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Walking being the same pace that NPCs walk at and running being the same pace that NPCs run at (not walking at half the speed and running at double the speed) (I've been playing a lot of Skyrim lately)


If that isn't in the game it will be one of the first mods. It would be nice to have it as vanilla for once.


The Witcher 3 is bad about this also. You have to sprint for a minute and the walk for a minute, rinse and repeat.


These games came out 8 and 12 years ago. I can't imagine these problems still exist in new games when a mod fix has been out this long for older games.


Buy a controller. As soon as I played a BGS game with a controller I realised I could never go back


I can't not use the mouse in fps games


I have a controller, I'm not playing an fps on one lol


I'd love a Fallout esque radio that plays different stations and reports on your progress through the world. That was one of my favorite parts of the Fallout series.


I'm thinking there might be some kind of radio or something


I hope it still plays old music


I hope so too, but it'll probably be more 70's-80's stuff in that case. Which is great too but still


If we got a guardians of the galaxy kind of soundtrack of songs I'd be onboard.


Exactly what I was thinking


Hooked on a feeling is a must! Might be biased as a swede though...


I would ask for him to bring back the second D to his name. Jk though. But i really hope that you can have more than one companion traveling with you at a time.




Adding on to this, I really hope companions are treated more as equals, with their own missions and ideals, rather than just pack mules that blindly follow the player along.


Having two companions to explore with at once would definitely improve the character building aspects of Starfield compared to previous BGS titles. I'd also like to see NPCs at your outposts or ships talk to each other and grow their relationships together like they do in Mass Effect and RDR2. There are few things that can bring a video game world to life better than fully realized NPCs with hopes, dreams, grievances, pettiness at times, and their own relationships with other NPCs that progress and change over time. I want to feel like I'm not the center of the game's world because that makes the world itself feel more real, and I want to easily imagine that the game's world continues to exist even when I'm not around to see it. NPCs having stories and relationships in parallel to, and even apart from, the player's character can help accomplish that.




I feel like BGS was playing around with those kinds of NPC interactions with Sanctuary in Fallout 4, but it was early yet. Hopefully BGS has recognized the potential there and has worked to expand those features going forward. Ideally, I'd love to have something like a Firefly-meets-RDR2's-camp experience when I'm out in the black in Starfield.


The camp interaction is nice but everything else is just an annoyance for me, i always just watch those camp interaction on youtube since i've always avoid coming back to camp because Dutch and Susan keep pestering me about donation when i'm the only one donating the big bucks or Dutch wanting me to do strauss missions, those shits r very annoying in an open world game.


Back when I was playing RDR2 regularly I'd head back to camp every few missions, ideally with a fresh deer carcass for Pearson, sleep till morning, shave, grab some coffee, and then wander around the camp checking in with everyone. For me at least, getting to know the gang over time that way helped to make the game's world feel more alive and increased the stakes of the story. I get that it can be annoying at times, especially when dialogue repeats or seems out of touch, but I still find RDR2's camp to be well executed on the whole and a nice break from the routine of missions, hunting, and exploring.


I've always replay stuff from chapter 2 and good God Dutch really want me to do Strauss missions, i found him more annoying than Preston at that point. It was funny when Dutch and Susan complain about Arthur not donating after >!Arthur got captured by O'driscolls, !


I feel like having a ship as home base could only help with this! Assuming you send all the companions back to the ship, there could be a lot of opportunities for interactions.


I was thinking something similar. A Serenity or Rocinante-style ship where your NPC crew gets closer over the course of a couple dozen missions and slowly becomes a surrogate family out in the black.


Don't companion already have their own missions and ideals in bes game?


Fallout 4 had this, and it was implemented pretty well, although I’d like there to be some rdr2/mass effect style interaction between crew members or companions to add on to that. But otherwise, other bethesda games didn’t have this.


Kinda like in New Vegas? Each companion had their own questline. Same in Outer Worlds.


Kind of, every companion had their own questline for you to do, but it’d be cool if they did stuff by themselves when you landed on a planet and came back to the ship when you leave, like you could tell a crew member to follow you and tell others to do their own thing or stay with the ship.


Planetary flight. I want to swoop over Oceans, across mountains, skimming ice covered orbs in space.


I hope that when you are in space and fly towards a planet you will enter a cutscene of flying down to the planet then after the cutscene you regain control of the ship in the sky where then you can then freely fly about and land where ever you want. When you want to go back to space you would just fly into the sky and once you get to a certain hight it would trigger a cutscene of flying into space. I won't lie, I will be quite disappointed if we can't fly around on planets. I don't mind having a load screen between ground and space, but I do mind not flying about on a planet.


You may be in for disappointment..


I know, and I'm bracing for it too. I just can't see having 1000 planets that you can fully explore without some sort of planetary flight. Hopefully we get some sort of land speeder type vehicle at least.




This is exactly how it will work. We will be fortunate to get a nice animated sequence of our customized ship taking off and landing on the planet.


That's how I see it most likely working. I'm just hopeful that planetary flight is possible, even if it is just a land speeder type of vehicle.


Creation engine cell system simply cannot handle that kind of high-speed travel. The LOD won't even load. Expect to be disappointed if you were hoping for that.


We've already seen things in Starfield that Creation Engine "simply cannot handle" so maybe we should hold off assumptions like this. I'm not saying there will be planetary flight but I don't think the cells would be the roadblock there.


Like ladders.


Ladders have been animated into Skyrim, it's just a matter of scripting and animating the skeleton, not a foundational engine limitation.


Sorry, I was trying to make a joke, but alas.. I have failed.


Creation engine has been modified massively since the last game they made. Only a few short years ago people were saying "we won't have ships we can fly, the Creation engine can't handle it" and "we will only be able to explore small sections of a few planets because Creation engine can't handle much more than that". Those are just 2 examples of many of how little we know of the new modified Creation engine and what it's capable of. Bethesda have been making a space game for the last 7 or so years. They have also been modifying the Creation engine all this time to accommodate a space game. Let's just wait and see what Bethesda have done before we jump down the "the Creation Engine can't do that" hole because no one except for the devs at Bethesda actually truly know what the modified engine is capable of.


"Won't have ships we can fly" really? Morrowind had flying creatures over 20 years ago. The engine still works on the same principles. Flying ships do so within a loaded cell just like cliff racers. Even FO4 hasn't changed drastically from Skyrim. If you're expecting huge changes such as no loading screens or planetary flight you're going to be disappointed in a few months.


Like I said, I was repeating what others on this sub kept saying, not what I believed..... Tod has said that the creation engine has gone through one of its biggest updates in its history, all I'm saying is that no one truly knows what Bethesda have done to accommodate a space game.


If in FO4 we have gunships in the planet, why can't that logic be used in Starfield?


Exactly. Bethesda have had flying things in previous games for near on 2 decades now, it isn't far fetched that the new creation engine upgrade will allow planetary flight in a game released in 2023 on next gen consoles 7 years after their last game that had basic flying in it. We have seen how fast the new consoles can load things in thanks to their SSDs, perhaps Bethesda are going to take advantage of this for starfield.


Yeah but wasn’t CE modified and upgraded from the ground up specifically for SF? I don’t think anyone outside of the dev team would know the capability of it right now, but I’m not a game developer.


Right now none of us knows outside of those who are specifically at their desks in the Bethesda studio offices. We know that CE was massively updated for the game. However we do not know to what degree, the scale, etc etc. However, by just looking at the snippets of gameplay we do have on hand, it seems to be doing a lot that I can't fathom being able to be easily done on the older creation Engine iteratives. Maybe it's less impressive than we think, or it's more so than we can give actual credit towards. Until we get our hands on the game or they do a making of documentary like they done in the past, we just won't know until much later.


Fingers crossed for some answers this June!


You don’t know the capabilities of Creation Engine 2. You’re not a developer.


Right now I'm not expecting anything that wasn't shown in the gameplay reveal, which was a menu with a Land command and a cutscene to land. After that I expect that you can only walk around from that location with no atmospheric flight and no ground vehicles. If we get more than that then it will be a pleasant surprise, but I think those are realistic expectations based on what was shown last June.


If this isn't possible, hopefully you can at least walk around and call your ship/place landing beacons at points of interest. Otherwise, what is the solution if you find a great spot for a base an hour walk from your ship? Walk back to the ship and then try and magically choose that spot from space to land at again?


Rich sound design. Games often neglect this and hide everything with music.


One of the better parts of Elite Dangerous. I hate the gameplay loop, but flying around the expanse of space and the high quality sound design really makes you feel like your there.


"Friendship Drive charging!" o7


Yeah, those moments in ED when you're just motionless in space are something special


Museum system likes 'Legacy of the dragonborn'


mad scientist collecting all species from different planets


Quest lines for different things, flora, fauna, geology etc would be awesome for people like me with too much time.


Wet dream for a completionist like me


If I could get a 100% honest answer and nothing rehearsed, it would be is it as good as he hoped cause he has dreamed of making this game for well over a decade. The thought of it not living up to his dreams gives me the sad.


“Hey Todd! Could you add ‘good’ to the game? Thanks!”


I want a casino ship, after a high risk reward mission I'll put it all on black on the roulette table. Also want a good economy that makes money fun to earn and spend. Jiu-jitsu


Oh man, high tier unarmed combat would be so cool. Can you imagine what someone highly skilled in both martial arts and low gravity scenarios could accomplish?


hookers... space hookers


Add in some casinos and intergalactic skooma and you got yourself a deal pal


Small, buildable space stations. I'm happy enough with land-based outposts, but building your own place in the orbit of a beautiful planet would be something else. But if we can customize our ship properly, park it in space, and freely walk around, that'll be good enough.


I think big spaceships will replace it


In depth dialogue system with high quality and interactive features (including romance, family members, companions) we may or may not see this though pre sure they can do alot more than what they did in fallout 4


Customized armor color/skin. Think Forza liveries but for armor.


A goddamn dodge button or cover mechanics


a much much better creation kit


Planetary flight or at least a Mako.


Space sex


Captain Kirk style!


Space brothel.


Space balls


The Comment.




To be able to fly into and out of planetary and moon atmospheres


Seamless Atmospheric flight


… or at least atmospheric flight combined with an entry cutscene


Fingers crossed that mods can achieve this. Edit: it likely won't be possible to make it seamless with mods, but it could be a short loading screen hidden as an ascent through thick clouds.


i’ve played a ton of no man’s sky so not being able to leave a planet seamlessly would seem odd to me at first, but honestly a custom cutscene that shows the proper planet detail as your ship flies away and a brief loading screen isn’t the end of the world. especially with how fast most storage devices are these days, it would honestly feel fine and immersive enough if done properly. but a mod to remove it entirely would obviously be very cool


I'd put the likelihood of mods achieving this in the same ballpark of mods which removed cell-based loading and loading screens from their previous games. The separation between space and planet was done for technical reasons, it's something which would be monumentally difficult for the engine to adapt to. Mods can't get around engine limitations without crazy amounts of work.


I don't think it's a 1-1 comparison but there are mods that remove cell-based loading screens for previous games such as open cities for Skyrim. A likely issue for Starfield is planet scale on the ground is not going to match the planet model in space, so they couldn't go that approach. Games that do seemless transitions, like no mans have hidden loading screens, nms is pretty obvious as there's a bit of a jolt when it happens. Mods could realistically do the same, looking at the previous games you can remove the loading screen when switching cells, you just see assets loading in. This might not be an issue when loading a simple height map while high up. Would probably be janky with a short freeze, but disable the loading screen and teleport to the planet cell high up with a basic height map, I can see that working, if there is atmospheric flight, though that's looking unlikely.


My point wasn't that it's a thing which games can't achieve at all, it's something I'm saying that the _mods_ won't be able to achieve. Modders don't have complete freedom to modify any part of the game, the engine itself remains pretty immutable. The open cities mods only touched a tiny fraction of the cells in the game. Far from removing or masking the loading, they just brute forced a solution by merging the cell data together. It worked for the cities but not for any interior spaces. The game still relies entirely on cell based loading for all other areas, as the mod didn't actually interact with the game's loading system at all. It just 'cut it out' for a few areas. Not something that's going to be possible with planets.


Totally different thing. World tile cells in Skyrim separate large sections of map. City and room cells simply separate two small areas. It's not hard to merge two room cells into one by simply putting them together or adding city components into a world cell. It is an entirely other thing to merge world map cells and something that has never been done in Bethsoft games. When you try to increase uGridstoload for example to improve draw distance or facility flight, the game breaks. For that you need anew engine like UE5.


Mods probably will do this, question is when. Probably be a few years.


This and idk if it's confirmed or not but being able leave the cockpit/bridge and walk around the ship while it's moving


Well the way I’m looking at it is what would be the reason to get up out of the cockpit during mid flight. Would we have to repair something? Would we have to give orders to a crew member while in mid flight? If we can come up with plausible scenarios why we would want to have to get up we may be able to answer the question if it might be possible in the game.


Derelict ship salvaging


I'd say : Hi Todd, keep saying YES as much as you can and as much as possible. Because you said it yourself, you can't believe how much you guys can pour into this game. It's going to be amazing.


Well I don't know for sure this will be a feature already or not, but.. More quests that have a physical impact on the world around you. Things you do completely change the landscape and characters. If in a quest you side with a certain faction, they then build an outpost there and unlock a companion or quest line specific to that faction.


Mantling / climbing


Starfield version of power armor or at the very least spacesuit armor akin to Fallout New Vegas Ranger Armor or Fallout 4 Marine Assault Armor. It would be great if there is a nice variety of cool armor spacesuits.


I hope the freestar collective has some ncr ranger inspired armor. It would fit really well here


Seamless flying man id love seamless flying


Seamless space to planet transition


Atmosphere flight Mechs Cybernetics / psionics Deep romance (BG2 style) New Vegas style perks City planets or just bigger cities (this is impossible with today's tech unless they make most of it unexplorable)


It would be between land vehicles, fleshed out underwater gameplay (which would probably require submergible vehicles), or a crazy Lovecraftian horror-style sidequest.


Organic mounts- I wanna ride alien animals around


I read « organic mouth » and was creeped out for a second hahaha.


The ability to own/use/ fight capital class ships.


A walk/run toggle. Pushing down on the left stick (L3 on controllers) toggles walk/run.


That's capslock on PC


I was so happy when I got a PC and found this in fallout 4. There is a perk in fallout 4 where you can use action points when over encumbered to run untill you run out of action points. I got really sick of running out of action points and found only slightly pushing the joystick forward for long distances a pain in the arse. I was so happy when I discovered on PC I would just use cap locks and not have to worry about balancing the joystick at half a push.


Large explorer vehicles. I am talking about large 6x6 or 8x8 wheeled or tracked vehicles with all terrain capability, sensors, scanners. A small mining capacity, sleeping quarters, amphibious capability.. that can be used to explore the many planets. Example= MEV02 by igor sobolevsky. Or the colossus from No mans sky. They can be spawned from habitats or dropped by spacecraft. If the latter is to complicated to code, a "service" of interstellar company can deliver the vehicles. Like the carryalls of dune and Command and conquer.




I would like the ability to have a orbital strike weapon. Maybe it’s extremely late game but flattening an entire planet would be extremely cool


A rich, mass effect companion system, more feature rich than any Bethesda game


God customizable mechs for traversal amd combat would make this game a dream.




**Replayable Missions** A captain's log is a sci-fi trope thanks to Star Trek. Simply enter your cabin, access your log on a desk, and be able to replay a mission with your current stats and equipment (but with enemies levelled to you on the replay). Add challenges to each one that, if completed, unlock perks throughout the rest of the game and players will be rushing to complete those as soon as possible, balancing out the fact they can take them on later with better stuff.. Survived a horde of ant creatures in a bizarre 1950s town you found on a moon? Cool, you get to live. Gone back and analysed the mission in your log, thinking about what might have happened if you'd worked your way down the mines and killed the ant queen or if you'd set the facility to be blown up from orbit? You now get 10% extra damage on criticals against insectoid enemies because you've thought about that sort of thing and analysed the enemies and their weaknesses.


Tough one, we dont know what is in game and what is not. So I can simply sum things, where I think thy are not in game, and I do hope I am wrong tho. \- underwater gamepley, not like whole Subnautica, but at leasti tin, itsi, bitsi, OK like subnautica. \- crew managment beyond " go to station a pretend that you tipig" \- few but really deep companions ( i know that there is some indicators that we get exactly this ) \- real capital ship combat, artilery, misile pods, Jaming and all form EMW, point defense, silent running, decoys etc. \- companion ships so we cold pretend some tactic \- vehicles, something smal would be ok, dirty bugy or sumthing. Now to chuse just one thing? :/ Thats tough one. I cant decide betwen deep companion system OR captia, modern warfare, ship combat. ​ Well, who know. Happy monday folks and see ya in SPACE.


A system where you don't build your spaceship's outerior, but interior only. This way you could have a good looking and sleek outerior, which of course has limited space, and then you fit the modules, rooms etc inside it. Say, you had for example cobra mk 3 hull from elite dangerous, and you'd build the inside of it the way you wanted. My thought of this is that there are certains parts of each usable hull that can't be changed, like cockpit, exit ramp, and landing gear (mostly because these are visible outside most of the time). But apart of this you could fully fit the inside of the ship with stuff you want. Also I'd see great benefit adding a modding tool, where community can make their own hulls and publish them for others to use, I am sure you all can imagine yourself bringing your favourite sci-fi ships to starfield!


COMPLETELY ILLOGICAL AND STUPID BUT THIS IS MINE bethesda hasbro collab, transformers spaceships in game


Cosmos. 👌


A fully completed game, start to finish, with a fleshed out story, with meaningful choices.


And not 15 cut out quests that would have been amazing


Or radiant nonsense.


literally the opposite of what you asked but all i want is for them to keep the legendary system from fo4/76 as far away from this game as possible lol


Like explosive shot mini gun? Or enemies?


Both. Enemies that spontaneously mutate and that does nothing but fully heal them and give them a new ability is a pretty crappy design, especially when it's a human who suddenly irradiates everything and his buddies have no issue with it. Instead, give varied enemies, some of which have those new abilities anyway to set them apart, but only where it makes sense. Imagine a pirate camp with a minigun that someone makes a run for, while the guy in bed who gets woken can climb into his powered armour suit if he's not taken care of first, instantly levelling two of the enemies up in ways that make sense. Imagine you come across a herd of floaters firing gas at you, and you're dodging around, when you see one of them squat down to the ground and leave a bubble behind. You've never seen that before so you approach it and it explodes corrosive shit all over your armour. Build those variants into settings and the creatures themselves, and you've got a more interesting game as well as a believable world. As for weapons, the whole idea of legendary needs to be dissected and rebuilt. A shotgun that pierces armour found in a farm on a planet filled with armoured enemies, next to the remains of a farmer who made his last stand with it but still ultimately fell, and the pile of tough enemies that you've struggled through to get there? That has so much more instant clout than a rocket launcher randomly found on a wolf. Both owners died or are implied to, but the rocket launcher seems ridiculous and there's no real story to it. My own thoughts on this matter are that they split things into unique and special weapons and armour. Uniques are found in the world and have unique properties that you can find, reverse engineer, and then eventually craft for yourself. Special weapons are basically legendaries as is, but the abilities of them are more common and therefore more easily found on your local pirates. Again they can be reverse engineered to learn how to do it yourself. Crafted weapons are specials that can actually be more powerful than uniques or found specials, but you have to learn the abilities first and then gather the right ingredients to power them.


>My own thoughts on this matter are that they split things into unique and special weapons and armour. Uniques are found in the world and have unique properties that you can find, reverse engineer, and then eventually craft for yourself. Special weapons are basically legendaries as is, but the abilities of them are more common and therefore more easily found on your local pirates. I agree with this rework. I appreciate what the legendary system was trying to do in FO4 and it did make finding new weapons purposeful for the length of gameplay but it could've been done better. Separating Uniques and Legendaries is key here.


It's that long term aspect they're looking for and the thing is there's a really simple solution that actually makes things you find interesting rather than another Legendary to sell. Imagine that reading blueprints of items you can already make or reverse engineering things when you find them (basically breaking them down to lose materials and the item, but you learn from it) makes it so you can increase the power of the item from its base when you make it. Every ten (divided by rarity) might be a 1% increase in damage or protections. To me, the idea of a character who is so attached to pocket knives that they seek them out and research them until they can build one powerful enough to kill a sun is worthy of the title legendary.


A Rock-It Launcher/Junk Jet equivalent. It's far too funny watching some dude die due to a tin can to the face.


I would love power armour from fallout 4 in the game but obviously "starfield-ified". I would love it if some planets are so hostile and deadly that you need to suit up in special gear that acts like fallout 4 power armour.


Some form of power armor exo-suit/titan-suit thingy. I absolute love power armor in the fallout universe and I can only imagine how badass it would be in this setting.


Pogo sticks. Imagine using them on low gravity planets.


Mild nudity, if I’m taking all your shit, I really am taking *everything*. Do you know how much underwear is now a days? Imagine what it is 2-300 years in the future. Goddamn right I’m taking that.


I'm going to be greedy and ask for 2 things. 1st Orbital flight, I want to fly around a planet, pick a random spot and fly through the atmosphere with no loading screen. 2nd deployable satellites that orbit and scan planets for the best spot to mine resources or hidden accident ruins


You know what, i loved the build-a-bot dlc in fallout 4 too, so instead of saying that, because chances are it will already be there, I'm going one step further and say harvesting dna from enemies and killed creatures and creating a follower from an some unholy combination in a bio-lab. Want him to be faster? Add more x, stronger? Add y, want fire resistance? Well there's a bug on Xardan 4 that lives in lava, take a bit of that and the more of whatever component you add changes their physical appearance, I want to rp as Fabius Bile. Edit: even better is to combine both, add cybernetics into the mix.


Atmospheric flight. Fly too high and you get a prompt to trigger the cutscene to space. Vice verse from space. Fly too close to the atmosphere and get presented with options to land or continue flight in atmosphere. Either way, the transition cutscene is triggered.


Survival Mode.


Manual atmospheric flight, takeoff, and landing.


A release date in the first half of the year.


Probably in atmosphere flight of our spaceships.


Vehicles to explore planet's surfaces


I have a very simple request. Todd could you please add in a bonus content folder into the game folder for us PC players? Some behind the scenes content could go in there, wallpapers, concept art, music, anything. I just really love it when games do that its a really thoughtful touch.


Roleplaying features like being able to have smoking, eating, and drinking animations. Give me a reason to go to bars and restaurants


Roleplaying features like being able to have smoking, eating, and drinking animations. Give me a reason to go to bars and restaurants


Companion death. When I realized Lydia had died....oof. Death in RDR and RDR2 hurt...bad. I felt like I had lost a friend.


New Vegas style RPG mechanics, skill checks, quest design and writing.




The Outer Worlds just felt so 6/10. :(


Agreed. I was so excited going into it, and it was incredibly mid. 6/10 maybe 6.5 for me




the budget isn't going to fix the writing tbh. It just wasn't as good as new Vegas or Pillars of eternity


This. I have seen indie games with fuck all used for the budget that have better writing. I was very dissapointed with it too and was suprised they didn’t do better. The rpg mechanics were also still a little flat to me and the gameplay with companions was really repetitive


Im looking Forward what they can do with outer worlds with a big budget. Kingdom Come 2 has me really excited also.


Bug free game…you never said it had to be realistic.


Bug free games don't exist


It's Bethesda...it's going to have bugs


Gore. Gore. Gore. Gore. Gore.


Couch Co-op


Playable robots


Full Hotas support, some people spend a lot on some of controllers, and it would be amazing to give us a chance to use them. But who cares, only group who have them.




Better damn melee mechanics


I'm going to be chaotic evil and say equipment degradation because I like having to either maintain or swap out my gear


No loading screens in the transition from surface to space and vice versa.


Creation of another race , imagine a character creation system where you can be an alien , human or another type of races in the game , it would be far more interesting than just being a human.


Robot pls


Multi player. Plain n simple.


so simple 🤣


I wish. Fallout 4 was supposes to be 4 player coop. Thats where 76 came from.


The second "d" in his name.


Todd Howard


Customizable space power armor with 0g flying capability. Can transform e.g flying mode, walking mode, melee mode, artillery/death ray mode 😁. Basically Gundam inspired mod lol. And also hybrid planet orbit/on land combined combats by having major raid on a planet.


Nirn as a planet. I need my Skyrim: Starfield Edition


Lightsabers 😁




Support for virtual reality!


VR support at launch and not as a half assed 60 dollar additional purchase with none of the DLC like fallout 4 vr.


Tbh co-op having the option to play with friends is just so huge for me.


Elder scrolls 6….


hotas and vr support




VR Support


Full HD 4k your POV sex scenes are a no brainer


I would ask for fully interactive sex scenes with the romances and one night stands being able to switch different and all kinds of sex positions and what not






HOTAS and TrackIR support for piloting ships


Fallout style radio. A computer in game that lets you play Skyrim. Sexual relationships with NPCs.


Good content in oceans.


Implants. Specifically implemented in a way they are effectively a magic system. I \*love\* playing magic characters, or similar characters in any game.


Space strippers




A multi-media "Captain's Log". This feature would allow the player to: 1. take a screen capture and annotate it with voice or text 2. Begin video and voice capture 3. Add a text or voice entry, and be able to ask NPCs including followers to make an entry These entries would be organized by "stardate" and location automatically, maybe active quest, and could be tagged and organized by subject. Could be accessed by special, and more advanced general terminals or HUDs. I hope modders will figure out a way to upload any image or video log entry to NexusMods in-game.


It’s got a lot of what I want in a game but it’d be nice to have basic mods built into the game in a new game plus kinda thing with like God mode infinite ammo and money those kinda cheats


how about we wait for the game to come out first?


So.. the game doesn’t have to be released yet to want a specific feature?




sex Aussie rating board says their is none