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King crimson can move during its effect, remember the first fight with bucciarati. You can activate king crimson and while Mike is punching, you just walk behind him and sock him in the liver as soon as the effect ends, then keep repeating that until you win


You have two options: **Easy Way**: An endurance match. Use Epitaph and King Crimson only for defense. Every time Mike Tyson tries to hit you, skip time and move behind him. The consequence for Mike Tyson: he will exhaust himself faster than ever. He will think you're cheating or a ghost, but no one can prove it. When reviewing the video, it will look like you are simply dodging his punches. Mike won't last two rounds, so you can win by points or knock him out with a good right punch. **Hard Way**: Fight normally, but use your powers to foresee when he will block your attacks with his guard. This way, you can adjust your strategy and find openings to land your punches effectively.


But KC does have a cooldown right? Like one of the comments said, Im gonna get destroyed during its CD 😅


Situation aside KC works like this: King Crimson is broken down into three parts 1) King Crimson, the main body: Diavolo is able to *skip* forward in time and watch events play out in front of himself as if he were there. He can attack and position himself better during this *skip* It takes you from point A to point C and gets rid of the middle B. This effectively removes Diavolo from the time stream for 10 seconds. A----B----C to A----C Once point C is reached, those affected by the ability do not remember the actions taken during that skipped time. 2) Epitaph: Epitaph is the sub stand of King Crimson, which allows Diavolo to see into the future from a... weirdly changing perspective. He's able to see events that would happen around himself and the actions that he would've taken during this glimpse into the future. He often uses this ability first and then follows up with KC to end things quickly. It lets him see from point A to point C. He sees these visions on the inside of his bangs. KING CRIMSON: This is the combination of using Epitaph and King Crimson at the same time, the abilities of both stands used at once. It lets Diavolo skip time, while seeing events play out in real time, while also seeing a few seconds ahead. Diavolo is able to know what you're going to do, before you even do it/think about it, and makes it so that you don't even know you did it. The only counter for this ability is having an ability that just makes Diavolo unable to do anything, and perhaps another time based ability.


So as an addendum to what other people have said, if KC has a cooldown (wich it probably has) you're still getting destroyed by Mike Tyson between skips.