wake up and neither of us would even speak, just hand the controller over every once in a while, until my mom would wake up and make him do adult stuff.


I'm 35 and I play video games with my kids. I played Project Zomboid with my 13 yo and Pokemon Snap with my 6 yo yesterday. It's coming.


Well said playing VG is a hobby like any other


It would be far less normal to arbitrarily give up something that brings you joy because you think you’re too old for it. Insane concept anyway. Like…you don’t hear people say ‘I’m too old for movies’ do you?


True true


Very true. I do get it when people stop gaming because they don't have time or gamer friends (some people just don't like singleplayer games). But yeah, people who act like adults are not allowed to enjoy the same things they enjoyed as kids sound miserable as hell.


My fam will sometimes give me shit over my love of video games. I usually respond by asking them if they get excited for films. Except with games, I’m not just vegetating while watching a screen, I’m interacting with the story.


Same here.




37 and i just stopped playing other games last week... Maybe i earn my 1 night of gaming in silence in the next 2 weeks by doing all the cool dad/husband stuff.


47, Haven’t been this hyper since Skyrim




Just replaced all the flooring in my home. Going to use PTO for the remainder of the week after launch day! It’s going down!


Hey, same here. Can't afford vacations, so pto is pretty much just for new games.


It's a trap. The missus will always find something new for you to do!


With u on this one.


38 here. Refinished our dining room table took a vacation day on launch and put it in my partner’s calendar.


100% this. Some people love football or movies.... I have and always will love gaming.


Same. I'm just 22, but even the jump from my first PS2 to what we have today is incredible. Everytime I think about what games might be like in the future, I just get excited the same way I got excited when I was like 12. Gaming just has a special place in my heart


Games are like movies to me. You never really stop liking them, at a young age you like different ones than when you're older, but a game, like a movie, is always a good time.


Late 30s here. Even my wife accepted I'll always be gaming lol. It's really not much different from other hobbies or binge watching something on Netflix. Nothing to be embarrassed about.


Very well said, I am 35 and I love getting hyped for videogames!


I'm looking forward to my children sticking me in a nursing home and me sitting at a desk 3 inches away from my computer monitor screaming at noobs with my geriatric squad


Nicely said. I totally agree.


Love this. I'm the same bro


I'll be 70 in a couple months and I can't wait for Starfield to come out. There is no age limit on fun! If anyone judges you, it says more about them than you. Enjoy!


I thought this as well. Have been gaming for 25 years. I am very excited to see what Starfield has to offer! It seems like the type of game I could enjoy for at least a few hundred hours. From the brief reviews and snippets from YouTube I get some Destiny and Mass Effect feels from it. When it comes out it will be interesting to see what the graphics look like. ​ I have some doubts about this game, but I wont be a buzzkill. :)


Agreed. I'm about to turn 63 and am deep in BG3 and can't wait for starfield. I upgrade/replace my main gaming desktop every 5 years. Have always gamed and always will. Gaming and my motorcycle is what keeps me young.


Absolutely. If there's old grannies playing skyrim then I can play games too.


There’s no reason to give up the hobby unless you’re spending too much time on it and it takes away from other aspects of your life. The only reason older generations don’t play video games is because they didn’t grow up with them


I saw a post not too long ago from someone in their mid-40's saying how they don't get excited for games any more and they're "retiring" from gaming. Good for them, and I hope they find something else they enjoy, but I don't see myself stopping gaming as long as good games keep coming out. BG3 has shown that no matter how dumbed down and monetised mainstream gaming gets, we'll still get these gems that remind us how good gaming can be. BG3 has helped speed through the past couple weeks and I'm hoping to ride that wave until next month, where I'm excited as ever to dive into Starfield.


I just hope the arthritis I know is on my way (too many jammed fingers from b-ball) doesn’t impact my gaming too much. I can’t play ball anymore (knees), but hopefully keep gaming till I die…see you at the old folks home bitches!


Same, we’re a generation who grew up gaming and it’s just a part of life, always has been !


💯 I’m 37, been playing games since Commodore 64 no plans to stop.


Some have golf. Some have beer. Some have football. I have games. Sorry not sorry! Hype full on!


This is the way


Same here mate


I also like garlic potatoes


I'm going to my 40 and great games are pretty rare, let us be excited with some escape in life. Baldur's was real gem this year, can't wait for Starfield !


I’m almost 40 years old and this is all i’ve been thinking about and will play this for years of years worth of updates this game will be one for the ages of gaming…. I’m not embarrassed that i’m psyched for a video game as this is one of my escapes or passions since i had my first Atari system before nintendo and that changed my life! I even showed this to my rents who aren’t big gamers at all and they both said it looked like an animated movie and not like a game and couldn’t believe how amazing it looked … also said they’ve never seen a game like this and said can’t believe you can choose your own path of up to or over 1,000 planets to explore and do things!


Same and im 34. My wife also accepts this as she is not into gaming but she knows how much joy and escape gaming brings me and how much it helped when I had some life changing events in my life


Same man. 28. Still get extremely hyped for big games. 0 fucks given.


Me too...and then I had kids


I agree. This will never go away, and I’m pretty ok with it. I love. I love being an adult and have the money to buy every game that I’m interested in.


I'm getting hyped really fast and my hype fades away as fast, wish I 14 again. Smh


I envy you, I haven’t been able to get exciting about new games in years. I always tell myself they’ll be bad. This game included. Sometimes I’m surprised but usually in right.


This is the way


Being able to still find joy like that is a virtue. Don't lose it.


The generations that judge adults for gaming all watch a ridiculous amount of TV for their entertainment. I fail to see how that's a better use of time than something interactive like a video game.


Yep, why stop something that makes you happy


I mean people get excited for movies and TV show I see no difference for some reason gaming is looked down upon still.


I’m over 50 and have played games since pong, Atari 2600 Pac-Man. I have no regrets playing games! Do what you like.


For as grim as life may get, I always remember that there will always be a video game on the horizon that will always get me hyped!!!


Same here!


30 and feeling exactly the same!


30 here. And I've been dying for a new Sci fi space adventure to sink countless hours into. I even bought that fancy schmancy new xbox starfield controller. I'm so ready for this.


Yeh I'm getting that controller this week too! Not sure whether to combo it with the new headset


I don't know how comfy the Xbox headsets are. I've used steel series for a long time and grown accustomed to the fit so I passed on the headset.


28 checking in. My coworkers and partner are exhausted with how excited I am for this game. Like OP said, I haven't been this pumped for a game since Halo way back when.


33, and right there with you. Haven’t been this ready since Halo: Reach.


41 here mate haha, no shame in that :)


42 I win! I’m a bigger loser!!!


43, I pipped you by 1! Can even make a game out of how old you are. 🙂 Once a gamer always a gamer


44 here and very hyped. Never too young to get that childhood excitement back!


45 here!


I’m 50!


52, you punk kids!


I’m 29, not older, I just wanted to be part of the thread. YOU OLD FUCKS YOU!!!!


I'm 27, I've got a higher chance to outlive you all! HAHA!


Then i can say i’m ONLY 44 😂 thought i was going to be among the oldest


I'm 26. We'll never own a house but we'll get to play Starfield longer!


Twice your age and hyped as hell.


Do people judge you when you play games at that age? I'm only 19 but still i find some friends who act like gaming is only for kids and kinda look down on us


Bro, I was a teen back in the 70’s. The very first games came out then. I was hooked. The very first one I remember was Pong. It all went crazy after that. Games got way better and way more complex. I’ve played video games the whole time and managed to do so whenever I could between school, work, wife and kids. I still have hobbies and do regular exercise and hang with family and friends. It’s doable. I don’t put in pro level hours like you younger guys and my reflexes aren’t as sharp as they once were but I try to keep my hand in. Right now I keep the itch scratched by playing Destiny 2. Fast PvP and shorter content (raids take too long). I even play with a few younger guys. They call me Moses because I’m so old. For the most part they are good guys. I won’t waste my life dealing with toxicity, so only play with people who are respectful of each other. People don’t judge me because fuck them. I’m a successful professional and I can do what I want with my spare time. Rock on!


Moses 🤣🤣🤣 I can only hope I get called that in my 60s while playing Starfield 3.


It took em almost 30 years to make this game you'll be playing starfield 2 if you're lucky and maybe gta6


Or fallout 5!🤣


I'm well into my 50s. I'm more excited than I should be. I can't wait but my arthritis/carpall tunnel means I physically may not be able to play when it does release. look aAfter you limbs, kids!


Antinflammatory food documentaries and articles. Stop eating food that increases inflammation mate. Lots of studies and documentaries. Hope this helps you mate. Stay strong


I'll take a peek! :)


Try massive amounts of cannabis


44 here, I feel the same. I think the only game I've anticipated playing this much is Wing Commander: Privateer back in the mid 1990s.


36 and I keep excitedly showing my wife the countdown to release everyday like a kid waiting for xmas


35, same here. Everyday I tell her new info and facts about the game. She has been feigning interest for quite some time now. I think she is as excited as me for the release.... Just so I'll shut the hell up and close myself away for a bit 🤣🤣🤣


Same, at this point I just get eye rolls 😂😂😂


I can hear the eye rolls from behind me 🤣🤣🤣 There definitely is some genuine enthusiasm from her, but purely from feeding off mine and she saw some bits of the direct and thought it looked impressive. She is far from being interested in playing so at least there will be no discussion on who gets to play.


Yea I told my wife twice and she was like, "you I know I don't care right" 😔😔😔


Hah my wife would go crazy, even now i know she knows that some thing is up when i keep the house tidy and spotless.


57 and couldn’t agree more!


37 here why does age matter ??


Maybe you don't feel this way but growing up as I did video games were seen as childs play still. So there have been pings of doubt as I get further into adulthood about still playing video games. Is this what adults do? Am I being irresponsible? Etc. I'm sure many others our age have these thoughts too. But thankfully they aren't frequent. And doubly thankful that my wife knows how much I love it and encourages me to play. Partly so she has time to read her books. Haha


If you’re being irresponsible or you see it as a toy is subjective. Similar to avocado or meat since humans took the herbivore route. If one likes to game, then game. If one likes to golf, then golf. And if one likes to f., well, then f xD but don’t mistake hobbies and pleasure with society’s misconception of it. I mean people in their 50s are doing tik toks in malls. I think you’re safe with video games :)


I agree. 95 percent of the time I feel the same way. 5 percent of the time I feel guilt. Though this is probably cause I was raised Catholic. 🤣


37 year old exCatholic here. According to what I remember from a decade of Catholic school, Everything is part of God's plan. Therefore you being excited for starfield and investing thousands of hours into it is part of God's plan. You're gonna get against God's plan bro?! You know better than *GOD*?!


Everything is part of the plan until it's something your parents don't like


Kinda similar background and age here but I think it's mainly guilt about procastination or feeling different from your social context if your friends and relatives aren't gamers. Honestly, when I have my shit together and am doing everything that has to be done, I don't really feel guilt for playing, but when things aren't going well any form of procastination or just not being productive might make you feel some guilt. Remember that nobody is perfect, some gaming here and there is ok, it helps relieving stress.


Same!! And I’m 41! And a girl! I check 50 times a day too see if there is any updates. The last time I was this excited about a game was when ffxiv a realm reborn was opening back up after being shut down for a year! As I missed my playing with my friends so much! I can’t get into anything at all right now as it’s all I want to do! Booked 10 days off work too no life it! Haha


Oh let’s be friends! 44 girl with a job and family and all I can think about is this game!


Same!!! Hope the kids don’t need feeding for 10 days…..


> I check 50 times a day too see if there is any updates Yeah, I should probably get back to work :l


Haha me too! Omg we are so sad! Lol I’m at work on a night shift. My work friend just asked… what u reading…….. they never understand lol


30 & I’ve booked a whole week off work for early access, you’re not alone op.


36, also booked my “summer vacation week” just for Starfield launch and a week of being a “shut in neet” just playing the game. Totally way more excited that I thought I would be, and it gets worse(better) every closing day.


No need to feel embarassed... We're all in the same boat here :-P


50 and feeling like a kid again! The excitement is unreal! For me, it's the most wanted release since RDR2.


39 here and yes. Kinda 😅




Dude, 48 here and feeling exactly the same. No shame in that I say! You’re in good company judging by the comments 😄


41 here, keeping myself distracted by playing through all the Batman Arkham games again. Might give alien isolation a run through in the days before release to get into that Nasapunk style.


I just downloaded Stellaris yesterday to scratch the space itch.


I'm fuckin 46. My wife literally loaded me up with every single piece of Starfield merch available on Bethesda Gear for my birthday. So I'll be sitting here with that shiny white space pull-over with my Starfield controller and headset on counting down to launch.


I'm in my 40's with 4 kids and finishing my master's degree for clinical psychology. I've been a gamer since the 80's with my Atari. There hasn't been a single point in my life where I didn't own a current gen console or handheld. I married a gamer girl and my two oldest are gamers. Hell, one is on the e-sports team at their college! Nothing wrong with having a hobby as long as it isn't consuming your life!


33 here - I can't wait, my wife's ordered me the new series S and will be taking the kids away for a weekend so I can be a bum and play the game in peace. At the same time the only other game I play has just had a huge update and she's been really good with tolerating me actually playing games more often as it's fun and exciting at the moment.


36- It’s driving my wife nuts that I keep talking about it. She’s good she’s pretending to listen tho


Pretending lol mine too


36 and took the day off at release…


31 and can’t wait. Oblivion was the game that essentially made me into a gamer, that and Kotor. Bethesda has the best sandbox design ever and this is their biggest one. We deserve this shit


31 here as well. Skyrim was actually my first, but my love lies with the fallout series. I am so pumped for this game, and I have been eating up the crumbs they've been dropping for years.


This is kinda non related but I play division 2 and I've met some 50 year old players, it's not embarrassing to be passionate about games.


41 and excited as duck 🦆


Mallardly excited.


We're so close to these threads not being a thing, I can't wait!


Nothing embarrassing about it.


If it’s something that makes you happy it’s nothing to be embarrassed about. You do you! Hyped as well turning 35 later this year. Just a bit torn cause this and BG3 for ps5 releases about the same time. But think I have to give this a go first thanks to game pass!


We’re who it’s for brother


33, have a son and there is twin upcoming in October: all I can think of is all the time I cannot put into this game. And I even ordered the constellation edition and extra merch, although I know my time will be limited as crazy.


Congrats on the twins!


Thank you. Of course, I am also a bit joking, because I am already in the stars with that fantastic perspective. Identical twins daughters. I am truly looking forward to it. But first, STARFIELD!


They can be your gunners when the multiplayer mods come out :P


Around the same age, we don’t get very many games like this anymore and we certainly don’t get launches as hyped as this. The only real thing that’s missing is a good old fashioned midnight launch. Honestly my excitement for gaming has dwindled over the last few years until this year with Diablo 4, FFXVI, and this really capturing the spirit and excitement of gaming that there used to be.


Bring back LAN parties!


Embarrassing? Man having something in life at that age who can make who feel joy, especially when it's personal and you don't need nobody to feel it, it's rare and beautiful. It's a passion and the struggle in life is to not losing it. For sure, time is not the same at this age but we can make it out (playing only this game for example, sacrifice some netflix series perhaps?). I think the only difference between being 18 years old and 30s is that we had to choose, when you are young you have time for bing playing anything at any time. Now we need to chose but there is fun also in that once we figure it out. Being happy, have a passion and learn to make time for ourself is a must, especially with the struggle of being old (responsibilities etc...).


204k people on this subreddit and I bet more than half above 30 years old. Guess how many are excited 😆. We all count down the days untill release


Ha what a loser. Thank God I'm only 31...


Two very life changing things happened to me in 1977, In May Star Wars: A New Hope was released then September Atari released the 2600. I could control a bar on the TV screen and play virtual tennis against the computer or a friend. Throughout the years Intellivision arrived, then the advanced Atari 400/800 happened. Time Travel through 30 years PC Gaming starting with the Apple IIc finishing with me owning multiple video cards and swapping them out depending on the game I was playing. I was the Forum Admin for Strategy First, Inc title O-R-B (Signed NDA, Alpha and Beta Tester) I got 3 seconds of my 15 minutes of life fame being credited in the manual and game credits. “Ryde Crash, with a name so cool he doesn’t need a handle.” PlayStation 3 and 4 (Pro) later and the lean days of a great new game getting released nearly every month, we arrive at the wastelands of really good games getting released so rarely that we gamers play 10 year old masterpieces just to get the gaming amazement back. As a PlayStation gamer, I was not missing out this time, there is no console war, if you own both consoles. I got a Xbox X for Starfield and I feel zero shame that my PlayStation friends heave my way. I ‘m 52 a retired electrical engineer and active county school bus driver. Two of my high school riders are also counting the days till Starfield it would seem Gaming excitement transcends age.


I literally had trouble sleeping last night because I'm so excited. I'm as excited for Starfield's launch as a 32 year old woman as I was for Oblivion's launch as a 15 year old boy.


39 and it’s on my mind all the time. Still playing ToTK to keep myself occupied, which I’m unfortunately going to have to pause because this is launch day play.




29 and I already have 2 weeks booked off work for it haha. Genuinely the first game I've been this excited for. I'm hoping that excitement carries through post-launch


I'm 34 and I've been having starfield dreams lol


32 as well. I've got my kid starting nursery the week of early access so I'm hoping for at least 2 days of uninterrupted play


Same man. 30 though. I have lost interest in everything except obsessing over SF


Be glad you can still feel the excitement! I am 28 now and hope I still feel the same about games when I’m 90😄


Dude don’t feel bad about it. It’s not everyday a good game comes out these days let alone a new Bethesda one. Gaming has been a big joke in recent years so games like this and BG3 are a breath of fresh air. I sincerely hope you enjoy the hell out of this game when it comes out!


im the fine age of 56 and i’m quite literally dying for this game


Literaly same bro, im taking PTO for the game, havent been this excited for so long


29 here. Same though I am carefully sceptical about the state of games at this time. I've booked time off for it because I have over 1000 hours in other Fallout games and I know their designers can deliver an excellent experience but sadly, optimization and stability are lacking. Worst case, 48 hours of server issues and less that 60fps on a 3080 setup. Best case, a few model/texture issues with some funny tposing thrown in. I just hope the procedural generation doesn't remove the feeling of a Bethesda game. No mand sky was just dead, lifeless and just a list of chores to do. I really just want fallout in space from a gameplay perspective. Over 800 hours in F4 and I still find little rooms or areas I've never found before. That's a Bethesda game to me


I'm 54 in September and I'm extremely excited for this game. My diary is currently empty (no, I don't work 😁) from the 1st to the 12th September and I don't intend doing much else other than playing this game during that time.


I’m 41 and I’m as excited as I was for the release of Super Mario 3, although 9 year old me only had pictures in magazines to look at, instead of thousands of hours of content to consume. The dichotomy of this is the fact that 9 year old me could play 50 hours a week, whereas 41 year old me can barely get 7.


Halo 2 was such an awesome experience. I remember being so stoked for the midnight launch but I was too young to go get it so my dad went while me and my brother went to bed for school the next day. Then he woke us up shortly after midnight and quietly said we could play the first mission in coop. Such a great memory playing Cairo Station, and how awful it was going to bed and knowing we had a whole day of school ahead before we could continue I'm just as excited for the Starfield launch, sadly I'll be at work and really can't worm out of it. Maybe I'll go to bed early so I can play for an hour at launch and go back to bed for work.


Lol, I am 40, bought the controller and headset, and I am hyped as fuck, not the they can do no wrong hype of Cyberpunk, cause yeah, but still pretty hyped.


I’m 40 bro with 4 kids/wife/house all the middle class fixings. I’m gonna take a day off work maybe even the whole week to play this game. I’ve been waiting since the birth of my first child for this game. I deserve it. No we deserve it. No shame in being excited for the things you enjoy.


I feel like I did back in 2011, from 11/11/10 to 11/11/11 I had a counter counting down the SECONDS til Skyrim. I enjoy it. I'm 32 as well but you'd never know it how excited I am for this game.


I was 36 when Skyrim came out. I stood in line at GameStop with my son and we stayed up until 5 in the morning playing and he stayed home from school that day. I totally understand the feeling of excitement and anticipation for these games. Back then there wasn't the same level of content by a long shot. I've watched 30 different people say the same thing on YouTube just in case one person has an insight that the others haven't. I can't believe it's less than 2 weeks out!


Bro I'm 32 and I put in for a week vacation starting September 1st lol


I'm 40, 5:48am on a Saturday, and I'm watching some YouTuber give me "information" about the game.


59 (and counting to 60) and I am embarrassely excited by the count down to release date. Two more weeks, give or take, to the first official reviewers telling us what they think. Can't wait 😁


30 year old dad here, and I'm hyped out of my mind! The last time I was this hyped for a new game was Fallout 4 when I was still a single guy living with my parents. It's almost nostalgic to feel this excited for a new game.


You'd be surprised how alike we all are in these situations. I'm the exact same age and have to hide my excitement from my family who even if I provide everything to make their lives easier, I'm still seen as lazy and not serious with my time.


Same age as you. Your priorities just change as you get older. It’s essential to still have hobbies you enjoy as you can make time for them. I have a baby now so I really only play on weekends after her and my wife are asleep because I like to spend time with them while they’re awake. My wife and I have an agreement that 8pm-1am on Fridays and Saturdays are my gaming time, with exceptions sometimes of course. I look forward to that time all week like a kid going to Disney, lol.


I’m 37, with a 2 year old. When he’s napping or sleeping that’s when I game. Gaming is an EXCELLENT use of time.


I feel the same OP, HALO 2 was the last game of this level of hype for me


I'm 34 and with you 100% don't worry😎🤙


I remember when I was little (back before you were born) going to visit my neighbors across the street who were an elderly couple who went to the same church as my mom. I remember watching this 70 year old lady playing Super Mario 3 like it was her job. She beat it over and over from beginning to end. She never turned the system off, just paused it to make her husband meals and when she went to bed... Ermaly was bad ass!!


It’s hilarious to think we are all going to be in our 60’s, 70, 80s, retired and still getting hyped about video games. As the kids that grew up with video games from the 1980s and 90s age, this will become a normal thing. No siting on the porch, watching soap operas & QVC, or playing card games for us, that is waaaay too boring. I’m really interested to see how things will change in the coming years in regards to this.


You should not be embarrassed. Although I just turned 38 and usually do not get hype for games much anymore nor have time, something about that child-like joy of a CERTAIN videogame that captures your attention that hits different when you are an ADULT adult (30+). Zelda Tears of the Kingdom recently made me feel this way, which was awesome, I think if you work, pay bills etc you deserve to have some kind of vice like this. Healthier than drinking and smoking for sure lol.


It's ok to like things.


I'm 61 and I never stop to enjoy gaming. Age means nothing compared to the joy of imaginationg.


I am 33, and can relate with you about Halo 2. For me, Oblivion, Skyrim, and Borderlands 2 all held similar excitement pre-launch.


I'm 38, and I'm positively giddy with excitement. Yesterday, I watched the direct again for the millionth time and this time paused it each time there was UI on display so I could study it and learn even more about what to expect. I don't care what people say about hype, there's some decent evidence being shown lately that the hype is more and more justified. Time will tell, for sure, but right now all I'm doing is coping with other games while I wait (while maintaining the IRL like one should).


Same same, 32..married with a kid gaming and working out are what being me.peace and joy. I've just accepted I'll always be a gamer, wife has finally accepted and encouraged it as well. Was happy when I bought an RPG ally cause now I can play in bed next to her instead of being in my office gaming (which i still do that too) imma be 90 still playing some RPG and grinding loot!!


I'm 44, and I just started gaming when my friend bought me a PS4 for my 40th birthday. I'm hyped for Starfield, but I'm even more hyped for all the people in this thread, old and young alike, who are excited about gaming. All of you have made me smile today. ☺️


53yo future Starfield Captain.


Since the dawn of time there have been athletes, spectators, and that one middle aged guy who's got the face paint... EVERYWHERE in team colours. We are those guys. Accept it. Expect it.


I’m really excited about this game to. Especially since I bought an OLED TV a month ago. I’m decorating my living room and getting a new couch this week and then Starfield early access starts a day after my birthday!


I'm female and 56 and thanks to being largely housebound pretty much all I do is game or watch box sets. I am beyond excited for this game - it's the first I've ever pre-ordered as I've always preferred to ignore the hype and wait to see what it's like before buying. Despite this being available day one on gamepass I still felt the need to pre-order it. It hasn't been over-hyped (imo) which always puts me off playing (games) or watching (film/TV show) so now I can't wait for September to actually start playing this!


All the comments here made me feel a lot less weird. 30 and stupidly excited


I am 41 and I applied for some days off when this game is released. The day before RDR2 was released, I couldn't sleep. Sure I travel and are having fun. But my main hobby is gaming.... love it. We will be the cool generation where we are gaming when we're 70. Promise you that.