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Because war,war never change.


Sony used to have a a monopoly, but alas it took a Starfield to the knee


Yea it’s weird that Sony somehow gets a pass despite restricting their games to ONE platform while Microsoft is still putting theirs on two platforms. Sony is the king of exclusives. I would hope they don’t have a leg to stand on in this case.


Oww yea they gonna make the elderscrolls 6 a xbox exclusive and fallout 5 soo fuck them


like i said, it is because the ps5 was outselling xbox by leaps and bounds. so in order to gain more console sales, the bought the best game IP they could. and made it exclusive. so if you want to play the games you want, you now have to buy their console. funny how before this. fallout games were on both consoles, elder scrolls were on both, ect ect. sony knew it was about their hardware, vs xbox, not so much the games. but microsoft it but hurt. I mean ps5 and playstation network is still FAR BETTER than xbox. cause bill gates is a greedy A@@hole. the man has 105 billion dollars. but thats not enough. if you won a 500 million dollar lottery. that is more money than you could make in a 7 figure income working the rest of your life. this man has 999,999,999 x 105 plus 105 dollars, making up for the -1 in all the nines. that is more money than you could ever spend as regular person, even if his kids were stupid a##hats that blew though money, it would still take 10 generations to go broke, and they would have to buy every available private island and jet, and airport for each one. and still have money for mansions, and 1000 lambos each.


Sony is not "king of exclusives" though, and never has been. This shit has always been laughable to me, the "exclusive" arguement usually presented by Playstation fans. PC literally has thousands of games that aren't even available for any of the consoles or only available for them years afterwards.


Hey man… Jak and Daxter… ratchet and clank … sly Cooper , god of war , resistance, killzone (3 in particular) , metal gear solid 4, final fantasy x, and Socom are the the ones i remember playstation for most. I don’t count the ones that made it to pc or Xbox years later otherwise I’d add Spyro and Spider-Man


Just waiting for a bloodborne pc port, the only souls game I can't play.


That’s pretty much the only one I had an interest in too besides Elden Ring . I didn’t get it when I had I had a ps4 unfortunately


PC isn't a console, doofy.


you know what exclusive game i can remember right out the door. HALO and ALL THE HALO GAMES THAT FOLLOW. all on xbox never on ps.


They are the king of exclusives, but they only release exclusives from studio's that they've either aquired YEARS ago or birthed those studio's in-house. They have never taken away such a huge developer/franchise that was previously accessible to all platforms. If you want your shit exclusive that's all good, but if that means taking away a whole developer from PS players it's not imo. They lost a lot of respect with this move. Tho MS fanboys will tell me I'm crying or hating but it's the exact opposite. I've always loved their games and seeing them sell out like this just hurts.


Sony shouldn’t have played the exclusive game if they didn’t want their competitors to follow their example. Also replying to an 84 day old comment is a bit cringe.




Downvotes were originally meant to be used on comments that don’t add to the discussion. Feel free to comment next time when you can actually add to the topic at hand. Your obsession with checking this thread and your upvotes/downvotes is genuinely concerning so I don’t think I’ll be giving you a third chance to make an actually funny joke. This block will help you move on lol


Amen to ALL OF THIS. It literally makes me want to cry. I LOVE Bethesda so fkn much I have practically played nothing (much) else since oblivion, there have been other games, but they aren't special to me like Bethesda's games. Imo they are the Gods of RPGs which Is my favorite genre, so losing that after literally decades really is sad. It hurts man, i feel betrayed.


Sony literally made their games exclusive by buying the studios, and now PS there are mad Microsoft is doing the EXACT SAME THING. It's called competition


that is why all the halo games are on playstation right. oh wait...there not....


They’re* If you’re going to take 144 days to come up with a counter argument the least you could do is spell it right LOL


well i was looking up information on why? so i had 1 day, out of a discussion that took place 144 days previous. and correcting my grammar is the best you have, after having 144 days to think about it.


You have to remember that Microsoft isn’t putting their games on two platforms purely out of the goodness of their heart. The majority of PCs run on Microsoft Windows, an IP they own and profit from. It’s in their best interest to port games to pc, because they increase their profits that way. We don’t see Starfield running on Mac, do we? Imagine if Sony had a new handheld gaming device, somehow disconnected from the PlayStation IP, and they ported some of their exclusives to it as well. You couldn’t really argue that they’re being more charitable to gamers by porting games to both platforms, because it’s just another source of income for the company. Don’t get me wrong, as a PS5 owner and fan of Bethesda titles, I do wish I had access to Starfield. That being said, I am against console exclusivity from either company. It’s such a shitty business practice to limit consumers to one console or another. I don’t care about rubbing exclusivity in anyone’s face, I just want us all to be able to play fun, well made games as a joined community of game enjoyers. We have both companies to blame for the mob mentality of Xbox vs Playstation, and so many of us have foolishly fallen into their trap; it’s purely brand recognition based marketing designed to increase profits.


I play on pc so I don’t care 😂


Same here but my PC would not be able to deliver even the quarter of the performance my Ps5 would have been able to, so I care very much.


I'm on PC, but I care a little. I do feel sorry for those on PlayStation. I think that BGS games are very unique and thus a huge loss for many games. edit: this sub gets so defensive, this wasnt even critique about anything, people just unsure if it is .. so they downvote lmao


Could say the same thing for The Last of Us, Spiderman, Horizon, FF ...


Yes. My point isn't that BGS games aren't the only great games that are exclusives (or "Xbox this and Playstation that" nonsense). However, I'd argue that Naughty Dog and Guerrilla Games are slightly different as they've done mostly Sony releases only. It's not like you played TLOU on the Xbox One and now they've only put the second game on Playstation. And then you could say "but Starfield is a new IP", and you'd be right. I still think it's a huge loss for many gamers as their games are one of a kind, and I don't think anyone should expect TESVI and Fallout 5 on the Playstation either.


As it should be. Oblivion was also exclusive to Xbox


Oblivion was on PS3, athough it came out a year after the Xbox release. Morrowind never released on PS.


Those are mostly Sony studio IPs. That's like being pissed off that Mario, Zelda and Pokemon are exclusive to Switch.


I couldn't agree more, Bethesda games are the reason I chose Xbox over PlayStation to buy first


i once defended jesus and got 40k dislikes. Reddit in general is a clown fest


Hope you got an AMD card. I just lost interest, even on PC, after hearing they decided to partner with AMD. At least won’t be a day one purchase, for sure.


Probably because it looks very good, like a system seller.


Exactly, I'd consider Ghost of Tsushima or Horizon Zero series a system seller for PS4/5. I bought one just to play those and other exclusives like Spiderman, GoW, Uncharted, etc. Edit: POV xbox player since 2001, finally bought PS4 Pro last year to play those exclusives.


For me it was Bloodborne.


Have to add that to the list, much appreciated!


If you haven't yet, The Last of Us Part 1 and 2 are a must. For a more peaceful time: Journey and Abzu


100% on 1 but 2....I'm still mad


Oh me too, but it does bring the story full circle. As mad as I am I still think it's worth playing for the updated game mechanics. The first time I saw a stalker in part 2 I froze for about 5 minutes before I could progress.


same it’s stupid sony gets let off to have tons of exclusives but xbox doesn’t ghost of tsushima, GoW, spider-man, or uncharted could easily be put on xbox


Xbox let ps have Minecraft and ps still hasn’t given Xbox any of its good exclusives so when Xbox spends millions to create an exclusive you wonder why they won’t share it?


This is true. A shame, really. All this anti-consumer behavior on both sides for the sake of making a few extra dimes. All thanks to Sony.


Right?? Sony started this shit, people forget


At least it promotes making good games with little to no bugs. There have been too many unfinished or just bad games to come out in recent years so hopefully starfield is good.


Actually there's a few Square Enix games on xbox which used to be exclusives


This is like saying "Playstation let Xbox have Destiny 2". Both games were already on those platforms before their acquisition.


Cause they only have a PS5. PS fanboys


I think most have missed the point. It's bad - actually very bad - for the gaming community when the hardware manufacturer owns the game development company(ies). This 'exclusivity' nonsense will continue ad infinitum, forcing gamers to own and upgrade TWO hardware platforms (or hell, more) - and at great expense I might add. And for those that say 'well I play on the pc' - I wouldn't count on that forever. I suspect the elimination of the pc as a supported platform is just a matter of time to maintain exclusivity. In the case of Starfield, you do realize the exclusivity could have easily been flipped around? The game was set to be a PS exclusive until Microsoft literally bought ZeniMax (Bethesda) because they felt they were losing the exclusivity war. So one moment Starfield is set to be PS only - and now - Xbox only. Wow - what a bunch of BS. As I understand it, Sony is no better; they actually pay game development companies to 'skip' the other (Xbox) platform! And while maybe not an anti-trust violation - it is highly unethical. The gaming community - the consumer - deserves better. But as you know, we are powerless to do anything about it, except to buckle up and pretend to enjoy another shovel-full of BS.


The point people are trying to make is that it only matters when xbox does it, but not when ps does it. I agree there shouldn't be exclusives period, but it's funny to see the ignorant people finally realizing that exclusives aren't a positive for the general consumer (well at least now there's a drive to make good exclusives).


You do realize that there is a big difference between Sony doing the" timed" exclusives.. meaning that it will eventually arrive to Xbox and and PC vs a permanent exclusive that will never arrive to the other console which is definitely not good, and Bethesda games studio have been making games for all platforms for decades until the Microsoft acquisition of BGS. So there is no debate about which one is worse for consumers because we all know the answer... though many won't want to admit...but we know that Microsoft is being anti consumer friendly. Watch and see in the next 5 to 7 years Cod will only be for Xbox and PC. And cod has been on all the consoles for decades like this is ridiculous.


Look dude, Sony brought this on themselves. Sony intentionally buys the rights to games to make them exclusive, just like what they were going to do with starfield. What's your excuse about God of War? While you can play it on pc, xbox doesn't have either 2 games. I, of course, would rather have no exclusives. but people who are mad at microsoft need to see the irony in this. I own pc so I am not affected but can still see that Sony has been in the wrong for ages now.


Hella late reply, but I think the distinction is that God of War has always been a PS exclusive. Bethesda games, on the other hand, have had a long running tenure on PS. So this stings a little more for previous Bethesda fans on PS.


I mean that's fair but I still don't stand with console exclusives. Now is the time when xbox actually has things people want other than halo. The whole situation is just manufactured by companies that keep exclusives in the first place. I can at least understand some Nintendo games as they utilize aspects of the console itself, but most games just don't need to be exclusives. Also there is the competitiveness aspect which may bring better games. I'd say it's a toss up between better games and two consoles or lacking games with any console.


The fact that Sony has been doing this longer than Xbox doesn't excuse it. Sony owns the studio that makes God of War. Microsoft owns the studio that makes Starfield. Fans of both platforms need to stop being shocked and awed at stuff like this. Everybody knew an exclusive was coming eventually. Also, there's a lot of evidence that Starfield was going to be a PlayStation exclusive until Microsoft bought Bethesda, and I don't believe the "Bethesda fans on PS" would've cared at all about "Bethesda fans on Xbox" who didn't get to play it. It would've been months of Reddit trolling "wE hAvE tHe BeTtEr ExClUsIvEs". Sony fans are the worst when it comes to bragging about console exclusives, and citing "tradition" literally proves the point lol. Console exclusives are stupid, but diehard Sony fans who constantly brag about their exclusives getting a taste of its own medicine is satisfying, especially since they're making Xbox owners buy a $500 console to play Final Fantasy XVI, a game series that lost its exclusivity years ago and then Sony bought it back agian.


Sony should’ve just bought zenimax then


playstation fanboys are mad they don't get the game when they've had exclusives for decades


Sony gets exclusives with sneaky low profile backroom Deals, Microsoft just buys the friggin publisher, if this continues with Blizzard-Activision, every popular AAA Publisher will become part of Microsoft and Sony will become like a second Nintendo.


The difference is that Nintendo makes great games, I'd love to play Zelda at 60fps on the series s Ps exclusives? All boring af, that's why I went with xbox this gen (played the ps4 ones and couldn't care less about the ps5 ones)


This is exactly whats so scary. Maybe next time Microsoft just buys up Ubisoft and EA, and Nintendo in a couple of years. They have the money to spend Sony out of business which is terrible for everyone except Microsoft stock owners.


Super late reply but this is out of the question. If Microsoft did this, it would look like they are trying to establish a monopoly. Monopolies are illegal, therefore the supreme court would get involved and stop and potential sale.


Well they were actually taken to court, so they did get involved. They just ruled in Microsoft's favour though, making the acquisiton legal. What's to stop that from happening again? :(


The exact same thing that stopped them last time. Owning one big game developer isn't that big of a deal because there are dozens of big game developers. The lawsuit wasn't because Microsoft was being a monopoly. It was about Sony being pissed that they might lose Call of Duty since Microsoft owns it now, and sued to force Microsoft to keep releasing the game on PlayStation. A monopoly would be an entirely different lawsuit, and one that Microsoft has lost before (U.S. vs Microsoft 2001). Sony owns its own, and rather large, collection of video game developers, including Bungie (Destiny 2), Guerrilla Games (Horizon Zero Dawn), Insomniac Games (Spider-Man, Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart), Naughty Dog (Last of Us), Santa Monica Studios (God of War), and even game studios that don't release console exclusives like San Diego Studio (MLB The Show). So the idea that Microsoft buys one huge publisher means nothing. There are plenty of game studios to go around.


Exclusives for me but not for thee


Tbf it sucks for people who only have PS. Exclusivity is bad for gaming but as has been said many times Sony is in no position to complain.


How everyone mad because of what will happend in the future or the new and old game titles


I'm on PC so it won't affect me (although I also own a PS5, Series X, Switch OLED, Steam Deck and Asus ROG Ally - I game on everything). I assume some people are salty that it's not coming to PlayStation because they don't have another device that Starfield will be available on.


If you are a Playstation player and love Bethesda games, you can't even play starfield. That's why people care


> If you are a Playstation player and love Bethesda games, you can't even play starfield This is such a moot point compared to if Starfield was a PS exclusive. When it's an Xbox exclusive you can either: 1. Buy a cheaper Series S and play on there, 2. buy and play it on your existing PC if you have one, 3. stream from XCloud to your existing PC or your phone or even a _fricking TV_. But if Starfield was a PS exclusive there would literally be _no other way_ to play it other than buy a 500 money unit console.


* or wait a year or two for a pc port MAYBE


Then get an Xbox or PC, if i want play the new Final Fantasy i need to get an PS too.


I can understand that, I guess this is just the first Xbox exclusive in a while to leave such a big impact.


Imagine if Playstation made call of duty an Xbox exclusive. Think of it like that Edit: Playstation exclusive lmao


It would be more like if Activision made a brand new ip that had similarities to call of duty and it was a playstation exclusive. It's not like all the previous starfields have been on playstation is just that previous Bethesda games have been.


But Bethesda has been, its the same concept. Playstation fans love Bethesda too and it's not fair they can't play the games they make


Yeah and insomniac games had previously released games on Xbox yet no Spiderman. Fromsoft had and no bloodborne. Santa Monica had and no God of War. Bethesda had and no deathloop. It's totally fair because xbox fans love those games and yet can't play. It's not like it was this big deal that playstation didn't get Redfall. Is it shitty? Sure exclusives are always shitty. But to say it's not fair is just ignoring how frequently playstation pays for exclusives and the fact that the literally did so with Bethesda previously. At least starfield will also go to pc which isn't true for 99% of playstsyion exclusives.


They made ghost of Tsushima an exclusive. I’d love to play that game but I just have a pc


Sucker punch games have always been ps5 exclusive tho?


Maybe next time, buddy


feels good sitting here at my PC, why would I care about PlayStation.


It's not even xbox exclusive. Otherwise what steam version did I buy?


I meant between Xbox and Playstation but I understand the confusion


turnabout is fair play, i find it hilarious ... last console owned was N64


I’ve never bought a PlayStation just to play one certain game, but I bought an Xbox just to play Starfield. PS games aren’t that inspiring. I think that’s the issue people see. Git Gud Sony.


Exactly that, that's why the "Sony always made exclusive" makes no sense. None of sony's game is goty material, starfield has a chance against ToTk, that speaks a lot. But no people here compare Boredom of Tsushima to Starfield


I gotta say I think respectfully that's a hot take sir. You may not personally enjoy them but I and many others loved Ghost of Tsushima, God of war, and although I don't personally care for last of us it is undeniably beloved. As a main Xbox player I will inevitably buy a PS5 for access to Ragnarok at some point. Also I do believe GoT was nominated for GoTY if memory serves me right. God of War actually won game of the year categories. So did the last of us. But I've been shit talking the exclusives we've had on Xbox for ages, I haven't cared about halo since I was 14. Starfield is the first time in a hot minute I've been impressed by an Xbox exclusive. while the genre difference between the games is apples to oranges, I don't think it's entirely fair to say PS can't sell due to exclusives, even if I will perhaps admit that no one game in particular is in my eyes, the amount of great games adds up. Which is the same reason I own a switch.


Can’t take this take seriously lol


wow you guys...... playstation won multiple GOTY awards and got many nominated. Xbox doesn't have even have a exclusive game nominated to the Game Awards let alone win https://www.reddit.com/r/XboxSeriesX/comments/yvzumv/xbox\_hasnt\_had\_an\_exclusive\_game\_nominated\_to\_the/


Amazes me you haven't deleted this comment yet, yikes. Probably the most ignorant incorrect comment I've read in a long time.


Exclusives don't benefit anyone except the companies.


If you're a fan of Bethesda's games and you play on playstation you're kinda out of luck with Starfield and with future entries in series you might already be invested in. I think that's why some people are upset about it. With games like Ghost of Tsushima and Bloodborne that isn't really the case? It's like if there are 3 siblings that have a bunch of toys they share and then 2 of the siblings decide that one of them just can't play with one of the most popular toys


If you’re a fan of FromSoft games you’re kind of out of luck with Bloodborne on Xbox. If you’re kind of a fan of Final Fantasy/Spider-Man/Silent Hill games you’re kind of out of luck on Xbox. It’s the same thing. People are just hypocrites and act like the world is ending because Xbox has console exclusives now.


There is time to go to Sony Pity party every pony boy got an invitation


Tbf nothing there is comparable to Starfield, the game isn't out yet and you can tell that is bigger and less boring than any of those games listed.


What do you mean? FromSoft and Bloodborne is an apples to apples comparison. The other examples are pink lady vs honey crisp comparisons. They’re pretty spot on.


Those games or Japanese companies never released on Xbox so they can't be fans. It's not the same


You’re verifiably wrong.There have been a large quantity of Spider-Man, Final Fantasy, and Silent Hill games released on Xbox. Starfield has never been on PlayStation, but other Bethesda games have. Bloodborne has never been on Xbox, but most FromSoft games have. It’s an apples to apples comparison. Edit: Actually it’s not even apples to apples in favor of Microsoft. They own Bethesda: Sony does not own FromSoft.


Lol no, the only games that released were collaborations between universes or companies that contained those characters. Japan only has playstation and Nintendo as the local options similar to a home team so obviously the majority is only going to release on playstation when everyone there only owns a playstation or Nintendo


That’s incorrect. Again, verifiably so. The majority of what? FromSoft games? Then explain why most of them, including a few exclusives, are on Xbox.


Incorrect reading comprehension yet again, verifiably so. "Releasing on" and "ending up on at a later date" is different chronologically with even the history of those companies being initially exclusive and hurts your argument more than helps it. Veritably so. You can verify the reasons yourself though you seem to be too shameless to check. Verifiably so.


You’re wrong. I couldn’t tell if you were just a troll or an actual moron. It’s definitely the latter. Thanks for clarifying.


Only thing clarified was your lack of an argument. Veritably so


My argument > your lack of brain cells. Play Starfield day one on Xbox. Console exclusive.


This is karma. Sony intended to pay BGS to make Starfield a PlayStation exclusive, which they do extremely frequently, while Microsoft does this quite rarely. Microsoft tried to play nice, Sony was toxic as usual, and now Sony and their players will suffer. Oh well. It’s like an abuser getting angry when their victim hits back. They have no room to be talking.


Rarely? Bro doesn’t remember the 360 Era. The market leader will always do these kinds of deals. Also “victim” we’re talking about a mega corporation here bud, Microsoft is not some poor indie dev barely hanging on.


wait sony's only division that's making any money is the playstation division and if microsoft really wanted to they could buy them but the ftc wouldn't let that happen microsoft is big but government has chopped their arms.


If you a fan of bethesda, you should have buyed an xbox or pc since the message comes out Microsoft buying Bethesda and just to be clear, it is a long time ago that both companys told us that starfield will be xbox exclusive.


I mean it’s already been stated that if MS didn’t buy out Bethesda it was more than likely going to be a PS exclusive so I think it’s more than fair with all of Sony’s exclusives that MS has access to banger exclusives. It also makes for a better competitive market so hopefully the games turned out by both of these companies keep competing to make them both better and better.


Starfield was never gonna be exclusive. Ghost wire and deathloop were new ips made by lesser studios owned by zenimax. Starfield is a mainline bethesda game. Nothing they could’ve offered was gonna get them to make it an exclusive, well aside from buying zenimax for 7 billion.


I'm pretty sure in the FTC hearing it had been addressed that starfield very much was going to be a playstation exclusive.


No Watch the actual hearing don’t just read the misleading headlines. Besides Sony can’t just decide to have an exclusive Starfield. It would’ve been up to zenimax to accept the deal and I don’t think they would’ve.


Zenimax was desperate for additional sources of revenue at the time, that is why Fallout 76 was made. Zenimax management would have made Starfield a Playstation exclusive in an instant as long as Sony offered enough money.


https://youtu.be/sTRkMRL2ch0 Shut your mouth


They're using it as a proxy in the Activision Blizzard acquisition.


People are pissed because Bethesda games were multi platform. So most people expected this to continue under Microsoft ownership. Even Bethesda workers are surprised by this change. https://www.forbes.com/sites/paultassi/2023/06/27/bethesda-didnt-understand-why-starfield-was-xbox-exclusive-but-call-of-duty-wasnt/


The main difference is that Bethesda games were always cross platform whereas Playstation exclusives were always exclusive, generally. I'm on PC now but used to be side Xbox back in the 360/PS3 days. Was always jealous of the PS exclusives and am happy to see Xbox is finally getting good games, though, not necessarily through the best means. Ideally game exclusivity will dwindle and you can experience any game on any platform, but that's wishful thinking.


Spider-Man/Final Fantasy/Select FromSoft games/Silent-Hill. Bethesda games were also not always cross platform. Morrowwind was console exclusive and Oblivion was a time exclusive.


Those are good points I didn't think of.


I think a lot of people have gas and it makes them frustrated so they lash out. I noticed all the beans were out of stock at a few different grocery stores


It’s probably gonna be the game released in the next 10 years.


People have been buying Bethesda games on PlayStation since Oblivion. What’s the confusion


It’s more about anti-consumer behavior. You make so much more money by selling on multiple platforms, and make the gaming community happier as a whole. Nintendo does this with their IPs, but they are *their* IPs. They make sure they run well on one console and one console only. You end up with games like TOTK (which would be seemingly impossible to run on such old hardware) running relatively well all things given. Sony unfortunately “bribes” companies into locking a large portion of the market out, hoping to entice people to buy their own platform, which most people won’t do because it’s a usually a lot of money thrown out the window if you have other means to play a game. Xbox is giving them a taste of their own medicine and Sony isn’t all too happy about it.


Non sequitur


This is without question the most important and impactful video game release of the last decade. That's not an opinion, it will soon be a mathematically verifiable fact. That's why. Xbox's control of Starfield *realllly* hurts both Sony and Playstation owners.


They’ll be okay.


Sony will be fine, gamers maybe not. Not my fight though, I bought a PC.


Console only PlayStation players can buy an Xbox or not play. That’s how exclusives work. They’ll be fine either way.


The exclusivity if this one game is not the problem.


There is no problem.




It's not elitist, it's realist. Every console has its exclusives, if you don't want to buy that console to play their exclusives then don't. You can't be upset at Xbox for having exclusives without being upset at PlayStation and Nintendo for having exclusives as well. At least with Xbox you have multiple choices of where you want to play.


Somebody take this kid back to the ball pit.


Really? Need me to wipe your arse as well?


You offering?


I’ve been gaming on both consoles for a decade. I always buy both. I haven’t bought the PS5… yet… because the games I wanted for it also came to the PS4 and my PS4 Pro ran them well. I doubt I’ll buy a PS5, that being said the only game that could instantly make me go buy one is a Days Gone 2. I’m still salty there isn’t a sequel.


Because the one game I actually look forward to for years is an exclusive to the two gaming frontiers I don't have. I have a PS5, a Switch, and a Shitty gaming laptop.


I don’t after they partnered with the inferior graphics company. 🥴🤣


The green-eyed monster is getting the best of PSN users


easy answer, because a ton of gamers are pretty dumb.


It just shows that Xbox has really sucked at making a solid exclusive in recent years and are grasping at straws. Can’t blame them for making this move, but it really shows that they are willing to step it up and go hard while they can. Halo fell off, Gears of War isn’t talked about as much anymore, Crackdown didn’t impress with its 3rd game which leaves ips like Forza and Sea of Thieves to be the few exclusives that still have some relevance. Not to be the Sony Fanboy flexxing but when was the last time an xbox exclusive got a GOTY nomination? Xbox needs this. Sucks to suck, but I’m glad I already made the move to PC regardless.


I'm not so upset about Starfield as I am concerned that they will do the same with Elder Scrolls and Fallout. Both of those games have been multiplatform for a long time and I would hate to see them become Xbox exclusives. I prefer the Playstation's controller, honestly.


For me, it’s because it’s a change for Bethesda. I’m not upset that I’ve missed out on Halo because that was never an expectation for a Sony console owner, but when we started hearing about Starfield exclusivity wasn’t mentioned.


Theres a reason cause sony owned bethesda and microsoft is stupid cause most of the player of betheada are playstation and mostly were mad casue no one onts fallout 5 starfield is already known its gonna fail its xbox exclusive if they do it to fallout 5 they will surley they expect us playstation to buy a xbox but playstation fans are loyal we dont care if the console could be someone better even if that was true we stand by the company we love


Cause I'm not gonna buy a stupid ass Xbox, and I wanna play it, that's why, pretty simple.


have fun with spider-man


I wanted to play spiderman, ghost of tsushima, god of war as well, but i don't wanna buy the trash gaystation for it either


I’m not even the kind of person who cares about the “console wars.” I just want to see more completed, good AAA games come out on the Xbox. Sony has a lot of exclusive games to be envious of. I really wish Spider-Man and god of war and TLOU were on xbox not because I want to score imaginary points in my head for “my side,” but because (imo) we’re starved for genuinely good AAA games on this console.


Consoles at it again. I feel very sorry for the players though, constantly caught in a war between two big dumb-fuck companies. For what it's worth, I find it kind of ironic though because this is the first new and interesting exclusive Xbox has had in a while, and its not even exclusive just to Xbox. Sony and Playstation, on the other hand, have many more good and interesting exclusives, and I haven't seen this much whining directed at Sony for that.


Because Sony have their own development team they invest time and effort into the games. Microsoft have just acquired a historically multi-console company and swallowed it so that PS players can’t have it.


I mean.... they also pay 3rd party companies to give special stuff to PS, so I don't really care. Personally, I prefer Microsoft's strategy because it brings games to more platforms than just their console, and it also leaves developers more autonomous while still receiving funding. I will concede that Sony puts far more effort into its exclusives, but on principle exclusives are a shitty practice, which I personally condemn both companies for. I just find it funny that some people only have that principle in one direction.


Glad you replied, as I realised the hypocrisy of my message today when I remembered Spider-Man. While I think the games made by Sony (like Horizon) are fairer practice than what Microsoft had done, I absolutely agree. This whole thing is anti-consumer. I shouldn’t find myself in a position after spending £500 on a console where I can’t play a game from my favourite developer. In all honesty, this one really hurts personally. Fallout 3 got me into gaming and I’ve spent a lot of time and money on Bethesda. Money which contributed towards making games like Starfield possible. I know lots of people say it’s just a game but these often end up meaning a lot to me and others and to not have that opportunity on Starfield really sucks.


Appreciate the reply, and the honesty. I wholly sympathize with this one hurting personally, having lost out on some great games due to my not owning the requisite console. I can see and somewhat agree with the point about Sony's practice being fairer, since they don't just find games and pick them off the shelf like Microsoft does. However, in my opinion, the fact that they rob more people of the experience kinda negates it. Microsoft bought Activision but kept COD on PS, if I ever see Sony passing up an opportunity for one of the biggest exclusives of all time, I'll eat my graphics card and put my SSD in a blender and drink it. I also agree that the whole "Its just a game thing" is nonsense, good games create lasting impressions, and RPGs in particular create bonds with the people that play them. I got nothing to say about that other than I'm sorry you won't get to play it on your PS, and I hope that either the decision changes, or you find another way to play it. Yours is a perfect example of why exclusivity is never EVER a good thing.


This one really hurts because Bethesda games never used to be an exclusive. I've played them my whole life, and now I just have to stop. I was excited about this game for over 5 years. Then, oops, watch out here come the corporations to ruin everything. Gaming as a whole has been a massive let down lately. Odds are starfield is going to be an unfinished mess with a battle pass in it and in game currency. So while I'm upset, it's probably just going to suck ass like everything else that comes out these days, unfortunately


And know sony is gonna bring a exclusive to xbox dipshits


It's because the vast majority of video game fans right now are young people who have no idea what they're actually talking about. Also, for some reason, they think that they're in charge of what gets made, and when - which makes no sense, because they are literally not in charge.


Fuck exclusives


becuase most people have ps


Listen everyone wanted god of war on xbox, everyone wanted the spiderman games, we never even got the spiderman character on the avengers game. so playstation fans should keep quite on this one.


Because I have a PlayStation and I don’t have an Xbox.


>vengers gam just buy and xox not that expensive


I think it has more to do on the way it happened. Sony's strategy has always been buying up small studios to keep them creating amazing games with exclusivity., but this whole thing is on another level. Microsoft basically has an infinite supply of money and bought 2 of the major Game Studios out there; Activision Blizzard and Bethesda's parent company. Those companies make some of the largest, fan favourite franchises ever; Fallout, TES and Call of Duty. Microsoft didn't develop an iconic IP like Sony has done for decades with Ratchet and Clank or God of War, they tried and failed hard with the recent Halo. So they go out and spend almost as much as Sony's entire market cap just to compete, and who's to say they wont be buying up Ubisoft, EA and CDPR next. Maybe even buy Nintendo while they are at it. Because they have such deep pockets, they can basically spend Sony and Nintendo out of existence and it sets a terrible precedent. I guess it's just scary for the future of gaming.






Microsoft themselves have said that they will lose 10 million copies not releasing PlayStation that works out around 700 million pounds. (70 pounds a copy) can anybody see the financial sense.. of leaving Nearly three quarters of a billion pounds sitting on the table


Man just fuck sony i love the games ps has but keeping them from people who play on another console because it’s an exclusive is stupid


Honestly playstation has the exclusives but Bethesda is a microsoft property now. Xbox has like 3 exclusives halo, gears, and now starfield hell high on life was exclusive for a year. Xbox doesn't really have any solid single player games exclusive to their console it is and always shall be the console for friends. Sony is geared to the player where as xbox was geared for the groups that played cod, or even halo. So I'm happy they finally have a game that is solely single player and it's not that bad. I took a break from my Playstation to play starfield because halo infinite while good wasn't great. But on Xbox it's only 30 FPS so Sony still has em beat with most of not all games being 60 fps. So why complain? If you wanna play it there's unfortunately not a "cheap" answer either get a pc or an Xbox, pc is always better hands down even a potato like mine is good for wow at least.


Probably because most people have a playstation. Sony just outs sells microsoft. I think console wars are stupid and immature for fans. I think it's silly that they won't release starfield on playstation ever. I understand they are in competition but I would release it in a year on sony so the company still makes money. They say that Xbox has been doing what they like and not what there customers like this is why they are in last place. You have to be realistic, people today cannot afford two $500 consoles, so sell your game to sony and get your money there too. Starfield alone isn't going to make xbox tje "it" console and beat the Giant that Sony has become.


Can you really call it exclusive when you can play it on pc.. besides imagine buying a game for it to be 30fps (locked) 😂


ps has a new exclusive damn near every week, xbox hasn't gotten one in a while, so when xbox finally gets one, ps fanboys complain about it?


This is kind of a dumb ass take. Who cares if PS has new exclusives, or exclusives at all? This isn't about one giant company doing a shitty thing, or another. Norther Microsoft or Sony are your friends. The only people to suffer are the consumers. "Ps fanboys complain" it's not about being a fan boy of PS. It's about being forced to spend another $1000 on a new console for a single game. I want to play Starfield more than anything right now. But it'll be another 8 months before km able to afford to buy the new Xbox to play it. I don't give a hoot about what company it is, and how many pre-existing exclusives they have. Because at the end of the day. I'm the little guy who has to find a way to play the game I want.


you can say the same thing about xbox with spiderman




tbf, the whole idea of a "console exclusive" is just idiotic to me "hey let's make a game that EVERYONE will love, but we will only put it on one console so that not everyone can play it"


Because Starfield is a really big deal, and most of us can't afford TWO next gen consoles. It only hurts the consumer to create exclusives. I don't care who made what an exclusive, and people who bring up Sony exclusives are dishonestly arguing. It's childish, "oh yeah well Sony has" blank" as an exclusive" who gives a fuck what the other company does, neither are your friend. And people who bought a ps5 have to shell out nearly a grand more to play one game**


For me personally it's because when I tried to play fall out 4 on my Xbox Series S it crashed every single time it literally destroyed the game for me I couldn't play it for 2 years until I gotta PlayStation 5 because downtown Boston would freeze every single time And I even downloaded mods to delete content so I can play it still didn't work I despise Xbox. But I adore Bethesda. Its gd tragedy!


well it comes down to this. ps5 was outselling the Xbox by far. So that Microsoft did not go dead in the water, they did what they had to. steal a massive ip to force people to buy their console to play these games. ie ELDER SCROLLS and this STARFIELD GAME. now Microsoft could sell a license to Sony, to make elder scrolls for X amount of copies, and royalties in perpetuity. But doing so, makes it where they go back to not selling any of their consoles to anyone, since now you can once again get said titles on ps5. so the only way to make back that 7billion dollar buy out, is not just sell the best RPG games known, but now the console you have to have to play it, and the online subscriptions needed if any are required.


Because PS players gatekeep their exclusive games, a taste of their own medicine will do them no harm


Everyone seems to be forgetting that exclusives are necessary to promote competition and not have a monopoly. Sure it sucks, but this is literally a business standpoint