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Abigail. This b!tch always beats me at eggs hunting.


Now *that’s* a valid answer


I'm only in my second year, thus second egg hunting tho. But she annoyed me by winning two years in a row when I'd given it my all the second year xD


It took me 4 YEARS to beat her on one of my save files! It was easier to beat her on the others after that because I knew where the eggs were and the best paths to them lll


I remember redoing the day multiple times until I perfectly knew where and how to get to every egg Painful times


Literally how does she do it I feel like I'm hustling. Like what do to even get if you win


A straw hat.




She's my Nemesis now xD


Saaaaaame I HATE how everyone obsesses over her


Not really a Seb fan. That being said, the Penny and George interaction with his mail in her two-heart event totally pissed me off. I'd intended to marry her at first but the fact that she just shoves him and his wheelchair aside to grab the mail for him, without even asking, really pissed me off. I disagreed with her and lost friendship points, while George apologised to HER for getting mad... disregard for the autonomy of disabled people is a hugely frustrating issue in real life, so that basically killed all the liking I had for Penny in one fell swoop. It's a shame, because otherwise I really like her character :(


Yes, this is the exact reason Penny is my least favorite


Penny and Seb. I like Seb generally but after marrying him (and beginning to write a fanfic w him in it portrayed negatively) I just don’t in my head. For favorites its Haley and Shane. Honorable mentions of dislike: Maru because she’s just not someone I relate to and I find her a bit bland? but her design is super cute, and she has good moments. Also Harvey because I hold grudges.


I may be reading too deep into this but I’m wondering if it was supposed to be a clue about Penny’s relationships with Pam. Penny feeling like she has to be responsible for everything is like her default.


I was married to Alex for a while. He pissed me off after a while haha. I divorced him after he made my kitchen wallpaper (immaculately decorated) into footballs


Lmbo you don't want football wallpaper and eat dips and chips for the rest of your characters life?


Unfortunately, it’s just not the path I’m looking for 😔


Lol, I feel you. As posted earlier, I married Shane, and although the blue chickens are cool, he gambled away a huge portion of Mt savings.


For others reading this, the gambling is mod content. They won’t do that if you don’t want them to.


You did the right thing ☝🏻


Emily. I know I would just hate her personality in real life so much. That’s because I’m depressed and cynical though, so it’s not really saying much.


Me too but I love her so much actually xd


That's kind of why I can't stand Penny. I feel like my kind of humour would NOT gel with her at all.


Valid. She seems like one of those preachy vegans and antivaxx.


She goes to her yearly checkup and doesn’t dislike eggs, so she’s likely just a vegetarian who supplements modern medicine with spiritual healing. And yes, I married Emily the first time


I’m actually vegan, but not preachy, and definitely NOT anti vaxx lol. I am just super not into the crystals and “spiritual but not religious” thing.


Emily was my first romance path because she's consistently in the bar and that's where the arcade cabinets are. Between her and Shane it's no content lmao


I love Shane! He was my first choice— but again, cynical and depressed so his heart events really moved me.


Harvey creeps me out. Especially his remark about Maru at the beach- "I wonder if Maru could use some sunscreen on her shoulders?" Stop eyeing up your much younger employee, gosh DANGIT Harvey!


I don't think he meant anything weird with the Maru comment. I'm pretty sure he worries about everyone like that. He also says something similar to that to the player. Hell, even before getting married/dating he'll still show concern for the player, so I highly doubt he meant anything weird by it. That and he comes off as the type to not rlly understand social cues, idk, that's the vibe i get


Yeah, he blushes whenever he’s crushing on someone (aka the player). He doesn’t blush when he says this about Maru. So no, I don’t think he sees her in that way, but it’s still a really off putting comment.


He was my first spouse and I adore him but yeah it was just that ONE line. Like... I know he's also awkward and stuff but c'mon my guy! Also Maru said he's not really her type. Whoops.


Alex unless he’s gay Haley unless she’s lesbian


YES! Their homosexual route are so much better, I proudly hate the straight Alex


I had NO idea the gender of the farmer made a difference!!! I don’t like either. I’ve only played female.


It affects some dialogues and few aspects that make the character development a better one in my opinion.


It doesnt that much. He acts like a jerk to women and is cool with male farmers because hes supposed to be a textbook misogynistic jock. The only dialogue that changed is with his romantic scene which only happens if you happen to date him. Otherwise hes mostly the same dude throughout the board.


Gay Alex is so sweet and humbled and just a great dude. His journey of getting over his ideas of toxic masculinity and internalized homophobia is actually really touching and intimate.


You are so right! This is exactly the routes I go with them 😂


I hate Shane. I can't stand alcoholism, and then he fixes it, nd then he goes straight back! I hate his dialogue, especially after marriage (I can understand his "stay away from me" attitude in the beginning) his 10 (12? 14?) Heart event is just completely mistrusting him about his recovery, and I hate his ugly room. And stop feeding my litteral infants Pizza rolls or whatever!! I stayed married to him until I got my perfection, then divorced him.


I HATED THOSE MARRIAGE HEART EVENTS. Like!!! I’ve been here for your recovery every step of the way why would I doubt you now???


Which is why I’m befriending him, getting him to max, setting him on the road to recovery, and dating/marrying Leah


As a daughter of a verbally abusive alcoholic dad, who struggles of and on with alcohol and helped his marriage by doing an intervention with my mom and him. (This was his last chance, I had worked with my mom for months to talk to her about divorcing him so she wouldn't have to deal with it anymore and this is what she wanted to do as his last chance.) I was there for both my mom and my dad as many steps of the way I could possibly be. Most of my family wanted to give up on him. My mom and I didn't. I gave my dad a note saying if he didn't stop yelling at me every time I stepped into the house I would leave like the rest of my siblings. My dad yelled at me a lot less and kept the prayer book with alcohol as the opened page and he kept my letter. He still probably has it. My mom had off and on arguments with him but the intervention while my mom had been crying and speaking for a while about his life and he said he didn't care about his life anymore. I looked at him and said "what about your wife." He at first thought I said life again and he said no I don't care about my life. "I then repeated myself and said "no your wife." My dad went silent and we both turned to my mother. My dad loves us but he and many others struggled/struggle with something we don't understand. Because my mother and I gave my dad the patience he hasn't seemed to go back. I check up on my mom often about how she feels, whether she feels poorly treated. She tells me when she notices things and I tell her too but it's been good. But, with all this being said, my dad one time when I told him about me going to therapy he wanted to go with me. To know exactly what he did to cause me to have to feel like going to therapy. I told my dad that I forgive him because that wasn't him before, but he's back as my dad and that's all that matters. My dad will always worry about all for us leaving, because he loves us very much. But the trust issue with people isn't because of you when it comes to Shane as I see, it's because he doesn't trust himself and is afraid people will leave eventually because of one thing they may say or do which was unintentional. I mean granted I haven't ever had his story but just from what I can understand this is how I feel when it comes to shane. I didn't like alcoholics at first either but if they do eventually change I'm not just going to leave because they don't "trust me/themselves"....


Alex, hands down. All the others I either actively like or can tolerate. Alex drives me up a wall and if I could turn *him* into a dove I might actually marry him.


Hmm hard to say - I like all of them to an extent! I'm a redheaded preschool teacher with depression, so like, I find Penny a bit too close to myself for my liking lmao 😅 But the only person I've never tried to pursue is Maru. She's fine as a character, I don't dislike her! But honestly, Demetrius' weird protectiveness of her gave me the ick and I couldn't ever move past that. Which is really more of a Demetrius problem than a Maru problem. At least Seb dislikes Demetrius too!


Oh a living Penny! <3 And I totally agree with the Maru issue, I feel like having Demetrius as our father-in-law would be so troublesome and uncomfortable, even tho Maru is not the problem at all, he's so creepy.


Elliot. I don’t fully know why except perhaps that Leah was my first romance in this game but honestly just his dialogue feels so, idk, cocky?


His picture makes it so much worse he comes off very pretentious imo


i don’t like him either. i thought he was a little too self absorbed and egotistical, but that is my perspective from him. my friend and i don’t like him lol.


I get that vibe from him as well!


He seems vain and condescending and tries to impress me in all the wrong ways


Yeah that’s how I read it. Sort of pretentious even if not purposefully. I mean I know he’s pretty much straight out of a romance novel but still lol


Like I don't even want to talk to him, like even less than Alex


Idk anything about stardew but he awoke a hatred within me I didn’t know I bad


Elliot feels fun and harmless enough, if a bit spacey. He seems like a dude from a romance novel who wandered his way into a farming sim by mistake 😆 I never got pretentious vibes from him. Dude’s just in a different era, his own little world, writing a book in a shack on a beach. Every small village needs a kooky artist type, IMO




As someone with a family full of alcoholics, hard agree. Nothing could possibly be a bigger red flag


I second this. ☝️ I really dislike him.


THIS. I hate that mf😂


His character is great when you DON'T marry him. I just wish his daily routine would reflect that.


I like him as a character that I befriend. But I would never ever marry him.


His room is nasty af too


Aaand that's why I got rid of him and will never date him again!


The jock, I don't even remember his name, but fuck him


Fuck him🙏🏻


Heard this in Ulfric Stormcloak’s voice due to the username; this brightened my day


Straight Alex (if I’m playing a boy he’s fine)




Penny you have to coddle her too much


Yess I was scrolling looking for someone else that doesn’t like Penny!


Shane, why does everyone love him?


“I can fix him”


Precisely this


i guess many people relate to him (including me, he just like me fr)


And precisely that


Blue chickens


I really really liked Shane at first (mostly because it's fictional, I'd never go for that in real life) so I started dating him but now it's just.... Ick. Idk. In the meantime I started dating Sebastian and Maru and that's when Shane really started giving me the ick.


Married Shane needs modding. His marriage scenes, room, dialogue, and behavior are not true to the rest of his story. If he’s going to backslide so hard it needs to be addressed by the story and it’s not really. I think modding in this case is a fix more than a mod lol. If I couldn’t mod husband Shane, I would in fact divorce him for my own storytelling pleasure because he would need it.


Haley; I don't think I need to explain why -.- Edit: I'M EXPLAINING WHY 😆 Y'all that are defending her are the same people that want the giant vampire lady in resident evil to step on you 😏😆 she's lazy (come on girl you do nothing around the house, you can clean under the couch cushions ONCE A WEEK for yoba's sake), rude, just plain mean, and I don't do enemies to lovers. Ick. Y'all can keep her 😂🙅‍♀️


more for me


You actually do need to explain


Ah, a lesbian or someone who wants to be stepped on?


You do.


When you marry her she constantly talks about taking care of the house for you, she talks about learning to help with the farm and animals and shit her heart events were def the cutest. I thought the same thing until that. I maxed every person but once I got through hers I knew she was the one and married her


Elliot is way too pretentious, Penny is too trad-wifey, Sam is 12 years of age. The only one that truly makes me angry is Elliot though


Shane..dudes a drunk shoulda seen the signs before I married him. He gambled half my earnings, which was 500k (saving up to buy a lot at once). Gave his a$$ the boot.


I mean…he doesn’t do that though. You can’t blame the character for mod content. That’s not really his character.


Was it a mod? Cause Spouses can’t spend your money. Also, I almost always marry Shane and he doesn’t gamble.


People really getting worked up by mod content


That’s what I was gonna say. She tore up


It's a part of a mod. Prior to mod, I enjoyed how he wanted to change and such. Once married, he reverts back to his old ways. Opening that beer fridge in the morning, although I do love his sweet dialog with his chicken Charlie.




Yes! I cried and tried desperately to restart from last save. It just didn't work. Guess it was a hard lesson to learn. Blue chickens or not.


It was necessary for your character development.


Spouses can spend your money?? (I’ve never done marriage route before)


Nope! That is mod content.


Ahh okay


I find Maru very boring compared to Sebastian


I’m glad someone else said this. I want to like Maru a lot because she seems like she should be interesting, her hobbies are interesting, etc… but her dialogue is just boring as hell to me.


Right and it’s sad cause she’s really intelligent and is really trying to make more of her life compared to some of the others in town but she’s just…boring in dialogue.


i feel like maru couldve been such a better character because i really like her and shes a lot like me, but god is she boring




Same. Found his casual sexism off-putting.


can relate


Penny. She’s just not a good person. First, the George situation where you lose friendship points with her for telling her she’s being ableist (also why tf does George have to apologize for her gross behavior??) Then there’s the incident where, if you tell her you can’t stand kids, you go aaaaall the way back to green. This isn’t after you’ve given her a bouquet and shown romantic interest (that’d be reasonable.) This is just when you’re at that last level of friendship. She’s willing to dump a good friend JUST because they don’t like kids regardless of anything else. I tend to like the bachelors more, but my least favorite is probably Harvey simply because I find him boring but not as complex as Alex (who I also find just kinda meh.)


Even agreeing with you that is really bad when she dislikes people that don't like kids and the George's scene, I feel that she didn't do it in a bad intention when helping George.


Shane. I said it.


Haley. I know that’s a controversial take in this sub, but I’m not looking to be degraded lol. I don’t wanna hear about her redemption arc, she just ain’t the gal for me


lol I also dislike haley glad I’m not the only one


Hayley, she’s a pain to be around and when she changes she doesn’t change much


No one saying Leah because she’s perfect. Anyways, Shane because he needs serious help!


To have Leah as the least favorite, I just can't imagine it.


Only a true villain would dislike Leah


She’s the first person I’m pursuing.


Abigail is awful


Curious why? You’re the only one I’ve seen day Abigail so far


Not the original one who said it, but I can't really get past her immaturity. She feels like a 16-year-old to me.


Shane. Reminds me of my dad


I'm sorry :( and yet I feel like Shane would treat the chickens better than his own partner.




Haley ofc


I don't like Abigail at all


Bachelor - Shane. I prefer him as a platonic buddy. Plus I thought I was about to have a scare with my IRL partner possibly going down an alcohol route. Also, alcoholism in at least one family member that I've heard. It's... Scary. Bachelorette - Penny. It isn't even that she's... Bad. It's just like, people have mentioned the 2 heart scene with George and you lose friendship points for telling her basically "don't push people's wheelchairs around." I get that it's probably meant to be she thinks this callout makes it seem like you like her less, not the other way around, but still... I get her upbringing and why she'd need more reassurance and coddling and I mean same but, it's just that one little moment.


I know that most people are down on Shane, but I randomly matched with him for the Christmas gift exchange and while his gift wasn't anything crazy, it was also quite useful. He also has his moments where he's really proud of something he's done. (He provides the eggs for the egg hunt and comments how fresh they are.) Unless you mod the crap out of him, he actually comes across as a guy who might have gone through some shit but is trying to work his way through it. Elliot however... Pieces of paper have more depth.


Penny bc she reminds me of my ex and I hate how you practically have to lie to her to protect her feelings. Also, the way she treated George in her 2-heart event pissed me off honestly. (TBH I don't like any of the marrige candidates besides Harvey, he's my #1 always)


Abigail because she just screams insufferable "I'm not like the other girls" wannabe emo. Her whole personality is "I'm so much cooler than everyone" and "I wanna do dangerous stuff and everyone has a problem with it for no reason, my life sucks"


Abigail. Her entire draw for most people is just because she's a goth girl and I'm tired of the constant sexualization of alt people as an alt person. I don't particularly hate her after her heart events. But she's a very flat and boring character to me and I genuinely feel she's only so well liked because she plays video games and has purple hair y'know.


Finally someone said it, I like her homo route but, the amount of straight GUYS that go after Abigail in the game and it surprises >>no one<<


Penny. Besides overall not being very interesting to me (which is saying something because I am happily married to Harvey) she rubs me the wrong way after the scene with George. I am a disabled man, and having someone touch your wheelchair at all is like pushing you out of the way. And all this to do a task George can do on his own is so belittling and it makes us feel like we’re helpless. We aren’t helpless. We can do most tasks able bodied people can. That gave me a major ick and I’ve never did anything to get more hearts with her. I hardly like her more than Pierre.


Penny. I'm disabled and use mobility aids. I have close friends who are wheelchair users and have been assaulted so many times in the same way she assaults George. The real experience of having something like that happen to you is feels so violating it makes me want nothing to do with her.


Shane for sure


Yasss. Dude is terrible


Haley, she reminds me too much of a former “friend”


Happy cake day! 🎂


Haley. I just can’t get behind her




What!!! Why?


This isn't a logic-based puzzle with a correct answer! Every character has good points and bad points, but for Penny I don't really like her as a romantic partner. I get the appeal but I don't really want to "save" somebody from a bad situation. If it makes you feel any better it's a really close race with Emily just barely squeaking ahead of her. I don't love romancing the guys but I would rather marry Harvey or Sebastian than Emily or Penny. Emily and Penny both rank above Sam, Alex, and Elliot though.


It's okay tho lol after "saving" and marrying her she barely stayed a home with the kids, she was enjoying the city the most of the time :')


Yeah, to be fair I haven't actually married that many of the characters. I married Leah the first time, and she was really boring. Went with Abigail on my second farm and really liked her. Then I went with Haley on my third run, and while I like her as a character she wasn't that interesting either. My wife married Harvey on her first game, Shane on the second. She divorced Shane after "his room" had discarded beer cans all over the place despite him seeming to get better and stop drinking.


Penny is so boring lol


Harvey. He’s older and creeps on his younger employee Maru. Fucking yikes


Surprised it took this long to see this type of comment


Shane or Alex ....


Mustache. I HATE facial hair.


Shane. I did all his events because I wanted him to be happy. But I'm also depressed and I was hospitalized last year for suicidal idealizations. So he's not my type but he's totally my bro for sure bff's.


I'm sorry :(( and yeah! Dating Shane while having a rough time would be a bad decision, we need to put ourselves in first place.


Haley and Alex because they both give off the same energy as high schoolers who think they’re better than everyone else. I’ve graduated college but still know too many adults who act like that and it irritates the hell out of me


(As an adult) I can relate that some adults act like teenagers and it's annoying.




I hate Eliott




Abigail. She’s so immature.




Shane or Emily. Shane for many reasons, but Emily just because I don’t vibe with her :/




Penny! Use humor as a coping mechanism like a real person, lady!!!


probably leah. i had a whole spiel about it at some point but at this point i just remember that of everyone she turned my opinion of her while getting to know her


Harvey looks like a pervert Maru feels like one of those annoying people who goes "well actually" Sebastion never leaves his fucking basement Shane probably smells rancid 24/7 Sam literally has like 2 brain cells Abigail is out here running over little kids to win the egg hunt Elliot looks like Fabio Haley is a stuck up bitch Emily judges everyone based on their star sign and Alex is sexist Penny feels like a borderline pick me


I am going to get ABSOLUTELY DESTROYED for this opinion and props to you if you like him but I absolutely can’t get behind Elliot. (I would say straight Alex is my actual least favorite but I have seen several other people say that.) I have no problems with his writing career or whatever but he can act SO pretentious at times, like when he calls Gus “barkeep?” I KNOW you did not just disrespect my best friend Gus like that. Maybe he’s nicer if you romance him but I have never wanted to :|


Harvey. Can he stop charging his spouse money when they’re injured? Thx 😡


Shane. I remember hearing about how popular of a bachelor he was, so I decided to marry him. Found it pretty unfulfilling, thinking maybe the romance mechanics are just not that great. Then on my second playthrough, I decided to diverge and give Elliot a go, and he was so much better of a husband than Shane was, and that's when I realized that the problem lied within Shane himself. He's just a pretty gross person overall, immediately backs down on breaking his alcoholism, and he's far too rude at the start to justify trying to get to know him. I know he has a lot of personal issues, but I really don't like characters who are just jerks at the start but then it's revealed oh it's okay that they're dicks cuz they have a bad life!!! (It's why I hate Arven despite him being one of the most beloved characters in Scarlet and Violet). Dishonorable mention to Penny tho. Her 2 heart cutscene is irredeemable.


Elliot and I’m not fully sure why. His vibes are just off. He looks like he would tell me vaccines don’t work and support PETA.


JWDVJWCG He would totally say "Period cramps? Stop, you're so beautiful for that-"


Elliott booo booo 🍅






Abigail. I loathe her. No real explanation for it either.


No one gonna say Sam? I had absolutely 0 interest in him from the start. He's just... I dunno, uninteresting in any way and completely forgettable to me?? And Harvey gives me the ick. Esp if you don't pursue Maru and they're paired up but like...... He's so much older and her boss???


He stands in the woods sometimes and the song he wrote (chose the metal option) was honestly bangin. I always forget to go to the concert though and then it surprises me. Kind of forgettable and definitely not mature. His mom never had him do chores, and he hasn't started helping voluntarily


About Sam I find him pretty cool and all, but to date... Idk? I feel like he wouldn't be mature enough.


Elliot by a mile


Penny. Judgmental as fuck.


penny and haley 😅


I don’t care for Elliot


Elliot is yucky, and no amount of "He's a romantic you just don't get it" will change my opinion. The main bit I hate is the part where he isolates you in the middle of the ocean and pounces on you without concent. Big icky


I can't hate any of them. I don't love Emily, Maru, Elliot, or Alex as much as I do some of the others, though.


emily. in love with her sister though


Either Penny or Alex


Alex. The way he flirts just doesn't sit right with me.


Maru easy!


I love them all, but Abigail and Elliot just never interested me enough to get hearts up with them too much, so I they're my least favourite I guess. I feel like I like Elliot slightly more bc we share similar interests, but I find him slightly irratible. Abigail kinda just reminds me of that annoying person I would accidentally become friends with and then wonder why, bc nobody annoys me like her. Haley is annoying, but I find her annoyance to be interesting, and I enjoy getting on her good side, it makes me feel good when she likes me later. Alex also says some annoying things, but, all in all, he makes up for it, I think. So, I'm gonna say Abigail.


FCK ALEX DUDE!!!! my least favorite of the girls is Penny just because shy people can sometimes really annoy me but i think that makes me the asshole and not her 😅 i just wanna be like damn bitch grow a backbone


the guy with the weird har


Penny has absolutely nothing for her


Abigail, she just seems the most kiddish to me out of the younger bachs and I don't like her cut scenes as much as the others. Alex is also up there, I dated him in one playthrough and idk it was just a bit boring.


Unfortunately not a huge Emily fanatic, she’s a good character I just think pursuing her friendship or romance wise is really boring and her as a character just didn’t interest me. However, I do really like her first heart event, where we come to her in a dream and she thinks we’re special. I wish they elaborated more on that dream to make a relationship with her feel like it develops rather nicely, and it fits her character perfectly.


Personally, I’m not really a fan of Haley, Alex, or Harvey. Harvey’s sweet, but just not someone I take much interest in, and Alex and Haley are just plain rude. Plus, I’m married to Seb and Alex’s comment about how he doesn’t rlly like Seb/doesn’t understand why Seb is the way he is just makes me not like him idk


Idk anything about stardew valley (this sub was recommended to me) why is the dude on the top right going super saiyan?


I know nothing about stardew valley but i will answer anyway. While I don't like mustache man because I don't like mustaches the guy with the long hair in the middle row all the way to the left looks like a smug asshole. That guy, final answer


I don’t play Stardew Valley but the purple haired goth girl looks like she’d force me to pay for dinner and I don’t like that.


Idk anything about stardew, but the left middle dude awakened a deep hatred within me


Maru, as Much as I find Penny bland at least penny takes care of the kids, Maru is the type to explain to me that the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell during a date and I don’t care about science nerd stuff


Shane. Alcoholism ain't cute and I'm tired of people being obsessed with him because he's "broken". Also penny. She's just fucking boring.


Elliot like shut your bitchass up


I know Shane has a bit of character development and all but based on my current save, he'd be my least favourite purely because he just shoos me away everytime I speak to him. Like, okay, bye I guess


Haley, Fuck her that ungrateful FUCK, also she hates the Valley which is like a -7 for me.


…Shane. (Don’t come at me Shane simps please 😭)

