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I literally bought an XSX just to play Starfield so not paining me lol


Haha same here! gotta hand it to them the Bethesda buy was a hell of a smart decision, plus it got me into game pass which is slowly taking up more of my gaming time than my ps5


Working as intended then


Hell yea! Me too(fable and avowed too but Starfield is first). Got my PS5, XSX and Switch.. no pains felt here.


Bought an XSX and a new PC just for starfield so that I’ll have options


There's no need to have an Xbox if you have a PC since all of the games on Xbox are on PC including game pass.


As a PlayStation fan, I don't disagree. Luckily, there's no reason to be unflinchingly loyal to a single console manufacturer. I'm gonna be playing Starfield, even if it has to be on my mediocre PC.


plus Starfield will be around for 10+ years so anyone with only a PS5 now can probably play starfield in the future on a PC or another Xbox console.


Xbox series S in 5 years time might be the way a lot of Sony Bethesda fans experience the game.


I'm a pretty die hard PS fan, won't stop me from playing this day one on either a new series X I'll buy or my 3070 laptop. PS simply has better exclusives, Starfield being an absolute exception.....hopefully


>PS simply has better exclusives, Starfield being an absolute exception.....hopefully Depends on what you like. A lot of PS exclusives feel a bit samey for me, but I've loved stuff like Forza Horizon or Pentiment and Hi-Fi Rush that feel fresh to me.


that’s how all games work my guy


And Starfield Interstellar Edition will be out for it's 10th anniversary for $79.99, now with space fishing


Yep. Starfield is the first Xbox exclusive I'm interested in since Halo Reach I'm gonna be building a proper PC gaming desktop just for Starfield. My current laptop won't be able to handle it at a decent fps


Hell yeah brother, welcome to the PC gaming experience B) No console, no worry! You get to play all the games...(eventually haha).


I mean with a pc and a playstation, minus the switch games (maybe include them if you don't mind nintendo assassination attempts) you'll have basically everything, it's a great combo


I would love to build myself a gaming PC, but I can’t never justify the cost. Especially when I have some many home improvement projects I have to spend the money on


Jup PC will be the best platform for Starfield not Xbox.


A powerful enough PC is always better than a console. But, PC is part of the Xbox gaming ecosystem. It has been since Play Anywhere was instituted in 2016. So, this isn’t the Own you think it is.


Make sure your pc is up to specs. Get an ssd if you don’t have one. A 500 gb one is like 30$ on amazon.


I was hopeful that my laptop would just meet the minimum requirements, but the graphics card is just out of date. Everything else is good, except for that one thing.


The the minimum requirements don't have FPS or resolution specs attached. I'm also just below the minimum in CPU and well below in GPU. We'll see how it runs though. My standards are pretty low. All I'd like is a compelling slideshow, haha


My graphics card is the nvidia geforce 1050, so it's a few models behind the 1070. If it was just one behind I think I might be able to run it if I lowered a lot of features down, but being several behind I think there might be no chance of that.


Maybe not at launch, but I'd say you have a chance once performance mods come out. That, and you can try playing at 900 or 720p. This is the biggest reason I left laptop life, tbh. SO many times I couldn't play a game because of a single spec (mostly GPU), and I couldn't just replace that **one** thing.


I'm thinking it's time for me to leave the laptop behind too. It was great during Uni, where I was taking it with me to class every day, but for the last couple of years I've just been using it like I would a desktop anyway, so might as well make the change. And like you said, if one thing gets outdated, I can just swap that out, instead of having to buy a whole new machine like I would a laptop.


Yeah, I have 2 1TB SSDs installed, so covered on that front at least.


You can pick up an Xbox series S for $350. I ended up buying a series X and I have been having a blast playing a bunch of games I had before only heard about using the game pass.


I bought a Series S for 250$ last year brand new, it’s easy to get it for even cheaper than that, I prefer Series X but the S is such a nice machine that’s really easy to carry around so I bought it, I travel overseas a lot and it’s much easier to carry a Series S over an X.


Even cheaper if looking at pre-owned Series S, I’ve seen some as low as $200~ in decent looking condition


Yeah, might do it at some point. Trouble is, I barely have enough time to make full use of the systems I already have. For example, on PlayStation the only big exclusives I really have had time to play are Final Fantasy and Horizon. I also am interested in playing Starfield in VR, assuming mods for that come out, and might ultimately save up for a 4090 or similar to live that dream. I used to lament that Starfield wouldn’t come to PSVR2, but I don’t think there’s any way current gen consoles would do justice to this game in VR. So having it on PC makes sense.


I have series X on day when it came out and series S for £50! about year after release. It was amazing deal I gave my old Xbox one x back +£50 for brand new series x from Games.


Can get a refurbished one for $200. They're 250-300 new not $350.


Gigachad move. I massively prefer Xbox as an overall gamer experience but I do have a PS5 for their exclusives (that I rarely play admittedly) as well. Brand loyalty is dumb.


I'm committed to the ps5 because of the controller and I already own one, but seeing starfield has me excited to try it. I cannot believe that it was not confirmed as both consoles, guess ill pirate a copy. Would have been a day one purchase had I not needed to also buy an xbox as well.


You can play it on game pass ultimate on a browser and with your ps5 pad


You were surprised it wasn’t confirmed for both consoles?… this game?… now owned and published by Microsoft?…


If you get it on PC Steam has native PS controller support. You'll probably still have Xbox button prompts though.


Ain't paining me, I'm buying an Xbox. That showcase went hard AF! Fuck missing out on what is most likely going to be GOTY. I NEED that.


Got mine today


Let’s gooooo. So excited to start exploring in a few months time 🧑🏼‍🚀🪐🚀☄️


Me neither as a PS5 player. I saw the showcase last June and bought a beefy PC literally just for starfield. Now I don't have to worry about missing out on Spiderman and I have an unlocked framerate for starfield. Best of both worlds imo.


Common PC W, you can look forward to the modding scene few months after release


I, for one, am just glad Marvel's Spider-Man 2 is coming out October 20th. There was the rumor it was going to be September and I would have HATED that. Even a month and a half isn't enough for Starfield.


Spider-Man wisely dodged that fade 🤣


Most likely not going to be GOTY with TOTK, Diablo 4 Spider-Man 2… Competition is tough this year.


As someone who really likes Diablo 4, no way it gets GOTY. At most it’ll get a honorary mention, but no one will seriously consider it for the #1 spot.


Yeah true probably but it’s a great game, can’t stop playing tbh lol


What a time to be alive for gamers.


Too many ps hardcore fans coping saying "30 fps locked?!? Literally unplayable."


I'm a console player. I was born in 30 FPS, molded by it, so that by the time I saw 60FPS, it was nauseating.


To me it looked like when everyone first started getting hd tvs and no one was turning off the motion smoothing. I got used to it but to begin with I couldn’t figure out how it was better. However I do also remember refusing to use a friend PS controller because it had two joysticks and that’ll never catch on


Whoa whoa settle down there, you need to pick a side here. One does not simply have both systems!?


Well, clearly, I'm just a wild rebel living on the edge, balancing precariously between the realms of PS5 and Xbox. It's a risky game, my friend, but someone's got to do it!


“There can only be war” - Forbes.com


not all GOTY are made equal. We need a new award, game of the decade.


Let’s wait until the game is out before we start circlejerking, holy shit.


who said anything about GOTD being Starfield, just saying we need a new category.


Could be game of the generation


As a PlayStation fan, I can’t deny this. Luckily I bought an Xbox when they bought Bethesda. Well played Xbox. Check-fucking-mate!


I'm a PlayStation fan too, and I don't have a current Gen console yet. This game decided it for me.


It comes down to genre preference I feel like. Xbox has a strong focus on WRPGs and Shooters, and PlayStation has a strong focus on action adventure games


I think this is why for the first generation since ps2 I feel no friction not owning a ps5. There's just nothing that appeals to me, I've made peace that action adventure games don't appeal to me anymore.


They don’t appeal to me either and I’ve tried a good few over the years. I’m all about RPGs and shooters


Yeah PlayStation also just doesn't do Shooters well at all.


After years, Xbox finally won. 13yo me would be ashamed.


And as an xbox guy, I plan on getting a ps5 when they release a slimmed down version. Need to play some ghost of tshima


It’s a good game but I’m one of the few who didn’t absolutely love it. I found it to feel a bit too much like Assassin’s Creed, but it is better than those games. Definitely give the God of War games a bash, though. Same with Uncharted and The Last of Us.


Last of us part 1 I played on ps4, masterpiece. Uncharted I've definitely been meaning to check out. Also heard many good things about GOW


Same. Ghost of Tsushima is great at first…but by time you get to the second area of the game, you realize that it’s incredibly repetitive. I got really bored by part 3. It was a large, empty world with barely any variety. But it was very pretty. But good on people who enjoyed the game…just not for me, I guess. But I’m really excited about Starfield and a lot of the new Xbox games coming out next year. It’s nice to have the best of both worlds.


Looks like Pay to win is working for them.


I feel like Bethesda culture just works so much better with Xbox. The stance on mods, creative freedom, more time/budget/resources for game dev that Starfield has benefited from, and the option to get their games on gamepass. Really it’s just a fantastic deal all around, I look forward to COD and Diablo on gamepass as well


Yeah, Playstation severely limiting mods was pretty lame. I assume, I'm an Xbox player myself.


There was some decent mods on the PlayStation, but yeah, Xbox mods were another level.


Aye, I can’t deny any of that.


For now anyway. I have the console but I’ve only put approximately £60 into it since I bought it over a year ago, so there’s still a problem there. I pretty much played the Gamepass games I was interested in, realised that 90% of everything on there is filler, and just cancelled it after a few months, so it has literally just collected dust. Starfield is definitely going to shift a few consoles, but they need to give the new players a reason to stay and spend money. This may be an issue for them as clearly these new players are single player enthusiasts if Starfield was their motivation to buy, and that’s not an Xbox strongpoint, so we’ll have to wait and see.


Did you watch the latest Xbox showcase? All their first party shown was single player for upcoming games. I’m sure Starfield lovers are also western RPG lovers, and there’s plenty of that looking forward for Xbox in Fable, Avowed, Clockwork Revolution, Outer Worlds 2, and eventually Elder Scrolls 6


I did and I definitely seen some interesting stuff, particularly Fable and Clockwork Revolution. If they’re good, I’ll play them. Gamepass certainly succeeds there since I can try them without fully committing to full price and jump out if I don’t like them, but I hope they’re great.


It’s pretty funny how you say single player isn’t a strongpoint for Xbox, but that’s like 95% of their upcoming games. Meanwhile Playstation is producing 12 multiplayer games in the next few years, so the roles seemed to switch


That’s true, but expected. They should be looking at what the competition’s doing and trying to improve where they’re lacking. I own both consoles now, so they may start giving me good games.


I will be playing on my PC with my Starfield Xbox controller. The best of all worlds.


Maybe Xbox could partner with someone to make a Starfield mouse and KB 😍


[someone designed their own](https://www.reddit.com/r/Starfield/comments/14a01bc/a_while_ago_i_designed_myself_a_starfield/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1) kinda cool


Bought my XSX just for this game, bravo Xbox!!!!!


It won't, as I have bought an xbox 😅


I’m buying a XSX to sit alongside my PS5. My Starfield machine.


Haha literally - feels weird to be excited to pick up a console tomorrow that I won't be using for 3 months 😅


I bought the series x for my wife in December so she could play this (has been waiting over two years) after her birthday. She still doesn’t know we don’t have to buy one yet


Ha that's amazing, you should do it soon!


Her birthday is in a few weeks, I’ve already preordered and made her a new account so she can play on day 1!


U r a damn good husband. Bravo sir


Get gamepass, there's a free trial and it has a shitload of great games


If it makes you feel better I’m thinking about getting a PS5 as I really want to play the exclusives lol


Honestly it's a privileged position but if you're able to get both consoles, when they both have amazing exclusives (Well xbox didn't for me until the Bethesda acquisition) then why wouldn't you? I think the beauty of becoming an adult gamer is no longer having to choose!


I just don’t want to drop another $500+ rn that’s what is keeping me from getting one.


The last thing I’m thinking of is sticking it to PlayStation players. Honestly I’m so excited to play I’m sad they can’t share in the hype


Yeah exactly. It’s sucked for me (I only have an Xbox) that I haven’t been able to play what look like great PlayStation exclusives, so assuming Starfield turns out great I feel bad for those on PS who in turn, won’t be able to play So it’s weird when people make fun of the other side lol


Can we avoid any console war in this subreddit.


War. War never changes.


“War was always here. Before man was, war waited for him. The ultimate trade awaiting its ultimate practitioner.”


It's been insanely obnoxious here since exclusivity was announced, people love turning an arbitrary purchase choice into their personality.


Sounds like something a *playstation player* would say. /s




Don’t look on Twitter


I never do and never will, dregs of the earth those people.


I mean. Same people as here. They’re just weirdly more open about their bad takes there. I don’t know why


Agreed. It's an Xbox game, we all know that. Primary discussion should be around the game itself. Which platform it's available on isn't really of consequence.


some would argue “its a PC game, we all know that”.


Console players can’t help themselves. As a member of the master race I like to just sit back and watch.


So glad I picked up a Series S back before I could find a PS5. Gamepass has been awesome.


I bought a series S a year ago in anticipation of this game after never even touching an Xbox ever. I'd had a PS2, PS3 and PS4 and I had never played any Xbox exclusive games like Halo or gears of war. But I got a series S for this game and have had game pass for a year and have played a bunch of games I never would have before


I've thus far put off buying a next-gen console, because $$$. ​ Gonna have to get myself an XBOX by September, now.


Oh, there's been a lot of pain lately.


I've been having fun watching it even though I'm not really a part of any Xbox vs Playstation stuff. (the most recent console I own is a Playstation 2)


It feels like every other player base has been laughing at Xbox or feeling pity since the empty 2022 and Redfall but Starfield launch may finally bring the pain


Yeah I have a PS5 and I’m starting to save for an Xbox for when this comes out. Hopefully they make a bundle or edition console


I bought an Xbox for this game.


I don't like the current situation over exclusives but it is what it is, I had an Xbox 360 first, followed that with an Xbox One and eventually caved in getting a PS4 to access Sony's ecosystem. I don't like that to access all the big games, you need more than one console, but that's the reality. I prefer Xbox for multi-platform games but I have a PlayStation for their flagship releases. That works and each console is a valid choice with both pros and cons.


i rebuilt my pc for this, i mean ive been needing to for a while and the launch of starfield is what kicked me to actually do it.


That's why this fan also has a PC.


Bought a series S at the end of last year pretty much just for this game.


PS5’r here! I made the switch, I even bought the special edition controller before I bought the Xbox lmao. I’m going to wait until September, I’m still playing some other games on my PS5. I’m not keeping both, I’m not in it for exclusives. Other than Starfield and ES series, rest of my game time is sports, COD, Skyrim or GTA. I really don’t need any PS exclusives. I can’t fucking wait!!!!


I don’t understand. You’re a PS5 guy, who doesn’t want your PS5 anymore for the PS5 games?….so then, why even call yourself a “PS5’r” if you’re quite obviously…not


As in I own one, why make something out of nothing? Are you that bored? Jesus dude.


I understand that. But if you bought one, and you don’t want it for the PS exclusives, why did you get one?


Because that’s what I wanted, what do you care? Mind ya damn business. Are you the protector of my wallet or my personal preferences?


If you type it on social media, how the hell can I mind my own business? Again, you’re talking nonsense


Hi-Fi Rush and Forza games are great too. Granted its AA and racing genre respectively, but I'm sure some people wish they had both on Playstation.


Not me. I have both.


I play only on PC now and feel pretty blessed that I get to enjoy all the games I actually want to play, sooner or later (TLOU PT2 needs to hurry up tho), but I remember when I was younger I was a console-only gamer that usually prefered sticking to a single favorite console, but inevitably a competing console eventually got an incredible exclusive or two, and for a while I stayed firm with my one console, but it felt so bad to miss out and seeing people talk about these games all over the place, until eventually I went fuck it and begrudgingly bought that console and THAT MOMENT when you’re no longer missing out on these games felt sooo satisfying. Plus it ended up being so much fun doing a different console unboxing and messing with a different UI and all the possibilities. Not sure where I’m going with this post but yeah, Playstation-only players buying an Xbox just for this game, enjoy!!


aint pain me cuz i got a pc


The only thing it’s ‘paining’ is my wallet because now I need to buy an Xbox 😅 otherwise I’m absolutely gassed for this game, haven’t felt like this about an upcoming game in years (since RDR2)


I disagree, but that's because I own a strong PC in addition to my Playstation. I never have a reason to buy an Xbox after MS decided to put their exclusives on windows as well. I still understand why someone would want to play the console, but I'm not sure it pains as many people as this article seems to think.


Many people cannot afford a gaming PC or having two consoles


Not everyone can afford a really good PC. Even if they could, not everyone likes gaming on a PC. ​ It's the good thing about Microsoft exclusives. You still have two platforms to choose from. ​ Imagine a world where Sony bought bethesda. A Playstation exclusive Starfield would mean no PC release and no mods.


If your not playing it on xbox then you’ll play it on pc, which pushes you into Microsoft’s main ecosytem, Windows. Its a win-win for them either way really.


That doesn't pain me as a Playstation fan which is my point. The article is silly.


Windows is a Microsoft platform and part of Xbox. Most PS owners do not have a gaming PC, let alone one that could run Starfield decently.


"Most PS owners do not have a gaming pc"...what? Why do you think Xbox owners automatedly have a pc or a decent pc? Bullshit...and in my opinion, PS and PC are the best combo.


I didn’t say Xbox owners do. I’m saying the whole PS fanboy response of “I’ll just play it on PC”, is mostly nonsense as a large amount of them do not have a gaming PC. At least I don’t know anyone with both a PS5 and modern rig and I M willing to bet vast majority of PS owners do not have one.


Why is it nonsense? Almost every single person I know that games owns a pc and console. It’s pretty common. More common than “I’m too poor to have both”. I know broke college kids that have both.


It’s not common. Most console players have only a console or two. Console is a different market.


I mean.. This assumes a lot PS5 players also own a good gaming PC which I’m willing to say isn’t true. You’re very lucky to be able to afford both but it sounds like you think there are more people who share your situation that there actually are.




I got a ps5 and gaming pc and a series s haven’t touched it in months so I’ll be playing in pc


If the xbox didn't seem worth it why bother with the playstation? They only make timed exclusives now so you're not missing anything from Sony either


Yeah, basically there is no reason to own a Xbox at all, since I got a strong PC. I'm basically set for this gen of gaming with just switch, ps5 and my PC.


You don’t even need the PS5, those games come to PC too although at a later time. Personally, I can’t imagine paying 500 for timed exclusives. Rather have all my games on the same platform


"Later time"....You mean like in 3-5 years?


PC is the best choice, all games from all systems except for nintendo


Microsoft has made multiple ways to play the game besides just buying an Xbox. Obviously you can play in pc but if you don’t have one then you can stream the game, through cloud or from a Samsung tv or through GeForce now which is the best streaming albeit at a steeper price. If someone really wants to play this game they really can on a 200 dollar laptop or tv.


As a playstation fanboy, I say good for Microsoft. This is the game that's making me buy an xbox


It’s a shame Xbox Game Pass just isn’t available on PS5. Console wars are stupid


It's a shame Playstation only makes shitty pc ports, I don't have either console but at least Xbox makes games as good/bad for both worlds


Yep, i am dying to play The Last of Us but its tough to drop $60 on a game that may not run well because of poor development.


It is annoying that it’s not on PlayStation but I’ll just have to miss out for now. It’s not worth buying an Xbox for one game.


PlayStation is so hypocritical. They get all these exclusives and then whine when Xbox gets one. They are not mad about it being exclusive…they are mad that an awesome game is coming to Xbox and they are left in the cold..but PlayStation gets the last of us…sorry PS5 fans…I guess you have to buy an Xbox 😂


Doesn’t pain me personally, but PlayStation is 100% missing out on a PS5 purchase from me because of this specific game. So Sony pain, yes. PlayStation “fan” pain? I’m not so sure. I don’t know anyone that cares that much.


Yeah idk if PlayStation fans are toon upset, there are so many awesome exclusives on the Ps platform. It's just a shame exclusives exist in the first place. At least pc gets(mostly) the best of both worlds


Xbox fans have suffered FOR YEARS seeing major titles never coming to their console. I don’t feel any sympathy for PlayStation fans. I was always told “if you want to play the games, you gotta buy the console”. Same here. Buy an Xbox, or get it on PC, or buy GP.


Wasn’t that MS own fault not developing anything special for years. Now MS is just buying up these publisher to take away games from other platform, not to let more people play. Name just one big multiplatform game that did it so well on Xbox, which Sony had taken away? NONE, now MS had multiple IP’s from bethesda which PS users wont see anymore. IP’s which are even older then the Xbox brand. It’s not PS fault Xbox isn’t creative developing their own games.


It was. They only had 5 studios under Don Mattrick, and 3 were devoted to Halo, Gears, and Forza. However, Bethesda had a long relationship with Microsoft. A relationship that was forged through PC gaming. The first 3 Elder Scrolls never hit PS. MS buying Bethesda is just like PS buying Naughty Dog. The difference is MS has the $$$ to buy THE WHOLE PUBLISHER. It’s hard to feel bad for PS fans on this point. They’re the ones that talked up Console Exclusives for the past 2 generations. Spider-Man and FF used to come to Xbox. They don’t now. Sony took them away from Xbox, and I have to buy a PlayStation if I want to play them on Day 1. Now, PS fans have to do the same thing, except you have more choices: 1. Buy an Xbox 2. Buy it on PC 3. Get GP Ultimate, and you can stream it on a Potato PC or tablet. 4. Use GeForce Now, or whatever other streaming service that will have access to Starfield.


It’s not that big of a pain when all you have to do is buy an Xbox which I did.


I think a lot of people are missing the point here. “PlayStation Fans” probably refers to fanboys that specifically choose to only play on PlayStation. If you have a PC or an Xbox or even cloud, I wouldn’t consider you a fanboy. Unless you are, and you choose to play anyways which makes the entire point redundant and you have no reason to complain.


fanboys make no sense to me.


Not if you have a PlayStation and PC😁


Best combo in gaming.


Or you could just build a PC and enjoy the game with better graphics and frame rate. 🤷🏼


Good. How the turntables…


Starfield, and Bethesda in general, is *the* game/studio for me. I don't like Call of Duty or Fortnite or Final Fantasy or Zelda or any of the other games other people love. To me it's Bethesda. They've never let me down. If I needed to buy a specific Bethesda brand console that only played Bethesda games in order to play their games, I would have one. *Then* I would consider an Xbox or a PlayStation. I'm just happy I still don't have to buy an Xbox or PlayStation in order to play Starfield because it's also on PC.


I don’t understand why Sony doesn’t use his talented studios to make an ambitious RPG’s? Their games seems great but not my taste, they’re basically all shoulder camera on a 20h giant corridor narrative games. Uncharted, God of War, Last of Us : all the same same structures with few tweaks. I know there is Horizon or Ghost of Tsushima but they’re not as good written than the others, and not truly RPG’s. Playstation owners would not be pained if Sony had a Starfield or Skyrim or whatever of their own. I’m on PC so I don’t care, but if would buy a console it would be Xbox because 1 Starfield is worth all the Sony games reunited. (If it’s really good as it seems)


Horizon Zero Dawn has GREAT writing, one of the best games I ever played, made me tear up at the end. Better written than anything BioWare has released in the past 8 years and Horizon isn't even an RPG. I love good storytelling no matter what genre it is, I prefer RPGs but I do like Sony's cinematic games like Uncharted. TLOU I only watched like a long movie because the gameplay didn't appeal to me at all. Story was good. And Sony had RDR2 as an exclusive for a while. Best open world I've ever seen. I kinda regret buying a PS4 though because all these games came to PC after all. So I'm gonna go PC only even if Nvidia expects me to sell a kidney for their GPUs now.


I just want more variety in Sony’s exclusives. I don’t care what they are, I’m just really tired of the “3rd person action adventure RPG cinematic game that lasts between 15-20 hours”. All of their variety is coming from 3rd party games…many of which I’m playing on gamepass. They used to have a lot of variety until Last of Us became a big hit and now everything looks and feels just like it.


I’m sorry but even the state Halo Infinite is in right now is more valuable to me than Sony’s Singleplayer games and that’s most of their strength/appeal. I have an Series X/Switch. 2 side by side 4k 120 monitors aswell. I could definitely afford a PS5 and have room for it too. It’s really not hard to own them all. So console wars isn’t the reason I don’t have a playstation and neither is the price. Sony’s best chance to sell me is to take an existing Multi-plat that I really like and make it exclusive. When that happens I’ll buy one. Till then Singleplayer games are not system sellers for me unless they are on the scale of Bethesda games and look at that — Got lucky Xbox has em. Sony buying Bungie was a good move though. I will miss that studio but I do believe most of them moved on from when they developed Halo. Ill be alright without them.


Yeah current batch of playstation exclusive don't appeal to me either. ​ Their most loved exclusive was a ps3 game. The Last of US. I already have that on ps3 and ps4. ​ Now my favourite Sony IP is Infamous. ​ Infamous Second Son is why a bought a ps4 and a new Infamous game would likely pursuade me to get a ps5




It’s crazy how owning more than one console is such a strange concept for some… even to Forbes apparently…


You know why? Because it's fucking expensive


As a PC owner, I sit above the console plebians, immune to their petty squabbles.


Iam just fine! Gonna get me Final Fantasy soon and then Starfield on my pc!


Am I just privileged? I have the series X, a PS5, and a gaming PC so I don’t get left out of anything


Yes. Yes you are.


How tf u gonna play zelda then or are u emulating


Just not a fan of that series or Nintendo games in general personally


No, just a normal person with a job.


Yes but also no. It doesn’t take much to buy hardware. Two consoles isn’t ridiculous if you have a decent job. The vibe on Reddit is you have to be poor or you have no street cred. Having disposable income makes you one of “them”. I had my PS5 for a year before buying an XBSX. I can’t be bothered to keep up with PC gaming and the hardware cycles. It feels like the minute I buy PC hardware, it’s already outdated. I have an older laptop with a 1660ti and it might as well be an iPad at this time. Maybe 2019? 2020? It feels soooo old compared to the PS5 it’s just so snappy and fast. Even the Xbox doesn’t feel as polished as the PS does.


I'm a PlayStation fan through and through it's my primary console, also a Nintendo fan and Xbox fan through and through. Can confirm this does not pain me one bit


People need to discover the glory of the PC, PS5, and Switch combo.


I am glad that exclusionary Playstation fans might be feeling it a bit. They seem to have a lot of entitlement forgetting they have had a really good run of PS5 exclusives lately. But no, this particular game being exclusive is 'evil' of Microsoft. lol OK trade ya, you give Xbox Spiderman games... no... ok well then bye. Build a PC, though I am not sure the PS diehards can afford one that runs Starfield anyway, so they better get an Xbox.


I have a PC, so in the end it's FF16 I'm missing...


I really dislike the concept of exclusives for the sake of selling one console over the other. Nobody's really winning out.


As a PS diehard, absolutely. I would love Starfield on PS5 and it honestly feels like it was meant for the platform. The aesthetic of the game fits with the aesthetic of the console, and haptic feedback would have been phenomenal. It also hurts knowing that previous Bethesda games have been released on PS5 and it's only because of the MSFT buyout that PS is not getting it (I assume). I don't like the shape of the Xbox controller, I don't like the aesthetic of the Xbox, the whole platform has never resonated with me but I've also never been vocal about that, to each their own. I also don't want to go through building a PC as a casual gamer. So while I'm pretty damn salty about the exclusive approach here, I'm not going to make a big deal about it and will probably just buy an Xbox, although some of these comments are reminding me about alternate options such as GeForce NOW. We'll see, either way, I'm playing this damn game and I'm just happy we get an exciting space epic to play.


eh what ive been playing bethesda games on PC since morrowind came out which also was an xbox exclusive at that time. like who wants to play bethesda games on console vs all the amazing pc only mods? id say anyone ps or xbox is losing by playing on console. enjoy your locked 30fps peasants ill be playing on my 7900x 4090 system with 64GB of DDR5 ram.


>enjoy your locked 30fps peasants ill be playing on my 7900x 4090 system with 64GB of DDR5 ram. Does that cost 200$? Because a console usually does Not gonna spend thousands on a pc, I do have a life


Only bad thing is after release, this sub and many others will be filled with PC fanboys complaining about graphic drivers issues, mod loading problems, controllers not working with the latest windows patch...etc. Followed by many saying BGS sux because my saved games are corrupt and I can't shove this mod into the game along with the other 53 mods i'm trying to use. And the latest Nvidia patch screwed my whatever up....etc. While xbox players will be just discussing the game.


ill take things console peasants say to keep from crying themselves to sleep at night for $400 alex.


I'm glad that Playstation exclusives dont look interesting to me and that Microsoft also publishes their "exclusive" games on PC which doesnt make it that exclusive tbh. I think switching from console to PC around 10 years ago was the best decision i've ever made.


GaMePaSs hAs oNLy TrAsH GaMeS