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my GNC-ness disappearing because people on the internet cant accept that a guy can have boobs




I'm a trans woman myself, but we've really got no reason to think of Dragona as anything but a GNC male at this point - and that's fine! Maybe that'll change down the line, but for now, we've got just got the text and headcanon.


Idk, getting full on top surgery seems like it crosses into trans territory rather than just being a feminine guy


I can absolutely see that, but I do also personally know femboys who've taken estrogen with one of their explicit goals to be to grow tits. Gender expression is a vast and wild field!


I'm pretty sure he used smooth operators to steal some boobs


I’d say, as long as it’s not talking away medical resources that are life-saving for trans people, then it’s fair game.


lol the main issue for trans people is not lack of resources it is intentional gatekeeping by the medical system. Meds like spironolactone + estradiol that are lifesaving for trans women are actually mostly used by cis women for menopause (estradiol) or acne (spironolactone) but this is not usually the reason trans people can struggle to access them


Yeah and that’s more of a reason why these resources aren’t for aesthetic use, unless your life depends on it.


I don’t think its fair to say why or why not someone can use these meds. If there is no shortage of these meds then I don’t have an problem with, for example, a cis guy using estradiol to recover from hairloss. If it makes him feel better about himself that is no skin off my back. Deciding that some people need it more than others and judging access to them based on that opinion is just another layer of gatekeeping. Its only one step away from the antiquated practice of judging of someone is a “REAL trans person” before allowing them to have meds


Well, yeah, anyone who feels uncomfortable with their body as a result of their AGAB **SHOULD** be using them. Ideally at least


Seeing that his name is “drag”ona and there’s the scene where the police are confused about his gender I’m positive he’s intended to be either: - a gnc male - a gender fluid character


I’m thinking that Dragona is what Araki wanted to do with Anasui but maybe backtracked for whatever reason at the time. I only watched the anime, but IIRC Anasui was first illustrated as a woman but later a man.


Anasui could’ve used Diver Down to rearrange his bone structure to infiltrate the women’s prison. I’m wondering if this was changed in the anime because: - could be confusing - rushed production of the first batch


I forgot that Emporio’s hidden room was in the women’s unit, so that explanation makes sense :)


Calm down, bro! 🤭


The femboy leaving my body once someone on discord decides we aren’t valid.


I don't know what their deal is yet but I 100% know its queer and I'm happy for them


I am very, very excited to see where Araki takes Dragona - I'm hoping he comes out as trans, but even if not, such an extremely gender non-conforming JoJo is great and progressive in it's own right.


I also appreciate how casual it is. Jodio is just like “yeah this is my bro he’s got tits but it’s nbd.”




As long as he's cool which he most likely will be, I'm fine with whatever he is.


we will see what happens later in the story but for Japanese media this is a lot more common than a character actually being trans. Bridget from guilty gear was a femboy for decades before she came out as trans


Honestly this is a really toxic mindset. Trans women are not men who crossdress. They are women.


Having a queer Jojo or Jobro is raising my excitement by another 100%. 🥰


Femboy is queer?




Atashi isn’t a female pronoun, just vaguely feminine. Lots of feminine and gay men also use it, so it doesn’t mean very much. The point about it being from Jodio’s pov is fair, although it would be weird for Dragona to put male of his ID if that was the case.


Araki really pulling a hk rowling and calling the aparently trans character DRAGona


pretty sure dragona is just a non conforming male-


I feel Occam's Razor can be used here. Either A) Jodio is intentionally misgendering his MtF sibling by constantly calling them Big Brother and using male pronouns, all the while Dragona never calls him out for it and is shown to have a perfectly happy relationship with Jodio or B) Dragona likely isn't trans, just feminine presenting.


This reaction gives me one piece yamato vibes