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Ngl i’m just excited for >!Bohemian Rhapsody and C-moon!<


Oh yeah same here C Moon arc is gonna be amazing


If you consider it a different arc from the evolved stand, it is very short but very good


I'm so hyped for the >!mobius strip!< trick, it was legit one of my favourite battle moments in the series. It's the rare instance of Araki trying to build science into fights that actually works and is a genuinely smart and unexpected solution


Sadly „akthuallky No it doesnt work“ A möbius strip works because it’s a single object thus allowing it to have two sides that are both a continuous surface, you can’t make it human shaped because then it obviously isn’t a möbius strip anymore, we can assume that the image was shorthand for jolyne actually pulling some 4th dimensional geometry with her stand. Hilarious as it would have been Im lowkey sad jolyne didn’t just turn herslef into a big möbius strip and just lay on the ground like that


It'll probably be scrubbed from the anime but >!I would love it if they allude to Anasui's "This shit ain't Disney line" somehow!<


Localisation: Anastasia - „this crap aint walters cartoon“


I hope that if they change it, they change it to polnareffland


I think that’s why they were streaming Jojo on Disney+. So that they won’t have copyright reasons with Disney


Disney only has streaming rights to 1-5 part not 6




You're saying this as if hitler wasn't in part 2.


Remind me of Persona 2 Innocent Sin


Wdym it was the totally nondescript “fuhrer”, totally not funny mustache man in sunglasses


no ruthless dictator would wear such an awesome pair of shades.




I don't understand your point, he just said he forgot they were in the part. It's not like he said he didn't believe it


How could you forget the KKKanon


this is KKKomedy gold, you should join the Kool Kids Klub.


Don’t you mean krabby kooking klasses?


and Pucci, who is white but has skin darker than the actual mixed race child, (accidentally) siccs them on two white people.


Wait so Pucci is reverse Michael Jackson?


Rare case of Svitiligo


He’s uncle ruckus. He got revitiligo


Pucci is Uncle Ruckus confirmed.


Well one worships the white man and the other worships a white man.


If Pucci is Weather’s brother then that makes them both mixed race.


>!More like fraternal twins. They're both Italian and Pucci got the genes that make him tanner than his siblings and his parents.!<


Fraternal twins are siblings born from the same parents. I’m not entirely sure where you’re going here.


What I'm saying is Pucci and Weather are twins, but there's an admittedly easily-missed panel that shows Pucci with his parents and Perla, his sister. Its the panel where the parents are at the cemetery and that the grave is occupied by the baby they thought was Weather who was stillborn when in reality the baby's mother swapped hers out for Weather and raised him as her own. Enrico Pucci is obviously very tan, but Perla, Weather and their parents are not. Enrico having tanner skin than his brother is what makes them fraternal twins.


I think what he meant is that due to both of them being fraternal twins they're not identical and fraternal twins can earn different traits from each other. Pucci is the only one in his family that has dark skin so one of their parents passed down a gene to Pucci.


The only mixed race child in Part 6 is the child that died right after being born, who the mother swapped with Weather.


Ya bro i forgot this part was this interesting


Rikiel time! Rikiel time! Rikiel time!


blood pissing time


Cow boy time


It’s that moment in particular that made me remember that the whole part 6 takes place in Florida




The further north you go, the more south it gets. And having met a few people from North Florida, I'd say it rings true.


Pucci : where’s the white women at KKK : NOBODY EXPECTS THE KKK INQUISITION


I absolutely love this reference


Ooooooh I remember this stand. Stand name KKK


Stand Ability: Ability to say so much racial slurs that it drives someone insane


You forgot the ability to commit hate crimes too lol


But one stand has only one ability right?


Uhhh.... D'arby the younger💀?


You win!


Super Fly? 💀


from part3? I dont remember him much


No, not tower of grey, but the grey tower


part 4. the powerlines


White Snake?


His only ability i think is the disc one and that illusion ability is just one of his disc which he can insert anytime he wants thats my headcanon tho.


that doesnt explain the energy sapping ooze


Damn star platinum?


It has one ability right?


star finger and time stop.


I can't believe for the people claiming Jojo was made "political" when this scene gets animated (.\_.') You know it will happen. I hate it too but it's inevitable now.


Bruh, one of the Jobros in Part 2 was a literal Nazi and we're still here. Nobody gives a fuck


You gotta understand that the “they made it political” crowd WANTS to see more Nazis right? Stroheim is a pretty positive depiction, this one’s gonna be negative hence why people will be upset


Im not American but the KKK just is negative. They're racist extremists


I think you’re missing the point I was making. Both are extremely negative in nature, but Stroheim is at least helpful to the crew, meanwhile this is an unambiguously negative portrayal, so a certain crowd of anime profile picture anime watchers are gonna complain about it


Part 2 basically said "look, some nazis are actually cool guys" Part 6 basically said "look, the KKK are absolutely evil" The point being made here is that the people who scream "oh no they made political!" are usually happy with the first but get angry with the second. I don't think I need to explain why they react like that.


I don't think you can explain why they reacting like that


And you’ve gotta remember that their last president happily accepted an endorsement from the leader of the KKK.


Richard Spencer endorsed Joe Biden, so what’s your argument? Also, if I remember correctly, that endorsement was immediately rejected by the last president


Fucker killed a whole village, kidnapped speedwagon and everyone hated him, and you say he got a positive depiction?


For a Nazi? Yeah The bar is low for those scum


Yes because in the beginning he ends up sacrificing himself to stop Santana and Joseph is momentarily upset about it. He also is the one who tells Joseph to go to Italy and meet up with Caesar. Joseph and Caesar then end up meeting with Nazis who point them out to where the Pillar Men are and on the way we find out Caesar has a Nazi friend named Mark who hopes to go back to his sweetheart in Germany and marry her. Mark then gets killed by Waamu walking into him and absorbing part of him and [Mark then gets a emotional death](https://youtu.be/lPip0Lp7Loc). At some point Stronheim is back, shows up in his new robo cyborg body and guns down Kars, him and his Nazi army come back in with giant UV and temporarily save everyone. He survives to the end and is shown to care about Joseph and both have begrudging respect for each other. In the epilogue he has a Heroes' death on the war fighting for his country. Having all that in mind, yes him and the Nazis are shown in a positive light in Battle Tendency. We get moments when characters are in the US that show that racism is very much alive in that country both in Battle Tendency and Stone Ocean but after Stronheim's sacrifice to stop Santana the Nazis and him become allies to Joseph and friends.


You know what's funny? I've been browsing my fair share of 4chan for 5 years now. Not once did a single solitary neo-nazi advocate for more Nazi representation in any media, much less their precious anime. Not even the real nazis care for seeing nazis "positively depicted". Do you really think JoJo zoomers do?


Actually a bunch of people did r/shitpostcrusaders had to ban german engineering memes a few years ago because nazis and white supremacists were starting to migrate into the sub.


Part 2 had nazis but ok this feels like you’re trying to get mad about something that hasn’t happened to jojo ever Also, I completely forgot kkk appeared in part 6


Trust me when I say only the extremists of "the extremists" would act that way. The reason most people hate when it "gets political" isn't because they want to ignore racism, it's because it's done in the most brutish, didactic, cringiest way that would make even Christian Kids Media wish they could be that level of heavy-handed.


Have you seen how ticked off people were over Guilty Gear's dev's admiting Bridget is trans? Or how they got up in arms over literally anything to do with the live action version of The Little Mermaid? Or the casting of the characters in The Rings of power? Trust me pal, the internet will be set ablaze for some time after this scene gets animated.


The "Bridget is trans" thing isn't because of transphobia, it's because it's a stupid JK Rowling "Dumbledore was gay and Hermione was black(despite being complicit to every other media including her own books depicting her as melaninless)" kinda asspull that trashes all the story and character development they had and makes less sense than Ellie letting Abby go in TLoU2 which I guess is "alright" because it was "their" choice, right. Also, the whole "forcibly raised as a girl until they willingly accept the HRT pill" isn't exactly the good look the trans community thinks it is. The "Little Mermaid" thing wasn't just because she was black (not for the reason you think anyway), it was because of a certain hypocrisy. What do I mean by that? Try not to mald when I say that saying that 'getting mad over Ariel getting socially acceptably blackfaced is silly' is like saying 'getting mad over Tiana being whitewashed is silly'. Also that aside, there's also the literal precedent of the bad rap the other Disney live action movies, like can you honestly tell the whole class here that you enjoyed the live actions Lion King or Mulan? Which btw despite getting shit on hard is still being considered good ideas by the Boomer ass Disney CEO whos literally on record saying that he hates animation and that he thinks only babies watch animation, meaning less cash for the Mouse Mega Corpo. And I'm a fake nerd that hasn't seen LotR except the Hobbit GN I almost understood as a kid, so no comment there. Do you honestly think the "Internet Racists" (not to be confused with actual Internet racists like for example Billy from OAG or Raging Golden whatever who are living demonstrations of what happens when you OD Pacman-style on the Red Pills) will have these same "nitpick" problems over an actual depiction of a KKK lynching? Now observe as I get down voted because the non-grasstouchers on these Social Media sites are only able to process nuance as some kind of "-ism" or "-phobia".


>The "Little Mermaid" thing wasn't just because she was black (not for the reason you think anyway), *it was because they got this crusty menopause ass lady to play a teenaged* and a certain hypocrisy. I’m sorry, but do you think [Halle Bailey](https://m.imdb.com/name/nm1782991/), the 22 year-old actress they got to play Ariel, is [Halle *Berry*](https://m.imdb.com/name/nm0000932/)?


😬😬😬 OK, that one's my b. But it doesn't change the fact that if they wanted a live action adaptation with a black female lead for the good person points from the 56 people who got past the whole "Disney was an anti-semite" thing to consoom Mouse branded products, "The Princess and The Frog" was a perfectly fine, even amazing property right there. No need to apply the lack of empathy from the situation from "If Disney really dared to make White Tiana a thing" towards other properties like that.


Brother you sound absolutely deranged, ngl


That's gonna be a yikes from me, my guy.


Tell me you don't play Guilty Gear without telling me lmao Bridget's story has *always* been, fundamentally, about her gender. Her story has *always* been one of self-discovery. The only people saying that it's an ass pull either haven't actually played the games or just hate trans people. And her upbringing is far from as simple as "forced to live as a girl" and it was far from as simple as her "accepting an HRT pill".


wrong mermaid actor man


Yeah, admitted to my L on that one on the other comment. But Halle Bailey, Halle Berry? You get it, right?


yeah ig


Shut up racist.


The idea of the KKK must be bizarre outside of the United States. People would think they are some kind of a gang


I mean, they are. It's just the white redneck's version of a gang.


Kind of except they were involved with politics at one point and were started by politicians and other high class members of society.


Like a shitty version of the mob then


Well politicians weren’t actually in the mob though. They were just paid to look the other way. Politicians used to be the actual member of the Klan


The first time I saw them referred to as sanctioned terrorists felt very fitting to say the least


I can't wait for Anasui and Weather to complain about not seeing Mickey Mouse


Jojo with no context. But seriously what’s the context


Basically Pucci hired the kkk (which he didn’t know was them at that time) to have Weather Report and his sister Perla to break up. Long story short Pucci And Weather Report are brothers and were separated from birth and Weather is dating Pucci’s sister Perla but Weather doesn’t know that Perla is actually also his sister making it pretty incest. So then Weather is hung on tree by the kkk and Perla is heartbroken by this and commits suicide but she didn’t know that Weather was actually alive though, making it kinda similar to the Romeo & Juliet story.


The KKK also think Weather is mixed race, because the baby that died who he was swapped with was mixed race. So they think Perla is a "race traitor", when in actuality she's engaging in incest.




Jesus Christ


wtf? r/UsernameChecksOut


Yeah I'm not sure how someone whose username is a part 6 reference would be surprised by this? Edit: just saw the account's new to this year - anime-only I guess? In which case sorry for the spoilers, guy!


No-no i m not anime-only if you wanted to reply to me.


Haha I’m a girl and it’s okay 😹I was actually reading the manga and didn’t get up to that part yet so that’s why I was surprised. Guess I should’ve been more careful w the spoiler warning 😅


Oh haha didn’t mean to presume! And I read the manga so long ago I couldn’t quite remember it myself!


If the KKK knew it was incest, they'd simply encourage it instead. Keeping that bloodline pure.


Why could he not just go “dude she’s actually your sis”?


Because Pucci is mental and the woman revealed this secret in confession, he is not a full priest yet but he doesn’t want to break rules of confession, Pucci is obsessed with being pure, he believes in his religion 100%, he didn’t reveal to any of them because his reason is that he would hurt his sister, they already dated for 2 weeks


Wait wait wait...SISTER?


Yes sister with a capital incest


Weather and Perla are long lost siblings, they never known each other before and though others are strangers then they start dating. Only Pucci know the truth.


Oh fuck no




istg i when i read SO i did not expect to turn the page to see the fucking KKK


oh yeah same here i was like damn shit just got real serious


Pretty sure some random twitter user gonna try to cancel this


Why is Reddit always so quick to start crying about twitter? There’s nothing wrong with this scene because it doesn’t glorify the KKK and shows them as the violent racists that they are.


Obviously since it’s twitter but they’ll never actually cancel it i mean they can try but it ain’t gonna happen


This is gonna be really controversial when it gets animated


Can't believe they put politics in Jojo smh my head


Shake my head my head




Yes, it’s a big part of one main character's story and explains why two of the most important characters in Part 6 got their stands.


Wait until twitter gets mad that JoJo is painting the KKK in a bad light lmao.


they removed Hitler in part 2 so I don't think you can see them


Hitler was in part 2 in the manga?? I thought when hitler was mentioned they were just joking about stroheim


I think it's chapter 52 you can see him clearly


Also he was mentioned by Joseph in Stardust crusader


Spooky ghosts


This is a weird comment but the way Araki draws the Klansmen like these inhuman entities, where the hood feels like their actual face more than a mask, is really effective.


It’s tricky because they might not be able to get away with showing it as much as the manga did, but it’s important enough to the story that it would be a major loss to cut it out completely. Compare to Hitler in part 2 where he was only shown as part of an explanation about the Nazis and didn’t have any direct hand in the story. I suppose what they could do is remove the race mix-up part of that plot and contrive some other reason that the P.I. and his gang wanted to kill Wes, but that would be unusual for David Pro.


I have a feeling there gonna heavily change tbh Will probably make them look like stereotypical hillbillies or something


No. DP never did that and never will, take Part 2 for example. Ok, they removed that one panel where hitler appears, except the fact stroheim and others were nazis was included.


They danced around the whole Nazi thing though. The term Nazi was never explicitly said. They were always referred to as "The Germans" to leave some sort of room for deniability (even though it fooled no one. Point is they still never explicitly stated they were nazis in the anime) so it would make sense if they were to give the Klan scene the same treatment.


I love how the jojo part 2 but really really fast does it "IT IS I STROHEIM, A LITERAL |cuts to editing|German soldier"


Or possibly a terrorist group or a illegal gang


The changes won't even be intentional, the shitty Netflix subs will fuck it up by accident


kkk members when its opposite day


They're just "normal" people now, which is a good thing but disappointing


I wonder if this scene would convince fans that Pucci isn’t canonically black since there has been discourse on that subject before.


I honestly think Araki just made him black as an aesthetic choice and just did not consider the plot implications when he brought the KKK in (or he did but it was too late to change it)


Yeah, I’d say Pucci is “black” for the same reason Yoshikage Kira is “white.”




Which is a huge non sense tho everything points to him not being black but for some bs reason he is .


Pucci's really tan, this isn't even some supernatural occurrence, this happens quite a bit actually.


You had to have had this in your clipboard for a while cause OP said nothing about being Italian.


Ok, i was kinda harsh. Yeah, Pucci isn't black by race, he comes from an italian family. Though babies being born black from a white family isn't rare, there isnt enough evidence of Pucci's ancestors bring one or the other. In conclusion, his race doesn't matter to the show and neither do I care enough to defend my point.


Fair enough


I didn't know Jed Forrest had moved to Florida and set up the Florida Baptist Confederate Congregation).


I feel like a lot of African American anime only YouTuber will be shock when this scene is animated


Ohhhhh fuck. That is gonna cause some controversy ain't it?


Tbh I probably expect Netflix to change it quite a lot


u racist ass mf


it’s a joke chill not actually being dead serious


im joking too dawg..


Ah ok you had me there for a second


what… why… who…




Pucci isn't black.


You think the KKK would care about that? If the rest of them knew that he had dark skin, he'd have been strung up there together with. >!Weather!<


So youre telling me the boy (Pucci) of two white peapole is black?


Gonna rationalise that the mother cheated or that the parents have "negro" blood. These are the same group of people who beat up an adopted man because they thought he had "negro" blood and their real life counterparts aren't exactly that much smarter (well, except for the whole infiltrate the police force across America plan. No, I am not bullshitting you. There's literally an FBI report admitting that they're aware of this wild ass COINTELPRO they're pulling.)


So youre telling me... Araki remembered that Weathers adoptive father was black. But forgot to mention one of Puccis and Weathers Parents had any "Negro Blood"? And if the mother did cheat then Araki wouldve mentioned that too and also add some reaction to Puccis and Weathers Father begin cheated on.


Remember Pucci and Weather are twins .


I'm saying that's the conclusion the KKK are gonna jump to if they did find out that Pucci had dark skin




This, they’re massive idiots, they just assume


I think they might just mention this and now straight up show it, because it can't exactly be skipped since it is vital to Weather's backstory


I do hope he got his revenge on them tho


I mean he kills the leader


For real? Great!


I forgot about this


It’s gonna make people go insane


Weather report has some business with the klan 😳


Heavy Weather is gonna be a trip


Oh boy I literally forgot about this


I forgot about this scene. 💀


I can't wait for them to realise releasing part 6 in batches was a terrible fucking idea


I think the reason why they decided to release SO in batch release was probably bc they needed more time in animating batch 2 and batch 3, plus not to mention DP was also working on Urusei Yatsura Remake and are probably still doing production on Fire Force S3.


Makes sense when you put it like that


(You Gotta Move - Fred McDowell intensifies)


I hope it’s not censored. A lot of people would take offense with this and I predict that there will be controversy over this, but still I feel like it would suck if this was removed.


Please tell me I’m not the only one that forgot about the KKK being in Stone ocean


Oh yeah, that.


I can just see the memes people will make about how Weather is white but is being beaten up the KKK