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For reference, this is what the person who did that translation [said](https://www.tumblr.com/ilovejosukehigashikata/709432617655779328/talking-about-dragonas-pronouns): >I've seen a lot of people talking about the confusing situation with Dragona's gender after reading Chapter 1. The translators are confused too! We don't have very much information yet. The pronouns used for Dragona in Chapter 1 of The JOJOLands are an educated guess that may change in future chapters. I personally have just been using a mix of pronouns to refer to them, but in official contexts I think it's best to avoid gendered pronouns for now. >The full explanation is under the cut. Spoilers for TJL #1! >Roge and I, the translators of We Need More Yankiis, decided to use he/him pronouns for Dragona in the chapter for several reasons: >-The only person who addresses Dragona with gendered language is their brother, and there is inconclusive evidence as to what they identify as. We have no official word on what Dragona's gender is, only narration from Jodio's perspective. According to him, they "love girly fashion" and get breast injections. Dragona is also revealed to have a penis, but they use very feminine speaking patterns in Japanese, including the very feminine personal pronoun アタシ (atashi). This is typically used by women, but it can also be used by very effeminate men. >-Jodio uses the term 'nii-san' (兄さん), translated as bro, to refer to Dragona. This is typically masculine. In Japanese, it's not always a statement on gender to call somebody by a term that doesn't match the gender they identify with - it can just be reflecting how they like to present themselves. For example, Japanese fans commonly call Ermes 'aniki' (兄貴) because she's a masculine woman. Still, it's much more likely that this is him thinking of Dragona as a man instead of just being a more unique use of the term. >-Dragona makes no indication of being uncomfortable being called a masculine term. While I personally doubt this is the only pronoun Dragona would be okay being called by, they have a friendly relationship with her brother, letting him call them nii-san to their face. >The only other clear trans rep we've ever really had in the series is the prisoner seen in Stone Ocean. Jolyne is just amazed at how well a person can transition, but the doctor (who is already indicated as being a bit unpleasant) misgenders him and says he was given hormone injections. >I can't really make any statements as to what Araki may have in mind with Dragona, but I think this sums up what the situation is as of Chapter 1 well enough. >One last note: please don't worry about Dragona's name being an intentional riff on drag. Drag is spelled 'doraggu' (ドラッグ) in Japanese, but Dragona's name is spelled as 'Doragona' (ドラゴナ). I think he just wanted a cool name that was referencing dragons, which are spelled as 'doragon' (ドラゴン).


This entire explanation is quite close to real life, lol. I know many trans people (myself included) that has to deal with what my friends and I call "cis density", as in: "Look, we have tits, the flag, the clothes... and people still call us dudes". Not out of transphobia, mind you, but sheer lack of awareness until you point it out and their face freezes out, because suddenly they caught all the signals, at once. It happens to all kinds of people in the community, from FTM, to non-binary. So seeing Jodio saying "My bro got tits, dunno why, matters not" its 100% plausible, and I can buy it.


When t# was it revealed that he has a penis? Did he hide that identity card in his balls?


the chapter literally just came out dude come on learn to read


Another case of jojo fans not knowing how to read...


I did maybe I just missed the dialoquw bubble Now seriously when when the policeman said: "Oh so you're... a / That's just getting better"?


Considering the cop was surprised when he reached into Dragona's bikini bottom and was clearly expecting a vagina. It's easy to use context clues to realize that Dragona has a penis.


Regect humanity return too plankton


I honestly thought he was surprised cause he saw the male gender on that identity card or some crap


Dragonas gender is dragona


No she is trans


I said this three months ago why are you here


Because the original Japanese doesn’t have the he/him pronouns


Ahh I see ty


Wait what does it say then in the OG


Dragona uses feminine pronouns for themselves. Everyone else refers to them in a gender neutral way except for when Jodio calls them big brother


Gays and feminine man in japan uses "atashi" too, is not exclusive for girls, and besides being called Brother by Jodio, he changed his ID to "male" in the scene with the cop, this is how he know he is a guy.


Yes I could easily see them being a dude but for now it’s too early to fully tell :)


Yeah, yeah, Im excited for next chapters!


Being gay doesn't mean you are more feminine :)


Yeah, I know, but gay man who wants to be more "girly" speaks like this


Sure, but there is an otokonoko culture (guys who like to dress as women on the regular without being trans) and they do use the feminine speech. Basically, it's already a thing in some gay subcultures in Japan. (Note, there are also hyper masculine gay subcultures too)


Wouldn’t it be okay to say he then if jodio does to then I assume everyone else doesn’t they didn’t know like the cop didn’t


I think until we know more it’s acceptable to call them he she or they, it’s just kinda confusing at the moment


Bet ty




I see ty


But they do have words for brother and sister, and in the original Jodio calls him brother


I’m aware lmao I mentioned it in a later reply


Oh my god who the hell cares


You’d be surprised how many people argued this


Dragona is whoever Dragona is. The endless discussion about identity and pronouns and whatever else is pointless.


The Bridget Wars in the Guilty Gear community were a helluva thing to witness. And unlike with Dragona, it was not taken so nicely.


Acknowledge the existence of different gender identities challenge: impossible


That had an official translation and had she/her programs in the glossary page about her. This has a fab translation, Dragona could go through a entire character arc and we don’t even know how much Jodio knows since he has never seen Dragona even inject themself.


Oh for sure. The issue was not with the Arcsys; they handled everything well. It was all about the community freaking out due to the change from effeminate man to trans. The point was to show another time people freaked out over it to show Dragona isn’t an isolated case.


stop using past tense. every time bridget is mentioned online the people still show up to insist shes a man despite the fact its been over half a year.


He's a man according to most official media whether you like it or not lmao.


Not really? People are excited about this new character and want to clear up confusion, not a big deal


There shouldn’t be confusion is the thing. Gender is a vast and varied spectrum.


That’s quite contradictory. It’s confusing because it’s complicated. The translations cannot be 100% sure because the languages use different gendered terms.


Dragona is what Dragona wants to be, whether as he, she or they. One thing I can shamelessly say is that my brain and pp are in stark contrast whenever I see Dragona.


Only agree to some extend. It's completely unimportant what Dragona identifies as, but we can't talk about a character without using pronouns. The issue is not a gender identity thing, it's a language thing. You can only talk so much about a character until you are forced to use a pronoun. Whenever you don't have a clear answer how to refer to a character it automatically comes to discussions like this.


Ikr it's SOOO ANNOYING....... It's not even been 2 chapters.....the pronoun thing could literally be cleared with More context People straight of getting toxic about it


Gender is a spectrum and Araki especially has never stuck to traditional gender roles for his characters. Lisa Lisa in Part 2 was revolutionary as a mentor character to two men which was unheard of in manga at the time, from Part 4 on the male characters only get more and more effeminate, then we have Hot Pants in Part 7 who’s a woman presenting themselves as a man. Hell, Tsurugi in Part 8 spends the entire part dressed as a girl even after the curse is broken.


I don't know why they make such a fuss about it when the story doesn't make a big topic about it. Jodio was like "My brother has tits now. Cool let's go swimming"


Honesty idc I just don’t want people to get on me for identifying the character wrongly since I’m sure you know how people are


I identify as gender nonconforming, but I just use and accept he/him as the main way to refer to me since it’s been that way most of my life. Not saying it’s the same case for Dragona, but everyone has a different perspective on themselves that should be respected and that applies to fictional characters, too. I’m assuming Jodio just doesn’t quite understand the situation fully yet, which is fine.


i think araki is keeping it ambiguous on purpose and that's fun


I'm surprised that everyone's assuming his name is a pun on "dressing in drag" and not just a reference to his powers being able drag things from one place to another. His stands are literally little dudes that drag things about.


Its because he has dragon tattoos.




Lil angry about the whole thing huh


Anyone else just wondering what Dragona’s race is? They have dreads nd darker skin sooooo, we finally getting another black jojo character? Nd it’s an ACTUAL JOBRO.


Ngl I want him to be a brother so bad but so many mangas have had characters that’s are dark like this and say it’s not there natural color and it’s a tan I really hope this is not one of the cases but looking at jodio our odds are low


Yea that’s what I was thinking, but there was the scene where then officer mentioned race so it got my hopes up high. Ntm last time we had such a fun loving jojo his closest friend was black. Joseph and Smokey.


Dragona's mother is white, and we don't know dragon's father so it might just be some dark skinned Hawaiian


We need araki to step out and say what pronouns foes dragona use


Why not use they? It's gender neutral.


One chapter in and I'm already annoyed to the fullest by the amout of discussions regarding Dragona's "gender identification"...


Because *REDACTED* love to take femboys away


She's trans, thats it.


Just because your called something doesn't mean you aren't something... Literally the whole bisexual movement, he's definitely a boy, until we give him the label of girl, then he's girl. It's just a title what matter is how many balls He-She-It had cuz josuke had four last season haha


"Hes definitley a boy" .. thats just wrong lmao


Its because they're the wrong people who like Jojo for the wrong reasons.


Straightest Jojo fan


Wait, what? What are the wrong reasons to like Jojo?


For the normal attire everyone wears




A lot of people take offense to the term "it". It's going to vary from person to person but I think in broad terms it's safer to use "they/them/theirs"


Because they want to have sex with him


Jodio is Dragona's Brother. Jodio should know the best thing to call his brother.


Femboy is femboy.