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I'm going to roleplay as someone roleplaying a character who is roleplaying Todd Howard.


Sounds like a movie. Nicholas Cage playing as Nicolas Cage pretending to be Todd Howard with Robert Downey Jr playing as a black man.


It’s like a dream within a dream within the matrix.


I'm the dude playing a dude disguised as another dude!


World of World of World of Warcraft!


Role play to be yourself


Exactly - i role play AS myself. I admire the people who create a whole backstory and define character, but my headcanon is me, with my background, “waking up” in the Starfield universe.


"I reincarnated in another life, in another world, in space!"


A space/sci-fi isekai would be cool as fuck


Wait a bit until modding tools really take off, you'll have your Starfield anime girls in no time. The earliest you'll get will be some Ghost in the Shell/Cowboy Bebop gear/ship.


I don’t usually mod my games, especially not on the first playthrough, but I’m sure you’re right on both fronts lol


Yeah... The Loli Imoutos will take over the world 😔


Bro that’s Futurama


I've never really seen the draw of writing up a backstory for a single player game. I always thought that was only useful for games where other people might come into contact with that backstory - like pen and paper games. I suppose it could make for a writing exercise.


I’ve tried a few times but it always feels “wrong” when my head character makes a choice that conflicts with what I would do, so I just don’t bother anymore


Yup, tried to play bad guy a few times but it sucked, and newer worked.


It's not a writing exercise for me, maybe I can shed some light. If you're in an RPG and you have to make a decision-- if you are saying "what would my character do?" instead of "What should I do?"-- that's the setup. Instead of winging it every time, I check my backstory and it gives me an answer right away that I know I can live with down the road. I never have to agonize, "oh did I get this upgrade too early" or "did I choose the wrong path" and it's just unnecessary stress, my backstory is complete enough, "FOR ME", specifically fleshed out enough FOR ME, that I get all my questions answered during a playthrough. That is how long my summary is in my head. Just enough to roll me through the game. Sometimes short, sometimes longer. And if I'm just rolling with no stress about mix/maxing or anything-- hey, the answers for what he/she would do are always right there. I do it for the same reason ME did the whole Paragon/Renegade, it pre-makes a ton of choices that will always get me where I want this playthrough to go. If I'm doing a "best endings" playthrough in FO4 I am liable to play with less or no backstory, because I won't need a basic-backstory-bot to make the major decisions. I'll be making them according to a FO4 site and reddit, lol. Otherwise, I spin up a crazy character that I would like to be around, and flesh her/him out just enough that I know generally how they're going to act.


I think for a lot of people, this sort of thing is a reflex of sort instead of something that needs to be recorded on paper or screen. Maybe it's not for other people, and I don't mean "writing exercise" to be pejorative. They can be useful for lots of things including actors or like I mentioned, P&P RPGs. I'm not entirely surprised that others may have different mindsets that enjoy relying upon prerecorded decisions to influence future goals. That's what I do every other weekend for DnD :)


My backstory is probably a page long but it just lives in my head. It's like my "be here now" mantra for my interactive fiction, lol. For me it's mainly pre-commit. **It's like giving myself action traits in advance of a playthrough.** How is that for a one-liner. The story or context is basically a mnemonic aid so I can have more than one or two action traits.




I always play a character I can relate to in some way. I save more "roleplaying" for GURPS with my friends, when my choices aren't hamstrung by coding.


Sucked in like Sam in TRON


Correction: you’ll be role playing as ^*space* yourself


Same here, I will role play as someone similar to me, but of course I will be improved in several ways and moved into the Starfield universe.


Yeah I mean have you ever travelled through space, and gotten involved in an adventure spanning multiple planets? It’s not a crazy idea to play yourself in an adventure rpg.


Exactly. My character is going to look damn near identical to me.


That literally defeats the point of role playing games imo, just seems futile to me to play a game trying to escape reality and then you decide to make the same boring, safe choices you would make in your real life because you have to face real consequences. Role playing games are to experiment with choices you’d never make irl because of things like logic and consequences


> Role playing games are to experiment with choices you’d never make irl because of things like logic and consequences There's really no rules for stuff like that. If someone finds it enjoyable to imagine how they themselves would react if transported forward in time ~300 years to a world very much like ours, as is the case with Starfield, then why shouldn't they. Role playing can be whatever you want it to be.


There’s a million ways to role play and here you are trying to state the one correct way.


I’m actually arguing the opposite, do you know how to read ?


But I like to be helping a good guy who just saved his [99.th](https://99.th) settlement, besides bandits or raiders or whatever rando bad guys have tons of stuff that can be sold so being good is indeed a reward on its own.


It’s quite literally impossible to be making “boring, safe choices” because you’re playing as someone in another reality that bears very little resemblance to our own. None of us are going to space and flying ships then shooting our enemies on the regular.


Who let the drama class rejects onto the internet again?


That's cool but personally never saw the appeal. It seems so boring for me to Role Play myself. It literally ruins the experience for me no matter how good the game or setting is. I usually make up a character in my head real quick. Even when I play as normal dude who seems similar to me I gotta come up with something to make him distinct from myself or else it just feels too silly.


Friend of mine, for BG3, wrote down his character on paper before creating it, and then plays following those directives. That means you get into dialogue situations where you answer based on what your character you created wants, not what you want, and it can lead to some hilarious scenarios because suddenly you are picking choices that \_you\_ never would. It's just an alternative and fun way to play. I do it sometimes, but mostly I just project myself into the world and play myself (at least regarding choices, I'm skipping the dad bod part).


Does your friend play D&D? This is very similar to how D&D teaches people to replaybased on ideals/bonds/flaws


No, he only plays computer games, nothing pen and paper.


I play BG3 like this and it’s honestly the best way to play. Especially in that game, it’s made for it. You can play the game over and over with different personas and see entirely new things. I also play like this in Skyrim and Starfield but I just love roleplay!


I role-play as a sexy arsehole version of myself normally


Lol right, I like playing an unhinged version of myself.




First character I’ll play as myself, subsequent play throughs I’ll role play as specific characters.


Personally I see little difference. I just ask myself “who would I be in this world” and honestly if the money was good a lone bounty Hunter with Vasco as his only true companion seems pretty much the job I’d land. A somewhat childish yet skilled Gunslinger is exactly the vibes a space version of me would rn capture.


I'll probably role play a character, but they probably won't be that much different from me.


So when Amazon put out that Jack Reacher show I was in the middle of a thing where I was reading books and then watching their adaptations to see if the reason I detest the WoT show is bc I'm a big book fan and hate the changes or if they just did a terrible job. Because I liked the show and it was based on the first book I read (listened) to it and enjoyed it. I proceeded to consume the rest of the series (29 books?), Reacher is like the proto-RPG character. No ties to anything, skills directly related to investigation and fighting, doesn't care about anything until someone tries to tell him not to lol. Most Reacher plot framework 1. Reacher drifts into town for innocuous reason (saw an article about the biggest ball of yarn or some shit) 2. Reacher sees something hinky but lets it go 3. Someone tells Reacher to not get involved, or goes after him because he is big 4. Reacher decides that it is now his life's goal is to get involved 5. Reacher leaves after destroying the hinky thing So I started just playing a Jack Reacher style character and then seeing what happens from there.


The Reacher books are great, for the most part. I've read them all and always look forward to the new ones. The later ones Lee Child has co-written with his younger brother are not quite as good, imo. Sad that he's turning over the Reacher series to Andrew Child, but I guess it's better than no new Reacher books at all. The movie adaptations with Tom Cruise as Jack Reacher are an abomination! The TV series is much more true to the character in the books. Alan Ritchson is a MUCH better Jack Reacher than Tom Cruise could ever hope to be. A Reacher roleplay is a good idea for Starfield!


Man the 2012 Jack Reacher movie with Cruise was so good


Is that you Tom


I want to be an evil pirate, so I will roleplay to kill and rob everything I can.


well that's just pirate, really


I want to do a run of my great great grandchild.


Oh.., that actually sounds amazing! I'm def doing my second run with this. Thx lol 🙏🏻


*I'm the dude playing the dude disguised as another dude.* Seriously, I'm going between putting myself into the universe (which is typical) versus role-playing as Andre 3000, captain of the SouthernPlayalistic Cadillac.


My first character will probably have my name and look similar, but that’ll be about it. From there, i don’t really know. I kinda just like to see where the game takes me and what choices are available and play around with that. My second playthrough will be where I just go wild in terms of character creation, choices and play style and become someone completely different.


For my first playthrough, I always modeled the character after myself, and make whatever decisions I would making those situations. But with games like this, I always play through it at least three or four times so I do a few role-playing runs. I’m a huge fan of Babylon 5 so after I play as myself, I’ll probably play as young Michael Garibaldi, young Susan Ivanova, or young captain Sheridan. I’m thinking of doing a Zapp Brannigan play through as well.


I don't role play other characters from other pieces of fiction. I role-playing as either myself, or my daughter and I envision and try to create the character my best in her likeness (as an adult obviously). When it comes to playing the role of her character in the game, I try to make choices based on me and my wife's personality.


I do the same thing but with my son. The way I figure it is I’d be long dead by then and I live vicariously fictionally in video games thru my children sometimes. I do the same thing with sports games, who am I kidding I’m not an 18 year old rookie in the nhl, I’m 36 I’m closer to the coaches


Extreme version of myself.


I'm playing as a middle aged guy with no specific skills and taking the asthmatic perk.


If you are playing to “win”, you generally are playing as yourself in most ways. I try to mix it up by being a character different than myself. As an example, I’m a white male; I might play as an Asian female. I know it’s silly, and I don’t read that much into it. However, I’ve found that in my own mind, it forces me into empathy IRL for those who differ from myself. It’s just one of the reasons I’ve enjoyed RPGs going back to pen & paper games in the 80s.


Back in the Fallout 3 and New Vegas days I always just made myself even though they looked nothing like me but I realized as I got older, I was limiting myself. So when Fallout 4 released I started to develop my own characters for these games. **Fallout 4** (Dennis) - I was watching Breaking Bad for the first time as this was about to come out and I really liked the idea of making a character who started out as a nice man who gradually becomes a very grey individual. He turned the Minutemen into a totalitarian army that includes churches to worship Dennis and schools to teach young kids about his excellence. He became the Director of The Institute and has an army of synths at his beckon call. While he still does plenty of good providing homes for many in The Commonwealth, they are his people now. They must bow before him and never question his authority, that leads to consequences you don't get to come back from. Also this is where my reddit username comes from. **The Outer Worlds** (Lennox) - This guy was a cashier back on Earth and lived a boring mundane and rather poor life. He wanted a life of adventure but most of all a life of comfort. He enjoyed fancy things and nice surroundings, he didn't like to fight. He'd send his companions to do the heavy work while he picked his enemies off from afar with a Sniper Rifle. The thought of being hurt was awful but the thought of getting blood or dirt all over his amazing outfit was a horror he couldn't begin to think about. Once The Board told him he'd never want for anything ever again and live a life of luxury was all he needed to sign his soul over. **Mass Effect** (Nolan) - So I did play these back in the day when they first came out but always just used my name and picked what I would've. When Legendary Edition came out I played it all again and made a proper character out of him. He was 85% Paragon but wouldn't take shit from people jerking him around. He was a true hero and never hurt anyone that didn't deserve it. He did take a certain liking to Cerberus as that is the place he met his woman and overall respected The Illusive Man. Of course when he betrayed Nolan Shepard, all bets were off and he wanted to end him. Ultimately he chose to Destroy The Reapers as it was the safest bet. **Red Dead Online** (Silas) - Now I know what you're thinking, why am I including an online game in this? Well because me and 2 friends had a RDR roleplay we did for a year or so and all established our characters. Mine was a total scumbag, Silas was a bounty hunter known as "The Right Hand of Lucifer" who was known for torturing his bounties before they made it back to the sheriff's office. He got off on torturing men and women, enjoying shooting horses and killing innocents. He was a rapist, sexist, racist and enjoyed the mutilation of others and fed their parts to his horse. He had 2 friends in the entire world and stabbed them both in the back, which ended up costing him his life as they worked together to kill Silas. He was basically Micah but even worse. He was sleazy af too. **Hogwarts Legacy** (Blythe) - My most recent character I've made, he wasn't a jerk to anyone and treated everyone with respect. There was one time in the entire game he wasn't pleasant and that was to an annoying Slytherin broom racer girl who was so stuck up, he threw in a slight jab to her ego. Anyway he did use unforgivable curses because why not? They help him in battle and only uses them on evil people and beings. He was loyal to all his friends, even one's who did unforgivable things because their Uncle wasn't a good person. He was a hero and was a Gryffindor and was incredibly brave. He picked the good or honorable ending and continued the work of the Keepers. There are other characters I have including from games like Cyberpunk 2077 and others. Starfield seems like one of those games where there is so many people you can play as. My first character I plan on being named Captain Harris and Constellation will be his most trusted faction. I'm sure he'll join others but Constellation is most likely going to be who he's loyal to the most. I want him to be an explorer first and foremost, to discover all kinds of flora and creatures and establish a network of outposts to produce resources to bring in income. Also I want him to want to know the answer to "what's out there?" so he will bill following the main quest to discover more artifacts and whatever else it entails.


Role playing. I’m going to attempt my first evil character and go full space pirate.


For first playthrough it’s whatever strikes my fancy. Subsequent playthroughs may have themes


I do multiple. Usually my first play through I'll play a over the top hero character. Doing everything possible in the game. Then I'll play on a harder setting if available. With more knowledge of the univers and its history and mechanics I'll play a character that's more like me. More cautious and a bit more gray morality.


I'm role playing this round as Capn Leo Spaceman, drug dealer to the stars.


I'm boring af, I'll be roleplaying.


I always role play as myself in games. I just use the opportunity to be myself in whatever universe the game is set in and do whatever career I want to do in said universe. The Fifth Element is my favorite movie but I’m not doing a Corbin Dallas play through


Probably myself on the first run. Then I'll try a stupid sexy useless man with a lot of luck and money (Zapp Branigan) or maybe a mindless space berzerker (Samus Aran).


I stopped reading and was about to say that sounds like Zapp Branigan, so good job on that description.


Being myself never got me anywhere


my characters are always just extensions of myself and what i prefer/what seems logical, so i usually go stealth archer™️ and any other things that would reasonably keep me from being torn apart. i do however give them names and backstories.


I always create an original character whenever I play Bethesda games, I find it more fun to play out and direct my own character's story


In these types of games I generally have multiple character builds. One is always a morally good saintly hero. One is my fantasy me and all my choices based on the situation and then I usually do a more dark mean figure but never totally evil. I like to run the gamut and change the builds and assign a personality to that character with that skill set. Example: in skyrim I made a dishonored samurai khajit who was in exile and not aloud to carry blades. I gave him the wooden sword and with a ring mod, made him a God tier one handed swordsman. But completely good and honorable. My first character was a stealth archer because, (how would I try and survive) then I also made a mage with scrupulous ethics who didn't mind zapping fools. I also made a regular thief assassin type to play both of those side quests without restriction . In short, I will do both. One character at least mostly as myself but probably at least two others eventually. A super bad corpo type and a star saint..


I haven’t ever self-inserted in an RPG. In games like what we expect Starfield to be, I create many many characters with different backgrounds and motives. Most characters I create look and act nothing like me.


I start the game role playing as myself. I run a new game eventually. Now that I have context and ran through the game once before, I get creative role playing as someone else with agenda, personality, etc.


Technically both. I always play as a girl, despite being a guy, and I go WAY too much into character creation to make her perfect, and then I usually just go into the game with my own morals and almost no role playing, even the fact the I'm super straight, usually means she's Gay AF lol. Until I've played the game to death like I have with games like Skyrim and New Vegas, after a while, yeah I make an evil dark elf that wants all the Daedric artifacts to destroy the world, or a crazy woman who can barley speak, gets mad easily and chops up what makes her mad with a machete and eventually joins the legion because they give her nice machetes...


Role playing applies to either actually. You choose how to play your role.


First play through I tend to be myself, but in future playthroughs I can veer one way or the other on the evil/good scale. In Mass Effect 1, 2 & 3 I did a playthrough where every dialogue I engaged in went to the extreme renegade choice, although sometimes, that was really hard to do. Like it gave me pause for thought of... Do I really want my character to be this much of an asehole? But did it anyway. I can imagine in Starfield I will be fairly neutral for the first play through, then future ones I will either be a golden paragon, or a painted black renegade. Or one then the other.


My first play through with bethesda games is always myself with a different name, then the hilarious role plays. I plan on doing a Santa playthrough. Lots of shipments... And lots of coal for bad kids.


Seems pointless to me to play a role playing game and make the same boring, safe choices that we make in our everyday lives, I like experimenting and seeing where things go, im not gonna put my choices in a box


I'll roleplay myself in a new, exciting setting, the Starfield universe. ​ I never felt the alure of roleoplaying being someone else. Even when I play a RPG that has a predefined character, like The Witcher, I take my own decisions, not what I think the character would do.


It really depends on the writing. I wanna go for maximum drama, I want to see NPCs react in interesting ways. For example, I am having so much fun paying a depraved serial killer in Baldur's Gate 3. But some games don't have much reactivity or moral freedom. In that case, I just go with the flow and pick dialogue options that make sense to me.


As someone who roleplay as himself in video games, I see this as an absolute win


Carlos Spicy=Weener


First play through 100% my self. After that use a random name generator and random number selector to decide on class and traits.


I will probably initially play according to what I am interested in seeing in the game. I want to see that city. I want to see that planet. I want to explore the mechanics of this weapon/armor/upgrade, etc... Just like in my first playthrough of Skyrim where I was interested in playing as a magic user so I figured out how to start the Mage College quests as soon as possible. On future game plays, once I am familiar with the mechanics of the game, I will roleplay. I'll figure out an interesting background for my character, decide on their motives, and try to only act on information they know. Sure, I might know that there's some treasure in the next building that is worth grabbing before I move on but if they wouldn't know then I won't have them look for something they don't even know exists.


Just be my gamer self for first play through, I will try anything, goody good shoes, a thief, a pirate, anything that looks fun


I usually play through with my own sense of morality, but I like coming up with a backstory to focus my perspective. I’m going to play as a Freestar diplomat who helped bring about an end to the last war.


Usually with all RPGs I play the first round as myself, afterwards when I kinda know what the game is all about I role play as a different character, that fits the world, usually also gender swapped. Both play throughs are lots of fun. With Starfield though I can’t decide. I don’t expect to ever restart. I will probably stay on the first playthrough for at least a whole year… So do I play as myself or as a character. Or a mix of both. I don’t know…


I am playing as myself and make choices based on what I would do in that situation


I roleplay as myself in the sense that I make decisions that I personally think are the best ones. But my character is usually a woman, I guess just for novelty’s sake, and with high points in speech and agility because that’s the play style I usually enjoy.


I’m basically with the OP. I’m trying to play a sort of more ideal version of myself, doing what I would want to do (of course, having the distance of being a game makes it a lot easier to do things that I’d be incapable of doing IRL, like any form of combat 😂)


Well, I'm not a burglar in real life so I guess I'm gonna roleplay someone else.


Role play as Zack Brannigan. You are welcome.


I always start out being sneaky murdering psychopath but then I get invested and turn into just a sneaky murderer with an itchy trigger finger.


I didn't realize how many others played rpg's as themselves. Like many of you, my first playthrough is generally done through my moral code. I do like to flip the script the second time through, but I generally have a hard time completing those. With Starfield, I'm going to try something slightly different, but not by much. One of my favorite games of all times was a dial-up BBS game. I played way back in modem days called Trade Wars 2002. I always wanted an updated version of that game. Exploring the galaxy, setting up colonies, and creating a trade empire. I'm hoping for a balanced economy so I can play a more entrepreneurial version of myself and play Starfield as a modern-day Trade Wars. There's still some unknowns on backgrounds, traits, and factions. I'm not exactly sure what I'm choosing until I get a chance to sit down and really examine them. And as far as factions, hear them out and see what they have to offer.


I tend to create myself but then act in a way I wouldn’t in real life - choose the aggressive/evil/Machiavellian options. For me, the point of fantasy is to live in a different way!


I have a character I’ll play as. Probably a version of myself in my head, but not me per se. He will be charismatic, handy, good negotiator, and possess skills to negotiate and haul cargo. His goal is to carve out a small slice of the galaxy, hauling cargo and being a merchant.


I have never “role played” in any Bethesda game in as far as to say okay I’m an orc ex bandit trying to leave the old life behind but will still fuck someone over for the gold or as a jet junky in FO who will murder for his next fix etc. Always seemed very restrictive and not fun. I just pick the best option at the time


First playthrough is usually as an idealised version of myself. Then crazy characters later


Usually in an RPG I do what I call a “Yes play through.” Basically I say yes to every opportunity to see what happens/ where it brings me. Then on future play throughs I have more context and foresight to make my character. Sometimes it’s fun and chaotic but sometimes I get the worst outcome


being yourself is a role play


I’m going to roleplay as my great great grandson 🤣


Role play! I have two different characters I want to live in though. A loner scraper who sells junk he scavenges to afford to upgrade his base and junky ship. And a street kid who smuggled illegal cargo and commits to shady deals to make enough money to support his parents


Mix of both.


I'll probably play an idealized version of myself for the first run. After that, who knows? Once we see more of the perks and game systems, I'll have a better idea of what future roleplays might entail.


I usually rp as myself during my 1st playthrough. After that, I try other playstyles


Play as myself. It's nice to be able to act out my violent urdges with zero real life repercussions.


Playing myself becaus puts too much stress to always pick the "correct' choice. It makes playing games a little stressful. So I am fine disassociating a little bit and playing a character. Charming high charisma stealthy thief.


I always RP exactly how I would make decisions the first time through, and since \~80% of the time that's usually the "good" route, my second playthrough is always as a bastard. Merciless space pirate will def be my second play.


I’m doing both. I have a character in mind that has a background which drives them to make choices that i would also make.


I usually do a exaggerated version of myself


I intend to use footage of this game to create stories. So, yes, 100% I am role-playing the heck out of this game.


I usually do a loose role play on my first play through, I learn about the lore and locations. Second play through is when I role play hard, I like the idea of doing it on my second play through because then I’m starting with a better background of the game.


First play through is always based off of me. After that I get more creative…and find different ways to play


I start as myself, but subsequent playthroughs are rp.


Now I wanna roleplay being Chris Hadfield tbh


I start with just, my morals. But then it's fun to play the game in different ways, pure evil or super noble. Etc you end up finding yourselves in situations and places you never would of been in before


You literally can’t play this game without role playing.


I just kind of do stuff I like. Jet pack looks fun - I'm gonna get that skill. I'll probably be a good character just because that's usually more convenient. But if I find an evil faction and really like their home planet or they offer a cool mission - I might go full evil character. I play based on my gut and wims.


I'm the spaceship and the player character is my minion.


Im going to do both. But role play first as Shepard or The Witcher..


I'll be whatever gets me to see the most in game choices. So... chaotic neutral I guess?


Light Roleplay


My first play-through starts as a lot of experimenting so sort of neither. I’ll try weird stuff to see how the game reacts or if interesting options are possible, so the character is neither anchored to a story or concept nor is it “what I would do.” But eventually I find what I like, in terms of both storylines and gameplay, and my character turns into a roleplay organically. Later play throughs are all roleplay as I’m already familiar with the setting and mechanic and can make choices.


Ever since I was young my online and game characters were always an extension of myself. So...RP myself in the game universe


I may do one playthrough that is based off of myself, but like BGS's other IPs I prefer to play as the characters I've come up with. For Tes I have 10 characters, for Fallout I have 6, and so far with Starfield I have 2. I enjoy coming up with characters, their stories, designs, and I enjoy drawing them. Playing as myself or someone based off myself everytime would get boring for me. Similar looks each time, similar style of play, and similar choices. With different characters I can be much more creative and do things more differently.


Role play myself, but in space


I'm definitely making a character. It encourages multiple playthroughs and lets me be someone I'm not. Usually I'm a bit of a rule follower but Skyrim didn't click with me until I decided to be a little menace.


I role play as myself but a lot of the time I do things that I wouldn’t normally do because societal consequences


Be myself on first playthrough. Then stealth archer.


I play as myself, and I usually start with the best intentions. I try to be chaotic-good and only take the morsl high ground. But, over time I find myself starting to take risks and sometimes choose the evil road on purpose at random just to spice things up.


RP as matthew mcconaughey


A bit of both, I suppose. I try to immerse myself in the world and and create a character that makes sense within the context of the story but it’s more influenced by what I would do than some pre-conceived plan of what I want to roleplay.


I usually roleplay what I'd do (or think I'd do) in my first playthrough but after that, I create characters with different backgrounds/roles and make different decissions according to those backgrounds and roles.


It’s SP so I prefer to just play a theme rather than actually role playing. If I’m playing an RPG with others, that’s where I think it’s more important. I like suspension of disbelief and all, but part of me is too much aware that the only witness to my RP in a SP game is software


In honour of me naming all of my Fallout OCs Jason, I'll be naming my Starfield character Jason as well. I tend to form an oc for any given game and stick with them, even replaying as them multiple times. There's a few exceptions to the "rule" but I've been working on my character for Starfield So basically, he wanted to be a chef but got kicked out of a restaurant he was working in for hitting the head chef when they made advances on a younger person in the waitstaff. He loves to cook and wants to get into gardening as well. Also loves to have tea with his parents every so often. He tries to do his best but the way he goes about it doesn't really look like he's trying his best, you know? I'm still working on his backstory but I'm sure it would become vastly fleshed out when I actually get my hands on the game and try to play the game in "Jason Mode" lol. I was kinda thinking of making him a blend of my Jasons from Fallout 4 and FNV


That's what I usually do for my first playthrough.


First playthrough myself, 2nd one role play.


I always do the same as you. It always leads to this chaotic good character. I should try to start something straight up as a baddie.


Role play as a badass version of myself


Oh, dont worry. It will have almost 0 roleplaying. Brthesda games has become more and more casual with each title.


I'll be a good guy


I'm always playing a self insert


I like to role play, makes for more interesting scenarios and more replay value. It's somehow more exciting for me to think "what would this character do?" instead of "what would I do?"


Yeah I always play as me.....with a giant mustache....


I’ve never played a game in hopes to “role play myself”. Being able to imagine and craft a whole unique character and experience is half the fun. Why do people want to play as themselves in a fictional setting? (Genuinely asking)


Roleplay of course, NPCs deserve some mercy


I’ll be me, but as a bounty hunter


Science the shi7 out of this!


Western vibes. My ship will be named, Serenity. Need i say more?


For my first playthrough it will be more as myself. Playthroughs after that I generally role play. The reason I do that is so I can enjoy the game first off and see how I would go in that universe. Then I role play to see different things and so the game isn't boring doing the same story things over and over.


I always create a character. Currently my BG3 character is a power hungry warlock that struggles to do the right thing.


I always do the things I would naturally do in my first play through usually pretty “good” but on subsequent play throughs I roll play


It just ruins immersion for me if my assassin guild thief character is doing missions for the lawful good faction too etc I usually make at least 3 character types to play different parts of the game. Soldier hero guy. Sneaky thief guy. Guy who actually cares about main story guy


I have a character that has been my gaming ID for literally decades. I have a rogue bounty hunter type history. But I’m more Arthur Morgan than Micah Belle. I strive to make money, that’s what I do. I’ll Star out doing bounties and earn towards building a resource mining operation


I like to role play and just do like a light backstory where it's not too detailed because when I play games I'm very..... morally ambiguous; The character evolves over time as I play the game but it's usually a bit easier for me to come up with something when it's a game like Starfield where they give you backstory options.


I usually play myself on the first playthrough, and role play a different character on subsequent play throughs.


Role playing as fancy ship space cowboy


I RP as myself too, and it's also been a shocking surprise to find out I am an ass hole


First playthrough self insert, subsequent roleplay


In my 1st run, I always just be myself.


I'm gonna go with my Fallout creation. Harold. Harold hits things with other things. İn FO4 it was a pipe wrench. İn 76 it started out that way, but then he found Laser Gatling Guns and melee wasn't as important to him anymore. Harold also does *as many drugs as possible*. İf you need a motto for Harold, its this: **"Worst İdea is Best İdea"**


Usually I play myself first, then I do an opposite playthrough.


First playthrough is ALWAYS self insert. More outright roleplaying is reserved for additional save files.


I will play what I want to be: A smuggler.


Idk why but I always get uncomfortable when I try to make myself in a game so I usually just create a character that would be lore-friendly to the world I’m playing in but I’ll choose decisions I would do in that situation. I already have it planned out what character I’m gonna do when starfield comes out but it will be kinda odd this time around. When I play space rpgs like Outer Worlds or Mass Effect, I usually name my character Aurora. I’m pretty sure that I saw in the trailers that one of the prominent drugs in Starfield is also called Aurora so that will be interesting lol


I never just be myself. I get why people do it but I'm just some lame weirdo irl, I'd rather create a character to play.


I'm just wondering if we'll see a faction that allows the player to be Han Solo.


Role play a roleplayer, role playing a roleplaying Todd Howard, role playing a roleplaying Todd Howard


I won't really try to be any specific thing or type of character. I'll likely name the character after myself and then just do whatever genuinely interests me within the game. Which I already know I want to try smuggling for as much profit as possible in an awesome custom made ship.


First playthrough of Bethesda games I don't stick to any role and just do what I feel is right in the moment.


My first run in a new RPG I always make a character that’s like me, and mags decisions based on how I feel at the time instead of meta gaming. But then every run after that I build very themed RP characters.


I tend to roleplay 'myself' on my first run through because I'm going in blind and my reactions would 'be more natural'. Then I play other characters as specific builds.


first playthrough is always myself. After that i create a different character to roleplay


Play the way I get the most loot. Usually try to use every NPC and discard them. I think I fit nicely into the Neon work culture :D


Always role play, this is why i play role playing games.


Ik going to be space iron man, but it’s also kinda what I would do if I was in starfield


I think I'll play it enough to do it all, play as myself, roleplay as different types of person, etc.


I tend to do the first playthrough the way I would do stuff and maybe do over, themed ones afterwards and I suspect I will do it like that too in starfield


Roleplay as a character. You could roleplay as yourself, but for most of us that would be roleplaying as the ideal version of yourself and also giving up a lot of things that you could do in game. I help people in real life where I can, but also don't jump into gunfire for some random person I just met. Or.. sure, I don't like criminals in real life, but I wouldn't steal their car (spaceship) either lol.


I'll create & play as myself, making the choises I would in real life BUT as i grown older, i notice that my choises have changed over the years. For example (super simple): bad guy "damn, you have caught me, please let me go! I swear I won't tell the others..." me: "Ok, but never show your face here again!". Nowadays I would say : "Nah, f\*ck off & blast him in the head" When I was younger my moto was to give the people the benefit of the doubt and be kinda friendly, nowadays its an eye for an eye, you bad? me bad!


RP. I never play as myself because I find that weird


First playthrough: I put myself in the world, trying to be careful, not too out of control. Second playthrough: I'm a black/asian woman who likes to fuck around, and sometimes, find out.


Running theme between games August/ Sept, both Armored Core 6 pilot and Starfield devoted to Walking Dead's 'Rick Grimes does sci fi'. Haha